Can we use Couchbase as the message store for Spring Integration - spring

We are implementing Spring Integration aggregator and using JDBC message data store. In our environment we have Couchbase and Oracle DB. I don't want to use Oracle DB, can we use couchbase as the message store.
If yes, can you please suggest the approach.

There is a MessageStore strategy that you would need to implement and then configure as any other message store in your Spring Integration components that required it. Here is a bit more info.


Spring Integration with Spring Boot - High Availability

A spring integration project pulls emails from Exchange Server using imap-idle-channel-adapter; it transforms the message; it invokes some SOAP webservices and persists data in DB using Spring Boot and JPA. All works fine.
This needs to be deployed in a four-weblogic-server cluster environment.
Could someone please help with some hints on what needs to be done? Is there any configuration needed?
As long as your logic is just like you show and there is no any more endpoints polling shared resource, your are good so far do nothing more. The mail API has built-in feature to mark messages in the box as read or at least seen, so other concurrent session won’t poll those messages again.

Spring Cloud Connector Plan Information

I am using Spring Cloud Connector to bind to databases. Is there any way to get the plan of the bound service? When I extend an AbstractCloudConfig and do
I will have information on the url and how to connect to the postgres. PostgresqlServiceInfo and others do not carry along the plan data. How can I extend the service info, in order to read this information form VCAP_SERVICES?
By design, the ServiceInfo classes in Spring Cloud Connectors carry just enough information to create the connection beans necessary for an app to consume the service resources. Connectors was designed to be platform-neutral, and fields like plan, label, and tags that are available on Cloud Foundry are not captured because they might not be available on other platforms (e.g. Heroku).
To add the plan information to a ServiceInfo, you'd need to write your own ServiceInfo class that includes a field for the value, then write a CloudFoundryServiceInfoCreator to populate the value from the VCAP_SERVICES data that the framework provides as a Map. See the project documentation for more information on creating such an extension.
Another (likely easier) option is to use the newer java-cfenv project instead of Spring Cloud Connectors. java-cfenv supports Cloud Foundry only, and gives access to the full set of information in VCAP_SERVICES. See the project documentation for an example of how you can use this library.

Apache Kafka Connect With Springboot

I'm trying to find examples of kafka connect with springboot. It looks like there is no spring boot integration for kafka connect. Can some one point me in the right direction to be able to listen to changes on mysql db?
Kafka Connect doesn't really need Spring Boot because there is nothing for you to code for it, and it really works best when ran in distributed mode, as a cluster, not embedded within other (single-instance) applications. I suppose if you did want to do it, then you could copy relevent portions of the source code, but that of course isn't using Spring Boot, and you'd have to wire it all yourself
The framework itself consists of a few core Java dependencies that have already been written (Debezium or Confluent JDBC Connector, for your mysql example), and two config files. One for Kafka Connect to know the bootstrap servers, serializers, etc. and another for the actual MySQL connector. So, if you want to use Kafka Connect, run it by itself, then just write the consumer in the Spring app.
The alternatives to Kafka Connect itself would be to use Apache Camel within a Spring application (Spring Integration) or Spring Cloud Dataflow and interfacing with those Kafka "components" (which aren't using the Connect API, AFAIK)
Another option, specific for listening to MySQL, is to use Debezium Engine within your code.

Checkpointing with Spring AWS Integration

According to Spring release notes, spring-integration-aws.1.1.0.M1 does not include DynamoDB MetaDataStore implementation. There is still ConcurrentMetadataStore class which is a key-value based store and based on implementation I suppose it maps streams with latest sequence number read. But it does not use any data store as to retrieve checkpoints.
I am using spring integration for kinesis consuming and need to implement checkpointing. I am wondering if I need to do it manually by connecting to DynamoDB and always update checkpoints or there is another way of doing it using spring framework?
P.S: I can't use Spring Cloud KinesisBinderConfiguration as I dynamically consume events from a list of configurable streams.
Thank you
If you are not talking about Spring Cloud Stream and the AWS Kinesis Binder implementation, then I don't see any blockers for you to upgrade your solution to the Spring Integration AWS 2.0 and go ahead with already provided DynamoDbMetaDataStore.
Or if that is so hard for you to move to the Spring Integration 5.0, then you simply can consider to copy/paste an implementation to your own class and inject it into the KinesisMessageDrivenChannelAdapter:
Although it is really available in the 1.1.0.RELEASE - I don't see reason for your to stick with the 1.1.0.M1:

Does Neo4j support transactions in standalone mode?

Is it possible to use transactions when Neo4j is used as standalone server? I am using functions from my Spring repositories, and probably each of them is executed as a separate transaction, but I would like to merge them into one. Is it possible to do this?
SDN doesn't support remote transactions (which only work with the transactional endpoint and Cypher) yet.
So the option you have to speed your operation up is to move the processing of the SDN entities into the server an expose a domain level REST API to your clients (either with Jersey, or SD-REST).
