SpringBootTest not loading applicationcontext when overriding its value dynamically - spring-boot

I ma using #SpringBootTest for my IT and what I want to do is load a new ApplicationContext for every IT. For this I am overriding the SpringBootTest annotation dynamically and I am providing the same value for classes. But its throwing an exception saying could not load ApplicationContext. Is there an issue if we override the impl for SpringBootTest?
public abstract class OrchestratorBootIT extends BaseIT {
private static final String ANNOTATIONS = "annotations";
public static final String ANNOTATION_DATA = "annotationData";
public static Class<? extends OrchestratorBootIT> runningTestClassType;
public OrchestratorBootIT() {
if(runningTestClassType != null) return;
try {
SpringBootTest annotation = StepsConfigDAOCacheIT.class.getAnnotation(SpringBootTest.class);
//In JDK8 Class has a private method called annotationData().
//We first need to invoke it to obtain a reference to AnnotationData class which is a private class
Method method = Class.class.getDeclaredMethod(ANNOTATION_DATA, null);
//Since AnnotationData is a private class we cannot create a direct reference to it. We will have to
//manage with just Object
Object annotationData = method.invoke(StepsConfigDAOCacheIT.class);
//We now look for the map called "annotations" within AnnotationData object.
Field annotations = annotationData.getClass().getDeclaredField(ANNOTATIONS);
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> map =
(Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation>) annotations.get(annotationData);
map.put(SpringBootTest.class, new SpringBootTestImpl());
SpringBootTest annotation1 = StepsConfigDAOCacheIT.class.getAnnotation(SpringBootTest.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void beforeClass() {
public static void afterClass() {
runningTestClassType = null;
public void cleanup() {
private boolean setDynamicSpringBootTestAnnotation(final Object annotationData) throws Exception {
Field annotations = annotationData.getClass().getDeclaredField("annotations");
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> map = (Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation>) annotations.get(annotationData);
map.put(SpringBootTest.class, getSpringBootTest());
return true;
protected SpringBootTest getSpringBootTest() {
return new SpringBootTestImpl();
static class SpringBootTestImpl implements SpringBootTest {
public String[] value() {
return new String[0];
public String[] properties() {
return new String[0];
public Class<?>[] classes() {
return new Class[] {CacheConfig.class};
public WebEnvironment webEnvironment() {
return WebEnvironment.MOCK;
public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {
return SpringBootTestImpl.class;


How to test a try...finally method only been called once in SpringBoot?

I am following this article to implement a database read/write separation feature by calling different methods. However, I got the error:
Missing method call for verify(mock) here: verify(spyDatabaseContextHolder, times(1)).set(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY);
when doing the testing.
My test case is trying to verify DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY has been set once when using TransactionReadonlyAspect AOP annotation:
// TransactionReadonlyAspectTest.java
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {LoadServiceImpl.class, TransactionReadonlyAspect.class})
public class TransactionReadonlyAspectTest {
private TransactionReadonlyAspect transactionReadonlyAspect;
private LoadServiceImpl loadService;
public void testReadOnlyTransaction() throws Throwable {
ProceedingJoinPoint mockProceedingJoinPoint = mock(ProceedingJoinPoint.class);
Transactional mockTransactional = mock(Transactional.class);
DatabaseContextHolder spyDatabaseContextHolder = mock(DatabaseContextHolder.class);
when(mockProceedingJoinPoint.proceed()).thenAnswer(invocation -> loadService.findById(16));
transactionReadonlyAspect.proceed(mockProceedingJoinPoint, mockTransactional);
verify(spyDatabaseContextHolder, times(1)).set(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY); // got the error: Missing method call for verify(mock)
verify(loadService, times(1)).findById(16);
assertEquals(DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment(), DatabaseEnvironment.UPDATABLE);
public class TransactionReadonlyAspect {
public Object proceed(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint,
org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional transactional) throws Throwable {
try {
if (transactional.readOnly()) {
log.info("Inside method " + proceedingJoinPoint.getSignature());
return proceedingJoinPoint.proceed();
} finally {
// DatabaseContextHolder.java
public class DatabaseContextHolder {
private static final ThreadLocal<DatabaseEnvironment> CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static void set(DatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment) {
public static DatabaseEnvironment getEnvironment() {
DatabaseEnvironment context = CONTEXT.get();
System.out.println("context: " + context);
return CONTEXT.get();
public static void reset() {
public enum DatabaseEnvironment {
// LoadServiceImpl.java
public class LoadServiceImpl implements LoadService {
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public LoadEntity findById(Integer Id) {
return this.loadDAO.findById(Id);
I just want to test DatabaseContextHolder.set(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY) has been used once then in the TransactionReadonlyAspect finally block it will be reset to DatabaseEnvironment.UPDATABLE which make sense.
However, how to test DatabaseContextHolder.set(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY) gets called once? Why does this error occur? Is there a better way to test TransactionReadonlyAspect?

How to use Conditional interface in spring boot with value inside a list

I have application-sample.YAML file where I have data. After loading the data, based on certain fields. I want to decide which few components to load or not to load. I can see this below condition class loads first, as a result, I am getting the data null because this condition class is loading first before my Data loaded.
public class AwsCondition implements Condition {
MyTestData data;
public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return true;
return false;
public class MyTestData implements InitializingBean {
List<Listener> listeners = new ArrayList<>();
public static class Listener {
private String type;
private String name;
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
if (this.getListeners().isEmpty()) {
log.info("Nothing configured. Please verify application-test.yml is configured properly.");
ConditionTest class
public class TestS3ListenerRouter extends RouteBuilder {
//My all logic lying here
Try the following:
public class AwsCondition implements Condition {
MyTestData data;
public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return true;
return false;

JavaFX custom controls created with a Builder and binding expressions

I’m using Spring together with JavaFx. To use spring bean as a custom control I need to use BuilderFactory and a Builder to get a bean from the context. Otherwice I don't have an application context
public class ParentControl extends VBox {
ControlFXMLLoader controlFXMLLoader;
private Resource fxml;
void load() throws IOException {
controlFXMLLoader.load(fxml.getURL(), this);
public ParentControl() {
//no application context
public LocalDate getDate() {
return LocalDate.now();
public class BeanBuilderFactory implements BuilderFactory {
private Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(BeanBuilderFactory.class);
private ConfigurableApplicationContext context;
public BeanBuilderFactory() {
private JavaFXBuilderFactory defaultBuilderFactory = new JavaFXBuilderFactory();
public Builder<?> getBuilder(Class<?> type) {
try {
String[] beanNames = context.getBeanNamesForType(type);
if (beanNames.length == 1) {
return new Builder<Object>() {
public Object build() {
return context.getBean(beanNames[0]);
} else {
return defaultBuilderFactory.getBuilder(type);
} catch (BeansException e) {
return defaultBuilderFactory.getBuilder(type);
And then I user this BuilderFactory to load fxml for a custom control
public class ControlFXMLLoader {
private Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ControlFXMLLoader.class);
protected ConfigurableApplicationContext context;
protected BeanBuilderFactory beanBuilderFactory;
public Object load(URL fxmlUrl, Parent root, Object controller) throws IOException {
javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader loader = new javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader(fxmlUrl);
return loader.load();
public Object load(URL fxmlUrl, Parent root) throws IOException {
return load(fxmlUrl, root, root);
Now I have a child custom control
public class ChildControl extends VBox {
public ChildControl() {
ControlFXMLLoader controlFXMLLoader;
private Resource fxml;
void load() throws IOException {
controlFXMLLoader.load(fxml.getURL(), this);
ObjectProperty<LocalDate> date = new SimpleObjectProperty<LocalDate>();
public LocalDate getDate() {
return date.get();
public void setDate(LocalDate date) {
public ObjectProperty<LocalDate> dateProperty() {
return date;
protected void doSomething() {
System.out.println("The button was clicked! " + date.get().toString());
And want to assign the date to the child from parent fxml
<fx:root type="com.example.javafx.ParentControl" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml">
<ChildControl date="${controller.date}"/>
<fx:root type="com.example.javafx.ChildControl" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml">
<TextField fx:id="textField"/>
<Button text="Click Me" onAction="#doSomething"/>
The problem is that FXMLLoader doesn’t not allow to use Binding Expression together with a Builder. I got "Cannot bind to builder property." exception.
Below is the part of the code from FXMLLoader.java and the very last if that causes the problem.
Is there some other solution?
public void processPropertyAttribute(Attribute attribute) throws IOException {
String value = attribute.value;
if (isBindingExpression(value)) {
// Resolve the expression
Expression expression;
if (attribute.sourceType != null) {
throw constructLoadException("Cannot bind to static property.");
if (!isTyped()) {
throw constructLoadException("Cannot bind to untyped object.");
// TODO We may want to identify binding properties in processAttribute()
// and apply them after build() has been called
if (this.value instanceof Builder) {
throw constructLoadException("Cannot bind to builder property.");

Bean not getting overridden in Spring boot

I am trying to write and test an application that used spring-cloud with azure functions following this tutorial.
I am tryign to write a testcase and override the bean.
Here is the application class having function and handler Bean function.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.package" })
public class DataFunctions extends AzureSpringBootRequestHandler<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>, Data> {
public HttpResponseMessage addDataRun(
#HttpTrigger(name = "add", methods = {
HttpMethod.POST }, authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.FUNCTION) HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
final ExecutionContext context) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
context.getLogger().info("Java HTTP trigger processed a POST request.");
try {
handleRequest(new GenericMessage<Optional<String>>(request.getBody()), context);
} catch (ServiceException ex) {
ErrorMessage em = new ErrorMessage();
return request.createResponseBuilder(handleException(ex, em)).body(em).build();
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.CREATED).build();
MyService mService;
public Consumer<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>> addData() {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return req -> {
SomeModel fp = null;
try {
fp = mapper.readValue(req.getPayload().get(), SomeModel.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);
I want to test by overriding the above bean.
Cosmosdb spring configuration
public class CosmosDBConfig extends AbstractDocumentDbConfiguration {
private String uri;
private String key;
private String dbName;
private Boolean connectDirectly;
public DocumentDBConfig getConfig() {
ConnectionPolicy cp = ConnectionPolicy.GetDefault();
if (connectDirectly) {
} else {
return DocumentDBConfig.builder(uri, key, dbName).connectionPolicy(cp).build();
Here is the configuration
#PropertySource(value = "classpath:application.properties", encoding = "UTF-8")
public class TestConfig {
public Consumer<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>> addData() {
return req -> {
System.out.println("data mock");
public DocumentDBConfig getConfig() {
return Mockito.mock(DocumentDBConfig.class);
Finally the test class
//#SpringBootTest //Enabling this gives initialization error.
public class TempTest {
DataFunctions func;
MyService mService;
public void setup() {
private Optional<String> createRequestString(final String res) throws IOException {
InputStream iStream = TempTest.class.getResourceAsStream(res);
String charset="UTF-8";
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(iStream, charset))) {
return Optional.of(br.lines().collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator())));
public void testHttpPostTriggerJava() throws Exception {
final HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> req = mock(HttpRequestMessage.class);
final Optional<String> queryBody = createRequestString("/test-data.json");
doAnswer(new Answer<HttpResponseMessage.Builder>() {
public HttpResponseMessage.Builder answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
HttpStatus status = (HttpStatus) invocation.getArguments()[0];
return new HttpResponseMessageMock.HttpResponseMessageBuilderMock().status(status);
final ExecutionContext context = mock(ExecutionContext.class);
// Invoke
final HttpResponseMessage ret = func.addDataRun(req, context);
// Verify
assertEquals(ret.getStatus(), HttpStatus.CREATED);
For this case instead of test configuration addData the actual bean is called from DataFunctions class. Also the database connection is also created when it should use the mocked bean from my test configuration. Can somebody please point out what is wrong in my test configuration?
I was able to resolve the first part of cosmos db config loading by marking it with
public class CosmosDBConfig extends AbstractDocumentDbConfiguration {
Also had to mark the repository bean as optional in the service.
public class MyService {
#Autowired(required = false)
private MyRepository myRepo;
Didn't use any spring boot configuration other than this.
public class FunctionTest {
For the second part of providing mock version of Mock handlers, I simply made the test config file as spring application as below.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.boeing.da.helix.utm.traffic" })
public class TestConfiguration {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(TestConfiguration.class, args);
public Consumer<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>> addData() {
return req -> {
System.out.println("data mock");
and made use of this constructor from azure functions library in spring cloud in my constructor
public class AppFunctions
extends AzureSpringBootRequestHandler<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>, List<Data>> {
public AppFunctions(Class<?> configurationClass) {
public AzureSpringBootRequestHandler(Class<?> configurationClass) {
Hope it helps someone.

JUNIT - Null pointer Exception while calling findAll in spring Data JPA

I am new to Junits and Mockito, I am writing a Unit test class to test my service class CourseService.java which is calling findAll() method of CourseRepository.class which implements CrudRepository<Topics,Long>
Service Class
public class CourseService {
CourseRepository courseRepository;
public void setCourseRepository(CourseRepository courseRepository) {
this.courseRepository = courseRepository;
public Boolean getAllTopics() {
ArrayList<Topics> topicList=(ArrayList<Topics>) courseRepository.findAll();
return false;
return true;
Repository class
public interface CourseRepository extends CrudRepository<Topics,Long>{
Domain class
public class Topics {
private long topicId;
private String topicTitle;
private String topicAuthor;
public long getTopicId() {
return topicId;
public void setTopicId(long topicId) {
this.topicId = topicId;
public String getTopicTitle() {
return topicTitle;
public void setTopicTitle(String topicTitle) {
this.topicTitle = topicTitle;
public String getTopicAuthor() {
return topicAuthor;
public void setTopicAuthor(String topicAuthor) {
this.topicAuthor = topicAuthor;
public Topics(long topicId, String topicTitle, String topicAuthor) {
this.topicId = topicId;
this.topicTitle = topicTitle;
this.topicAuthor = topicAuthor;
Following is the Junit class I have written but courseRepository is getting initialized to NULL and hence I am getting NullPointerException.
public class CourseServiceTest {
private CourseRepository courseRepository;
private CourseService courseService;
Topics topics;
private Iterable<Topics> topicsList;
public void setUp() {
public void test_Get_Topic_Details() {
List<Topics> topics = new ArrayList<Topics>();
boolean result=courseService.getAllTopics();
Change the setUp() method to:
public void setUp() {
Probably you are dealing with some problem on the framework to make the mocked class be injected by the framework.
I recommend to use Constructor Injection, so you don't need to rely on the reflection and #Inject/#Mock annotations to make this work:
public class CourseService {
private final CourseRepository courseRepository;
// #Autowired annotation is optional when using constructor injection
CourseService (CourseRepository courseRepository) {
this.courseRepository = courseRepository;
// .... code
The test:
public void test_Get_Topic_Details() {
List<Topics> topics = new ArrayList<Topics>();
CourseService courseService = new CourseService(courseRepository);
boolean result = courseService.getAllTopics();
