Why does redirect with &> change the exit code in zsh? - bash

I was debugging a shell script, and the problem was that the following code
if curl doesntexist -i &> /dev/null;
echo True
echo False
Is, if running zsh, not equivalent to:
if curl 6 -i 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null;
echo True
echo False
The later echos True as expected, but if I redirect with &>, the output is false.
I do not understand this behaviour, for example here it says that
&>name is like 1>name 2>name
Can someone explain why the two snippets do not behave the same if running in zsh? From zsh docu it says that it should also redirect stdout and stderr, sounds like it should do the same as in bash:
&> Redirects both standard output and standard error (file descriptor 2) in the manner of ‘> word’

I suspect your script does not have a shebang to indicate which shell should be used to execute it, that you have made it executable, and are executing it with something like ./test.sh. If that is the case, adding something like #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/zsh will solve the problem.
Without a shebang, what actually executes your script depends on which shell you are executing it from. bash will execute the script with bash. zsh, however, will execute the script with /bin/sh.
In bash, &> is a redirection operator that redirects both standard error and standard input to the same file.
In /bin/sh, though, it is not a redirection operator. The command curl doesntexist -i &> /dev/null is parsed as two separate commands:
curl doesntexist -i &
> /dev/null
The first runs curl in the background, and immediately returns with a 0 exit status. (The exit status of curl itself is never considered.) The second command is a valid empty command that simply opens > /dev/null for writing, then exits with a 0 exit status.
As a result, no matter what curl might do, the exit status that if cares about is just the last one in the list, that of > /dev/null. Since that is 0, you get the True path.
In bash, where &> is the valid redirection operator, if looks at the exit status of curl as expected.


I want to place after all: echo "etc" ( >> filename) [duplicate]

Is it possible to redirect all of the output of a Bourne shell script to somewhere, but with shell commands inside the script itself?
Redirecting the output of a single command is easy, but I want something more like this:
if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
# redirect all of my output to a file here
# rest of script...
Meaning: if the script is run non-interactively (for example, cron), save off the output of everything to a file. If run interactively from a shell, let the output go to stdout as usual.
I want to do this for a script normally run by the FreeBSD periodic utility. It's part of the daily run, which I don't normally care to see every day in email, so I don't have it sent. However, if something inside this one particular script fails, that's important to me and I'd like to be able to capture and email the output of this one part of the daily jobs.
Update: Joshua's answer is spot-on, but I also wanted to save and restore stdout and stderr around the entire script, which is done like this:
# save stdout and stderr to file
# descriptors 3 and 4,
# then redirect them to "foo"
exec 3>&1 4>&2 >foo 2>&1
# ...
# restore stdout and stderr
exec 1>&3 2>&4
Addressing the question as updated.
#...part of script without redirection...
#...part of script with redirection...
} > file1 2>file2 # ...and others as appropriate...
#...residue of script without redirection...
The braces '{ ... }' provide a unit of I/O redirection. The braces must appear where a command could appear - simplistically, at the start of a line or after a semi-colon. (Yes, that can be made more precise; if you want to quibble, let me know.)
You are right that you can preserve the original stdout and stderr with the redirections you showed, but it is usually simpler for the people who have to maintain the script later to understand what's going on if you scope the redirected code as shown above.
The relevant sections of the Bash manual are Grouping Commands and I/O Redirection. The relevant sections of the POSIX shell specification are Compound Commands and I/O Redirection. Bash has some extra notations, but is otherwise similar to the POSIX shell specification.
Typically we would place one of these at or near the top of the script. Scripts that parse their command lines would do the redirection after parsing.
Send stdout to a file
exec > file
with stderr
exec > file
exec 2>&1
append both stdout and stderr to file
exec >> file
exec 2>&1
As Jonathan Leffler mentioned in his comment:
exec has two separate jobs. The first one is to replace the currently executing shell (script) with a new program. The other is changing the I/O redirections in the current shell. This is distinguished by having no argument to exec.
You can make the whole script a function like this:
main_function() {
then at the end of the script have this:
if [ -z $TERM ]; then
# if not run via terminal, log everything into a log file
main_function 2>&1 >> /var/log/my_uber_script.log
# run via terminal, only output to screen
Alternatively, you may log everything into logfile each run and still output it to stdout by simply doing:
# log everything, but also output to stdout
main_function 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/my_uber_script.log
For saving the original stdout and stderr you can use:
exec [fd number]<&1
exec [fd number]<&2
For example, the following code will print "walla1" and "walla2" to the log file (a.txt), "walla3" to stdout, "walla4" to stderr.
exec 5<&1
exec 6<&2
exec 1> ~/a.txt 2>&1
echo "walla1"
echo "walla2" >&2
echo "walla3" >&5
echo "walla4" >&6
[ -t <&0 ] || exec >> test.log
I finally figured out how to do it. I wanted to not just save the output to a file but also, find out if the bash script ran successfully or not!
I've wrapped the bash commands inside a function and then called the function main_function with a tee output to a file. Afterwards, I've captured the output using if [ $? -eq 0 ].
#! /bin/sh -
main_function() {
python command.py
main_function > >(tee -a "/var/www/logs/output.txt") 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo 'Success!'
echo 'Failure!'

How to redirect the stream inline? It is possible not to keep repeating the code? [duplicate]

Is it possible to redirect all of the output of a Bourne shell script to somewhere, but with shell commands inside the script itself?
Redirecting the output of a single command is easy, but I want something more like this:
if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
# redirect all of my output to a file here
# rest of script...
Meaning: if the script is run non-interactively (for example, cron), save off the output of everything to a file. If run interactively from a shell, let the output go to stdout as usual.
I want to do this for a script normally run by the FreeBSD periodic utility. It's part of the daily run, which I don't normally care to see every day in email, so I don't have it sent. However, if something inside this one particular script fails, that's important to me and I'd like to be able to capture and email the output of this one part of the daily jobs.
Update: Joshua's answer is spot-on, but I also wanted to save and restore stdout and stderr around the entire script, which is done like this:
# save stdout and stderr to file
# descriptors 3 and 4,
# then redirect them to "foo"
exec 3>&1 4>&2 >foo 2>&1
# ...
# restore stdout and stderr
exec 1>&3 2>&4
Addressing the question as updated.
#...part of script without redirection...
#...part of script with redirection...
} > file1 2>file2 # ...and others as appropriate...
#...residue of script without redirection...
The braces '{ ... }' provide a unit of I/O redirection. The braces must appear where a command could appear - simplistically, at the start of a line or after a semi-colon. (Yes, that can be made more precise; if you want to quibble, let me know.)
You are right that you can preserve the original stdout and stderr with the redirections you showed, but it is usually simpler for the people who have to maintain the script later to understand what's going on if you scope the redirected code as shown above.
The relevant sections of the Bash manual are Grouping Commands and I/O Redirection. The relevant sections of the POSIX shell specification are Compound Commands and I/O Redirection. Bash has some extra notations, but is otherwise similar to the POSIX shell specification.
Typically we would place one of these at or near the top of the script. Scripts that parse their command lines would do the redirection after parsing.
Send stdout to a file
exec > file
with stderr
exec > file
exec 2>&1
append both stdout and stderr to file
exec >> file
exec 2>&1
As Jonathan Leffler mentioned in his comment:
exec has two separate jobs. The first one is to replace the currently executing shell (script) with a new program. The other is changing the I/O redirections in the current shell. This is distinguished by having no argument to exec.
You can make the whole script a function like this:
main_function() {
then at the end of the script have this:
if [ -z $TERM ]; then
# if not run via terminal, log everything into a log file
main_function 2>&1 >> /var/log/my_uber_script.log
# run via terminal, only output to screen
Alternatively, you may log everything into logfile each run and still output it to stdout by simply doing:
# log everything, but also output to stdout
main_function 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/my_uber_script.log
For saving the original stdout and stderr you can use:
exec [fd number]<&1
exec [fd number]<&2
For example, the following code will print "walla1" and "walla2" to the log file (a.txt), "walla3" to stdout, "walla4" to stderr.
exec 5<&1
exec 6<&2
exec 1> ~/a.txt 2>&1
echo "walla1"
echo "walla2" >&2
echo "walla3" >&5
echo "walla4" >&6
[ -t <&0 ] || exec >> test.log
I finally figured out how to do it. I wanted to not just save the output to a file but also, find out if the bash script ran successfully or not!
I've wrapped the bash commands inside a function and then called the function main_function with a tee output to a file. Afterwards, I've captured the output using if [ $? -eq 0 ].
#! /bin/sh -
main_function() {
python command.py
main_function > >(tee -a "/var/www/logs/output.txt") 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo 'Success!'
echo 'Failure!'

How to hide output error messages from terminal? [duplicate]

I have a Bash script that runs a program with parameters. That program outputs some status (doing this, doing that...). There isn't any option for this program to be quiet. How can I prevent the script from displaying anything?
I am looking for something like Windows' "echo off".
The following sends standard output to the null device (bit bucket).
scriptname >/dev/null
And if you also want error messages to be sent there, use one of (the first may not work in all shells):
scriptname &>/dev/null
scriptname >/dev/null 2>&1
scriptname >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
And, if you want to record the messages, but not see them, replace /dev/null with an actual file, such as:
scriptname &>scriptname.out
For completeness, under Windows cmd.exe (where "nul" is the equivalent of "/dev/null"), it is:
scriptname >nul 2>nul
Something like
script > /dev/null 2>&1
This will prevent standard output and error output, redirecting them both to /dev/null.
An alternative that may fit in some situations is to assign the result of a command to a variable:
$ DUMMY=$( grep root /etc/passwd 2>&1 )
$ echo $?
$ DUMMY=$( grep r00t /etc/passwd 2>&1 )
$ echo $?
Since Bash and other POSIX commandline interpreters does not consider variable assignments as a command, the present command's return code is respected.
Note: assignement with the typeset or declare keyword is considered as a command, so the evaluated return code in case is the assignement itself and not the command executed in the sub-shell:
$ declare DUMMY=$( grep r00t /etc/passwd 2>&1 )
$ echo $?
: $(yourcommand)
: is short for "do nothing".
$() is just your command.
Like andynormancx' post, use this (if you're working in an Unix environment):
scriptname > /dev/null
Or you can use this (if you're working in a Windows environment):
scriptname > nul
This is another option
scriptname |& :
Take a look at this example from The Linux Documentation Project:
3.6 Sample: stderr and stdout 2 file
This will place every output of a program to a file. This is suitable sometimes for cron entries, if you want a command to pass in absolute silence.
rm -f $(find / -name core) &> /dev/null
That said, you can use this simple redirection:
/path/to/command &>/dev/null
In your script you can add the following to the lines that you know are going to give an output:
some_code 2>>/dev/null
Or else you can also try
some_code >>/dev/null

How can I prevent bash from reporting an error when attempting to call a non-existing script?

I am writing a simple script in bash to check whether or not a bunch of dependencies are installed on the current system. My script attempts to run a sample script with the -h flag, greps the output for a keyword i would expected to be returned by the sample scripts, and therefore knows whether or not the sample script is installed on the system.
I then pass this through a conditional statement that basically says sample scripts = OK or sample scripts = FAIL. However, in the case in which the sample script isn't installed on the system, bash throws the warning -bash: sample_script: command not found. How can I prevent this from displaying? I tried using the 1>&2 error redirection, but the warning still appears on the screen (I want the OK/FAIL output text to be displayed on the user's screen upon running my script).
Thanks for any suggestions!
If you just want to suppress errors (stderr) and let the "OK" or "FAIL" you are echoing (stdout) pass through, you would do:
./yourscript.sh 2> /dev/null
Although the better approach would be to test whether sample_script is executable before trying to execute it. For instance:
if [ -x "$script" ]; then
*do whatever generates FAIL or OK*
#devnull dixit
command -h 2>/dev/null
I use this function to be independent of which, whence, type -p and whatnot:
pathto () {
DIRLIST=$(echo "$PATH"|tr : ' ')
for e in "$#"; do
for d in $DIRLIST; do
test -f "$d/$e" -a -x "$d/$e" && echo "$d/$e"
pathto script will echo the full path if it can be found (and is executable). Returning 0 or 1 instead left as an exercise :-)
for bash:
if ! type -P sample_script &> /dev/null; then
echo Error: sample_script is not installed. Come back later. >&2
exit 1
sample_script "$#"

How to redirect output of an entire shell script within the script itself?

Is it possible to redirect all of the output of a Bourne shell script to somewhere, but with shell commands inside the script itself?
Redirecting the output of a single command is easy, but I want something more like this:
if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
# redirect all of my output to a file here
# rest of script...
Meaning: if the script is run non-interactively (for example, cron), save off the output of everything to a file. If run interactively from a shell, let the output go to stdout as usual.
I want to do this for a script normally run by the FreeBSD periodic utility. It's part of the daily run, which I don't normally care to see every day in email, so I don't have it sent. However, if something inside this one particular script fails, that's important to me and I'd like to be able to capture and email the output of this one part of the daily jobs.
Update: Joshua's answer is spot-on, but I also wanted to save and restore stdout and stderr around the entire script, which is done like this:
# save stdout and stderr to file
# descriptors 3 and 4,
# then redirect them to "foo"
exec 3>&1 4>&2 >foo 2>&1
# ...
# restore stdout and stderr
exec 1>&3 2>&4
Addressing the question as updated.
#...part of script without redirection...
#...part of script with redirection...
} > file1 2>file2 # ...and others as appropriate...
#...residue of script without redirection...
The braces '{ ... }' provide a unit of I/O redirection. The braces must appear where a command could appear - simplistically, at the start of a line or after a semi-colon. (Yes, that can be made more precise; if you want to quibble, let me know.)
You are right that you can preserve the original stdout and stderr with the redirections you showed, but it is usually simpler for the people who have to maintain the script later to understand what's going on if you scope the redirected code as shown above.
The relevant sections of the Bash manual are Grouping Commands and I/O Redirection. The relevant sections of the POSIX shell specification are Compound Commands and I/O Redirection. Bash has some extra notations, but is otherwise similar to the POSIX shell specification.
Typically we would place one of these at or near the top of the script. Scripts that parse their command lines would do the redirection after parsing.
Send stdout to a file
exec > file
with stderr
exec > file
exec 2>&1
append both stdout and stderr to file
exec >> file
exec 2>&1
As Jonathan Leffler mentioned in his comment:
exec has two separate jobs. The first one is to replace the currently executing shell (script) with a new program. The other is changing the I/O redirections in the current shell. This is distinguished by having no argument to exec.
You can make the whole script a function like this:
main_function() {
then at the end of the script have this:
if [ -z $TERM ]; then
# if not run via terminal, log everything into a log file
main_function 2>&1 >> /var/log/my_uber_script.log
# run via terminal, only output to screen
Alternatively, you may log everything into logfile each run and still output it to stdout by simply doing:
# log everything, but also output to stdout
main_function 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/my_uber_script.log
For saving the original stdout and stderr you can use:
exec [fd number]<&1
exec [fd number]<&2
For example, the following code will print "walla1" and "walla2" to the log file (a.txt), "walla3" to stdout, "walla4" to stderr.
exec 5<&1
exec 6<&2
exec 1> ~/a.txt 2>&1
echo "walla1"
echo "walla2" >&2
echo "walla3" >&5
echo "walla4" >&6
[ -t <&0 ] || exec >> test.log
I finally figured out how to do it. I wanted to not just save the output to a file but also, find out if the bash script ran successfully or not!
I've wrapped the bash commands inside a function and then called the function main_function with a tee output to a file. Afterwards, I've captured the output using if [ $? -eq 0 ].
#! /bin/sh -
main_function() {
python command.py
main_function > >(tee -a "/var/www/logs/output.txt") 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo 'Success!'
echo 'Failure!'
