What kind of view technology used in spring boot by default - spring

What kind of view technology used in spring boot by default when I add the 'Spring Boot Web Starter'.
If I want to use the JSP, I need to include the 'tomcat-embed-jasper' or 'Spring Boot Thymeleaf Starter' for thymeleaf templates. So I would like to know the default view technology of 'Spring Boot Web Starter'

By default there is no view You need to configure and add their dependencies.If You are using Spring Boot older versions then You can refer above answer but if You are using Spring Boot 2 then add on more dependency for thymeleaf-

JSP is supported by Spring out-of-the-box.
It can be configured like this
public class ApplicationConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public ViewResolver jspViewResolver() {
InternalResourceViewResolver bean = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
return bean;
or in properties file
spring.mvc.view.prefix: /WEB-INF/views/
spring.mvc.view.suffix: .jsp
For Thymeleaf
Spring Boot will provide auto-configuration for Thymeleaf with below dependency in pom.xml
Please make a note of version used. Also you might need to provide view properties like above


integrate spring security and spring MVC and and spring integration with each other

I am currently developing a web site for having control over IOT devices by spring.
The application is based on spring boot.
I have developed most of rest API s by extending from DataJpa.
Next step I had to implement TCP connection in my application and after doing some
research I adopt spring integration for doing that and simple application worked well.
Next, I decided to add spring Integration to my application for only user authentication after that I configured that I realized that there are some conflicts
in my application and I received java: cannot access javax.servlet.Filter class file for javax.servlet.Filter not found.
I did some research in I found a related topic for spring webflux and it was said that I should implement spring security for webflux (integration in this case) not for spring web.
Now about the main problem: as I said earlier the structure of application should be like this:
1- first part which is MVC based and there are some webpages and data should be stored in mySql or mariaDB, also i want to authenticate and authorize users by spring security.
2-Second part of application is implementation Tcp socket via Netty or spring integration for having an an alive connection between IOT devices and Server.
Now I am looking for a way to be able to say to spring that it should distinguish
these two different contexts from each other and not combine configurations with the other one while they must work with each other.
Is there any way for this separation and tell spring combine them with special responsible for each?
note that adding following dependency did not change anyThing
other dependencies :
security Config :
public class securityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
appUserDetailService appUserDetailService;
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/user").hasAnyRole("ADMIN", "USER")
public BCryptPasswordEncoder bCryptPasswordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
error which occurs :
java: cannot access javax.servlet.Filterclass file for javax.servlet.Filter not found
and points to first line of spring security configuration.
my application properties:
/C:/Users/s.movahedi/Downloads/t1/demo/src/main/java/com/example/demo/security/securityConfig.java:[17,8] cannot access javax.servlet.Filter [ERROR] class file for javax.servlet.Filter not found
So it's your demo app that needs to be changed to use jakarta instead of javax if you want to use Boot 3, Spring 6.

Jackson Object Mapper not working when extended configuration provided but working when providing class level/field level annotations in Spring Boot

The below object mapper configuration is not working when I add jjwt security to spring boot application.
public class CustomObjectMapper extends ObjectMapper {
* Default serial version id generated.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public CustomObjectMapper() {
this.registerModule(new ThreeTenModule());
this.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
Security dependencies added here
where as the below Jackson annotations are working on class/field levels.
Why the bean configured custom object mapper not been used for serialization & deserialization? Any other libraries configured object mapper overriding my custom mapper?
After a long investigation, i have noticed #EnableWebMvc annotated configuration bean available in one dependent library. And got to know from here that #EnableWebMvc disables Spring Boot's MVC auto-configuration, thus giving complete control to provide customer MVC configuration. HTTP Message Convertors will also be included in Spring MVC component which in turn disables my custom jackson object mapper configuration.
PS: As jjwt imports jackson databind dependency by default, it fell in my suspect list. Feel good that i could RCA. Thanks.

Ignite and Spring Boot

How do I use Ignite with Spring Boot? I googled it but without success. Has anyone experience with the combination of Spring Boot and Ignite?
Is that the correct way to run Ignite in with Spring Boot?
Apache Ignite Loading Twice with Spring-Boot?
Currently there is now direct integration with Spring Boot, so you should manually start a node within the application using Ignition.start() method.
I've got test project spring boot + ignite. I hope that will help:
github project
For me use case, i create a bean and start ignite inside it after that return the ignite. it will start ignite only one time at start time.
Use following steps to integrate ignite with spring boot.
1. Add following dependency in POM.xml file
2. Create the Ignite bean instance
public Ignite igniteInstance() {
IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
Ignite igniteInst= Ignition.start(cfg);
return igniteInst;
3. Configure the repository
#RepositoryConfig(cacheName = "cacheName")
public interface RepositoryName extends IgniteRepository<V, K> {
4. Autowired the RepositoryName interface which extends the IgniteRepository in service layer
public class ServiceImpl
RepositoryName repositoryName;
5. You can use 5th steps apart from 4th steps to inject the ignite bean in service layer
public class ServiceImpl {
Ignite ignite;
void abcMethod(){
IgniteCache<K, V> igniteCache = ignite.cache("CacheName");

Spring boot metrics with Jersey2

I have an application running spring-boot, jersey2 and spring metrics:
below is maven snippet:
Jersey used to work well until introducing actuator dependency.
Then following bean has been created to make Jersey working as filter:
public FilterRegistrationBean jerseyFilterRegistration() {
FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
bean.setFilter(new ServletContainer(resourceConfig()));
bean.addInitParameter("com.sun.jersey.config.property.WebPageContentRegex", managementContextRegex);
return bean;
Metrics are mapped to /admin path. With this configuration I cannot make metrics working. However by adding management.port (different than main app port) both Jersey resource and metrics are available.
What I'm missing here to make both metrics and Jersey resource start working on the same port?
This is the wrong property. That's for Jersey 1.x. For 2.x, it should be
As an aside you can avoid having to define your own FilterRegistrationBean by simply setting a couple configuration properties. In your application.properties, you could use the following
Or you can configure the regex in your ResourceConfig subclass
public class JerseyConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public JerseyConfig() {
property(ServletProperties.FILTER_STATIC_CONTENT_REGEX, "<your-regex>");
As another side, just an FYI, the cause of the problem is the default /* url-mapping used for Jersey. If you can change it, doing so would solve the problem. For instance /api. You can configure that in the properties with spring.jersey.applicationPath=/api or with #ApplicationPath("/api") on the ResourceConfig subclass.
And the final aside, there is also a property
I'm not exactly sure how the staticContenRegex property works, I never really dug into to source code. So I don't know if it just does some file IO to get the static file or it forwards the request, but if it does some file IO, then I don't think the property will work for your use case, as the endpoints are not files. In which case the forwardOn404 should work.

JMX on Spring Boot project

I have annotated a class as follows:
description="Index Solr Operations")
public class JMXSolrIndexerBean {
My pom has the following dependencies
I can't find my MBean in the JConsole... are there any configuration steps I am missing?
Two things:
You don't need the spring-integrtation-jmx dependency to make that work, the actuator starter is enough
Your class needs to be a spring bean if you want Spring Boot to auto-detect JMX annotation on them. So adding #Component on your JMXSolrIndexerBean is all that's needed as long as it is located in a package that is processed by component scan
In other words, that class of yours is just a pojo that spring know nothings about. #ManagedResource is not a stereotype that turns that class in a Spring Bean.
