Kubernetes number of replicas vs performance - laravel

I have just gotten into Kubernetes and really liking its ability to orchestrate containers. I had the assumption that when the app starts to grow, I can simply increase the replicas to handle the demand. However, now that I have run some benchmarking, the results confuse me.
I am running Laravel 6.2 w/ Apache on GKE with a single g1-small machine as the node. I'm only using NodePort service to expose the app since LoadBalancer seems expensive.
The benchmarking tool used are wrk and ab. When the replicas is increased to 2, requests/s somehow drops. I would expect the requests/s to increase since there are 2 pods available to serve the request. Is there a bottleneck occurring somewhere or perhaps my understanding is flawed. Do hope someone can point out what I'm missing.

A g1-small instance is really tiny: you get 50% utilization of a single core and 1.7 GB of RAM. You don't describe what your application does or how you've profiled it, but if it's CPU-bound, then adding more replicas of the process won't help you at all; you're still limited by the amount of CPU that GCP gives you. If you're hitting the memory limit of the instance that will dramatically reduce your performance, whether you swap or one of the replicas gets OOM-killed.
The other thing that can affect this benchmark is that, sometimes, for a limited time, you can be allowed to burst up to 100% CPU utilization. So if you got an instance and ran the first benchmark, it might have used a burst period and seen higher performance, but then re-running the second benchmark on the same instance might not get to do that.
In short, you can't just crank up the replica count on a Deployment and expect better performance. You need to identify where in the system the actual bottleneck is. Monitoring tools like Prometheus that can report high-level statistics on per-pod CPU utilization can help. In a typical database-backed Web application the database itself is the bottleneck, and there's nothing you can do about that at the Kubernetes level.


Kubernetes throttling JVM application that isn't hitting CPU quota

I am running a Kotlin Spring Boot based service in a Kubernetes cluster that connects to a PostgreSQL database. Each request takes around 3-5 database calls which partially run in parallel via Kotlin coroutines (with a threadpool backed coroutine context present).
No matter the configuration this services gets throttled heavily after getting hit by real traffic after just starting up. This slowness sometimes persists for 2-3 minutes and often only affects some fresh pods, but not all.
I am looking for new avenues to analyze the problem - here's a succinct list of circumstances / stuff I am already doing:
The usual response time of my service is around 7-20ms while serving 300-400 requests / second per pod
New / autoscaled instances warmup themselfes by doing 15000 HTTP requests against themselfs. The readiness probe is not "up" before this process finishes
We are currently setting a cpu request and limit of 2000m, changing this to 3000m does reduce the issue but the latency still spikes to around 300-400ms which is not acceptable (at most 100ms would be great, 50ms ideal)
The memory is set to 2gb, changing this to 3gb has no significant impact
The pods are allocating 200-300mb/s during peak load, the GC activity does not seem abnormal to me
Switching between GCs (G1 and ZGC) has no impact
We are experiencing pod throttling of around 25-50% (calculated via Kubernetes metrics) while the pod CPU usage is around 40-50%
New pods struggle to take 200-300 requests / sec even though we warm up, curiously enough some pods suffer for long periods. All external factors have been analyzed and disabling most baggage has no impact (this includes testing with disabled tracing, metric collection, disabling Kafka integration and verifying our database load is not maxing out - it's sitting at around 20-30% CPU usage while network and memory usage are way lower)
The throttling is observed in custom load tests which replicates the warmup requests described above
Connecting with visualvm during the load tests and checking the CPU time spent yields no striking issues
This is all done on a managed kubernetes by AWS
All the nodes in our cluster are of the same type (c5.2xlarge of AWS)
Any tools / avenues to investigate are appreciated - thank you! I am still puzzled why my service is getting throttled although its CPU usage is way below 100%. Our nodes are also not affected by the old kernel cfs bug from before kernel 5.6 (not entirely sure in which version it got fixed, we are very recent on our nodes kernel version though).
In the end this all boiled down to missing one part of the equation: I/O bounds.
Imagine if one request takes 10 DB calls, each taking 3 milliseconds to fulfill (including network latency etc.). A single request then takes 10*3 = 30 milliseconds of I/O. The request throughput of one request is then 1000ms / 30ms = 33,33 requests / second. Now if one service instance uses 10 threads to handle requests we get 333,3 requests / seconds as our upper bound of throughput. We can't get any faster than this because we are I/O bottlenecked in regards to our thread count.
And this leaves out multiple factors like:
thread pool size vs. db connection pool size
our service doing non-db related tasks (actual logic, json serialization when the response get fulfilled)
database capacity (was not an issue for us)
TL;DR: You can't get faster when you are I/O bottlenecked, no matter much how CPU you provide. I/O has to be improve if you want your single service instance to have more throughput, this is mostly done by db connection pool sizing in relation to thread pool sizing in relation to db calls per request. We missed this basic (and well known) relation between resources!

Redis vs memcached vs Scylla Cache - Which one to choose?

I'm designing an application where I want to cache million data each around 10kb.. I did some analysis and on the fence between using Redis vs memcached vs Scylla as Cache.. Can some experts suggests which might best suits my needs?
Highly performant
High availability
High Throughput
Low pricing?
Full disclosure - I work on the Scylla project.
I think it is a question of latency and HA vs cost. As a RAM-based system, Redis will be the lowest latency. If you need < 1 millisecond response, then Redis or memcached are the choice.
Scylla is a disk-based system. Those values that are in Scylla's RAM will be low latency, but those that need to pull from disk will be slower. So your 99p latency is likely to be slower. How slow? Depends on your disk. NVME can be 99p 3-5 ms. SSD, maybe 5-10 ms. If this is an acceptable latency, then Scylla will be much less expensive, as even NVME is much cheaper than RAM.
As for HA - Redis and memcached are intended as a cache. While there are some features and frameworks that you can use to replicate data around, these are all bolt-ons and increase complexity. Scylla is a distributed system by design. So the replication to allow for multiple layers of HA is built-in (node, rack and DC-availability)
Redis (and to a lesser extend, memcached) are phenomenal caches. But, depending upon your use case, Scylla might be the right choice.
All three options you mentioned are open-source software, so the pricing is the same - zero :-) However, both Scylla and Redis are written and backed by companies (ScyllaDB and RedisLabs, respectively), so if your use case is mission-critical you may choose to pay these companies for enteprise-level support, you can inquire with these companies what are their prices.
The more interesting difference between the three is in the technology.
You described a use case where you have 10 GB of data in the cache. This amount can be easily held in memory, so a completely in-memory database like Memcached or Redis is a natural choice. However, there are still questions you need to ask yourself, which may lead you to a distributed database, such as Scylla depending on your answers:
Would you be using powerful many-core machines? If so, you should probably rule out Memcached - my experience (and others' - see
Can memcached make full use of multi-core?) suggests that it does not scale well with many cores. On an 8-core machine you will not get anywhere close to 8 times the performance of a one-core machine.
Redis is also not really meant for multi-core use - https://redis.io/topics/benchmarks says that Redis "is not designed to benefit from multiple CPU cores. People are supposed to launch several Redis instances to scale out on several cores if needed.". Scylla, on the other hand, thrives on multi-core machines. You should probably test the performance of all three products on your use case before making a decision.
How much of a disaster would be to suddenly lose the entire content of your cache? In some use cases, it just means you would need to query some slightly-slower backend server, so suddenly losing the cache on reboot is acceptable. In such cases, a memory-only cache like Memached or Redis is probably exactly what you need. However, in other cases, there may be a big penalty for starting from scratch with an empty cache - the backend server might be very slow, or maybe the original content is stored on a far-away server with a slow and expensive WAN. In such a case you would want a disk-backed cache, so if the memory cache is lost, you can still refresh it from disk and not from the backend server. Redis has a disk backing option, and in Scylla disk backing is the main way.
You mentioned a working set of 10 GB, which can easily fit memory of a single server. But is it possible this will grow and in a year you'll find yourself needing to cache 100 GB or 1 TB, which no longer fits the memory of a single server? In memcached you'll be out of luck. Redis used to have a "virtual memory" solution for this purpose, but it is deprecated and https://redis.io/topics/virtual-memory now states that Redis is "without considering at least for now the support for databases bigger than RAM". Scylla does handle this issue in two ways. First, your cache would be stored on disk which can be much larger than memory (and whatever amount of memory you have will be used to further speed up that cache, but it doesn't need to fit memory). Second, Scylla is a distributed server. It can distribute a 100 GB working set to 10 different nodes. Redis also has "replication", but it copies the entire data to all nodes - while Scylla can optionally store different subsets of the data on different nodes.
In-memory is actually a bad thing since RAM is expensive and not persistent.
So Scylla will be a better option for K/V or columnar workloads.
Scylla also has a limited Redis api with good results [1], using the CQL
api will result in better results.
[1] https://medium.com/#siddharthc/redis-on-nvme-with-scylladb-5e12afd38dbc

Best way to find out and set application resource limits/request on kubernetes

Hope you can help me with this!
What is the best approach to get and set request and limits resource per pods?
I was thinking in setting an expected number of traffic and code some load tests, then start a single pod with some "low limits" and run load test until OOMed, then tune again (something like overclocking) memory until finding a bottleneck, then attack CPU until everything is "stable" and so on. Then i would use that "limit" as a "request value" and would use double of "request values" as "limit" (or a safe value based on results). Finally scale them out for the average of traffic (fixed number of pods) and set autoscale pods rules for peak production values.
Is this a good approach? What tools and metrics do you recommend? I'm using prometheus-operator for monitoring and vegeta for load testing.
What about vertical pod autoscaling? have you used it? is it production ready?
BTW: I'm using AWS managed solution deployed w/ terraform module
Thanks for reading
I usually start my pods with no limits nor resources set. Then I leave them running for a bit under normal load to collect metrics on resource consumption.
I then set memory and CPU requests to +10% of the max consumption I got in the test period and limits to +25% of the requests.
This is just an example strategy, as there is no one size fits all approach for this.
The VerticalPodAutoScaler is more about making sure that a Pod can run. So it starts it low and doubles memory each time it gets OOMKilled. This can potentially lead to a Pod hogging resource. It is also limited as it doesn't take account of under-performance. If your app is under-resourced it might still respond but not respond in a timeframe you consider acceptable.
I think you are taking a good approach as you are looking at the application under load and assessing what it needs to perform as you want it to. I doubt I can suggest any tools you aren't already aware of but if it helps there is some more discussion in How to set the right cpu millicores for a container? and the threads that link from it

AWS AutoScaling not working / CPU Utilization stays sub 30%

I have setup AWS AutoScaling as following:
1) created a Load Balancer and registered one instance with it;
2) added Health Checks to the ELB;
3) added 2 Alarms:
- CPU Usage -> 60% for 60s, spin up 1 instance;
- CPU usage < 40% for 120s, spin down 1 instance;
4) wrote a jMeter script to send traffic to the website in question: 250 threads, 200 seconds ramp up time, loop count 5.
What I am seeing was very strange.
I expect the CPU usage to shoot up with the higher number of users. But instead the CPU usage stays between 20-30% (which is why the new instance never fires up) and running instance starts throwing timeout errors once it reaches anything more than 100 users.
I am at a loss to understand why CPU usage is so low when the website is in fact timing out.
This could be a problem with the ELB. The ELB does not scale very quickly, it takes a consistent amount of traffic to the ELB to let amazon know you need a bigger one. If you just hit it really hard all at once that does not help it scale. So the ELB could be having problems handling all the connections.
Is this SSL? Are you doing SSL on the ELB? That would add overhead to an underscaled ELB as well.
I would honestly recommend not using ELB at all. haproxy is a much better product and much faster in most cases. I can elaborate if needed, but just look at how Amazon handles the cname vs what you can do with haproxy...
It sounds like you are testing AutoScaling to ensure it will work for your needs. As a first pass to simply see if AS will launch a new instance, try reducing your CPU up check to trigger at 25%. I realize this is a lot lower than you are hoping to use moving forward, but it will help validate that your initial configuration is working.
As a second step, you should take a look at your application and see if CPU is the best metric to have AS monitor for scaling. It is possible that you have a bottleneck somewhere else in your app that may not necessarily be CPU related (web server tuning, memory, databases, storage, etc). You didn't mention what type of content you're serving out; is it static or generated by an interpreter (like PHP or something else)? You could also send your own custom metric data into CloudWatch and use this metric to trigger the scaling.
You may also want to time how long it takes for an instance to be ready to serve traffic from a cold start. If it takes longer than 60 seconds, you may want to adjust your monitoring threshold time appropriately (or set cool down periods). As chantheman pointed out, it can take some time for the ELB to register the instance as well (and a longer amount of time if the new instance is in a different AZ).
I hope all of this helps.
What we discovered is that when you are using autoscale on t2 instances, and under heavy load, those instances will run out of CPU credits and then they are limited to 20% of CPU (from the monitoring point of view, internal htop is still 100%). Internally they are at maximum load.
This sends false metric to Autoscaling and news instances will not fire.
You need to change metric or develop you own or move to m instances.

Are Amazon's micro instances (Linux, 64bit) good for MongoDB servers?

Do you think using an EC2 instance (Micro, 64bit) would be good for MongoDB replica sets?
Seems like if that is all they did, and with 600+ megs of RAM, one could use them for a nice set.
Also, would they make good primary (write) servers too?
My database is only 1-2 gigs now but I see it growing to 20-40 gigs this year (hopefully).
They COULD be good - depending on your data set, but likely they will not be very good.
For starters, you dont get much RAM with those instances. Consider that you will be running an entire operating system and all related services - 613mb of RAM could get filled up very quickly.
MongoDB tries to keep as much data in RAM as possible and that wont be possible if your data set is 1-2 gigs and becomes even more of a problem if your data set grows to 20-40 gigs.
Secondly they are labeled as "Low IO performance" so when your data swaps to disk (and it will based on the size of that data set), you are going to suffer from disk reads due to low IO throughput.
Be aware that micro instances are designed for spiky CPU usage, and you will be throttled to the "low background level" if you exceed the allotment.
The AWS Micro Documentation has good information of what they are intended for.
Between the CPU and not very good IO performance my experience with using micros for development/testing has not been very good. (larger instance types have been fine though), but a micro may work for your use case.
However, there are exceptions for a config or arbiter nodes, I believe a micro should be good enough for these types of machines.
There is also some mongodb documentation specific to EC2 which might help.
