Cannot connect to localhost/my_app while XAMPP working fine - xampp

I am trying to develop a CRUD app using XAMPP with Apache and mySQL running properly and PHP. I am writing my code in Sublime Text. For now i haven't done much, but I wrote 3 scripts and put a title. Now I want to connect to my localhost/CRUD_App_PHP but I cannot and I dont understand why.
Here is my code till now. It is in index.php which is the only file with something in it for now. I will create add,remove,update.php later. But for now I want to see that it works.
Here is what I get when accessing localhost/CRUD_App_PHP
And here is a photo of my Code

The error that you sent is from Microsoft IIS web server running on port 80. You shoulud change the Apache port to 88 or something else.
Than go to http://localhost:88/CRUD_App_PHP


WebSocket('ws://') works but not WebSocket('wss://')

I need help from the expert and feels like this is beyond my paygrade. I have xampp installed on a windows machine. I have a php page that i access using and inside that php page, it calls a javascript. It did not worked. I got this error:
can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://
But the everything seems to be working when I access the page as and calls the WebSocket('ws://'). Did I missed anything on my httpd conf?
Thank you

Remote PC access using two web browser with out installing any new application in OS

I have just got a web project where client wants to make an expert and client system. If client is having a problem in his PC he come to the forum and ask the expert to fix it .
All i want to know that how client's browser access his own PC, Send to expert and how expert will handle it.
I'm working in php Laravel but I'm stuck here badly.
I do not think this is possible. The only thing that came up in my head is the Chrome Remote Desktop plugin.
You are also looking at the wrong languages. Laravel has nothing to do with this issue, because Laravel is a server-side language.

FileZilla: My FileZilla does not have two panel layout and says "Warning: FTP over TLS is not enabled users cannot securely login"

I am brand new to using an FTP server. I just downloaded FileZilla and did nothing different, just kept hitting continue through the insallation and then opened it with the server and the default port.
Now I get this:
Also when I see other people putting their files on the server they have a different looking application than I do. It is split and has two different sides in which they load the files to the server. I do not see how they got to that. I watch a beginners tutorial, but it did not really explain how to get to that part.
You have installed FileZilla server.
While you probably wanted FileZilla client.

Web API on IIS7.5 Unable to download * from localhost

I'm currently trying to install web api project directly from vs 2013 to my local dev machine, but when I test one of my http get controllers, I get the following:
My url looks like this:
When I test this on my local, this url works and I get my json response.
pay no attention to the web config error in the background. If I enter anything invalid, I get an IIS error, so I know I'm hitting the right URL.
Side note: I'm using IE8 for testing.
I found out the solution, and it may be a config thing, but when I made this as an virtual application to a website, this went away, and it gave me a yellow sign of death (which is a good thing). I was able to deduce this to be an oracle issue, where it couldn't find the database connection, and then found out it couldn't resolve tns names.
So I guess Web API can not be hosted by itself on IIS? I haven't looked into it, but it seems this to be the case, unless there needs to be more tweaking involved.
i know too late for response. But i get same error when I try deploy Odata v4 Application in IIS server.
In server , i hit this error as above, i try everything config but nothing change.
At last, i try connect from client and it work.
I recognize that in Client , it download a json file from Server (in case use Odata , it seem like wsdl file in webservice) and API still work well.
For some reason, it cant download in server, but dont worry, it still work.
Hope this helps!

How to start Enterprise Manager(em) console in Oracle AS in windows and linux

I have installed Oracle AS and then applied patch to upgrade it to
This OAS is configured to listen at port 80.
When I go to http://localhost after starting OPMN, i can wee the welcome screen.
But now I want to login to Enterprise Manager(em) console so I go to http://localhost/em
but this link doesn't work and says:
Not Found The requested URL /em was
not found on this server.
Please tell me how to start em console in OAS
Firstly to verify what port you should be using (and providing you haven't reconfigured it) you can check the file:
which can be found at
Once you are sure that you are using the correct port, have you started the console? (opmnctl start all command doesn't start the AS control) You can try starting it using the following command:
ORACLE_APPLICATION_SERVER_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startproc application=ascontrol
I'm casting my mind back a few years here, so this could be completely wrong.
I think that em had it's own web-server and so would have run on a different port. Try 1810.
You might also want to try https rather than http.
So, in conclusion, try:
If this doesn't work, please can you let me know and I'll delete this answer. :-)
