Carbon datetime not working for sum amount laravel - laravel

i want to sum amount logs created today in my Repeat table in database i tried followings but not working
$start = (new Carbon('now'))->hour(0)->minute(0)->second(0);
$end = (new Carbon('now'))->hour(23)->minute(59)->second(59);
$data['daily'] = Repeat::where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->where('created_at',[$start , $end])->sum('amount');
also tried
$start = carbon::today();
$data['daily'] = Repeat::where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->where('created_at',$start)->sum('amount');

If you want to get today's record by using carbon you can do it as below.
$data['daily'] = Repeat::where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->whereDate('created_at', Carbon::today())->sum('amount');

you can use Carbon::now() or Carbon::today() but check this amount should be integer or float if it string then sum will be 0(zero)
$data['daily'] = Repeat::where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->whereDate('created_at', Carbon::now())->sum('amount');```


Laravel : calculate before inserting into DB

I have a form and before saving it in the DB is it possible to make a calculation?
I get a date of birth and want to make an account with the current year.
Example: 10-10-1990 and I want it to subtract from the current year.
1990 - 2021
$tabel->datenasc = $request->datenasc;
You can still do your calculations before inserting into DB
// if $request->datenasc == 10-10-1990
$current_year = date("Y");
list($day, $month, $year) = explode("-", $request->datenasc);
$year_diff = $current_year - $year;
you can now insert $year_diff in the database;
You can use setYear method from carbon library
$date = Carbon::parse("10-10-1990");
$dateWithCurrentYear = $date->setYear(now()->format('Y'));

How to count two related dates in Laravel using Query Builder?

I have this list of dates
I want to count the times that the time is higher than 24 hours between each dates in a row... tried with this ..
$tiempo1 = DB::table('incidencia_tiempo')
->whereTime('time', '>', '0000-00-00 24:00:00')
Beetween time and created at... I would like to count... if beetween the two times the hours are higher than 24 hours then add +1 to the count
I have to make a comparation with created_at and time and I don't know how
Use TIMESTAMPDIFF() to get the time between two datetime,
If you want to count the time high than the created_at 24 hours
$count = DB::table('incidencia_tiempo')
->where(DB::raw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, time, created_at)'), '>', 24)
if you want to count the time difference between two datetimes high than 24 hours:
$count = DB::table('incidencia_tiempo')
->where(DB::raw('ABS(TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, time, created_at))'), '>', 24)
what is yoiur mean time is higher than 24 hours?
Try This Method for Compare and Count Dates
$text_count = Text::whereBetween('created_at', [$date1, $date2])->count();
first of all you have to run simple query for getting all the data like
$tiempo1 = DB::table('incidencia_tiempo')->get();
and add one loop for this query data
$count = 0;
foreach($tiempo1 as $time) {
$start = new Carbon($time->time);
$end = new Carbon($time->created_at);
$hours = $start->diff($end)->format('%H');
if ($hours > 24){
hope this will help :)

Best way to sum time in Laravel?

I have a table called transactions with two relevant fields to my question, _start_timestamp_ and _end_timestamp_. I need to sum the amount of time passed between all transactions where _end_timestamp_ is not null. So, the result must be something like Total Time of Transactions: 1 hour and 18 minutes
I've tried using Carbon, but I don't know how to sum all the lines of the table using it.
foreach($timestampStarts as $timestampStart){
$time = new Carbon($timestampStart->start_timestamp);
$shift_end_time =new Carbon($timestampStart->end_timestamp);
You can use the MySQL TIMESTAMPDIFF function to calculate the difference:
->sum(DB::raw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, _start_timestamp_, _end_timestamp_)'));
This will give you the total in seconds.
You need to retrieve the total difference in minutes. Add the total difference and retrieve the diff for humans. You can retrieve like below:
$diffForHumans = null;
$nowDate = Carbon::now();
$diffInMinutes = 0;
foreach($timestampStarts as $timestampStart){
if(!empty($timestampStart->end_timestamp)){ // if the end timestamp is not empty
$time = new Carbon($timestampStart->start_timestamp);
$shift_end_time =new Carbon($timestampStart->end_timestamp);
//Adding difference in minutes
$diffInMinutes+= $shift_end_time->diffInMinutes($time);
$totalDiffForHumans = $now->addMinutes($diffInMinutes)->diffForHumans();

access data from database to compare with current date to calculate total days

I have tried to access date stored in my db table and compare it with current date so that I can get the number of days but it shows this error
DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string ([{"quit_date":null},{"quit_date":null}]) at position 0 ([): Unexpected character
This is the code that use in my controller
$quit_date = Information::select('quit_date')
$date = new Carbon($quit_date);
$now = Carbon::now();
$day = $date->diffInDays($now);
but if I set the $quit_date manually with the date for example "2019-04-25 00:00:00.000000", the code works fine and shows the days different between the dates, but when I use the Information::select to read the date from database, it shows error.
use Auth; //top of controller
$checkdate = Information::
$date = new Carbon($quit_date);
$now = Carbon::now();
$day = $date->diffInDays($now);
The issue occurs because you are using ->get() at the end of your query. That method returns a Collection not a single object. The issue is solved by using ->first() to return a single object.
The error itself is because in the line $date = new Carbon($quit_date);, Carbon cannot convert a Collection to a date.
This should work:
$quit_date = Information::select('quit_date')
->where('user_id','=', \Auth::user()->id)
->first(); //Changed this from ->get()
$date = new Carbon($quit_date);
$now = Carbon::now();
$day = $date->diffInDays($now);

How to get the month duration in Laravel

I have a startdate and and enddatein the format Y-m-d.
'startdate'=>date('Y-m-d', strtotime(Input::get('startdate'))),
'enddate'=>date('Y-m-d', strtotime(Input::get('enddate')))
How can I get the Duration between these two days, like 2 months or 1 month or 2 weeks in Laravel?
You can use the Carbon class, which is already included in Laravel 4, to get the difference between two days in a human-readable format.
$startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', Input::get('startdate'));
$endDate = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', Input::get('enddate'));
echo $startDate->diffForHumans($endDate);
Basically, it is Carbon
$start = new Carbon(date('Y-m-d', strtotime(Input::get('startdate'))));
$end = new Carbon(date('Y-m-d', strtotime(Input::get('enddate'))));
$diff_days = $start->diff($end)->days;
Well, there are more, please look up the documentation for details:
