Understand the working on FltGetVolumeGuidName() - windows

I want to know the implementation sequence of the function FltGetVolumeGuidName(), I basically want to get the Guid of all volumes from my system ?
Below is the code, which I tried, any help will be greatly appreciated , thanks in advance.
volumeContext->GUIDinfo.Buffer = NULL; //kernel crash here <<<<======
volumeContext->GUIDinfo.Length = 0;
volumeContext->GUIDinfo.MaximumLength = 0;
//fetching correct size
(void) FltGetVolumeGuidName(pVolumeList, &volumeContext->GUIDinfo, &BufferSizeNeeded);
//Allocating space
if (NULL == volumeContext->GUIDinfo.Buffer) {
//Memory allocation
volumeContext->GUIDinfo.Buffer = (PWCHAR)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, BufferSizeNeeded, MEMTAG_VOL_GUID);
volumeContext->GUIDinfo.Length = 0;
volumeContext->GUIDinfo.MaximumLength = (ULONG)BufferSizeNeeded;
ntStatus = FltGetVolumeGuidName(pVolumeList, &volumeContext->GUIDinfo, &BufferSizeNeeded);
if (ntStatus == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {

Eryk, thank you very much. Agreed that each of the PFLT_VOLUME I get a valid pointer. Now when I call FltGetVolumeGuidName(PFLT_VOLUME (pVolumeList) &volumeContext->GUIDinfo, BufferSizeNeeded) as mentioned above and print the values in the &volumeContext->GUIDinfo = (Null) and BufferSizeNeeded = 96.
With the literature around on FltGetVolumeGuidName, I understand 1st call FltGetVolumeGuidName to get the BufferSizeNeeded and use this size and allocate memory and call again FltGetVolumeGuidName to fetch Guid.
I have a problem (kernel panic) when I initialize as below
volumeContext->GUIDinfo.Buffer = NULL; //kernel crash here <<<<======
volumeContext->GUIDinfo.Length = 0;
volumeContext->GUIDinfo.MaximumLength = 0;


CertCreateCertificateChainEngine throws an error in windows 7

ChainConfig.cbSize = sizeof(CERT_CHAIN_ENGINE_CONFIG);
ChainConfig.hRestrictedRoot = NULL;
ChainConfig.hRestrictedTrust = NULL;
ChainConfig.hRestrictedOther = NULL;
ChainConfig.cAdditionalStore = 0;
ChainConfig.rghAdditionalStore = NULL;
ChainConfig.dwFlags = CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_END_CERT;
ChainConfig.dwUrlRetrievalTimeout = 0;
ChainConfig.MaximumCachedCertificates = 0;
ChainConfig.CycleDetectionModulus = 0;
// Create the nondefault certificate chain engine.
if (CertCreateCertificateChainEngine(
printf("A chain engine has been created.\n");}
Getting error 0x80070057 (-2147024809) The parameter is incorrect, can someone help here ?
I hope you've managed to solve this issue already. If not, here's my somewhat late answer:
It looks like you're working with Microsoft's example code for creating a certificate chain. Unfortunately it seems to be out of date; if you examine the documentation for CERT_CHAIN_ENGINE_CONFIG, you'll see that there are two more member variables that need to be initialized in Windows 7, hExclusiveRoot and hExclusiveTrustedPeople.
You could set them to NULL (if you don't need them) to take care of the error:
ChainConfig.hExclusiveRoot = NULL;
ChainConfig.hExclusiveTrustedPeople = NULL;

Access violation when initializing a D3DBuffer

I'm trying to load an obj file full of vertices and render it as a point cloud.
when I try to run my code it crashes and gives me the following error:
Unhandled exception at 0x66463E50 (nvwgf2um.dll) in Tutorial06.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00E9D000.
I followed the tutorial code Microsoft provide with DirectX and changed it to suite my layout and everything but I must have done something wrong and I'm not sure what it is.
This is how I try to initialize my buffer:
std::vector<CloudVertex>* data = CloudLoader::getInstance().getCloudData();
ZeroMemory( &bd, sizeof(bd) );
bd.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
bd.ByteWidth = sizeof( CloudVertex ) * data->size();
bd.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
bd.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
ZeroMemory( &InitData, sizeof(InitData) );
InitData.pSysMem = data;
hr = g_pd3dDevice->CreateBuffer( &bd, &InitData, &g_pVertexBuffer );
And this my cloud loading code:
void CloudLoader::loadCloudData(std::string fileName)
if (m_loaded == false){
m_loadedData = new std::vector<CloudVertex>();
std::wifstream fileIn(fileName.c_str()); //Open file
wchar_t checkChar;
if (fileIn){
while (fileIn){
checkChar = fileIn.get(); //Get next char
switch (checkChar){
case 'v':
checkChar = fileIn.get();
if (checkChar == ' ') //v - vert position
float vz, vy, vx;
fileIn >> vx >> vy >> vz; //Store the next three types
m_loadedData->push_back(CloudVertex(vx, vy, vz));
m_loaded = true;
I guess its a C++ thing and not directX and its probably really simple but I've been stuck on this for a while now, I would really appreciate the help.
pSysMem cannot point at "data", as this is a pointer to the std::vector class and not actually the data contained within the vector.
InitData.pSysMem = data->data();

scoped_ptr for double pointers

Is there a halfway elegant way to upgrade to following code snipped by the use of boost's scoped_ptr or scoped_array?
MyClass** dataPtr = NULL;
dataPtr = new MyClass*[num];
memset(dataPtr, 0, sizeof(MyClass*));
allocateData(dataPtr); // allocates objects under all the pointers
// have fun with the data objects
// now I'm bored and want to get rid of them
for(uint i = 0; i < num; ++i)
delete dataPtr[i];
delete[] dataPtr;
I did it the following way now:
boost::scoped_array<MyClass*> dataPtr(new MyClass*[num]);
memset(dataPtr.get(), 0, num * sizeof(MyClass*));
Seems to work fine.

How to get current display mode (resolution, refresh rate) of a monitor/output in DXGI?

I am creating a multi-monitor full screen DXGI/D3D application. I am enumerating through the available outputs and adapters in preparation of creating their swap chains.
When creating my swap chain using DXGI's IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain method, I need to provide a swap chain description which includes a buffer description of type DXGI_MODE_DESC that details the width, height, refresh rate, etc. How can I find out what the output is currently set to (or how can I find out what the display mode of the output currently is)? I don't want to change the user's resolution or refresh rate when I go to full screen with this swap chain.
After looking around some more I stumbled upon the EnumDisplaySettings legacy GDI function, which allows me to access the current resolution and refresh rate. Combining this with the IDXGIOutput::FindClosestMatchingMode function I can get pretty close to the current display mode:
void getClosestDisplayModeToCurrent(IDXGIOutput* output, DXGI_MODE_DESC* outCurrentDisplayMode)
HMONITOR hMonitor = outputDesc.Monitor;
monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &monitorInfo);
DEVMODE devMode;
devMode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE);
devMode.dmDriverExtra = 0;
EnumDisplaySettings(monitorInfo.szDevice, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &devMode);
current.Width = devMode.dmPelsWidth;
current.Height = devMode.dmPelsHeight;
bool useDefaultRefreshRate = 1 == devMode.dmDisplayFrequency || 0 == devMode.dmDisplayFrequency;
current.RefreshRate.Numerator = useDefaultRefreshRate ? 0 : devMode.dmDisplayFrequency;
current.RefreshRate.Denominator = useDefaultRefreshRate ? 0 : 1;
current.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
output->FindClosestMatchingMode(&current, outCurrentDisplayMode, NULL);
...But I don't think that this is really the correct answer because I'm needing to use legacy functions. Is there any way to do this with DXGI to get the exact current display mode rather than using this method?
I saw solution here:
In folow part:
// Now go through all the display modes and find the one that matches the screen width and height.
// When a match is found store the numerator and denominator of the refresh rate for that monitor.
for(i=0; i<numModes; i++)
if(displayModeList[i].Width == (unsigned int)screenWidth)
if(displayModeList[i].Height == (unsigned int)screenHeight)
numerator = displayModeList[i].RefreshRate.Numerator;
denominator = displayModeList[i].RefreshRate.Denominator;
Is my understanding correct, the available resolution is in the displayModeList.
This might be what you are looking for:
// Get display mode list
std::vector<DXGI_MODE_DESC*> modeList = GetDisplayModeList(*outputItor);
for(std::vector<DXGI_MODE_DESC*>::iterator modeItor = modeList.begin(); modeItor != modeList.end(); ++modeItor)
// PrintDisplayModeInfo(*modeItor);
std::vector<DXGI_MODE_DESC*> GetDisplayModeList(IDXGIOutput* output)
UINT num = 0;
// Get number of display modes
output->GetDisplayModeList(format, flags, &num, 0);
// Get display mode list
DXGI_MODE_DESC * pDescs = new DXGI_MODE_DESC[num];
output->GetDisplayModeList(format, flags, &num, pDescs);
std::vector<DXGI_MODE_DESC*> displayList;
for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
return displayList;

Build routines for 1Byte/2Byte access based on SetPhysLong() in WinIo v3.0

I have one question about how to build routines for 1Byte/2Byte access based on SetPhysLong() in WinIo v3.0.
SetPhysLong() is used to access memory in unit of DWORD(32bit) and my objective is to build my own routines:
SetPhysBYTE() to access memory in unit of BYTE(8bit unsigned), and
SetPhysWORD() to access memory in unit of WORD(16bit unsigned)
Someone told me below way can solve this problem:
Use GetPhysLong to retrieve the current DWORD contents
Put the new BYTE / WORD into the correct part of the DWORD
Then use SetPhysLong to write that back
But I think above way failed if below situation occurs:
Assume 4-byte register is mapped to memory 0x12345678 (because it is memory-mapped IO)
Assume 2nd byte of that register is the Status register and the attribute is "Write 1 to clear" and 2nd byte is 0x40 now
Assume we want to write 0xA5 to memory 0x12345678. Follow your way and we got:
use GetPhysLong then returns 0x00004000
put 0xA5 to LSB and we got 0x000040A5
use SetPhysLong to set 0x000040A5 to memory address 0x12345678
This is NOT correct because value 0x40 will be written to 2nd byte and clear it to 0x00 !!!
Thus my objective is to use SetPhysBYTE(0x12345678, 0xA5) to achieve my goal and do not influence other bytes based on below SetPhysLong()....
bool _stdcall SetPhysLong(PBYTE pbPhysAddr, DWORD dwPhysVal)
PDWORD pdwLinAddr;
tagPhysStruct PhysStruct;
if (!IsWinIoInitialized)
return false;
if (g_Is64BitOS)
PhysStruct.pvPhysAddress = (DWORD64)pbPhysAddr;
// Avoid sign extension issues
PhysStruct.pvPhysAddress = (DWORD64)(DWORD32)pbPhysAddr;
PhysStruct.dwPhysMemSizeInBytes = 4;
pdwLinAddr = (PDWORD)MapPhysToLin(PhysStruct);
if (pdwLinAddr == NULL)
return false;
*pdwLinAddr = dwPhysVal;
return true;
[EDIT] I have solved this and please reference below code if need be...
bool _stdcall SetPhysBYTE(PBYTE pbPhysAddr, BYTE bPhysVal)
PDWORD pdwLinAddr;
tagPhysStruct PhysStruct;
if (!IsWinIoInitialized)
return false;
if (g_Is64BitOS)
PhysStruct.pvPhysAddress = (DWORD64)pbPhysAddr;
// Avoid sign extension issues
PhysStruct.pvPhysAddress = (DWORD64)(DWORD32)pbPhysAddr;
PhysStruct.dwPhysMemSizeInBytes = 1;
pdwLinAddr = (PDWORD)MapPhysToLin(PhysStruct);
if (pdwLinAddr == NULL)
return false;
*(((PBYTE)((DWORD)pdwLinAddr))) = bPhysVal;
return true;
bool _stdcall SetPhysWORD(PBYTE pbPhysAddr, WORD wPhysVal)
PDWORD pdwLinAddr;
tagPhysStruct PhysStruct;
if (!IsWinIoInitialized)
return false;
if (g_Is64BitOS)
PhysStruct.pvPhysAddress = (DWORD64)pbPhysAddr;
// Avoid sign extension issues
PhysStruct.pvPhysAddress = (DWORD64)(DWORD32)pbPhysAddr;
PhysStruct.dwPhysMemSizeInBytes = 2;
pdwLinAddr = (PDWORD)MapPhysToLin(PhysStruct);
if (pdwLinAddr == NULL)
return false;
*(((PWORD)((DWORD)pdwLinAddr))) = wPhysVal;
return true;
See the [EDIT] part of this question !
