Specify Collection dependency for Molecule - ansible

Molecule is informed to download role dependencies from Ansible Galaxy via
name: galaxy
role-file: requirements.yml
However, there doesn't appear to be any documentation on how Molecule can be informed to download Collections. https://molecule.readthedocs.io/en/stable/configuration.html#ansible-galaxy does not list a collections option and I don't see an open feature request on https://github.com/ansible/molecule for this.
Asking here in case this is a solved issue for Molecule, otherwise I suppose this would be a feature request on the Molecule github repo. How can I inform Molecule that it needs to download a Collection for a ansible-galaxy dependency?
My requirements.yml file looks like this:
- src: gantsign.visual-studio-code
- src: artis3n.bitwarden_app
- name: artis3n.github
This format is supported by Ansible at https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/user_guide/collections_using.html#install-multiple-collections-with-a-requirements-file.

The documentation now covers collections as well since #2609. However, if you look at this pull request you can see it shouldn't have passed because the tests fail. It makes sense now that I was unable to get a working solution on my host more than 8 days ago; I notice the last merge after tests passed was 8 days ago.
I don't think this latest merge has been released yet, but I believe there is a workaround.

The issue I filed against Molecule has been completed, so this functionality is now present in Molecule as of version 3.0.3.


ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action . This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path

I've got an Ansible Collections in my Ansible playbook as follows:
- name: Create a profile for the user
username: test
name: test
state: present
and the collection is installed via
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.windows
so I can see it at ~/.ansible/collections.
However I keep getting:
ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'community.windows.win_user_profile'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
I've also copied it alongside the playbook just in case but still get the same error message.
Any suggestions?
I got the same error with Ansible 2.9 on Ubuntu 20.04 after install community.general. The solution in this case was installing ansible.posix
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
as this contains the mount module https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/posix/mount_module.html
There are two Windows collections: community and Supported. I know that's confusing :(
Looks like you've installed ansible.windows, though you are using community.windows
The fix is:
ansible-galaxy collection install community.windows
ansible 2.9 uses collections different.
One way is to add them to the top:
- hosts: all
- community.windows
and then later use:
- name: Create a profile for the user
username: test
name: test
state: present
for reference:
Use Ansible Collections
collections are backwardcompatible
dont do this, but it works.
ansible-config dump |grep DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH
and copy them there (example replace path and name)...
cp -p ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/general/plugins/modules/system/sudoers.py ./library/
Adding below details to your question would be helpful
Ansible host operating system
Ansible version
I guess, this is error is specific to ansible version. I guess you are using ansible 2.9 version or lower version. whereas, Installing collections with ansible-galaxy is only supported in ansible 2.9+.
Reference link : https://galaxy.ansible.com/ansible/windows ( look into 'Note' section )
You can upgrade your ansible version and give a try.
Reference link : https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/installation_guide/intro_installation.html#upgrading-from-2-9-or-earlier-to-2-10

How do I get molecule to follow include_tasks correctly

TASK [Test: Install Test Authentication] ***********************************
fatal: [ubuntu2004]: FAILED! => {"reason": "Could not find or access '/home/test/test.playbook/molecule/default/test.yaml' on the Ansible Controller."}
Molecule handles files and templates fine relative to the .roles folder...why does this not occur for tasks when called via include_tasks :
- name: Install Test Authentication
file: test.yaml
when: test is defined
Folder structure is pretty simple.
|___ files
|___ tasks
|___ main.yaml <- called with no issues
|___ test.yaml <- will not find when used in case above.
Obviously, there are other files...but my template tasks and file tasks work fine.....following their relative paths but tasks won't, why is this or what am I doing wrong. I can find no documentation and I am sure others have run into the issue, yet all I can find is the following:
https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/issues/2171 which is about ansible-lint but its the closest thing I could find.
Also, there seems to be a total of 4 locations to discuss/ask questions regarding molecule....so I am not sure which will get answered first.
How do I get molecule to follow include_tasks correctly.
From what i see you have a wrong role structure.
Molecule folder should be in role folder.
This is from what you should start. After that recheck file naming. Recently i had common problem and it was, because lack of file extension.

Can I add roles in a private git repo as a meta/dependancy in Ansible?

I have a bunch of Ansible roles that I'd like to reuse. They are each kept in a repo in a private BitBucket.
I want to add projects that are hosted in Git as meta/dependencies for my the roles I'm working on but I can't quite figure out the syntax is.
In this non-working example, a role requires another role to be deployed first with parameters prior to running.
FYI, The remote role "acm_layout" is intended to create a standard directory layout for the server, so that my role can run knowing that all of the standard directories already exist.
- { role: project_keys } # Works fine, just reuses a local role
- name: acm_layout # Doesn't work, but this is what I want to fix
src: ssh://git#bigcompany.com/acm/acm_layout.git
scm: git
version: feature/initialize
application_storage_dir: "{{base_storage_dir}}"
application_data_dir: "{{app_data_dir}}"
When I runt this I get the following error:
ERROR! the role 'acm_layout' was not found in [lots of paths deleted]
The error appears to have been in '/home/zs5fgzg/_tmp/horizon_deployment_scf/ansible/roles/horizon_layout/meta/main.yaml': line 4, column 6, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- { role: horizon_keys }
- src: ssh://git#bigcompany.com:7999/acm/acm_layout.git
^ here
So what's the correct way to do this?
Yes, you can use ansible-galaxy install with requirements.yml option to get roles remotely. Create requirements.yml as follows:
And run the following command:
$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p roles/
For more info on how to get roles using ansible-galaxy please visit

ansible-galaxy fails on dependency with empty meta/main.yml

I have a requirements.yml file that lists dependencies for an Ansible Role:
- src: git#gitrepo:group/dependency1.git
scm: git
name: name1
- src: git#gitrepo:group/dependency1.git
scm: git
name: name2
These roles do not have any dependencies themselves, and as they are on a private SCM system (among other reasons), they do not need any metadata. However, loading in Ansible dependencies requires that this file exists. Therefore, the dependencies have a blank meta/main.yml to enable using ansible-galaxy.
When installing dependencies using:
ansible-galaxy install --role-file requirements.yml --roles-path foo
after the first dependency was installed, it would error out with:
ERROR! Unexpected Exception: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
Using the very very verbose output, the error gets located:
galaxy.py", line 394
After experimentation, running the command several more times would progress through the dependencies, one at a time. Nested dependencies would, therefore, fail; as either the parent would install then error out, or ansible-galaxy would think the parent is already installed and skip dependencies.
The question is: how do I stop this error from occurring and get ansible-galaxy to correctly process my dependencies?
I just fixed this in devel. Should make the 2.4 release of Ansible.
As it turns out, a blank meta/main.yml is not sufficient to process a role as a dependency. My hypothesis is that the role object is initialised with no metadata field if the file is blank, as the line mentioned in the verbose output is:
role_dependencies = role.metadata.get('dependencies') or []
"role" is used prior to this line, so will be an instance, whereas this is the first mention of "metadata".
This section of code is dealing with installing nested dependencies, as the line above is making checks to determine if it should process nested dependencies.
if not no_deps and installed:
role_dependencies = role.metadata.get('dependencies') or []
If this line also checked for the existence of metadata, for example:
if not no_deps and installed and metadata:
Then this section would be (rightfully) skipped. However, as Ansible does not make this check, metadata is the 'NoneType' object, which indeed has no attribute 'get'.
What this means is that the meta/main.yml file needs at least one key in it in order to be processed as a dependency. Having a meta/main.yml file of:
is sufficient for this purpose.

Sharing Ansible roles

I have packages of Ansible roles that I would like to import into a project.
If I organise them by subdirectory I run into problems relating to dependency relative paths
i.e the shared role needs to know its relative location of where it would be installed if it uses meta dependencies
I would like to be able to just reference everything to the directory the playbook is being run from though this doesn't work
- { role: "{{ playbook_dir }}/roles/shared_roles/roleB"}
I've tried multiple options and running out of ideas.
I looked into roles-path http://docs.ansible.com/intro_configuration.html#roles-path
Though I don't really want to have to uniquely name all roles as they ought to be namespaced / grouped.
You could basically use ansible-galaxy to install the roles within ~/.ansible/roles/ path.
The path of .ansible in my macOS machine is in: ~/.ansible/roles/
All you need to do is just create a requirements.yml file which looks something like this:
- src: git+https://<githubURL-Master-role>.git
scm: git
name: Master-role
- src: git+https://<githubURL-dependent1-role>.git
scm: git
name: dependent1-role
- src: git+https://<githubURL-dependent2-role>.git
scm: git
name: dependent2-role
Run this command to install your roles in ~/.ansible/roles/ path:
sudo ansible-galaxy -vvv -r install requirements.yml
This will basically set your roles in the ~/.ansible/roles/ path. To understand it better please follow this documentation https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/galaxy.html.
and then, like you have already mentioned, you should add all the dependent roles in your ##path/master-role/meta/main.yml file even before executing the anisble-galaxy command, in-order to execute the dependent roles before the master-role, when you run your master-role playbook.
The ##path/master-role/meta/main.yml file looks something like this:
author: Jithendra
description: blah...blah...blah
min_ansible_version: 1.2
- { role: 'Master-role, when: blah == "true"'} #when condition is optional
- { role: 'dependent1-role, when blah == "false"'}
- { role: 'dependent2-role, when blah == "false"'}
Solved it by enforcing that all shared modules reference the name of the shared directory in all dependencies.
I wanted to leave this up to the calling project and hoped that dependencies would be relative to the role directory.
The solution works though and provides namespacing so I can include multiple roles with the same name as long as they are in separate directories.
I now have a project that includes 3 separate packages of roles
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
staging : ok=214 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=0
Its all built using Maven, each shared group being a maven dependency. If anybody reads this and it helps i'll share the structure / poms etc.
