Replace document in Elasticsearch index with field condition - elasticsearch

If I have indexed a document in Elasticsearch that contains a datetime parameter, or some kind of sequence number, can I update/replace the entire document with a new version if, and only if, the value in my new document is greater than that in the currently indexed document?
Searching has shown me so far how I can affect the values of specific fields through scripting, but I'm not sure if I can use a script or operation as an update criterion, and replace the whole document if it's met.
To be more specific, we have a document object that contains a timestamp of when it was placed on the queue for processing, and since we may have multiple processors pulling things off the queue we would like to ensure that we only index documents newer than the one we already have in the index, discarding any old changes.

Try to use the _update_by_query Api.
Update By Query
PUT my_index
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"user": {
"type": "keyword"
"timestamp": {
"type": "keyword"
Indexing documents
POST my_index/_doc/1
POST my_index/_doc/2
Update By Query
Let's update only documents with timestamp greater than 1234.
POST /my_index/_update_by_query
"script": {
"source": "ctx._source.user='new user';", ----> updating field user
"lang": "painless"
"query": {
"range": {
"timestamp": {
"gt": 1234
You can update other fields or insert new ones, just play with "source": "ctx._source.user='new user';ctx._source.timestamp=456";ctx._source.new_field=value"
"_index": "my_index",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "2",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"user": "new user",
"timestamp": 1235
Hope this helps


Elasticsearch merge multiple indexes based on common field

I'm using ELK to generate views out of the data from two different DB. One is mysql other one is PostgreSQL. There is no way of writing join query between those two DB instance. But I have a common field call "nic". Following are the documents from each index.
index: user_detail
"_id": "871123365V",
"_source": {
"type": "db-poc-user",
"fname": "Iraj",
"#version": "1",
"field_lname": "Sanjeewa",
"nic": "871456365V",
"#timestamp": "2020-07-22T04:12:00.376Z",
"id": 2,
"lname": "Santhosh"
Index: track_details
"_id": "871456365V",
"_source": {
"#version": "1",
"nic": "871456365V",
"#timestamp": "2020-07-22T04:12:00.213Z",
"track": "ELK",
"type": "db-poc-ceg"
I want to merge both index in to single index using common field "nic". And create new index. So I can create visualization on Kibana. How can this be achieved?
Please note that each document in new index should have
"nic,fname,lname,track" as fields. Not the aggregation.
I would leverage the enrich processor to achieve this.
First, you need to create an enrich policy (use the smallest index, let's say it's user_detail):
PUT /_enrich/policy/user-policy
"match": {
"indices": "user_detail",
"match_field": "nic",
"enrich_fields": ["fname", "lname"]
Then you can execute that policy in order to create an enrichment index
POST /_enrich/policy/user-policy/_execute
The next step requires you to create an ingest pipeline that uses the above enrich policy/index:
PUT /_ingest/pipeline/user_lookup
"description" : "Enriching user details with tracks",
"processors" : [
"enrich" : {
"policy_name": "user-policy",
"field" : "nic",
"target_field": "tmp",
"max_matches": "1"
"script": {
"if": "ctx.tmp != null",
"source": "ctx.putAll(ctx.tmp); ctx.remove('tmp');"
"remove": {
"field": ["#version", "#timestamp", "type"]
Finally, you're now ready to create your target index with the joined data. Simply leverage the _reindex API combined with the ingest pipeline we've just created:
POST _reindex
"source": {
"index": "track_details"
"dest": {
"index": "user_tracks",
"pipeline": "user_lookup"
After running this, the user_tracks index will contain exactly what you need, for instance:
"_index" : "user_tracks",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "0uA8dXMBU9tMsBeoajlw",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"fname" : "Iraj",
"nic" : "871456365V",
"lname" : "Santhosh",
"track" : "ELK"
If your source indexes ever change (new users, changed names, etc), you'll need to re-run the above steps, but before doing it, you need to delete the ingest pipeline and the ingest policy (in that order):
DELETE /_ingest/pipeline/user_lookup
DELETE /_enrich/policy/user-policy
After that you can freely re-run the above steps.
PS: Just note that I cheated a bit since the record in user_detail doesn't have the same nic in your example, but I guess it was a copy/paste issue.

How to apply synonyms at query time instead of index time in Elasticsearch

According to the elasticsearch reference documentation, it is possible to:
Expansion can be applied either at index time or at query time. Each has advantages (⬆)︎ and disadvantages (⬇)︎. When to use which comes down to performance versus flexibility.
The advantages and disadvantages all make sense and for my specific use I want to make use of synonyms at query time. My use case is that I want to allow admin users in my system to curate these synonyms without having to reindex everything on an update. Also, I'd like to do it without closing and reopening the index.
The main reason I believe this is possible is this advantage:
(⬆)︎ Synonym rules can be updated without reindexing documents.
However, I can't find any documentation describing how to apply synonyms at query time instead of index time.
To use a concrete example, if I do the following (example stolen and slightly modified from the reference), it seems like this would apply the synonyms at index time:
/* NOTE: This was all run against elasticsearch 1.5 (if that matters; documentation is identical in 2.x) */
// Create our synonyms filter and analyzer on the index
PUT my_synonyms_test
"settings": {
"analysis": {
"filter": {
"my_synonym_filter": {
"type": "synonym",
"synonyms": [
"analyzer": {
"my_synonyms": {
"tokenizer": "standard",
"filter": [
// Create a mapping that uses this analyzer
PUT my_synonyms_test/rulers/_mapping
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"title": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "my_synonyms"
// Some data
PUT my_synonyms_test/rulers/1
"name": "Elizabeth II",
"title": "Queen"
// A query which utilises the synonyms
GET my_synonyms_test/rulers/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "monarch"
// And we get our expected result back:
"took": 42,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"max_score": 1.4142135,
"hits": [
"_index": "my_synonyms_test",
"_type": "rulers",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 1.4142135,
"_source": {
"name": "Elizabeth II",
"title": "Queen"
So my question is: how could I amend the above example so that I would be using the synonyms at query time?
Or am I barking up completely the wrong tree and can you point me somewhere else please? I've looked at plugins mentioned in answers to similar questions like and but they all seem to be a couple of years old and unmaintained, so I'd prefer to avoid these.
Simply use search_analyzer instead of analyzer in your mapping and your synonym analyzer will only be used at search time
PUT my_synonyms_test/rulers/_mapping
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"title": {
"type": "string",
"search_analyzer": "my_synonyms" <--- change this
To use the custom synonym filter at QUERY TIME instead of INDEX TIME, you first need to remove the analyzer from your mapping:
PUT my_synonyms_test/rulers/_mapping
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"title": {
"type": "string"
You can then use the analyzer that makes use of the custom synonym filter as part of a query_string query:
GET my_synonyms_test/rulers/_search
"query": {
"query_string": {
"default_field": "title",
"query": "monarch",
"analyzer": "my_synonyms"
I believe the query_string query is the only one that allows for specifying an analyzer since it uses a query parser to parse its content.
As you said, when using the analyzer only at query time, you won't need to re-index on every change to your synonyms collection.
Apart from using the search_analyzer, you can refresh the synonyms list by restarting the index after making changes in the synonym file.
Below is the command to restart your index
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/index_name/_close'
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/index_name/_open'
After this automatically your synonym list will be refreshed without the need to reingest the data.
I followed this reference Elasticsearch — Setting up a synonyms search to configure the synonyms in ES

Elastic Search Term Query Not Matching URL's

I am a beginner with Elastic search and I am working on a POC from last week.
I am having a URL field as a part of my document which contains URL's in the following format :"".
I can not define mapping to my whole object as every object has different keys except the URL.
Here is how I am creating my Index :
"settings" : {
"number_of_shards" : 5,
"mappings" : {
"properties" : {
"url" : { "type" : "string","index":"not_analyzed" }
I am keeping my URL field as not_analyzed as I have learned from some resource that marking a field as not_analyzed will prevent it from tokenization and thus I can look for an exact match for that field in a term query.
I have also tried using the whitespace analyzer as the URL value thus not have any of the white space character. But again I am unable to get a successful Hit.
Below is my term query :
"constant_score": {
"filter": {
"term": {
I am guessing the problem is somewhere with the Analyzers and Tokenizers but I am unable to get to a solution. Any kind of help would be great to enhance my knowledge and would help me reach to a solution.
Thanks in Advance.
You have the right idea, but it looks like some small mistakes in your settings request are leading you astray. Here is the final index request:
POST /test
"settings": {
"number_of_shards" : 5
"mappings": {
"url_test": {
"properties": {
"url": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
Notice the added url_test type in the mapping. This lets ES know that your mapping applies to this document type. Also, settings and mappings are also different keys of the root object, so they have to be separated. Because your initial settings request was malformed, ES just ignored it, and used the standard analyzer on your document, which led to you not being able to query it with your query. I point you to the ES Mapping docs
We can index two documents to test with:
POST /test/url_test/1
POST /test/url_test/2
And then execute your unmodified search query:
GET /test/_search
"query": {
"constant_score": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"url": ""
Yields this result:
"hits": [
"_index": "test",
"_type": "url_test",
"_id": "1",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"url": ""

elasticsearch - add custom field to a specific index

I hava the JSON for my index that looks like this:
"_index": "myindes",
"_type": "external",
"_id": "1",
"_source": {
"id": "1",
"name": "myName",
"description": "myDescription",
"source": "mySource",
And i want to add a string field in _source named topic
How can i do
You can update the index mapping as
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/myindex/_mapping/external' -d '
"external" : {
"properties" : {
"id": {"type":"string"},
"name": {"type":"string"},
"description": {"type":"string"},
"source": {"type":"string"},
"topic":{"type":"string"} // <---new field
Although the above step was not necessary but always good to control what you are indexing.
Now, you can index your documents with the new field and it will reflect in new updates. However, old indexed documents will still not contain this new field. You will have to reindex them.

Elasticsearch shuffle index sorting

Thanks in advance. I expose the situation first and in the end the solution.
I have a collection of 2M documents with the following mapping:
"image": {
"properties": {
"timestamp": {
"type": "date",
"format": "dateOptionalTime"
"title": {
"type": "string"
"url": {
"type": "string"
I have a webpage which paginates through all the documents with the following search:
"sort" : [
{ "_id" : {"order" : "desc"}}
"query" : {
"match_all": {}
And a hit looks like this(note that the _id value is a hash of the url to prevent duplicated documents):
"_index": "images",
"_type": "image",
"_id": "2a750a4817bd1600",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"url": "http://test.test/test.jpg",
"timestamp": "2014-02-13T17:01:40.442307",
"title": "Test image!"
"sort": [
This works pretty well. The only problem I have is that the documents appear sorted chronologically (The oldest documents appear on the first page, and the ones indexed more recently on the last page), but I want them to appear on a random order. For example, page 10 should always show always the same N documents, but they don't have to appear sorted by the date.
I though of something like sorting all the documents by their hash, which is kind of random and deterministic. How could I do it?
I've searched on the docs and the sorting api just works for sorting the results, not the full index. If I don't find a solution I will pick documents randomly and index them on a separated collection.
Thank you.
I solved it using the following search:
"query" : {
"function_score": {
"random_score": {
"seed" : 1
Thanks to David from the Elasticsearch mailing list for pointing out the function score with random scoring.
