I basically want to get few things removed from the HTML report like the APDEX table, Network from Statistics. Can we customize it as per our requirement?
You must edit file bin/report-template/index.html.fmkr
This is a freemarker template file, you can remove apdex or irrelevant divs from file
I would keep a copy of original version
I am using Drupal 8 and working on Eform types. I had to generate PDF from eform submissions. I used entity print module for this and am using DOMPDF as PDF Engine. I am able to apply custom css to the pdf but the requirements are still not covered. Now I need to override the template so that I can customize the PDF as per my requirement, I could not achieve this. Few requirements:
I need to insert tabular format.
Custom sequence of entities/fields.
Site Logo
Is there any way to do so?
You could also go to he link to get more details on the output before it is sent to the pdf engine.
I want to change the look and feel(ui customization) of Jenkins. Also I would like to add new views(say like new html pages or web pages) with navigation to the required jenkins pages etc.
Please let me know if any single plugins will help me to do so.Any relevant information(how ever generic) will be very helpful.
Any suggestions or links or tutorials is also appreciated.
PS:- Pretty new to jenkins.The inputs from here will help me to add more details to the questions.
I am looking for documents or tutorials that specify Skinning Jenkins using plugins like :-
The plugin page is providing very little information on how to use these and the benefits and the extend to which the UI can be changed.
Any doc or link is appreciated.
Assuming you don't want to write a Jenkins plugin, for adding pages, the best suggestion I can make is to use an HTTP proxy such as NginX, and configure it so that the pages you want to add are plain html files, and Jenkins is proxied for the rest of them. To a visitor, they will look like they are all part of the same site; you could copy code from the head and body sections of Jenkins-served pages to include some of the navigation.
The Simple Theme Plugin, which you found, will let you do basic customization of the look and feel of Jenkins. I do that for my build server and proxy it using this configuration fragment for NginX. The relevant CSS is in this CSS file - toward the end, look for the // JENKINS CUSTOMIZATION comment.
We use the Simple theme plugin - pointed at a css file for the simple styling, and a JS file to fix a couple of DOM oddities (some of the tables in the new look and feel have mismatching column counts).
Those two files need only be hosted either a handy http server, or you can place them in usercontent.
You need only refresh the page in the browser to see the changes. Both files can then happily reference other files served up too.
Handy things to note:
Jenkins has jquery, parts of YUI loaded and prototype loaded - so you can use them in your scripts.
If while debugging, the refresh gets in the way then use the console to enter the following to temporarily stop it without pausing JS: refreshPart = function() {}
When making DOM tree changes to content that is refreshed - attach it to the layout updates with:
layoutUpdatecallback.add(my_function) - that way your changes are applied to new incoming content.
Generating PDF files from Database using CodeIgniter
for example,
when i click save button all contents in the table can downloaded as pdf format
please help me
Take a look at this article.
Also my answer is helful too.
cezPDF in Codeigniter 2
on the user click you should hit a controller function which will query the database and load a view file which you can pass to this library and it will throw it as pdf.
There is no native PDF library in CodeIgniter, so you need to use an third party library or a third party software-as-a-service (SaaS) to generate the PDF.
Here is what I did for one client.
I first generate a nicely formatted, print-friendly HTML page using standard CodeIgniter techniques to select the data from the relevant table, sort it, and echo to the page.
Next, I use the following SasS to turn my formatted HTML page into a PDF download:
This is a commercial system, but relatively affordable and quick and easy to use.
Alternatively, if you want to do some custom programming, you can try:
In this case, you need to link to the class file (external to CodeIgniter) and call
the various methods to generate the PDF. This approach does not require an annual fee
but it will take more programming effort.
You can use codeginter's database utility for getting backup in txt format first http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/database/utilities.html#backup
Then you can read the generated file and convert it in pdf using https://github.com/aiwmedia/HTML2PDF-CI
This pdf will you can give for download
I am using HTML5 offline storage. The goal is to make the whole site available offline. So intuitively, no server requests means all the pages need to be on the client. The only way I know of to accomplish such a task is to make the site into one page then show hide portions with jquery when the user "navigates". Is there a better way?
The html 5 offline spec allows multiple pages to be saved offline so you don't need to put all your content onto one page.
EDIT: link to spec http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/offline.html
Be careful that your jquery does not still point to the cloud. You'll need to save the relevant .js files locally.
N.B. If your whole site can be generated and saved as individual .html files then all you need to do is to save these files in the correct (relative) directory structure.
We've got a joomla website and are now in the process of developing a sencha-touch application to complement it.
Since our website is in joomla, I don't want to have to write any PHP to extract page data separate from the main site.
Is there any type of querystring parameter that can disable the theme?
If this is not possible, is there any other option to achieve similar results?
index2.php is depreciated and is no longer supported in new versions of Joomla. What you are looking for is ?tmpl=component. You can add that to any Joomla URL and it will only display what you have coded in the /templates/YOUR TEMPLATE/component.php file. The default loads just the component output, but you can customize it to do what ever you want.
Do I get your question right: you want to extract the content from the page, without menu and so on? 2 possibilities, then:
Extract it from the concerning RSS feed (of the front page, of a category ... if you need more options you can install an component such as Total RSS
Use index2.php: example site (This doesn't seem to work if you use URL Rewriting as in your example URL.)
you can add format=raw in the URL. This will only output the content of the component and not the template.
This is used to show printable pages.
You may have to create a view.raw.php file along with the view.html.php