Prevent Oracle package from being executed in production - oracle

I created an Oracle PL/SQL package which I want to prevent being executed in a production environment, or on a specific database, which could be dangerous. Indeed, it turns out I have admin rights and could inadvertently compile the Developement package in a production environment.
I tried checking the context in my package's body with something similar to this:
create or replace package body my_test_package is
context varchar2(64);
function get_context return varchar2 is
-- return context: DEV or PROD
-- list of other functions & procedures ....
if context = 'PROD' then
dbms_standard.raise_application_error(-20001, 'production context, prevent execution of this package');
end if;
However, I know it is bad solution because the initialization time takes place only once, as stated by Oracle documentation:
The initialization part of a package plays a minor role because, unlike subprograms, a package cannot be called or passed parameters. As a result, the initialization part of a package is run only once, the first time you reference the package.
So, that means all subsequent procedure calls following the first one will be executed, even in a production environment. E.g:
-- production environment
exception when others then
dbms_output.put_line('bypass context exception');
my_test_package.dangerous_procedure(); ---> EXECUTED IN PROD :(
Is there a common idiom or a known approach to prevent a package from being executed in a particular environment? (e.g. without having to copy the same piece of code in each procedure/function of the package, to check it has the right to execute).

It is common to have this requirement in the opposite direction: i.e., you have processes that run in PROD that you do not want to run (or not run the same way) in DEV. For example, you might have a program that generates a file and FTPs it to a trading partner. You wouldn't want that to run in DEV by accident after a clone from PROD.
We build the implementation for requirements into our code, rather than relying on database-level things like dropping objects in certain environments (or constantly re-installing things in DEV instances after a clone) and/or revoking security. By building things into our code, we have the flexibility not just to prevent something from running in one instance or another, but to let it run but run differently (e.g., generate the FTP file, but send it to a test server instead of the trading partner).
To do this, we have a piece of data that has the name of the production database (we use an application feature called "profile values" for this, but you can just put it in a custom table).
Then, in any environment-sensitive process:
l_db_name := xxcust_common_utils_pkg.get_production_dbname; -- you write this function based on where you put the production database name...
IF sys_context('USERENV','DB_NAME') = l_db_name THEN
... act like you want to in production
... act like you want to in non-production
It's very simple, but unfortunately does require coding.


Initialize shared variables in a message flow with esql

I'm using IBM Integration Bus Version and I'm looking for an option to intialize shared variables during the startup of a message flow, for example uing the command mqsistartmsgflow. Is there a special procedure or function one can implement with ESQL which is guranteed to be excuted during start up?
In the ESQL documentation it is stated that shared variables are intialized when the first message is routed through the flow which means you have to wait for the first message.
Actually you need to initialise them this typically looks something like.
-- Shared row variable for caching config data. Declared at Global scope.
-- If the configuration data is not available in the cache then load it from the CONFIG table
DECLARE CfgDataRef REFERENCE TO S_ConfigSharedRow.CfgDataCache;
-- Select all the relevant content from the actual database in one go.
-- Typically you would post process the content from the DB into a more amenable
-- structure but the following will get the data into the shared variable
CREATE LASTCHILD OF S_ConfigSharedRow.CfgDataCache FROM DBResults;
-- Config data is now available for use
I think the best way is to have a dedicated flow for initializing shared variables.
That flow should have an input queue separate from the normal input queue, just for sending in messages to trigger the initialization.
Then you should make a startup script, which sends a message to this init flow after starting up the main processing flow.
And use only that script for startup.
If you want another option, you could include a JavaCompute node and add some once-only initialisation into its class using a static initialization block. You would only be able to initialize Java data structures this way, though.

Prefered way to fork / start subprocesses in Cucumber

Let's say I have this scenario:
Scenario: Test LDAP access
Given that the LDAP dummy server is started
And the LDAP query is executed
I wish to start a LDAP server in that step. In my case, I use ruby-ldapserver, so I could, in theory, do this in my step:
args = { ... }
#ldap_pid = fork do
exit # avoid messing with Cucumber/web driver cleanup
After do
if #ldap_pid
Process.kill("HUP", #ldap_pid)
Process.wait #ldap_pid
A totally different approach:
system("some_script_that_starts_ldap_dummy < #{input} >#{tmpfile} 2>&1 &")
This certainly works but is rather unelegant (starting a ruby program from inside ruby - unnecessary process creation, and I need to set up the input parameters for that subprogram as well).
All that said, I'm not too altogether about either approach (the "warm fuzzy feeling" is not there).
What is your standard approach to these things? Is there one to speak of? Does Cucumber bring something to the table that could support me here? Should I run something to tell Cucumber that it has forked and should handle itself like a child process?
Edit: actually, when playing around with the fork approach, I did not notice any problems with the DB at all. I did notice that if I kill the child with SIGINT, it will break the web driver (Poltergeist / PhantomJS) in my case. A functioning workaround for this is to send a SIGHUP, handle it in the child by shutting down gracefully (if needed) but not callingexit; and then, after a few seconds a SIGKILL (which denies the child any chance to close down any protocols and just rips it away). Not nice... and not free of race conditions, say if the CI server should be under load.

Oracle PL/SQL: How to detect if a procedure is ALREADY running?

Please suppose that we have a procedure inside a package:
This procedure could be launched from many users.
How can I modify the procedure in order to detect if the procedure is at present running since launched from another user?
What is the safest way to detect it?
Thank you for considering my request.
EDIT 01: "It'll depend on why you need to know if a proc is already running or not" ==> If the procedure is at present running, it WON'T be launched again.
You can use the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package for such information.
... All your stuff
In order to check it, you can select V$SESSION View:
FROM v$session
WHERE client_info = 'MY_PACKAGE.MY_PROCEDURE running';
If you get any records then the procedure is running.
Based on what others have mentioned and a quick perusal of the DBMS_LOCK package header it appears that you can use the various DBMS_LOCK routines to accomplish what you're trying to do. If I'm reading the header comments correctly you'd want to call ALLOCATE_UNIQUE to get a handle to a unique, named lock, then you'd call REQUEST with the locking mode set to 'x' (Exclusive) to try to grab the lock. If the REQUEST call returns 0 you can go ahead and run your routine. When done, call RELEASE to make the lock available to the next caller.
Best of luck.

Clear Oracle session state

A database connection on Oracle can have session state that persists for the lifetime of the connection, i.e. in the form of package variables.
Is there a way of flushing/clearing all that state between calls during a connection without killing the connection and reestablishing a new connection.
I.e. consider a package variable first set in the package init, and later modified within some procedure in that package: how to "reset" the package so that multiple calls to the procedure from 1 connection always lead to a reinit of the package?
In general: how to "reset" any session state between execution of statements from a client on that connection?
dbms_session.reset_package is the closest I can think of. See this tahiti link.
Other than dbms_session.reset_package (proposed in René Nyffenegger's answer), which resets all packages, you'll have to write your own package procedure to reset the state of a single package only. The procedure would just set all package variables to NULL (or whatever is appropriate).

Is it possible to kill a single query in oracle without killing the session?

I would like to be able to kill a user's query in Oracle without killing their entire session. This would allow the query to end, but not log that user out of their session, so they can continue making other queries. Is this possible at all? Or is the blunt hammer of killing the session the only way to go about ending a query's execution?
I found a trick. I have no idea how safe this is to play with, but it does work. There is an Oracle event, 10237, which is described as "simulate ^C (for testing purposes)".
You have to have the SID and SERIAL# of the session you want to interrupt.
Call SYS.DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_EV( sid, serial#, 10237, 1, '' ) to activate the event in the target session. Any currently executing statement should be interrupted (receiving "ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation"). As long as the event is set, any further statements the session attempts to execute will immediately terminate with the same error.
To deactivate the event, make the same call with the fourth parameter set to "0". The session will then be able to execute statements again.
Note that the target session has to detect that the event is set, which may take time, or may never happen, depending on what it is doing. So you can't just quickly toggle the event on and off. You would need to turn it on, verify that the statement in question has stopped, then turn it off.
Here's some sample code. This is meant to be run as an anonymous block in SQLPlus, with substitution variables "sid" and "serial" defined appropriately. You could turn it into a stored procedure with those as its parameters.
l_status v$session.status%TYPE;
dbms_system.set_ev( &sid, &serial, 10237, 1, '');
SELECT status INTO l_status FROM v$session
WHERE sid = &sid and serial# = &serial;
dbms_system.set_ev( &sid, &serial, 10237, 0, '');
I suspect it might be possible since you can do this in TOAD. Whilst a query is running a Cancel dialog comes up which you can hit to stop the query.
How it's implemented I don't know, but would be very interested to find out too.
If you're using java there's the java.sql.Statement cancel() method which is supposed to do this. See here for some notes and limitations...
You could look at Resource Limits:
"If a user exceeds a call-level resource limit, then Oracle halts the processing of the statement, rolls back the statement, and returns an error. However, all previous statements of the current transaction remain intact, and the user's session remains connected."
That assumes the reason for cancelling the SQL is a resource limit, rather than it updating the wrong set of rows (for example). I suspect you wouldn't be able to affect currently running SQL through adding a resource limit.
Ideally the user's application should have the ability to cancel a query (via OCICancel or equivalent).
Otherwise, the best would be to use Resource Manager (if on Oracle EE), you can use DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP_FOR_SESS to set the target session to consumer group CANCEL_SQL.
Another hack for cancelling other sessions query, which doesn't work with sqlplus windows client sessions though, would be to send urgent signal to the Oracle process using kill -URG (it's a hack, not for everyday use)
I've written about why it works here:
