find 4th smallest element in linear time - algorithm

So i had an exercise given to me about 2 months ago, that says the following:
Given n (n>=4) distinct elements, design a divide & conquer algorithm to compute the 4th smallest element. Your algorithm should run in linear time in the worst case.
I had an extremely hard time with this problem, and could only find relevant algorithms that runs in the worst case O(n*k). After several weeks of trying, we managed, with the help of our teacher, "solve" this problem. The final algorithm is as follows:
Rules: The input size can only be of size 2^k
(1): Divide input into n/2. One left array, one right array.
(2): If input size == 4, sort the arrays using merge sort.
(2.1) Merge left array with right array into a new result array with length 4.
(2.2) Return element at index [4-1]
(3): Repeat step 1
This is solved recursively and our base case is at step 2. Step 2.2 means that for all
of our recursive calls that we did, we will get a final result array of length 4, and at that
point, we can justr return the element at index [4-1].
With this algorithm, my teacher claims that this runs in linear time. My problem with that statement is that we are diving the input until we reach sub-arrays with an input size of 4, and then that is sorted. So for an input size of 8, we would sort 2 sub-arrays with length 4, since 8/4 = 2. How is this in any case linear time? We are still sorting the whole input size but in blocks aren't we? This really does not make sense to me. It doesn't matter if we sort the whole input size at it is, or divide it into sub-arrays with size of 4,and sort them like that? It will still be a worst time of O(n*log(n))?
Would appreciate some explanations on this !

To make proving that algorithm runs in linear time, let's modify it a bit (we will only change an order of dividing and merging blocks, nothing more):
(1): Divide input into n/4 blocks, each has size 4.
(2): Until there is more than one block, repeat:
Merge each pair of adjacent blocks into one block of size 4.
(For example, if we have 4 blocks, we will split them in 2 pairs -
first pair contains first and second blocks,
second pair contains third and fourth blocks.
After merging we will have 2 blocks -
the first one contains 4 least elements from blocks 1 and 2,
the second one contains 4 least elements from blocks 3 and 4).
(3): The answer is the last element of that one block left.
Proof: It's a fact that array of constant length (in your case, 4) can be sorted in constant time. Let k = log(n). Loop (2) runs k-2 iterations (on each iteration the count of elements left is divided by 2, until 4 elements are left).
Before i-th iteration (0 <= i < k-2) there are (2^(k-i)) elements left, so there are 2^(k-i-2) blocks and we will merge 2^(k-i-3) pairs of blocks. Let's find how many pairs we will merge in all iterations. Count of merges equals
mergeOperationsCount = 2^(k-3) + 2^(k-4) + .... + 2^(k-(k-3)) =
= 2^(k-3) * (1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + .....) < 2^(k-2) = O(2^k) = O(n)
Since we can merge each pair in constant time (because thay have constant size), and the only operation we make is merging pairs, the algorithm runs in O(n).
And after this proof, I want to notice that there is another linear algorithm which is trivial, but it is not divide-and-conquer.


How to find 2 special elements in the array in O(n)

Let a1,...,an be a sequence of real numbers. Let m be the minimum of the sequence, and let M be the maximum of the sequence.
I proved that there exists 2 elements in the sequence, x,y, such that |x-y|<=(M-m)/n.
Now, is there a way to find an algorithm that finds such 2 elements in time complexity of O(n)?
I thought about sorting the sequence, but since I dont know anything about M I cannot use radix/bucket or any other linear time algorithm that I'm familier with.
I'd appreciate any idea.
Thanks in advance.
First find out n, M, m. If not already given they can be determined in O(n).
Then create a memory storage of n+1 elements; we will use the storage for n+1 buckets with width w=(M-m)/n.
The buckets cover the range of values equally: Bucket 1 goes from [m; m+w[, Bucket 2 from [m+w; m+2*w[, Bucket n from [m+(n-1)*w; m+n*w[ = [M-w; M[, and the (n+1)th bucket from [M; M+w[.
Now we go once through all the values and sort them into the buckets according to the assigned intervals. There should be at a maximum 1 element per bucket. If the bucket is already filled, it means that the elements are closer together than the boundaries of the half-open interval, e.g. we found elements x, y with |x-y| < w = (M-m)/n.
If no such two elements are found, afterwards n buckets of n+1 total buckets are filled with one element. And all those elements are sorted.
We once more go through all the buckets and compare the distance of the content of neighbouring buckets only, whether there are two elements, which fulfil the condition.
Due to the width of the buckets, the condition cannot be true for buckets, which are not adjoining: For those the distance is always |x-y| > w.
(The fulfilment of the last inequality in 4. is also the reason, why the interval is half-open and cannot be closed, and why we need n+1 buckets instead of n. An alternative would be, to use n buckets and make the now last bucket a special case with [M; M+w]. But O(n+1)=O(n) and using n+1 steps is preferable to special casing the last bucket.)
The running time is O(n) for step 1, 0 for step 2 - we actually do not do anything there, O(n) for step 3 and O(n) for step 4, as there is only 1 element per bucket. Altogether O(n).
This task shows, that either sorting of elements, which are not close together or coarse sorting without considering fine distances can be done in O(n) instead of O(n*log(n)). It has useful applications. Numbers on computers are discrete, they have a finite precision. I have sucessfuly used this sorting method for signal-processing / fast sorting in real-time production code.
About #Damien 's remark: The real threshold of (M-m)/(n-1) is provably true for every such sequence. I assumed in the answer so far the sequence we are looking at is a special kind, where the stronger condition is true, or at least, for all sequences, if the stronger condition was true, we would find such elements in O(n).
If this was a small mistake of the OP instead (who said to have proven the stronger condition) and we should find two elements x, y with |x-y| <= (M-m)/(n-1) instead, we can simplify:
-- 3. We would do steps 1 to 3 like above, but with n buckets and the bucket width set to w = (M-m)/(n-1). The bucket n now goes from [M; M+w[.
For step 4 we would do the following alternative:
4./alternative: n buckets are filled with one element each. The element at bucket n has to be M and is at the left boundary of the bucket interval. The distance of this element y = M to the element x in the n-1th bucket for every such possible element x in the n-1thbucket is: |M-x| <= w = (M-m)/(n-1), so we found x and y, which fulfil the condition, q.e.d.
First note that the real threshold should be (M-m)/(n-1).
The first step is to calculate the min m and max M elements, in O(N).
You calculate the mid = (m + M)/2value.
You concentrate the value less than mid at the beginning, and more than mid at the end of he array.
You select the part with the largest number of elements and you iterate until very few numbers are kept.
If both parts have the same number of elements, you can select any of them. If the remaining part has much more elements than n/2, then in order to maintain a O(n) complexity, you can keep onlyn/2 + 1 of them, as the goal is not to find the smallest difference, but one difference small enough only.
As indicated in a comment by #btilly, this solution could fail in some cases, for example with an input [0, 2.1, 2.9, 5]. For that, it is needed to calculate the max value of the left hand, and the min value of the right hand, and to test if the answer is not right_min - left_max. This doesn't change the O(n) complexity, even if the solution becomes less elegant.
Complexity of the search procedure: O(n) + O(n/2) + O(n/4) + ... + O(2) = O(2n) = O(n).
Damien is correct in his comment that the correct results is that there must be x, y such that |x-y| <= (M-m)/(n-1). If you have the sequence [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] you have 5 elements, but no two elements are closer than (M-m)/n = (4-0)/5 = 4/5.
With the right threshold, the solution is easy - find M and m by scanning through the input once, and then bucket the input into (n-1) buckets of size (M-m)/(n-1), putting values that are on the boundaries of a pair of buckets into both buckets. At least one bucket must have two values in it by the pigeon-hole principle.

sorted array, how many comparisions to find if element in

I have a sorted array, and a number, how many maximum comparisons should I do to find if the number is contained in the array ?
Suppose we have a million of numbers in the array.
To complete the answer from #aponeme, the maximum number of comparisons is equal to
The reason is that the size of the array you examine is equal to
n, n/2, n/4, ...n/(2^steps).
Then the maximum number of steps is such that
n/(2^nsteps) = 1, i.e. nsteps = log2(n)
With divide and Conquer or Binary search (pseudo - code):
Split the array in half
If number is bigger than max of first half work with the second half else work with first half
Repeat step 1 - 2 with the remaining half
Worst case scenario: Need to divide into two arrays each of length 1 => O(logN)

Can this be properly modeled with segment trees?

The problem I'm working on requires processing several queries on an array (the size of the array is less than 10k, the largest element is certainly less than 10^9).
A query consists of two integers, and one must find the total count of subarrays that have an equal count of these integers. There may be up to 5 * 10^5 queries.
For instance, given the array [1, 2, 1], and the query 1 2 we find that there are two subarrays with equal counts of 1 and 2, namely [1, 2] and [2, 1].
My initial approach was using dynamic programming in order to construct a map, such that memo[i][j] = the number of times the number i appears in the array, until index j. I would use this in a similar way one would use prefix sums, but instead frequencies would accumulate.
Constructing this map took me O(n^2). For each query, I'd do an O(1) processing for each interval and increment the answer. This leads to a complexity of O((q + 1)n * (n - 1) / 2)) [q is the number of queries], which is to say O(n^2), but I also wanted to emphasize that daunting constant factor.
After some rearrangement, I'm trying to find out if there's a way to determine for every subarray the frequency count of each element. I strongly feel this problem is about segment trees and I've struggled with coming up with a proper model and this was the only thing I could think of.
However my approach doesn't seem to be too useful in this case, considering the complexity of combining nodes holding such a great amount of information, not to mention the memory overhead.
How can this be solved efficiently?
Idea 1
You can reduce the time for each query from O(n^2) to O(n) by computing the frequency count of the cumulative count difference:
from collections import defaultdict
def query(A,a,b):
t = 0
freq = defaultdict(int)
freq[0] = 1
for x in A:
if x==a:
elif x==b:
freq[t] += 1
return sum(count*(count-1)/2 for count in freq.values())
print query([1,2,1],1,2)
The idea is that t represents the total discrepancy between the count of the two elements.
If we find two positions in the array with the same total discrepancy we can conclude that the subarray between these positions must have an equal number.
The expression count*(count-1)/2 simply counts the number of ways of choosing two positions from the count which have the same discrepancy.
For example, suppose we have the array [1,1,1,2,2,2]. The values for the cumulative discrepancy (number of 1's take away number of 2's) will be:
Each pair with the same number, corresponds to a subarray with equal count. e.g. looking at the pair of 2s we find that the range from position 2 to position 4 has equal count.
Idea 2
If this is still not fast enough, you could optimize the query function to quickly skip over all elements that are not equal to a or b. For example, you could prepare a list for each element value that contains all the locations of that element.
Once you have this list, you can then instantly jump to the next location of either a or b. For all intermediate values we know the discrepancy will not change, so you can update the frequency by the number of skipped elements (instead of always adding just 1 to the count).

Big O of BubbleSort on a simple list of 5 values

I believe that a BubbleSort is of the order O(n^2). As I read previous postings, this has to do with nested iteration. But when I dry run a simple unsorted list, (see below), I have the list sorted in 10 comparisons.
In my example, here is my list of integer values:
5 4 3 2 1
To get 5 into position, I did n-1 swap operations. (4)
To get 4 into position, I did n-2 swap operations. (3)
To get 3 into position, I did n-3 swap operations. (2)
To get 2 into position, I did n-4 swap operations. (1)
I can't see where (n^2) comes from, as when I have a list of n=5 items, I only need 10 swap operations.
BTW, I've seen (n-1).(n-1) which doesn't make sense to me, as this would give 16 swap operations.
I'm only concerned with basic BubbleSort...a simple nested FOR loop, in the interest of simplicity and clarity.
You don't seem to understand the concept of big O notation very
well. It refers to how the number of operations or the time grows in
relation to the size of the input, asymptotically, considering only the
fastest-growing term, and without considering the constant of
A single measurement like your 5:10 result is completely meaningless.
Imagine looking for a function that maps 5 to 10. Is it 2N? N + 5? 4N –
10? 0.4N2? N2 – 15? 4 log5N + 6? The
possibilities are limitless.
Instead, you have to analyze the algorithm to see how the number of
operations grows as N does, or measure the operations or time over many
runs, using various values of N and the most general datasets you can
devise. Note that your test case is not general at all: when checking
the average performance of a sorting algorithm, you want the input to be
in random order (the most likely case), not sorted or reverse-sorted.
If you wan to precise there are (n)*(n-1)/2 operations because you are actually computing n+(n-1)+(n-2)+...+1 as the first element needs n swaps, second element need n-1 swaps and so on. So the algorithm is of O(1/2 * (n^2) - n) which in asymptotic notations is equal to O(n^2). But what actually is happening in bubble sort is different. In bubble sort you perform a pass on array and swap the misplaced neighbors place, until there is no misplacement which means the array has become sorted. As each pass on array takes O(n) time and in the worst case you have to perform n passes so the algorithm is of O(n^2). Note that we are counting the number of comparisons not the number of swaps.
There are two version of bubble sort mentioned in wikipedia:
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items )
n = length(A)
swapped = false
for i = 1 to n-1 inclusive do
/* if this pair is out of order */
if A[i-1] > A[i] then
/* swap them and remember something changed */
swap( A[i-1], A[i] )
swapped = true
end if
end for
until not swapped
end procedure
This version perform (n-1)*(n-1) comparison -> O(n^2)
Optimizing bubble sort
The bubble sort algorithm can be easily
optimized by observing that the n-th pass finds the n-th largest
element and puts it into its final place. So, the inner loop can avoid
looking at the last n-1 items when running for the n-th time:
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items )
n = length(A)
swapped = false
for i = 1 to n-1 inclusive do
if A[i-1] > A[i] then
swap(A[i-1], A[i])
swapped = true
end if
end for
n = n - 1
until not swapped
end procedure
This version performs (n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+...+1 operations which is (n-1)(n-2)/2 comparisons -> O(n^2)

Why is merge sort worst case run time O (n log n)?

Can someone explain to me in simple English or an easy way to explain it?
The Merge Sort use the Divide-and-Conquer approach to solve the sorting problem. First, it divides the input in half using recursion. After dividing, it sort the halfs and merge them into one sorted output. See the figure
It means that is better to sort half of your problem first and do a simple merge subroutine. So it is important to know the complexity of the merge subroutine and how many times it will be called in the recursion.
The pseudo-code for the merge sort is really simple.
# C = output [length = N]
# A 1st sorted half [N/2]
# B 2nd sorted half [N/2]
i = j = 1
for k = 1 to n
if A[i] < B[j]
C[k] = A[i]
C[k] = B[j]
It is easy to see that in every loop you will have 4 operations: k++, i++ or j++, the if statement and the attribution C = A|B. So you will have less or equal to 4N + 2 operations giving a O(N) complexity. For the sake of the proof 4N + 2 will be treated as 6N, since is true for N = 1 (4N +2 <= 6N).
So assume you have an input with N elements and assume N is a power of 2. At every level you have two times more subproblems with an input with half elements from the previous input. This means that at the the level j = 0, 1, 2, ..., lgN there will be 2^j subproblems with an input of length N / 2^j. The number of operations at each level j will be less or equal to
2^j * 6(N / 2^j) = 6N
Observe that it doens't matter the level you will always have less or equal 6N operations.
Since there are lgN + 1 levels, the complexity will be
O(6N * (lgN + 1)) = O(6N*lgN + 6N) = O(n lgN)
Coursera course Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1
On a "traditional" merge sort, each pass through the data doubles the size of the sorted subsections. After the first pass, the file will be sorted into sections of length two. After the second pass, length four. Then eight, sixteen, etc. up to the size of the file.
It's necessary to keep doubling the size of the sorted sections until there's one section comprising the whole file. It will take lg(N) doublings of the section size to reach the file size, and each pass of the data will take time proportional to the number of records.
After splitting the array to the stage where you have single elements i.e. call them sublists,
at each stage we compare elements of each sublist with its adjacent sublist. For example, [Reusing #Davi's image
At Stage-1 each element is compared with its adjacent one, so n/2 comparisons.
At Stage-2, each element of sublist is compared with its adjacent sublist, since each sublist is sorted, this means that the max number of comparisons made between two sublists is <= length of the sublist i.e. 2 (at Stage-2) and 4 comparisons at Stage-3 and 8 at Stage-4 since the sublists keep doubling in length. Which means the max number of comparisons at each stage = (length of sublist * (number of sublists/2)) ==> n/2
As you've observed the total number of stages would be log(n) base 2
So the total complexity would be == (max number of comparisons at each stage * number of stages) == O((n/2)*log(n)) ==> O(nlog(n))
Algorithm merge-sort sorts a sequence S of size n in O(n log n)
time, assuming two elements of S can be compared in O(1) time.
This is because whether it be worst case or average case the merge sort just divide the array in two halves at each stage which gives it lg(n) component and the other N component comes from its comparisons that are made at each stage. So combining it becomes nearly O(nlg n). No matter if is average case or the worst case, lg(n) factor is always present. Rest N factor depends on comparisons made which comes from the comparisons done in both cases. Now the worst case is one in which N comparisons happens for an N input at each stage. So it becomes an O(nlg n).
Many of the other answers are great, but I didn't see any mention of height and depth related to the "merge-sort tree" examples. Here is another way of approaching the question with a lot of focus on the tree. Here's another image to help explain:
Just a recap: as other answers have pointed out we know that the work of merging two sorted slices of the sequence runs in linear time (the merge helper function that we call from the main sorting function).
Now looking at this tree, where we can think of each descendant of the root (other than the root) as a recursive call to the sorting function, let's try to assess how much time we spend on each node... Since the slicing of the sequence and merging (both together) take linear time, the running time of any node is linear with respect to the length of the sequence at that node.
Here's where tree depth comes in. If n is the total size of the original sequence, the size of the sequence at any node is n/2i, where i is the depth. This is shown in the image above. Putting this together with the linear amount of work for each slice, we have a running time of O(n/2i) for every node in the tree. Now we just have to sum that up for the n nodes. One way to do this is to recognize that there are 2i nodes at each level of depth in the tree. So for any level, we have O(2i * n/2i), which is O(n) because we can cancel out the 2is! If each depth is O(n), we just have to multiply that by the height of this binary tree, which is logn. Answer: O(nlogn)
reference: Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
The recursive tree will have depth log(N), and at each level in that tree you will do a combined N work to merge two sorted arrays.
Merging sorted arrays
To merge two sorted arrays A[1,5] and B[3,4] you simply iterate both starting at the beginning, picking the lowest element between the two arrays and incrementing the pointer for that array. You're done when both pointers reach the end of their respective arrays.
[1,5] [3,4] --> []
^ ^
[1,5] [3,4] --> [1]
^ ^
[1,5] [3,4] --> [1,3]
^ ^
[1,5] [3,4] --> [1,3,4]
^ x
[1,5] [3,4] --> [1,3,4,5]
x x
Runtime = O(A + B)
Merge sort illustration
Your recursive call stack will look like this. The work starts at the bottom leaf nodes and bubbles up.
beginning with [1,5,3,4], N = 4, depth k = log(4) = 2
[1,5] [3,4] depth = k-1 (2^1 nodes) * (N/2^1 values to merge per node) == N
[1] [5] [3] [4] depth = k (2^2 nodes) * (N/2^2 values to merge per node) == N
Thus you do N work at each of k levels in the tree, where k = log(N)
N * k = N * log(N)
MergeSort algorithm takes three steps:
Divide step computes mid position of sub-array and it takes constant time O(1).
Conquer step recursively sort two sub arrays of approx n/2 elements each.
Combine step merges a total of n elements at each pass requiring at most n comparisons so it take O(n).
The algorithm requires approx logn passes to sort an array of n elements and so total time complexity is nlogn.
lets take an example of 8 element{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} you have to first divide it in half means n/2=4({1,2,3,4} {5,6,7,8}) this two divides section take 0(n/2) and 0(n/2) times so in first step it take 0(n/2+n/2)=0(n)time.
2. Next step is divide n/22 which means (({1,2} {3,4} )({5,6}{7,8})) which would take
(0(n/4),0(n/4),0(n/4),0(n/4)) respectively which means this step take total 0(n/4+n/4+n/4+n/4)=0(n) time.
3. next similar as previous step we have to divide further second step by 2 means n/222 ((({1},{2},{3},{4})({5},{6},{7},{8})) whose time is 0(n/8+n/8+n/8+n/8+n/8+n/8+n/8+n/8)=0(n)
which means every step takes 0(n) times .lets steps would be a so time taken by merge sort is 0(an) which mean a must be log (n) because step will always divide by 2 .so finally TC of merge sort is 0(nlog(n))
