Visual Studio 2019 not picking up CS generated files - visual-studio

I have created dot net core dll project. CS files for this project will be files generated by tool (Apache Thrift compiler) but output dll is not picking up generated file. I have added the pre build set to generate the file.
Repro Steps:
Build solution
Open the ThriftSample.dll with object brower. (Delete the generated cs files and bin, com and obj folder.)
Actual: Nothing is there in ThriftSample.dll
Expected: Generated CS code should be there.
Note: I have checked CS file is generated. Attached is the sample project.(!AAlMaW2IqIt6l1k

Refer: Is there a .NET Core CLI pre before build task?
The "default items" as the .NET SDK calls it are part of the static evaluation of the project file - before any target is run. So you'll need a target that is run before the #(Compile) items are needed.
The trick is to include files added to the filesystem after the custom tool is run. This can be done by re-scanning all files and excluding those already part of the project inside a target that is run before the build:
<Target Name="GenerateSomeFiles" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
<Exec Command="dotnet my-tool" />
<Compile Include="**/*$(DefaultLanguageSourceExtension)"
Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder);$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)**;$(BaseOutputPath)**;#(Compile)" />


Similar to PipelineCopyAllFilesToOneFolderForMsdeployDependsOn for UWP packaging

As you can see in Web Deployment Tool (MSDeploy) : Build Package including extra files or excluding specific files and Adding Custom Files to an MSDeploy Package msbuild desired target has property event that name is PipelineCopyAllFilesToOneFolderForMsdeployDependsOn for handling copy desired files into process.
I need something similar for UWP, to add custom file copy to AppX folder during packaging and f5 click in Visual Studio in .csproj file.
After many working I found solution, AppX Packaging is coordinate from Microsoft.AppxPackage.Targets that exists in Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v17.0\AppxPackage and all important target for packaging and running (f5 in Visual Studio) exists here.
As you can see in this file, Microsoft create some blank target between important target in build and packaging pipeline, so you can use override these blank targets very cleanly to control procedure of building and packaging AppX, for example you can override blow targets
<!-- Override to specify actions to happen before generating project PRI file. -->
<Target Name="BeforeGenerateProjectPriFile" />
<!-- Override to specify actions to happen after generating project PRI file. -->
<Target Name="AfterGenerateProjectPriFile" />
or ...
So for adding custom files into packaging I override BeforeGenerateProjectPriFile target and for adding file, I used PackagingOutputs ItemGroup for adding my file like below
<Target Name="BeforeGenerateProjectPriFile">
<PackagingOutputs Include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\$(OutputPath)$(AssemblyName).exe.config">
If you want this approach in practice, I used this technique in linphone-windows10

Build target in the Publish Profile is not executing even if the Publish is successful

I have a publish profile Staging.pubxml created for a console project (.NET Core 2.1), as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<Platform>Any CPU</Platform>
<Target Name="CustomActionsAfterPublish" AfterTargets="AfterPublish">
<Message Text="First occurrence" Importance="high" />
When I publish it (via VS2019); publish completes successfully. Yet I'am not seeing the text: First occurrence in the output window.
In VS, MSBuild output verbosity is set to Diagnostic.
Am I doing this wrong?
Am I doing this wrong?
1.Hi friend, the .pubxml file is not a good place to define custom Target.
According to your target name, you want to run the target after build target. For this situation: always we define the custom target in project file. Please try right-click your project and choose edit xxx.csproj, and add the target into it. Then reload the project and publish, then you can find the First occurrence message in the build output.
And after my test, in.csproj file, the target can't be named AfterBuild, you can change it to:
<Target Name="CustomTargetName" AfterTargets="build">
<Message Text="First occurrence" Importance="high" />
2.Also, the way you use can work in VS2019 though we don't suggest adding it in .pubxml. But it indeed works. For the reason why you can't get the message in output window, please check if the Staging.pubxml is really called during the publish process.
(Change the value of the PublishDir to another folder, and publish it again, check if the project is published to new directory, then you'll find if the xxx.pubxml is used)
According to your .pubxml file, your project is a .net core console app instead of a core web app. This makes the difference!
I test it in both VS2017 and VS2019, and find the target works well in web app but not .net core console one. I believe for those non-web app, this kind of after publish target may not be supported.
And please check these two official documents I found: core: Run a target before or after publishing
.net core: Deploy .net core apps with VS
I can't find any custom-target-related info in the .net core document. So I'm afraid it might be not supported by design.
Actually your original need is to add CopyFiles target to publish process. So I assume what you really want is to copy sth to Publish Folder after Publish process or copy sth from Publish Folder to target folder.
Though the after publish target is not supported in .net core console apps. We have corresponding workarounds:
To copy sth to Publish Folder after Publish:
For this situation, you can add a after build target to copy the files to Publish folder before publish process. I think it works for this situation:
<Target Name="CustomTarget" AfterTargets="build">
<MySourceFiles Include="xxx\pathToTheFolderWhereYourFilesAre\*.*"/>
To copy sth from Publish Folder to target folder:
For .net core console app, actually the so-called publish process is to copy files from obj folder to publish folder. See this screenShot:
Go Tools=>Options=>Project and Solutions=>Build and Run to change the build output verbosity to Detailed and you can see details in build and publish process in VS.
That's why I suggest you can Go Project=>Properties=>build events=>post-build events to use a xcopy command to copy the files to your destination folder.(Or you can use a script like above, remember to change the source path and destination path). When we want to copy the files in publish folder, actually we're trying to copy the files from obj folder. So do something after build process is enough! Not need to do it after publish process.

How do I include webjob files while debugging locally but exclude when publishing a web package?

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 and have a solution with several web projects and webjob projects.
There are some files that I want to include when running locally in the development environment that I want to exclude from being deployed as part of a web publishing package.
I'm attempting to use the process described here and elsewhere, which is:
<ExcludeFromPackageFiles Include="connectionstrings.config">
This works perfectly for my web projects - meaning that when building the connectionstrings.config file is copied to my bin\ directory and not included as part of the web deployment package - whereas when implemented in my webjob projects the file is copied to my bin\ directory but also included in the deployment package.
In the msbuild output I see:
Copying file from "C:\Users\me\Documents\Projects\myapp\myapp\webjob1\connectionstrings.config" to "bin\ProdBuildCfg\connectionstrings.config".
which is what I want because it allows me to run/debug locally, and also:
Copying C:\Users\me\Documents\Projects\myapp\myapp\webjob1\bin\ProdBuildCfg\connectionstrings.config to obj\ProdBuildCfg\Package\PackageTmp\app_data\jobs\continuous\webjob1\connectionstrings.config.
which demonstrates the problem - connectionstrings.config is still being copied to the package directory for subsequent publishing/deployment.
The process described in the above article and others applies to web projects, and they indicate you should place the <ItemGroup> under the
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
line of the project file. Webjob projects don't include that line but rather have something resembling:
<Import Project="..\packages\Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish.1.0.13\tools\webjobs.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish.1.0.13\tools\webjobs.targets')" />
I suspect the problem relates to targets - either my project file doesn't include the proper <Import Project="...*.targets')" /> line or I'm not at the right spot in the file.
Next I tried the method mentioned here How do I include webjob files while debugging locally but exclude when publishing a web package?:
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
I have the connectionstrings.config Build Action set to None and Copy to output directory set to Always (my understanding is that action that results from the Copy to output directory setting is distinctly different from the actions associated with packaging/deployment). Same result. (I've ensured I'm in the right <PropertyGroup> for my build configuration.
Note: I'm deploying either by right-clicking the project in VS and selecting "Publish as Azure webjob" or using an msbuild command to publish like msbuild myproj.csproj /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:Configuration=Release /p:PublishProfile="Prod" /p:VisualStudioVersion=15.0 /p:Password=
How do I include webjob files while debugging locally but exclude when publishing a web package?
To my knowledge, if you do not want to publish any file, you just need to set the file property to "copy to output directory as DO NOT COPY". This way when you will package the application that particular file will not be part of package and will never be on Azure.
Unfortunately that setting prevents the file from being copied to the
output directory which means I can’t run or debug locally.
When you debugging the project, you can set the "copy to output directory" as "Copy always". When you want to deploy the project, you can manually clean the build and change the value to DO NOT COPY.
If you do not want to do all those manually, I would like provide you a workaround, hope this can help you.
To accomplish this, unload your project. Then at the very end of the project , just before the end-tag, place below scripts:
<Target Name="ExcludeFileFromPackage" BeforeTargets="PipelineCopyAllFilesToOneFolderForMsdeploy">
<Message Text="Delete the connectionstrings.config from Obj folder to exculde this file in the package directory" />
<Delete Files="$(ProjectDir)obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\connectionstrings.config" />
With this target, VS/MSBuild will delete the connectionstrings.config from the obj folder before publish the project as package.

Use different pre-build events for different build configurations in Visual Studio

Is it possible to use different pre-build events for different build configurations in Visual Studio?
For example, I'd like both a release configuration for a beta & live system and have the relevant app.[type].config get copied to app.config before it is compiled.
At the moment the configuration settings are baked into the .settings file, using the settings from the default app.config file.
Or just put the Condition on your target ... eg.,
Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'"
.. or on your task.
If you're using Visual Studio VB/C# simple post build events, you can hand-edit the project file to put such conditions on the PreBuildEvent/PostBuildEvent property tags; and repeat the tags for Release.
Dan (msbuild dev)
You can do this in a couple of ways, depending on your exact situation:
Option 1: Check the $(ConfigurationName) variable in your pre-build script, like so:
IF EXISTS $(ProjectDir)app.$(ConfigurationName).config
COPY $(ProjectDir)app.$(ConfigurationName).config $(ProjectDir)app.config
Option 2: Add a "BeforeCompile" MSBuild target to your project file:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<!-- MSBuild Script here -->
Option 3: Use configuration file transformations; this VSIX plug-in adds the web.config transform features to non-web projects. These are XSLT files that let you rewrite your config files on build (unlike web projects, where it happens on publish.)
To use different build events for different configuration in visual studio, open the cs proj file of the project. in the pre build section
<Target Name="PreBuild" BeforeTargets="PreBuildEvent">
<Exec Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'" Command="echo Release" />
<Exec Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'" Command="echo Debug" />
The command in "Command" parameter will only execute if this condition is met.

Automate VS 2010 "Publish" Config File Substitutions

I'm using the config file replacement feature of Visual Studio 2010's "Publish" functionality, as described in this article. I want to automate this using MSBuild/Hudson. Does anybody know how to do this?
I like how it works but if I cannot automate it I'll have to switch to XmlMassUpdate or similar.
To transform your config file you'll have to execute the TransformWebConfig target.
This target takes two files Web.config and Web.$(Configuration).config and generates a Web.config. The generated file is the transformed version of the original one for the current configuration.
This file is generated in folder : obj\$(Configuration)\TransformWebConfig
You don't really explain what you want to achieve, so here a basic usage, a job that generates a transformed config file in a given folder.
Add the following piece in the end of your project file *.csproj after the import of Microsoft.WebApplication.targets
<!-- Directory where your web.config will be copied -->
This target transforms the web.config based on current configuration and
put the transformed files in $(TransformedWebConfigDestination) folder
<Target Name="ConfigSubstitution">
<CallTarget Targets="TransformWebConfig"/>
<TransformedWebConfig Include="obj\$(Configuration)\TransformWebConfig\Web.config"/>
<!-- Copy the transformed web.config to the configured destination -->
<Copy SourceFiles="#(TransformedWebConfig)"
In Hudson you could add a Build step in your build, or create a dedicated job configured as follow:
MsBuild Build File : Your csproj file.
Command Line Arguments : /t:ConfigSubstitution /p:Platform=AnyCpu;Configuration=Test;TransformedWebConfigDestination=DestinationFolder
Edit your web project.csproj
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
Add -
Look at the Build output (make sure VS Tools - Options - Project & Solutions -Build & Run - MSBuild Output Verbosity - Detailed)
You should be able to see the msdeploy commands VS uses to produce the package. It's my understanding that VS actually uses Web Platform Pipeline API's and .target files to actually produce the deploy packages when building using MSBuild, and this command changes to use MsDeploy instead.
This stuff is so in need of documentation, its very frustrating.
I am using this in Hudson to target Release:
The exact settings are:
MSBuild Version: msbuild-4 (configured to point to v4 msbuild)
MsBuild Build File: project_name.sln
Command Line Arguments: /Property:Configuration=Release
You can test this in your project directory by running something similar (as your .NET framework version may differ) to this:
%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild project.sln /Property:Configuration=Release
