Include file containing Constant Buffers - what about the registers? - include

in hlsl, we can use #include "somefile" just like in C.
I would like to declare my Constant Buffers only once and include them in multiple shaders. But what about the registers? In some files a Constant Buffer is set to b0, in others it is b4. What is the best practice including files here?

You can #define the register names before including your header, and in the header file you can use them like regular preprocessor tokens — instead of having register(b0) in the header, you can type, for instance, register(B_CAMERA) in it, and before including, #define B_CAMERA b0.
Be careful, however, if you want to just pass the register number like 0 rather than the entire register name like b0 since the HLSL preprocessor handles ## concatenation slightly differently than the C preprocessor, and there are also differences in how the shader model 5 and below and how the shader model 6 compilers expand it.


ESP32 compiler giving "multiple definition of" errors

Got a new issue I've not come across before that's appeared when using the Espressif ESP32 ESP-IDF standard setup under VSCode. It uses the GNU compiler.
I'm getting "multiple definition of" errors on variables that share the same name, but which should be local.
So I use a .c and .h pair of files approach.
In my .c files I do this at the top
#define IO_EXPANDER_C //<<<This is a unique define for this file pair
#include "io-pca9539.h"
In my .h files I do this:
uint8_t *NextReadDataPointer;
//(Also defined below as extern)
int SomeVariableIWantAvailableGlobally;
extern int SomeVariableIWantAvailableGlobally;
It's a great simple system, any other .c file that includes the .h file (without the #define above its include statemnt), gets all of its extern variables, none of its local variables.
But, compiling in VSCode with my ESP-IDF based project, I'm getting "multiple definition of" errors relating to "NextReadDataPointer"
I use the same variable name NextReadDataPointer in another file pair in just the same way, but it's never declared anywhere as extern and each file pair uses a separate #define (IO_EXPANDER_C and LED_C). I do this all the time normally and I can't see any obvious mistakes.
I've never seen a C compiler do this before, it's as if it's mixing up the local definitions somehow. A #define should only have scope in the file it is declared in and in any includes within that file.
Even odder, the error is not generated if the project is built but a function is called from just one of the file pairs that share the same local variable name. It's only generated when functions are called from both file pairs from my main application.
Can anyone shed light on whether the GNU C compiler does something funky for a standard ESP-IDF project as it's got me baffled?
uint8_t *NextReadDataPointer; creates a variable which is visible across all translation units, i.e. it's the opposite of "private". If you include this header in multiple c files and the linker tries to link those together; it'll see a conflict. The keyword you're looking for is static, for example static uint8_t *NextReadDataPointer; creates a variable that is not visible across translation units. The reason you don't see the problem if calling a function from only one of those two files is because in this case the linker doesn't bother looking into the other one.
Personally I'd avoid such clever preprocessor hacks because it's quite difficult to see how files include one another and debug the resulting problems. I'd suggest sticking to the standard way of declaring shared things in header files and keeping the private stuff inside the c file (prepended by static).

The placement order of __attribute__((section("name")))

I am using a code example where I have this define:
#define PLACE_IN_SECTION( __x__ ) __attribute__((section (__x__)))
all over the code.
PLACE_IN_SECTION("A") static int a1;
PLACE_IN_SECTION("A") static int a2;
I can't find information regarding the order the variables are placed in a specific section.
Keil just told me to put everything in a struct to have control over the addresses.
But I still want to know if there is any rule regarding the order, per compiler.
So basically the question is who will be first, and why?
Using both gcc, and arm compiler (v6)
This variables are shard with another CPU, and the address they get matter to the system.
It is up to the compiler to decide order of variables in memory. Different versions of the same compiler can give different order on the same code.
To retain order the variables as in the source, GCC has optimization flag -fno-toplevel-reorder
Do not reorder top-level functions, variables, and asm statements. Output them in the same order that they appear in the input file. When this option is used, unreferenced static variables are not removed. This option is intended to support existing code that relies on a particular ordering. For new code, it is better to use attributes when possible.
-ftoplevel-reorder is the default at -O1 and higher, and also at -O0 if -fsection-anchors is explicitly requested. Additionally -fno-toplevel-reorder implies -fno-section-anchors.
This might reduce quality of optimization. To prevent it globaly, the variables, that must be placed in a known order, should be moved to a separate file, which is compiled with this option.

__attribute__((io)), __attribute__((address)) in gcc for AVR don't seem to have any effect

I am trying to use variable attributes specifically provided by AVR flavor of gcc (
The manual says that these special attributes should allow me to force the placement of a variable at the predetermined memory address. They even give an example:
volatile int porta __attribute__((address (0x600)));
But when I compile and debug this code example from the above mentioned document, the variable declared with such attribute is placed into a location in SRAM that compiler and linker determine, not at the address 0x600, as requested. Actually, if I remove the attribute entirely from the declaration, the end result does not change - the variable is placed at the same "whatever" address. Same thing happens when I use "io" and "io_low" attributes instead of "address".
I am using gcc toolchain packaged in the latest version Atmel Studio targeted at 8-bit MCUs (ATMega64).
Hence the question: has anyone tried to use these special AVR-specific attributes with any success?
Important notes:
I am aware that in general to accomplish a placement of a variable at a fixed address in gcc you need to follow a two-step process (using section attribute and then modifying the linker script), but specificially for AVR it seems like these single-step attributes were provided, the question is how to make them work. A two-step process is not an option for me.
I am aware that in general one can always do this:
*(volatile int*)0x600 = your_data_here;
But this is not an option for me either, I need an actual variable declared (because I want to map it onto a bitwise structure to have access to individual bits without explicitly using the masks and logical operations.
So I am really looking for a way to make the provided attributes work, not for a workaround. What am I missing?
typedef struct {
uint8_t rx:4;
uint8_t tx:4;
} Pio_TXRXMUX_t;
#define Pio_TXRXMUX (*(volatile Pio_TXRXMUX_t *)(0x22)) //PORTA on ATMEGA1280

what is FILE_H called in the include guard

In the file file.h, following code is seen.
#ifndef FILE_H
#define FILE_H
QUESTION: Who generated FILE_H (is FILE_H called identifier?) What is this naming convention called? What I should read to understand more of this?
At the moment, I know this is called include guard, and stuff to do with preprocessor. But I can't seem to google futher. Any links would be highly appreciated.
Include guards are not actually a feature of the language itself, they're just a way to ensure the same header file isn't included twice into the same translation unit, and they're built from lower-level language features.
The actual features that make this possible are macro replacement (specifically object-like macros) and conditional inclusion.
Hence, to find out where the FILE_H comes from, you need to examine two things.
The first is the limitations imposed by the standard (C11 6.4.2 for example). In macro replacement, the macro name must be drawn from a limited character set, the minimum of which includes the upper and lower case letters, the underscore, and the digits (there are all sorts of extras that can be allowed, such as universal character names or other implementation-defined characters but this is the mandated baseline).
The second is the mind of the developer. Beyond the constraints of the standard, the developer must provide a unique identifier used for the include guard and the easiest way to do this is to make it reliant somehow on the file name itself. Hence, one practice is to use the uppercase file name with . replaced by an underscore.
That's why you'll end up with an include guard for btree.h being of the form:
#ifndef BTREE_H
#define BTREE_H
// weave your magic here
You should keep in mind however that it doesn't always work out well. Sometimes you may end up with two similarly named header files that use the same include guard name, resulting in one of the header files not being included at all. This happens infrequently enough that it's usually not worth being concerned about.

When I use Conditional Compilation Arguments to Exclude Code, why doesn't VB6 EXE file size change?

Basically, when declaring Windows API functions in my VB6 code, there comes with these many constants that need to be declared or used with this function, in fact, usually most of these constants are not used and you only end up using one of them or so when making your API calls, so I am using Conditional Compilation Arguments to exclude these (and other things) using something like this:
IncludeUnused = 0 : Testing = 1
(this is how I set two conditional compilation arguments (they are of Boolean type by default).
So, many unused things are excluded like this:
#If IncludeUnused Then
' Some constant declarations and API declarations go here, sometimes functions
' and function calls go here as well, so it's not just declarations and constants
#End If
I also use a similar wrapper using the Testing Boolean declared in the Conditional Compilation Argument input field in the VB6 Properties windows "Make" tab. The Testing Boolean is used to display message boxes and things like that when I am in testing mode, and of course, these message boxed are removed (not displayed) if I have Testing set to 0 (and it is obviously 1 when I am Testing).
The problem is, I tried setting IncludeUnused and Testing to 0 and 1 and visa versa, a total of four (4) combinations, and no matter what combination I set these values to, the output EXE file size for my VB6 EXE does not change! It is always 49,152 when compiled to Native Code using Fast Code, and when using Small Code.
Additionally, if I compile to p-code under the four (4) combinations of Testing and IncludeUnused, i always end up with the file size 32,768 no matter what.
This is driving me crazy, since it is leading me to believe that no change is actually occuring, even though it is. Why is it that when segments of code are excluded from compilation, the file size is still the same? What am I missing or doing wrong, or what have I miscalculated?
I have considered the option that perhaps VB6 automatically does not compile code which is not used into the final output EXE, but I have read from a few sources that this is not true, in that, if it's included, it is compiled (correct me if I am wrong), and if this is right, then there is no need to use the IncludeUnused Boolean to remove unused code...?
If anyone can shed some light on these thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it.
It could well be that the size difference is very small and that the exe size is padded to the next 512 or 1024 byte alignment. Try compressing the exe's with zip and see if the zip-file sizes differ.
You misunderstand what a compiler does. The output of the VB6 compiler is code. Constants are merely place holders for values, they are not code. The compiler adds them to its symbol table. And when it later encounters a statement in your code that uses the constant then it replaces the constant by its value. That statement produces the exact same code whether you use a constant or hard-code the value in the statement.
So this automatically implies that if you never actually use the constant anywhere then there is no difference at all in the generated code. All that you accomplished by using the #If is to keep the compiler's symbol table smaller. Which is something that makes very little sense to do, the actual gain from compilation speed you get is not measurable. Symbol tables are implemented as hash tables, they have O(1) amortized complexity.
You use constants only to make your code more readable. And to make it easy to change a constant value if the need ever arises. By using #If, you actually made your code less readable.
You can't test runtime data in conditional compilation directives.
These directives use expressions made up of literal values, operators, and CC constants. One way to set constant values is:
#Const IncludeUnused = 0
#Const Testing = 1
You can also define them via Project Properties for IDE testing. Go to the Make tab in that dialog and click the Help button for details.
Perhaps this is where you are setting the values? If so, consider this just additional info for later readers rather than an answer.
See #If...Then...#Else Directive
VB6 executable sizes are padded to 4KB blocks, so if the code difference is small it will make no difference to the executable.
