Get data for belongs_to Two Parents rails 5 - activerecord

I have a class like the following:
class Child < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :father
belongs_to :mother
My goal is to create endpoints
base-url/father/children #get all children for father
base-url/mother/children #get all children for mother
I'm wondering what the correct way of nesting these resources would be I know I can do it one way like:
class ChildrenController < ApplicationController
before action :set_father, only: %i[show]
def show
#children = #father.children.all
render json: #children
But how can I get the same for base-url/mother/children, is this possible through nested resources?
I know I can code the routes.rb to point at a specific controller function if I need to but I would like to understand if I'm missing something, i'm unsure from reading the active record and action pack docs if I am.

The Implementation I went with is as follows:
My child controller:
def index
if params[:mother_id]
#child = Mother.find_by(id: params[:mother_id]).blocks
render json: #child
elsif params[:father_id]
#child = Father.find_by(id: params[:father_id]).blocks
render json: #child
redirect_to 'home#index'
My routes.rb file:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :mother, only: [:index] do
resources :child, only: [:index]
resources :father, only: [:index] do
resources :child, only: [:index]
base_url/mother/{mother_id}/children #get all children for mother
base_url/father/{father_id}/children #get all children for father


How can I set "global" variables that can be accessed in controllers and models in Rails

I have a table that has set entries. I would like to access those entries as variables in both my models and controllers without querying the database every time to set those variables.
I am able to get it to work by creating duplicate "concerns" for my models and controllers. I could also set global variables in my ApplicationController. Or i could initialize them in every place that I need them. What would be the correct rails way to set and access global variables that can be accessed in both controllers and models?
class ItemType
has_many :items
class Item
belongs_to :item_type
belongs_to :foo
class Foo
has_many :items
def build_item
bar_item_type = ItemType.find_by(:name => "bar")
:foo_id =>,
:item_type_id =>
class ItemsController
def update
bar_item_type = ItemType.find_by(:name => "bar")
#item.update(:item_type_id =>
In the example, you can see that I am declaring the bar_item_type variable in both my Foo model and my ItemsController. I would like to DRY up my code base by being able to create and access that variable once for my rails project instead of having to make that same database call everywhere.
I would advocate against such hard-coded or DB state-dependent code. If you must do it, here's how one of the ways I know it can be done:
# models
class ItemType < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items
# caches the value after first call
def self.with_bar
##with_bar ||= transaction { find_or_create_by(name: "bar") }
def self.with_bar_id
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :item_type
belongs_to :foo
scope :with_bar_types, -> { where(item_type_id: ItemType.with_bar_id) }
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items
# automatically sets the foo_id, no need to mention explicitly
# the chained with_bar_types automatically sets the item_type_id to ItemType.with_bar_id
def build_item
# Controller
class ItemsController
def update
#item.update(item_type_id: ItemType.with_bar_id)
If you MUST use a constant, there are a few ways to do it. But you must take into account that you are instantiating an ActiveRecord model object which is dependent on data being present in the database. This is not recommend, because you now have model and controller logic relying on data being present in the database. This might be ok if you have seeded your database and that it won't change.
class ItemType
BAR_TYPE ||= where(:name => "bar").limit(1).first
has_many :items
Now where ever you need this object you can call it like this:
bar_item_type = ItemType::BAR_TYPE

CanCanCan alias method for a controller

In my application I have permissions set up like so for an admin:
can :read, Journey
can :destroy, Journey
can :update, Journey
And I have controllers like so:
class JourneyController < ApplicationController
authorize_resource class: :journey
def index; end
def show; end
module Journeys
class VoidJourneyController < ApplicationController
authorize_resource class: :journey
def show; end
def destroy; end
This is based on how DHH does his controllers:
Now the issue I have is that because I have a show method inside the VoidJourney controller (this is to show the user some additional information as we talk to an API) it means a user who doesn't have permission to destroy a journey can access it because show is aliased to read and only the destroy is protected in that controller.
CanCanCan has the alias_action method, but that only allows aliasing a method to another for all controllers, not just one.
The only way I could think to handle this was to do:
def show
authorize! :destroy, :journey
So that it checks that method against a different permission. But I'd like to avoid having to do that if possible.
Is it possible to alias a method in only one controller to another? And not alias for all controllers. Looking at the docs I can't see this.

Do I have to specify actions in routes.rb?

While I'm reading Rails 4 in Action, I'm trying to implement my own application, so it doesn't look same as in the book.
The book's corresponding commit is Section 7.2.3: Only admins can create or delete projects
In my case, admins can only delete the item (item corresponds to the project in the book.).
My repo and deployed
The rule I want to apply is:
A regular user (you can login with can do everything except destroy action.
Admin ( only can destroy.
To realise that I have:
In admin/items_controller.rb:
class Admin::ItemsController < Admin::ApplicationController
def destroy
#item = Item.find(params[:id])
flash[:notice] = 'Item has been deleted.'
redirect_to items_path
def item_params
params.require(:item).permit(:name, :quantity)
In controllers/items_controller.rb:
class ItemsController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_item, only: [:show, :edit, :update]
def index
#items = Item.all
def new
#item =
def create
#item =
flash[:notice] = 'Item has been created.'
redirect_to #item
else[:alert] = 'Item has not been created.'
render 'new'
def show
def edit
def update
if #item.update(item_params)
flash[:notice] = 'Item has been updated.'
redirect_to #item
else[:alert] = 'Item has not been updated.'
render 'edit'
def set_item
#item = Item.find(params[:id])
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
flash[:alert] = 'The item could not be found.'
redirect_to items_path
def item_params
params.require(:item).permit(:name, :quantity)
In routes.rb:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
namespace :admin do
root 'application#index'
resources :items, only: :destroy
devise_for :users
root 'items#index'
resources :items, only: [:index, :show, :edit, :update, :new, :create] do
resources :comments
Do I have to specify actions in the routes.rb, as I already have specified who can use what actions in their corresponding controllers? I didn't notice any change when I remove them from the routes.rb...
Am I violating DRY concept, when I specify actions in 2 places, i.e. in the routes.rb and controllers/items_controllers.rb ?
I'll be happy if you point out other places to improve to meet best practice.
PS: The subject maybe vague, please feel free to edit it.
Do I have to specify actions in the routes.rb, as I already have
specified who can use what actions in their corresponding controllers?
Yes. For instance, if you'd have only one action in items_controller.rb controller (let say show), and left
resources :items do # no specified actions
in routes.rb it would generate all routes for items controller (for new, create, edit, destroy, update etc). But specifying actions in routes.rb you limit generated routes to only needed.
Am I violating DRY concept, when I specify actions in 2 places, i.e.
in the routes.rb and controllers/items_controllers.rb ?
No. Because you actually specify actions in controller, in routes.rb you only specify routes.
I'll be happy if you point out other places to improve to meet best
This line:
resources :items, only: [:index, :show, :edit, :update, :new, :create] # better to use %i() notation, eg only: %i(index show edit update new create)
could be written as:
resources :items, except: :destroy
Regarding your admin user - to allow only him to destroy, just check if current_user is admin. If you'll have more, than one action which is allowed to be performed by only admin, you can create before_action in controller:
before_action :check_admin?, only: %i(destroy another_action)
def check_admin?
# your logic to check, if user is admin
You can also be interested in going through Ruby style guide.
Even though you're not violating DRY directly, you're muddying up the REST architecture by moving a single entity's actions to different controllers. You don't need a specific controller or namespace for admins - you just need to assert that the user is an administrator before proceeding with the delete action.
Since you have already added the admin column to your devise model, you can move the delete action to ItemsController
def destroy
if current_user.try(:admin?)
#item = Item.find(params[:id])
flash[:notice] = 'Item has been deleted.'
flash[:alert] = 'Only admins can delete items.'
redirect_to items_path
Your routes would be cleaner since your admin namespace would be used only for user moderation. The only route for items would be:
resources :items do
resources :comments

NameError when assigning instance of model to reference property

I'm unable to assign a model instance to a reference property of another model. Relevant code is below:
module Blog::Models
class Post < Base; belongs_to :user, dependent: :destroy end
class User < Base; has_many :posts end
class BasicFields < V 1.0
def self.up
create_table User.table_name do |t|
create_table Post.table_name do |t|
t.references :user
module Blog::Controllers
class PostEditN
def post(post_num)
#post = Post.find(post_num)
#user = User.find(#input.user)
#post.user = #user # Error thrown: NameError at /post/edit/1 uninitialized constant User
# #post.user_id = << This is my currently working solution
redirect PostN, post_num
When I assign something to #post.user using Camping in console mode, it is successful, but I can't seem to accomplish the same behavior in the controller otherwise. I made do by simply assigning the to the user_id property of the Post instance. However, I would like to figure out why the alternate method works in the Camping console and not when I'm simply running the webserver.
My best guess is that this is a problem with namespaces. In the code you show Useris actually Blog::Models::User. In your controller the context is Blog::Controllers. Have you tried changing the code in the controller to?
#post = Blog::Models::Post.find(post_num)
#user = Blog::Models::User.find(#input.user)
I was able to resolve my issue. Seems when I was creating new Post records, I was not initializing the User. Thus, when assigning #post.user it would complain that the user property was uninitialized. The only problem I see is that an operation was attempted to be made on an oprhan Post record, which is invalid data according to the relationship with User.

Rails3: Nested model - child validates_with method results in "NameError - uninitialized constant [parent]::[child]"

Consider the following parent/child relationship where Parent is 1..n with Kids (only the relevant stuff here)...
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
# !EDIT! - was missing this require originally -- was the root cause!
require "Kid"
has_many :kids, :dependent => :destroy, :validate => true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :kids
validates_associated :kids
class Kid < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent
# for simplicity, assume a single field: #item
validates_presence_of :item, :message => "is expected"
The validates_presence_of methods on the Kid model works as expected on validation failure, generating a final string of Item is expected per the custom message attribute supplied.
But if try validates_with, instead...
class Kid < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :parent
validates_with TrivialValidator
class TrivialValidator
def validate
if record.item != "good"
record.errors[:base] << "Bad item!"
...Rails returns a NameError - uninitialized constant Parent::Kid error following not only an attempt to create (initial persist) user data, but also when even attempting to build the initial form. Relevant bits from the controller:
def new
#parent = # NameError, validates_* methods called within
def create
#parent =[:parent]) # NameError, validates_* methods called within
The error suggests that somewhere during model name (and perhaps field name?) resolution for error message construction, something has run afoul. But why would it happen for some validates_* methods and not others?
Anybody else hit a wall with this? Is there some ceremony needed here that I've left out in order to make this work, particularly regarding model names?
After a few hours away, and returning fresh -- Was missing require "Kid" in Parent class. Will edit.
