How to display value instead of percentage in pie chart in Kibana? [closed] - elasticsearch

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to setup a kibana pie-chart visualization. By default it shows the relative percentages of the terms (=slices). Is there a way to display only the absolute values (e.g. document counts) instead of the percentages?
I'm using Kibana version 7.1.

Unfortunately this is not possible as of today.
Looking at this discussion it was not possible in October of 2018.
There is an issue on github that addresses exactly your need, but it is still open.
However you can still see the absolute value by enabling the options displayed in the following picture and then hovering over the slices:
As an alternative you could setup a simple data table to display the absolute values like so:
Hope this helps.


which better unclickable or clickable images [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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are there difference between unclickable or clickable images?
for example page load time and another things because I see people use them
So I was wondering which one is better
unclickable images give you a better page load time, if you want a page to load fast make them unclickable since page load times really influence for example customers when buying stuff online.
please see :

Window API to draw the window title in Win 7, 8 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know which API that Windows uses to draw the window title in Win 7(Aero theme) and Win 8?
I've tried to check with API Monitor tool, but don't see any API to draw the title.
Please advise.
It's been a long time since I did these things, but just googling it (three search phrase attempts) I ended up at DrawFrameControl.
Disclaimer: haven't tested.
Update: as noted in the comments DrawFrameControl won't do the job. And simple testing indicates that neither will DrawCaption. Apparently one has to use the theme functionlity, for which I found an example of drawing a window caption at ( Essentially this code uses GetThemeSysFont to obtain the caption font and then DrawThemeTextEx to draw the caption.
New disclaimer: haven't tested the GetThemeSysFont plus DrawThemeTextEx combo, since this turned into quite a bit of work!

Embedding camera readable data on an image [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a set of images on a data set and I want to create an application(on android initially) so that the application would be able to take an image and match it with an image on my data set. I tried using image recognition algorithms but I had very poor recognition chances. Is there any way to unobtrusively embed data on the image itself such that when a printed version of the image is scanned by the application, it would be able to extract the embedded data? I need some direction in this regard because I seem to be punching in the dark since I haven't worked on anything like this before.
You can try with OpenCV4Android, here is the introductory tutorial. Following SO will give you some more- Looking for OpenCV android tutorial

How can i get this jquery sliding effect with AJAX? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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how can i get this jquery sliding effect with AJAX..
i search in google but always appear the sliding effect passing thorugh all the divs previous from the destination one.
Anyone knows how to slideOut the actual and go directly thorugh the required one?
i know is using AJAX but i cant apply it yet.
There is an entire industry sub-sector dedicated to SEM/SEO. There is no single technique that will work like magic.
Here is Google's starter guide on the topic:

I'm looking for a Responsive Web charting tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a way to display charts using HTML5 and fully reponsive to screen resolution. If you have something else not using Flash, I'm open to suggestion.
Also, I would like to be able to create these kind of charts:
Pie charts
Horizontal / vertical lines charts
Countries charts (if possible)
Highcharts produces pie charts and line charts without using Flash. Resizes great with any screen resolution. Lots of configurable options with its API. Easy to feed it data.
I've used Highcharts to create line charts based on existing data from HTML5 Web SQL databases, works great.
