Validate when fields depend on one another - spring

I am passing a request object name Person to controller. Lets say the object has 2 two fields. The following business rule apply:
If field age has a value < 18, the field sin should be left blank;
If not, it will produce exception with message the sin should be blank with age < 18 or another way is to set the field sin to empty string("").
What is the best way for me to validate those inputs when they depend on each other. My way to deal with them is to validate them inside the controller method. So it should look something like that
public ResponseEntity<PersonResponse> getPersonResult(GetPersonRequest request)
if (request.getAge() < 18)
if (request.getSin.length > 0)
PersonResponse response = callThirdPartyAPIToRetrieveInformationAboutThatPerson(request)
return response ;
Is there any more elegant way to code ? Is it ok for the controller method to contain any validation logic like that ? am i violating the Single Responsibility in SOLID design ?

Yes, of course! And this is a good approach: single responsibility of classes - a controller is responsible for handling data, validator - for validation of data; open-closed principle - validated data is unchangeable by controller's method; Liskov principle correlates with the base OOP principles - a validator is separated entity and can be changed to another one without any additional manipulations; Interface Segregation is clear without any description (fully separated classes); Depency Inversion is also understandable - using annotation interface, controller does not know anything about its implementation. So, it's a really good approach from ideology and language syntax.
Create class-level #interface. All fields are accessible.
Create ConstraintValidator class with validation logic.
Set this annotation for #RequestBody in the controller method.
Add validation functionality for controller: #Validated for controller class and #Valid for #RequestBody entity in controller method.
If you need to handle validation exceptions, just throw a new exception and handle it in #ControllerAdvise class, no handling code in validation or controller classes.
Example of creation class-level validator in the official resource.


Decompose incoming JSON to Objects by fields with Spring MVC

I need to decompose my incoming JSON by fields in me REST Controller with Spring Boot.
My request body:
"text": "my text",
"myEnum": "VALUE1"
And my controller:
Object updateEntity(#PathVariable Long id, String text, MyEnum myEnum) {
/* ... */
#RequestParam doesn't work because it's just for query string params, #RequestBody doesn't work too because it handle whole body. But I need decompose incoming body by fields and inject into controller. I know what I can use Map <String, String> for this, but I would like validate my incoming fields, and I have the fields with difference types. And I don't want to create one class by incoming body for each controller.
If I haven't misunderstood your requirement, the usual way to deal with incoming JSON is to define a class that reflects your expected input, and make that the controller method parameter annotated as RequestBody.
Spring Boot, by default, uses Jackson to deserialize to your class, and so if you use matching property names then you won't need any special annotations or setup. I think enums will be handled by default, as are other types (though you may need to provide some guidance for strings representing dates or timestamps). Any bad value will fail deserialisation, which I think you can handle in ControllerAdvice (though you'll want to double check that)

The difference between object validation and persistence validation in DDD?

Right now, I have a domain entity named StyleBundle. This StyleBundle takes a list of Styles:
public class StyleBundle
public StyleBundle(List<Style> styles)
this.Styles = styles;
public IEnumerable<Style> Styles { get; private set;}
So, in my original design, a StyleBundle should never be created with an empty Style list. This was a rule that the domain experts basically said was good.
I wrote this using a guard clause in the constructor:
if (styles.Count() == 0)
throw new Exception("You must have at least one Style in a StyleBundle.");
which made sure I could not create StyleBundle in an invalid state. I thought an exception made sense here b/c a StyleBundle being created without at least one Style was exceptional in the system.
Of course, change came down the road during the rest of the project, and now it should be possible for a user to create a StyleBundle without Styles, but they should not be allowed to PERSIST a StyleBundle without Styles.
So now I'm looking at my guard clause and realizing that I can't have the exception thrown from the constructor anymore.
Moving forward, I have a Service/Application layer that my code-behinds interact with when they're working with StyleBundles. In my Service Layer, I have a StyleBundleService class, and that class exposes basic functionality to the UI... among them is "CreateStyleBundle".
It seems as if I'll have to have my Service Layer check to see if the StyleBundle does or does not have any Styles before it's persisted to the database, but something about this decision feels "wrong" to me.
Anyone run into a similar thing? Basically, the different between the state of an object being valid when "new'ed up" vs. the state of the same object when it comes to persistence?
I would add an IsValid method to your entity. This would check if the entity is currently in a valid state (in your case, check if there are styles).
This method can be called from your Repository to check if an entity may be persisted. You can add more rules to the IsValid method for specific entities and you can implement something like a collection of Validation errors is you want to throw a meaningful exception.
Expanding what Wouter said, plus handy BeforeSaving and BeforeDeleting methods:
public interface IDomainObject<T>
bool IsValid();
public interface IEntity<T> : IDomainObject<T>
public interface IAggregateRoot<T> : IEntity<T>
void BeforeSaving();
void BeforeDeleting();
public interface IAggregateRoot { //or simply IEntity depending on the model
bool IsValid();
public class StyleBundle : IAggregateRoot<T> {
return styles.Count() > 0
public class StyleBundleRepository : Repository<StyleBundle> {
public abstract class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class, IAggregateRoot<T> {
public T Save(T t)
t.BeforeSaving(); //for all AggregateRoots, maybe logging what the aggregate was like before the changes
throw Exeception("Entity invalid");
// "AfterSaving" here, i.e.: log how the entity looks after the update
Edit: I dont personally use the IsValid idea, I go with a full class of EntityValidationErrors where I can report back to the client what was wrong before attempting to save, things that shouldnt be null, shouldnt be empty (like your Styles etc)
There are multiple strategies:
Some developers prefer to create 2 methods in the entity itself, one called IsValid() which validates the entity in terms of business rules (general validation) and another one called IsValidForPersistence() which validates the entity for persistence.
Regarding IsValid() I prefer instead not to allow invalid state in the first place by validating all inputs, and to support invariants I use factory or builder.
you may check the link
for some thoughts.
I know, this question is three years old, but seeing the current answer is something I like to respond to. We are talking about the domain data. Hence, there can't be a valid StyleBundle with 0 objects. I imagine, you have a frontend editor somewhere, were you create a "new" StyleBundle and have to add at least one style, before hitting the "save" button.
At this point in the frontend, you won't have a domain object. You may have a data transfer object, that will be send with a "CreateNewStyleBundle" command.
In my opinion, the domain object must be agnostic to persitance and should always be in a valid state. If you have to call a "IsValid" method, you circumvent the whole idea of having domain objects in the first place.
That's just my humble opinion.

MVC 3 passing entity as an Interface

I'm currently working on an MVC 3 project using Ninject as my DI, the business objects are stored in a separate assembly. I'm running into an issue with the controller parameters, when posting back for CRUD operations I'm getting the error "Cannot create an instance of an interface". I am aware that you can't create an instance of an interface, but it seems like the only way I can get around this is to use a custom model binder and pass the FormCollection through. This seems really messy and I want to keep as much type specific code out of the project as I can - hence interfaces everywhere and Ninject to DI the concretes. Not only does custom model binding seem messy - won't I also lose my DataAnnotations?
Some code to describe what I have:
public ActionResult Create()
// I'm thinking of using a factory pattern for this part
var objectToCreate = new ConcereteType();
return (objectToEdit);
public ActionResult Create(IRecord record)
// check model and pass to repository
if (ModelState.IsValue)
return View();
return View(record);
Has anyone run into this before? How did you get over it?
but it seems like the only way I can get around this is to use a custom model binder
A custom model binder is the correct way to go. And by the way you should use view models as action arguments, not domain models or interfaces.
Not only does custom model binding seem messy - won't I also lose my DataAnnotations?
I don't know why you think that a custom model binder would make things messy. For me it's a great way to separate mapping logic into a reusable class. And, no you will not lose DataAnnotations. They will work perfectly fine on the concrete instance that the custom model binder would return.
Data passed to controllers action are simply holders for values. There shouldn't be any logic in them so there is nothing to decouple from. You can use concrete types (e.g Record) instead of interface (IRecord)
I made the same simple mistake. Ninject injects parameters into your constructor, but you added parameters to the Index Controller action.
It should look like this:
public class HomeController : Controller
private IRecord _record;
public HomeController(IRecord record)
_record = record;
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = "Modify this template to jump-start your ASP.NET MVC application. " +
_record .HelloWorld();
return View();
Make sense?

How do you handle data validation in the model using ColdFusion Model-Glue?

MVC best practices state that the model should handle input/data validation. Let's say that we have a model that creates new user accounts, with the following fields and constraints:
Username - not null, not already in DB
Password - not null, alphanumeric only
E-mail - not null, not already in DB, valid e-mail format
We have an AccountModel with a CreateNewUser() function:
public void function CreateNewUser(string username, string password, string email)
// create account
Then we have a controller that processes a form post and tells the model to create the account:
public void function NewUser()
var username = event.getValue("username");
var password = event.getValue("password");
var email = event.getValue("email");
var accountModel = new AccountModel();
accountModel.CreateNewUser(username, password, email);
Now I want to add validation. If the user fails to provide input for all three fields, the application should show the user three validation error messages. This is easy enough to do in the controller:
// assumes that ValidateInput() is a function on the controller that returns an array
var validationErrors = ValidateInput(username, password, email);
// if there were any validation errors, return a ValidationError result
if (len(validationErrors)
event.setValue("validationerrors", validationErrors);
And the view will pull the validationerrors variable and display the error messages.
However, this logic is supposed to reside in the model. How do I do this? I can think of two ways:
Method 1: Move ValidateInput() from the controller to the model. Now the controller has to call ValidateInput() first before CreateNewUser(). If the programmer forgets to do this, CreateNewUser() will throw a validation exception. The downside to this is that now every data operation that requires validation will need an if/else block.
Method 2: Forego having to call ValidateInput() and just call CreateNewUser() directly. If there were any validation errors, an exception will be thrown and it will contain the error message array. This method would work in C#, but it looks like ColdFusion does not support returning of data with the exception, only an exception message and type. Also, every data operation will require a try/catch block.
Method 3: ??
How would you handle validation in this case? Is method 1 what most people do when it comes to validation in the model? Or do people typically use method 2? Or is there a method 3 that I'm not thinking of?
I don't think you should couple the validation of the user's data entry to the creation of the user's account: they are too different things.
If you couple the two together, it means you're basically doing form validation every time you create an account, which doesn't seem right to me.
I see form validation as a UI concern, more than a concern of the objects that might be ultimately created from that data. Obviously your createNewUser() method has its own business rules (which will probably closely mirror that of the validation for a create-new-user form, but they are still separate concerns).
It is possibly a bit unorthodox, but I will put a validateUserData() (or something) method in my User CFC which the form-validation model then calls to help with the validation. This means the business rules for a user are in the same place, and can be called separately. Thereafter, createNewUser() works on a garbage-in/garbage-out principle.
Sidenote: createNewUser() is a bit of a tautological name, innit? What other sort of user would you be creating other than a new one? Also, if it's in your Account.cfc; is it a new user or a new account that's being created? If an account and a user are not synonymous and an account might exist without a user (or vice-versa), perhaps you ought to have a User.cfc too. Then again, this code you've given us could simply be for the purposes of illustration, and you've got all this covered.

In Spring MVC 3, how do I bind an object to a query string when the query string parameters don't match up with the object fields?

A 3rd party is sending me part of the data to fill in my domain object via a query string. I need to partially fill in my domain object, and then have the user fill in the rest via a form. I don't have any control over the query string parameters coming in, so I can't change those, but I'd really like to be able to use Spring MVC's data binding abilities, rather than doing it by hand.
How can I do this?
To add some complication to this, some of the parameters will require extensive processing because they map to other objects (such as mapping to a user from just a name) that may not even exist yet and will need to be created. This aspect, I assume, can be handled using property editors. If I run into trouble with this, I will ask another question.
Once I have a partially filled domain object, passing it on to the edit view, etc. is no problem, but I don't know how to properly deal with the initial domain object population.
The only thing I have been able to come up with so far is to have an extra class that has it's properties named to match the inbound query parameters and a function to convert from this intermediary class to my domain class.
This seems like a lot of overhead though just to map between variable names.
Can you not just have the getter named differently from the setter, or have 2 getters and 2 setters if necessary?
private int spn;
// Standard getter/setter
public int getSpn() {
return spn;
public void setSpn(int spn) {
this.spn = spn;
// More descriptively named getter/setter
public int getShortParameterName() {
return spn;
public void setShortParameterName(int spn) {
this.spn = spn;
Maybe that is not standard bean convention, but surely would work?
