It is a programming assignment in Prolog to write a program that takes in input of processes, resources, etc and either print out the safe order of execution or simply return false if there is no safe order of execution.
I am very new to Prolog and I just simply can't get myself to think in the way it is demanding me to think (which is, formulating the problem logically and letting the compiler figure out how to do the operations) and I am stuck just thinking procedurally. How would you formulate such a problem logically, in terms of predicates and whatnot?
The sample input goes as follows: a list of processes, a list of pairs of resource and the number of available instances of that resource and facts allocated(x,y) with x being a process and y being a list of resources allocated to x and finally requested(x,y) such that x is a process and y is a list of resources requested by x.
For the life of me I can't think of it in terms of anything but C++. I am too stuck. I don't even need code, just clarity.
edit: here's a sample input. I seriously just need to see what I need to do. I am completely clueless.
processes([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5]).
available_resources([[r1, 2], [r2, 2], [r3, 2], [r4, 1], [r5, 2]]).
allocated(p1, [r1, r2]).
allocated(p2, [r1, r3]).
allocated(p3, [r2]).
allocated(p4, [r3]).
allocated(p5, [r4]).
requested(p5, [r5]).
What you want to do is apply the "state search" approach.
Start with an initial state S0.
Apply a transformation to S0 according to allowed rules, giving S1. The rules must allowed only consistent states to be created. For example, the rules may not allow to generate new resources ex nihilo.
Check whether the new state S1 fulfills the condition of a "final state" or "solution state" permitting you to declare victory.
If not, apply a transformation to S1, according to allowed rules, giving S2.
Applying transformations may get you to generate a state from which no progress is possible but which is not a "final state" either. You are stuck. In that case, dump a few of the latest transformations, moving back to an earlier state, and try other transformations.
Through this you get a tree of states through the state space as you explore the different possibilites to reach one of the final states (or the single final state, depending on the problem).
What we need is:
A state description ;
A set of allowed state transformations (sometimes called "operators") ;
A criterium to decide whether we are blocked in a state ;
A criterium to decide whether we have found a final state ;
Maybe a heuristic to decide which state to try next. If the state space is small enough, we can try everything blindly, otherwise something like A* might be useful.
The exploration algorithm itself. Starting with an initial state, it applies operators, generating new states, backtracks if blocked, and terminates if a final state has been reached.
State description
A state (at any time t) is described by the following relevant information:
a number of processes
a number of resources, several of the same kind
information about which processes have allocated which resources
information about which processes have requested which resources
As with anything else in informatics, we need a data structure for the above.
The default data structure in Prolog is the term, a tree of symbols. The extremely useful list is only another representation of a particular tree. One has to a representation so that it speaks to the human and can still be manipulated easily by Prolog code. So how about a term like this:
This expresses the fact that process p1 owns two resources r1 and one resource r2 and wants r3 next.
The full state is then a list of list specifying information about each process, for example:
Operator description
Prolog does not allow "mutable state", so an operator is a transformation from one state to another, rather than a patching of a state to represent some other state.
The fact that states are not modified in-place is of course very important because we (probably) want to retain the states already visited so as to be able to "back track" to an earlier state in case we are blocked.
I suppose the following operators may apply:
In state StateIn, process P requests resource R which it needs but can't obtain.
request(StateIn, StateOut, P, R) :- .... code that builds StateOut from StateIn
In state StateIn, process P obtains resource R which is free.
obtain(StateIn, StateOut, P, R) :- .... code that builds StateOut from StateIn
In state StateIn, process P frees resource R which is owns.
free(StateIn, StateOut, P, R) :- .... code that builds StateOut from StateIn
The code would be written such that if StateIn were
then free(StateIn, StateOut, p1, r2) would construct a StateOut
which becomes the new current state in the search loop. Etc. Etc.
A criterium to decide whether we are blocked in the current state
Often being "blocked" means that no operators are applicable to the state because for none of the operators, valid preconditions hold.
In this case the criterium seems to be "the state implies a deadlock".
So a predicate check_deadlock(StateIn) needs to be written. It has to test the state description for any deadlock conditions (performing its own little search, in fact).
A criterium to decide whether we have found a final state
This is underspecified. What is a final state for this problem?
In any case, there must be a check_final(StateIn) predicate which returns true if StateIn is, indeed, a final state.
Note that the finality criterium may also be about the whole path from the start state to the current state. In that case: check_path([StartState,NextState,...,CurrentState]).
The exploration algorithm
This can be relatively short in Prolog as you get depth-first search & backtracking for free if you don't use specific heuristics and keep things primitive.
You are all set!
Phase 2. (a) If the proposer receives a response to its prepare requests (numbered n) from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to each of those acceptors for a proposal numbered n with a value v, where v is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the responses, or is any value if the responses reported no proposals.
As mentioned in the paper,
A proposer issues a proposal by sending, to some set of acceptors, a request that the proposal be accepted. (This need not be the same set of acceptors that responded to the initial requests.)"
But as my understanding, if we change Phase 2. (a) to:
If the proposer receives a response to its prepare requests (numbered n) from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to an arbitrary set of majority acceptors for a proposal numbered n with a value v, where v is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the responses, or is any value if the responses reported no proposals.
the algorithm will fail, following is an example. Consider that there are totally 3 acceptors ABC. We will use X(n:v,m) to denote the status of acceptor X: proposal n:v is the largest numbered proposal accepted by X where n is the proposal number and v is the value of the proposal, and m is the number of the largest numbered prepare request that X has ever responded.
P1 sends 'prepare 1' to AB
Both AB respond P1 with a promise to not to accept any request numbered smaller than 1. Now the status is: A(-:-,1) B(-:-,1) C(-:-,-)
P1 receives the responses, then gets stuck and runs very slowly
P2 sends 'prepare 100' to AB
Both AB respond P2 with a promise to not to accept any request numbered smaller than 100. Now the status is: A(-:-,100) B(-:-,100) C(-:-,-)
P2 receives the responses, chooses a value b and sends 'accept 100:b' to BC
BC receive and accept the accept request, the status is: A(-:-,100) B(100:b,100) C(100:b,-). Note that proposal 100:b has been chosen.
P1 resumes, chooses value a and sends 'accept 1:a' to BC
B doesn't accept it, but C accepts it because C has never promise anything. Status is: A(-:-,100) B(100:b,100) C(1:a,-). The chosen proposal is abandon, Paxos fails.
Did I miss anything here? Thanks.
You missed something in step 7. When C processes accept 100:b it sets its state to C(100:b,100). By accepting a value the node is also promising to not accept earlier values.
Update. I've been thinking about this all month because I knew the above answer was not absolutely correct.
What's more I looked through several proprietary and open-source paxos implementations and they all had the bug submitted by the OP!
So here's the correct answer, when viewed entirely from Paxos Made Simple:
If the proposer receives a response to its prepare requests (numbered n) from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to each of those acceptors for a proposal numbered n with a value v, where v is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the responses, or is any value if the responses reported no proposals. (emphasis mine)
In other words, the proposer can only send Accept messages to acceptors that it has received Promises from for that ballot number.
So, is this a contradiction in Lamport's paper? Right now, I'm saying yes.
If you look at Lamport's paxos proofs he treats an accept as a promise, just as my original answer suggests. But this is not pointed out in Paxos Made Simple. In fact, it appears Lamport took great pains to specify that an accept was not a promise.
The problem is when you combine the weaker portions of both variants; as the OP did and several implementations do. Then you run into this catastrophic bug.
There is certainly no problem with broadcasting the accept request to all acceptors. You don't need to restrict it to just the ones that replied to the original prepare request. You've found a rare case of bad wording in Dr Lamport's writing.
There is, however, a bug in your counterexample. Firstly, the notation is defined like this:
X(n:v,m) to denote the status of acceptor X: proposal n:v is the largest numbered proposal accepted by X
But then in step 7 node C has state C(100:b,-), and then in step 9 it's changed to state C(1:a,-). This is not a valid transition: after accepting 1:a it should remain in state C(100:b,-) since 100:b is still the largest numbered proposal accepted by C.
Note that it's perfectly fine that it accepts 1:a after 100:b, essentially because the network is asynchronous so all messages can be delayed or reordered without breaking anything, so the rest of the world can't tell which proposal was accepted first anyway.
NECROBUMP. Even with the weaker portion of both variants, there is no inconsistency. Let's look at step 9 in the example in the question:
"The state is A(-:-,100) B(100:b,100) C(1:a,-). The chosen proposal is abandon, Paxos fails"
However, at this point all we have is an indeterminate value, since there is no majority accepted value (we must eventually choose 'b' since b was accepted by a majority during step 6.)
In order to continue the protocol, we need new ballots and eventually some newer ballot will be accepted. That ballot must have the value 'b',
PROOF: C will respond with (100, 'b') on any prepare requests since the highest-numbered ballot it accepted is (100, 'b') even if it last accepted a ballot (1, 'a'). B will also respond with (100, 'b'). Hence it is no longer possible to get a majority ballot with any value but 'b'.
Lamport's language is that an acceptor will respond with "The proposal with the highest number less than n that it has accepted, if any"
The accepted answer confuses "highest numbered" with "latest accepted," since the example shows that an acceptor may accept values in decreasing numbered order. In order to completely align with Lamport's protocol, it is necessary for C to remember that it responded to (100, 'b') even if the "latest" accept it has made is (1, 'a').
(That being said I would not be surprised if many implementations don't do this correctly, and hence are vulnerable to this issue.)
There is indeed an ambiguity in the paper, which is why TLA+ specification, and not the paper should be used for implementing the algorithm.
When accepting a value, an acceptor must once again update its state, namely the most recently promised ballot. This is clear from Paxos TLA+ specification, check out Phase 2b in which acceptor updates maxBal, and compare with Phase 1b where it does the same.
Leslie Lamport handles this question in his recent lecture, where he explains that this is done specifically to allow the set of acceptors to be different from the set of nodes promising the ballot.
C can't accept the proposal as it hasn't gone through Phase 1. IOWs for a vale to be accepted by an acceptor, the acceptor has to move through both phases of the protocol.
if by accepting a value the node is also promising to not accept earlier values, the algorithm is correct, but in the paper Lamport didn't mention this requirement, right?
The above condition is not required. Let's say the highest ballot an acceptor has promised is X. Let's say the incoming accept message has ballot number Y. If Y < X, we know that Y has to be rejected. If Y > X, this means that the acceptor hasn't received a prepare request for Y. This means, we have received an invalid paxos message. In this case, the accept message for Y should be dropped.
The only exception to this is when Y == 0. In this case, issuing a prepare with ballot number 0 doesn't make sense as ballot numbers below 0 are invalid. So, phase 1 can be skipped for ballot 0 and a proposer can directly go to Phase 2. In this case, i.e. when Y == 0, the acceptor can accept the value only if it hasn't accepted a value. This is the same as what you are proposing above, but it is required only in the optimized version of Paxos where Phase 1 can be skipped for Y == 0.
IOWs, the only time an acceptor accepts a value is when Y == X. The only exception is when Y == 0. In that case, the acceptor can accept the value only if it hasn't accepted a value.
I agree with most part of Ben Braun's answer.
It's fine for C to accept (1,a), it doesn't change the chosen value. Let's say C accepted (1, a), and we take a look at the accept history from the perspective of a learner.
(100, b) accepted by B and C
(1, a) is accepted by C
(100, b) is chosen since it is accepted by majority of acceptors.
At this point the protocol doesn't need to continue if the learner got complete accept history, unless learners failed or messages to learners are lost. This is where I disagree with Ben Braun's answer.
But the acceptors should keep the accepted proposal with the highest number, in case a new proposal is issued.
update: I also agree with Dave Turner that in reality there is no reason to accept lower numbered proposal. Proposal number is like logical time clock, it's safe to ignore older messages.
The ambiguous sentence in Paxos Made Simple is "This need not be the same set of acceptors that responded to the initial requests".
Its actual meaning is "Hi, let me give you a hint here. The algorithm described in this paper can be optimized to eliminate the requirement that the prepare phase and the accept phase must have the same set of acceptors". Note that the algorithm described in Paxos Made Simple is a little different from the one described in The Part-Time Parliament.
However, some people misunderstood that sentence like this: "The algorithm described in this paper does not require that the prepare phase and the accept phase must have the same set of acceptors".
I'm trying to write something that simulates the Martingale betting system. If you're not familiar with this, it's a "sure thing!" (not a sure thing) betting system for coin-toss games where you double your bet each time you lose, hoping to win back all your lost money upon the first win.
So your bets would go $10 -> loss -> $20 -> loss -> $40 -> loss -> $80 -> win! -> $10...
Simple, right? I figure the logic will be:
Have a wallet variable that starts at $1,000.
Make a bet.
Flip a coin with rand(0..1). 0 will be a loss and 1 a win.
If I win, add the bet to my wallet. If I lose, subtract the bet from my wallet, and then issue a new bet for twice the previous.
I write this as:
def flip(bet)
if rand(0..1) == 0 then
$balance += bet
$balance -= bet
Then I run flip(10) a thousand times just to see how effective this betting system is.
The problem is that I always get the exact same results. I'll run the program ten times, and the first five results will always be 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1050... So something's wrong. But I can't really see what; the logic seems fine to me.
Just to test things out, I removed the recursive call, the line flip(bet*2). Instead, I just ran a thousand regular bets. And that behaves the way you'd expect, different results every time.
So what's going on here?
Looking at the logic it looks as if it will recursively bet until you win. So it looks like your balance is going up by 10 every time, hence the "1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1050".
If you put a puts $balance before the flip(bet*2) line you can see the balance going up and down.
I guess that's the point of the betting system. I don't think there is anything wrong with the random part of the method.
Your result is exactly what you expect with "sure thing" betting, because you allow $balance to go negative, so the better is not limited in any way (effectively they have infinite resources). The strategy will always exit $10 up on last balance, due to losing e.g. 10,20,40 dollars, then adding 80. Because you allow negative balance, the better is allowed to continue this - whilst a model could notice if they lost 6 games in a row (1 in 64 chance), then they would be down to $370, and not able to make the next bet at $640.
Add something to catch running out of money, and you should see a difference in how many bets it will take before that happens, or what the losing value of $balance is (i.e. you can demonstrate this way that the "sure thing" strategy is flawed - because for every 63 wins of $10, there is a single loss of $630 to perfectly balance it)
I am a newbie in Go language, so please excuse me if my question is very basic. I have written a very simple code:
func main(){
var count int // Default 0
cptr := &count
go incr(cptr)
// Increments the value of count through pointer var
func incr(cptr *int) {
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
go func() {
*cptr = *cptr + 1
The value of count should increment by one the number of times the loop runs. Consider the cases:
Loop runs for 100 times--> value of count is 100 (Which is correct as the loop runs 100 times).
Loop runs for >510 times --> Value of count is either 508 OR 510. This happens even if it is 100000.
I am running this on an 8 core processor machine.
First of all: prior to Go 1.5 it runs on a single processor, only using multiple threads for blocking system calls. Unless you tell the runtime to use more processors by using GOMAXPROCS.
As of Go 1.5 GOMAXPROCS is set to the number of CPUS. See 6, 7 .
Also, the operation *cptr = *cptr + 1 is not guaranteed to be atomic. If you look carefully, it can be split up into 3 operations: fetch old value by dereferencing pointer, increment value, save value into pointer address.
The fact that you're getting 508/510 is due to some magic in the runtime and not defined to stay that way. More information on the behaviour of operations with concurrency can be found in the Go memory model.
You're probably getting the correct values for <510 started goroutines because any number below these are not (yet) getting interrupted.
Generally, what you're trying to do is neither recommendable in any language, nor the "Go" way to do concurrency. A very good example of using channels to synchronize is this code walk: Share Memory By Communicating (rather than communicating by sharing memory)
Here is a little example to show you what I mean: use a channel with a buffer of 1 to store the current number, fetch it from the channel when you need it, change it at will, then put it back for others to use.
You code is racy: You write to the same memory location from different, unsynchronized goroutines without any locking. The result is basically undefined. You must either a) make sure that all the goroutine writes after each other in a nice, ordered way, or b) protect each write by e.g. e mutex or c) use atomic operations.
If you write such code: Always try it under the race detector like $ go run -race main.go and fix all races.
A nice alternative to using channels in this case might be the sync/atomic package, which contains specifically functions for atomically incrementing/decrementing numbers.
You are spawning 500 or 1000 routines without synchronization among routines. This is creating a race condition, which makes the result un-predictable.
Imagine You are working in an office to account for expense balance for your boss.
Your boss was in a meeting with 1000 of his subordinates and in this meeting he said, "I would pay you all a bonus, so we will have to increment the record of our expense". He issued following command:
i) Go to Nerve and ask him/ her what is the current expense balance
ii) Call my secretary to ask how much bonus you would receive
iii) Add your bonus as an expense to the additional expense balance. Do the math yourself.
iv) Ask Nerve to write the new balance of expense on my authority.
All of the 1000 eager participants rushed to record their bonus and created a race condition.
Say 50 of the eager gophers hit Nerve at the same time (almost), they ask,
i) "What is the current expense balance?
-- Nerve says $1000 to all of those 50 gophers, as they asked at the same question at the same time(almost) when the balance was $1000.
ii) The gophers then called secretary, how much bonus should be paid to me?
Secretary answers, "just $1 to be fair"
iii) Boos said do the math, they all calculates $1000+ $1 = $1001 should be the new cost balance for the company
iv) They all will ask Nerve to put back $1001 to the balance.
You see the problem in the method of Eager gophers?
There are $50 units of computation done, every time the added $1 to the existing balance, but the cost didn't increase by $50; only increased by $1.
Hope that clarifies the problem. Now for the solutions, other contributors gave very good solutions that would be sufficient I believe.
All of that approaches failed to me, noobie here. But i have found a better way
I'm using sync package to solve that problem and wait for all goroutines to finish, without Sleep or Channel.
And don't forget to take a look at that awesome post
It's known that recursive descent parsers may require exponential time in some cases; could anyone point me to the samples, where this happens? Especially interested in cases for PEG (i.e. with prioritized choices).
Any top down parser, including recursive descent, can theoretically become exponential if the combination of input and grammar are such that large numbers of backtracks are necessary. This happens if the grammar is such that determinative choices are placed at the end of long sequences. For example, if you have a symbol like & meaning "all previous minuses are actually plusses" and then have data like "((((a - b) - c) - d) - e &)" then the parser has to go backwards and change all the plusses to minuses. If you start making nested expressions along these lines you can create an effectively non-terminating set of input.
You have to realize you are stepping into a political issue here, because the reality is that most normal grammars and data sets are not like this, however, there are a LOT of people who systematically badmouth recursive descent because it is not easy to make RD automatically. All early parsers are LALR because they are MUCH easier to make automatically than RD. So what happened was that everyone just wrote LALR and badmouthed RD, because in the old days the only way to make an RD was to code it by hand. For example, if you read the dragon book you will find that Aho & Ullman write just one paragraph on RD, and it is basically just a ideological takedown saying "RD is bad, don't do it".
Of course, if you start hand coding RDs (as I have) you will find that they are much better than LALRs for a variety of reasons. In the old days you could always tell a compiler that had a hand-coded RD, because it had meaningful error messages with locational accuracy, whereas compilers with LALRs would show the error occurring like 50 lines away from where it really was. Things have changed a lot since the old days, but you should realize that when you start reading the FUD on RD, that it is coming from a long, long tradition of verbally trashing RD in "certain circles".
It's because you can end up parsing the same things (check the same rule at the same position) many times in different recursion branches. It's kind of like calculating the n-th Fibonacci number using recursion.
A -> xA | xB | x
B -> yA | xA | y | A
S -> A
xA(yxyy) fail
xB(yxyy) fail
x(yxyy) fail
xA(yy) fail
xB(yy) fail
x(yy) fail
xA(y) fail
xB(y) fail
x(y) fail
xA(yy) fail *
x(xyy) fail
xA(yxyy) fail *
y(yxyy) fail
xA(yxyy) fail *
xB(yxyy) fail *
x(yxyy) fail *
x(xyxyy) fail
yA(xyxyy) fail
xA(xyxyy) *
xA(yxyy) fail *
xB(yxyy) fail *
* - where we parse a rule at the same position where we have already parsed it in a different branch. If we had saved the results - which rules fail at which positions - we'd know xA(xyxyy) fails the second time around and we wouldn't go through its whole subtree again. I didn't want to write out the whole thing, but you can see it will repeat the same subtrees many times.
When it will happen - when you have many overlapping transformations. Prioritized choice doesn't change things - if the lowest priority rule ends up being the only correct one (or none are correct), you had to check all the rules anyway.