Complexity of a non-integer K-Commodity Flow without conservation property - algorithm

I'm working on a problem that can be seen as a version of the Santa Claus problem (defined here for example : where the goods are divisble instead of indivisible.
For the indivisible problem, a reduction to the Partitoning problem is possible to classify it as NP-hard (see Golovin 2005 : page 3). However, with divisble goods, I couldn't find much litterature unless i changed the problem to another form.
The problem can be reduced to the K-commodity problem (an extension of ND38 (from Garey and Johnson) : Directed Two-commodity Integral Flow) with integral flow which is NP-complete, and with non-integral flows it is poynomially equivalent to Linear Programming (for two or more commodities).
However, the edge that I have in my model wouldn't be conservative as the utility of each resources is not the same for each commodities, and thus, a total input flow flow of 1 unit of commodity i into v doesn't means that the output flow is also 1. From Wikipedia it would be defined as preflow because it lacks the "Flow Conservation" property, which is essential in the problem also defined on Wikipedia.
Is there a way to prove/explain the complexity class of the K-commodity non-integral flows without the flow conservation property (which my problem can be reduced to) ?
To explain a bit more about the problem, i have N employees and M tasks. Each employee i has an efficiency in each task j defined as e_(i,j). The efficiency can be 0 if the employee doesn't know how to do the task. Each employees can work up to H_i hours and can divide his time between the different tasks that he can do.
The objective here is to maximize to production function of the firm which is a Leontieff production function, which is the last done task (the production is a max-min across the differents tasks). There is no collaboration, so the produced task amount is equal to the contribution of each employee (efficiency multiplies by the number of hours passed on this task).
If we think of the task as the agents, this problem can be seen as a max-min utility across tasks (agents) of the allocation of divisble goods (worker hours) with differentiated utilities (efficiencies).
As I can't use a linear solver insidemy program, i am limited to finding a good greedy or FPTAS algorithm to solve this within an acceptable margin of error.
Thank you for reading. I would be grateful if you have any idea or general direction/keywords to guide me in my research.


Multiple Knapsack Variations

I'm and undergrad doing some evolutionary algorithm work on the multiple knapsack problem. I've completed my code, but I'm struggling to understand an aspect of test cases. I've noticed that they have a constraint (weights or costs) matrix, as opposed to a list. Why? Why should the cost of an object depend on which knapsack it's in? I can certainly add to the algorithm to make this happen, but I don't understand its applications. Each test case I've found is in this format. Any help with the matrix or data with 1-dimensial constraint would be appreciated.
As a popular paper on the travelings salesman says:
The popularity of the travelings salesman problem does not originate from millions of salesman that want to calculate the optimal route.
Based on your specification of the problem, I think you are talking about the Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem (p. 12). With P the price matrix and W the weight matrix.
The same of course holds for the Knapsack problem. Although the story is about a knapsack that knapsack can be anything.
Take for instance a scheduling problem. Say you have a (fictitious) hospital with three employees: two doctors and one nurse. Now each day, one makes a list of tasks these employees have to carry out (for instance examining patients, filling in forms,...). Now we can represent each of the employees as a knapsack since they have a limited number of hours they work that day.
The weight of a task describes the amount of time employee i needs to handle task j. And furthermore it can be used to specify that a certain task is forbidden. For instance in Belgium a nurse with an A-certificate is not allowed to give a patient an injection. You can enforce this by specifying that the nurse would take years to handle such task, the "weight" of that task is thus too large with respect to the capacity of that bag.
So: wij describes the time employee i spends to carry out task j and is set above the capacity if that task cannot be carried out by that employee.
Furthermore the value is for instance the quality of carrying out the task. If one of the doctors is specialized in heart diseases, evidently his diagnosis for patients with heart problems will be better. Or you can for instance use the inverse of the amount you need to pay the employee to handle that task (if the employees are paid on a per-task basis), to minimize the cost.
So pij specifies the quality with which employee i will carry out task j, or for instance the inverse of the cost of employee i carrying out task j.
The optimal configuration of the knapsack will thus specify which tasks the employees will handle that day such that no employee works more than is allowed (or performs tasks he/she is not licensed for), and furthermore optimizes the quality of service or minimizes the operational costs.
So if xij=1, that means in the optimal scenario, employee i will carry out task j that day.
A typical application is thus one where multiple employees/machines/servers handle tasks/problems/requests with different costs and bounds.
#IVlad made some constructive comments pointing to related problems:
In the Assignment problem, one aims to construct a set of edges in a bipartite graph such that no two edges share a node and the total weight is maximized. One cannot (evidently) map the MCKP to the AP, since the weights will discard situations where an employee will perform too much tasks, simply because it is optimal.
The multi-objective variant transforms the price matrix P into a tensor (or beyond) such that you have different evaluation criteria you can take into account (for instance both the quality and the price), and you search for an optimal solution for both objectives.
The test data I'm referring to is It seems that this data is for the multi-dimensional knapsack problem.
This looks like data for the multiconstraint 0/1 knapsack problem: as you can see in that paper, there are m constraints:
z = sum{j = 1 to n: c[j]*x[j]}
Subject to:
sum{j = 1 to n: a[i,j]*x[j]} <= b[i] i = 1, ..., m
x[j] in {0,1}
This is suggested by the following reference at the start of the data document you linked to:
Simulated Annealing: A. Drexel (1988) "A Simulated Annealing
Approach to the Multiconstraint Zero-One Knapsack Problem."
Computing, 40:1-8.
And it seems to be the only thing that fits the data format.

Algorithm for maximizing happiness

Imagine you have:
100 people
100 projects
Each person ranks all 100 projects in the order in which they would like to work on them. What kind of algorithm can be used to maximize the happiness of the people (i.e. being assigned to a project they ranked higher translates to greater happiness).
Assume one project per person.
The algorithm for this kind of problems is very popular and is known as the Hungarian algorithm. The similar problem solved with this kind of problem:
We consider an example where four jobs (J1, J2, J3, and J4) need to be
executed by four workers (W1, W2, W3, and W4), one job per worker. The
matrix below shows the cost of assigning a certain worker to a certain
job. The objective is to minimize the total cost of the assignment.
Please note that the default hungarian algorithm finds the minimum cost but you can alter the program to make it work as maximizing the cost.
If the goal is to find the assignment that yields the maximum cost,
the problem can be altered to fit the setting by replacing each cost
with the maximum cost subtracted by the cost.
I've already implemented the Hungarian algorithm on my Github,
so feel free to use it and modify it to make it work as maximizing the cost.

What are some examples of problems well suited for Integer Linear Programming?

I've always been writing software to solve business problems. I came across about LIP while I was going through one of the SO posts. I googled it but I am unable to relate how I can use it to solve business problems. Appreciate if some one can help me understand in layman terms.
ILP can be used to solve essentially any problem involving making a bunch of decisions, each of which only has several possible outcomes, all known ahead of time, and in which the overall "quality" of any combination of choices can be described using a function that doesn't depend on "interactions" between choices. To see how it works, it's easiest to restrict further to variables that can only be 0 or 1 (the smallest useful range of integers). Now:
Each decision requiring a yes/no answer becomes a variable
The objective function should describe the thing we want to maximise (or minimise) as a weighted combination of these variables
You need to find a way to express each constraint (combination of choices that cannot be made at the same time) using one or more linear equality or inequality constraints
For example, suppose you have 3 workers, Anne, Bill and Carl, and 3 jobs, Dusting, Typing and Packing. All of the people can do all of the jobs, but they each have different efficiency/ability levels at each job, so we want to find the best task for each of them to do to maximise overall efficiency. We want each person to perform exactly 1 job.
One way to set this problem up is with 9 variables, one for each combination of worker and job. The variable x_ad will get the value 1 if Anne should Dust in the optimal solution, and 0 otherwise; x_bp will get the value 1 if Bill should Pack in the optimal solution, and 0 otherwise; and so on.
Objective Function
The next thing to do is to formulate an objective function that we want to maximise or minimise. Suppose that based on Anne, Bill and Carl's most recent performance evaluations, we have a table of 9 numbers telling us how many minutes it takes each of them to perform each of the 3 jobs. In this case it makes sense to take the sum of all 9 variables, each multiplied by the time needed for that particular worker to perform that particular job, and to look to minimise this sum -- that is, to minimise the total time taken to get all the work done.
The final step is to give constraints that enforce that (a) everyone does exactly 1 job and (b) every job is done by exactly 1 person. (Note that actually these steps can be done in any order.)
To make sure that Anne does exactly 1 job, we can add the constraint that x_ad + x_at + x_ap = 1. Similar constraints can be added for Bill and Carl.
To make sure that exactly 1 person Dusts, we can add the constraint that x_ad + x_bd + x_cd = 1. Similar constraints can be added for Typing and Packing.
Altogether there are 6 constraints. You can now supply this 9-variable, 6-constraint problem to an ILP solver and it will spit back out the values for the variables in one of the optimal solutions -- exactly 3 of them will be 1 and the rest will be 0. The 3 that are 1 tell you which people should be doing which job!
ILP is General
As it happens, this particular problem has a special structure that allows it to be solved more efficiently using a different algorithm. The advantage of using ILP is that variations on the problem can be easily incorporated: for example if there were actually 4 people and only 3 jobs, then we would need to relax the constraints so that each person does at most 1 job, instead of exactly 1 job. This can be expressed simply by changing the equals sign in each of the 1st 3 constraints into a less-than-or-equals sign.
First, read a linear programming example from Wikipedia
Now imagine the farmer producing pigs and chickens, or a factory producing toasters and vacuums - now the outputs (and possibly constraints) are integers, so those pretty graphs are going to go all crookedly step-wise. That's a business application that is easily represented as a linear programming problem.
I've used integer linear programming before to determine how to tile n identically proportioned images to maximize screen space used to display these images, and the formalism can represent covering problems like scheduling, but business applications of integer linear programming seem like the more natural applications of it.
SO user flolo says:
Use cases where I often met it: In digital circuit design you have objects to be placed/mapped onto certain parts of a chip (FPGA-Placing) - this can be done with ILP. Also in HW-SW codesign there often arise the partition problem: Which part of a program should still run on a CPU and which part should be accelerated on hardware. This can be also solved via ILP.
A sample ILP problem will looks something like:
maximize 37∙x1 + 45∙x2
x1,x2,... should be positive integers
...but, there is a set of constrains in the form
a1∙x1+b1∙x2 < k1
a2∙x1+b2∙x2 < k2
a3∙x1+b3∙x2 < k3
Now, a simpler articulation of Wikipedia's example:
A farmer has L m² land to be planted with either wheat or barley or a combination of the two.
The farmer has F grams of fertilizer, and P grams of insecticide.
Every m² of wheat requires F1 grams of fertilizer, and P1 grams of insecticide
Every m² of barley requires F2 grams of fertilizer, and P2 grams of insecticide
Let a1 denote the selling price of wheat per 1 m²
Let a2 denote the selling price of barley per 1 m²
Let x1 denote the area of land to be planted with wheat
Let x2 denote the area of land to be planted with barley
x1,x2 are positive integers (Assume we can plant in 1 m² resolution)
the profit is a1∙x1 + a2∙x2 - we want to maximize it
Because the farmer has a limited area of land: x1+x2<=L
Because the farmer has a limited amount of fertilizer: F1∙x1+F2∙x2 < F
Because the farmer has a limited amount of insecticide: P1∙x1+P2∙x2 < P
a1,a2,L,F1,F2,F,P1,P2,P - are all constants (in our example: positive)
We are looking for positive integers x1,x2 that will maximize the expression stated, given the constrains stated.
Hope it's clear...
ILP "by itself" can directly model lots of stuff. If you search for LP examples you will probably find lots of famous textbook cases, such as the diet problem
Given a set of pills, each with a vitamin content and a daily vitamin
quota, find the cheapest cocktail that matches the quota.
Many such problems naturally have instances that require varialbe to be integers (perhaps you can't split pills in half)
The really interesting stuff though is that actually a big deal of combinatorial problems reduce to LP. One of my favourites is the assignment problem
Given a set of N workers, N tasks and an N by N matirx describing how
much each worker charges for the each task, determine what task to
give to each worker in order to minimize cost.
Most solution that naturally come up have exponential complexity but there is a polynomial solution using linear programming.
When it comes to ILP, ILP has the added benefit/difficulty of being NP-complete. This means that it can be used to model a very wide range of problems (boolean satisfiability is also very popular in this regard). Since there are many good and optimized ILP solvers out there it is often viable to translate an NP-complete problem into ILP instead of devising a custom algorithm of your own.
You can apply linear program easily everywhere you want to optimize and the target function is linear. You can make schedules (I mean big, like train companies, who need to optimize the utilization of the vehicles and tracks), productions (optimize win), almost everything. Sometimes it is tricky to formulate your problem as IP and/or sometimes you meet the problem that your solution is, that you have to produce e.g. 0.345 cars for optimum win. That is of course not possible, and so you constraint even more: Your variable for the number of cars must be integer. Even when it now sounds simpler (because you have infinite less choices for your variable), its actually harder. In this moment it gets NP-hard. Which actually means you can solve ANY problem from your computer with ILP, you just have to transform it.
For you I would recommend an intro into reading some basic (I)LP stuff. From my mind I dont know any good online site (but if you goolge you will find some), as book I can recommend Linear Programming from Chvatal. It has very good examples, and describes also real use cases.
The other answers here have excellent examples. Two of the gold standards in business of using integer programming and more generally operations research are
the journal Interfaces published by INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
winners of the the Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Interfaces publishes research that uses operations research applied to real-world problems, and the Edelman award is a highly competitive award for business use of operations research techniques.

Algorithm to transform a workflow DAG into parallel resource allocation?

Say I have a graph where nodes are workloads of various kinds and edges are dependencies between the workloads. (This is a DAG since cyclical dependencies must not exist.)
I also have a set of multiple agents who can perform the work.
Some workload varieties may be given to any agent, others must be given to a specific agent, and others must be given to one agent among a particular group of agents.
How do I assign workloads such that:
No workload is given to an agent until all its blocking workloads are completed
The shortest possible time is required to complete the total workload graph. (Note that minimizing agent idle time is generally good, but not a fundamental requirement - there may be scenarios under which one particular agent idles for longer but the total time to complete all jobs across all agents is at a minimum.)
Workloads have duration estimates, but assume for simplicity's sake that every workload takes equal time to compute. (Just break each workload down into multiple, serially-dependent workloads until every workload is effectively a constant-time operation.)
I'm aware of topological DAG sorting, but that produces a single, serial ordering of nodes. I have multiple agents operating in parallel, and the relationships are such that potentially large timing optimizations can be made by non-obvious reordering of the tasks.
The result of this would be rendered best as a Gantt chart of minimum overall duration. In fact, if you think of the problem as the allocation of bug tickets in a milestone to engineers in a team, with the goal of getting the milestone done ASAP, then you get the idea. (No... please don't tell me to import my graph into MS Project and then export it :) - I'm interested in the algorithm behind it!)
Pointers to well known algorithms, software libraries, or general issues and principles are much appreciated!
Unless you have infinite number of agents so that a compatible agent is available as soon as all the predecessors of a task is done, this is an NP-hard problem.
< shameless plug >
A very similar problem is there in my book "Algorithms For Interviews"
< /shameless plug >
Here is the problem and the solution from the book:
We need to schedule N lectures in M classrooms. Some of those lectures are prerequisites for others. How would you choose when and where to hold the lectures in order to finish all the lectures as soon as possible?
We are given a set of N unit duration lectures and M classrooms. The lectures can be held simultaneously as long as no two lectures need to happen in the same classroom at the same time and all the precedence constraints are met.
The problem of scheduling these lectures so as to minimize the time taken to completion is known to be NP-complete.
This problem is naturally modeled using graphs. We model lectures as vertices, with an edge from vertex u to vertex v if u is a prerequisite for v. Clearly, the graph must be acyclic for the precedence constraints to be satisfied.
If there is just one lecture room, we can simply hold the lectures in topological order and complete the N lectures in N time (assuming each lecture is of unit duration).
We can develop heuristics by observing the following: at any time, there is a set of lectures whose precedence constraints have been satisfied. If this set is smaller than M, we can schedule all of them; otherwise, we need to select a subset to schedule.
The subset selection can be based on several metrics:
Rank order lectures based on the length of the longest dependency chain that they are at the start of.
Rank order lectures based on the number of lectures that they are immediate prerequisites for.
Rank order lectures based on the total number of lectures that they are direct or indirect prerequisites for.
We can also use combinations of these criteria to order the lectures that are currently schedulable.
For example, for each vertex, we define its criticality to be the length of a longest path from it to a sink. We schedule lectures by processing vertices in topological order. At any point in our algorithm, we have a set of candidate lectures-these are the lectures whose prerequisites have already been scheduled.
If the candidate set is less than size M, we schedule all the lectures; otherwise, we choose the M most critical lectures and schedule those-the idea is that they should be scheduled sooner since they are at the start of longer dependency chains.
The criterion is heuristic and may not lead to optimum schedules-this is to be expected since the problem is NP-complete. Other heuristics may be employed, e.g., we may use the number of lectures that depend on lecture L as the criticality of lecture L or some combination of the criterion.
The Wikipedia article on PERT might be a useful place to start.

What is linear programming? [closed]

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I read over the wikipedia article, but it seems to be beyond my comprehension. It says it's for optimization, but how is it different than any other method for optimizing things?
An answer that introduces me to linear programming so I can begin diving into some less beginner-accessible material would be most helpful.
The answers so far have given an algebraic definition of linear programming, and an operational definition. But there is also a geometric definition. A polytope is an n-dimensional generalization of a polygon (in two dimensions) or a polyhedron (in three dimensions). A convex polytope is a polytope which is also a convex set. By definition, linear programming is an optimization problem in which you want to maximize or minimize a linear function on a convex polytope.
For example: Suppose that you want to buy some combination of red sand and blue sand. Suppose also:
You can't buy a negative amount of either kind.
The depot only has 300 pounds of red sand and 400 pounds of blue sand.
Also your jeep has a weight limit of 500 pounds.
If you draw a picture in the plane of how much you can buy with these constraints, it's a convex pentagon. Then, whatever you want to optimize (say, the total amount of gold in the sand), you can know that an optimum (not necessarily the only optimum) is at one of the vertices of the polytope. In fact, there is a much stronger result: Even in high dimensions, any such linear programming problem can be solved in polynomial time, in the number of constraints, or putative sides of the polytope. Note that not every constraint corresponds to a side. If the constraint is an equality, it might reduce the dimension of the polytope. Or if the constraint is an inequality, it might be not create a side if it is already implied by all of the other constraints.
There are a lot of practical optimization problems that are linear programming. One of the first examples was the "diet problem": Given a menu of a bunch of kinds of food, what is the cheapest possible balanced diet? It's a linear programming problem because the cost is linear, and because all of the constraints (vitamins, calories, the assumption that you can't buy a negative amount of food, etc.) are linear.
But, linear programming is even more important for a theoretical reason. It is one of the most powerful polynomial-time algorithms for optimization or for any other purpose. As such, it is very important as a substitute for approximately solving other optimization problems, and as a subroutine for exactly solving them.
Yes, two generalizations are convex programming and integer programming. With some qualificiations, convex programming can work just as well as linear programming, provided that the objective (the thing to maximize) is linear. It turns out that convexity, not flat sides, is the main reason that linear programming has a good algorithm.
Integer programming, on the other hand, is usually hard. For instance, suppose in the example problem you have to buy the sand in fixed-size bags rather than in bulk; that is then integer programming. There is a theorem that it can be NP-hard. How hard it is in practice depends on how close it is to linear programming. There are some celebrated examples of integer programming problems in which, miraculously, all of the vertices of the linear program are integer points. Then you can solve the linear program and the solution will happen to be integral. One example of such a problem is the marriage problem, how to marry n men and n women to each other to maximize total happiness. (Or, n cities to n factories, n jobs to n applicants, n computers to n printers, etc.)
Linear programming is a topic of 'mathematical programming', which is also called 'mathematical optimization'. Linear programs differ from general mathematical programs in that for a Linear Program (LP) all constraint functions and the objective function are linear with respect to their variables.
A good place to start would be here if you want the original work by Dantzig, or if you want to get a textbook, I recommend this one. If you want to look up your own resources, start with looking up the Simplex method--it is a very common technique to solve these programs, or the less common but definitely polynomial time Ellipsoid method. Though I haven't read it all, looking it over quickly also suggests this PDF may be a good place to start. Make sure whatever you end up reading covers duality (and perhaps specifically the Farkas' lemma) as it's a central idea in most LP solvers.
The most natural extensions are either Integer programs (similar to LP's, but all variables must take on integer values--that is, no fractional components) or Convex programming (perhaps a more general extension). A good convex optimization text book is available in PDF form here.
As everyone else has said, Linear Programming is a way to solve optimization problems, in which the terms are linear.
It might help to understand what types of problems LP's solve
One example where I've used Linear Programming is building a restaurant schedule. In a restaurant you have skill sets:
And you have employees, each with one or more skill sets. Each employee also has a specific availability. For example, Bob can't work Sunday mornings because he's a pastor at a local church. Employees also have an associated cost. Bob might be $10.50/hr while Suzy is $5.15/hr. Finally Employees might have minimum guaranteed hours. Since Bob has been an employee for 15 years, the boss says he'll always get at least 35 hours.
The restaurant itself has demands. For example it has 3 shifts: Morning, Afternoon, and Night, and each of these shifts has a set of staffing requirements: We need 1 cook, 1 server, 1 manager in the morning, 3 cooks, 2 servers, 2 hosts, 2 managers in the afternoon, and 4 cooks, 4 servers, 3 hosts, 2 managers, 2 bussers in the evening. Each shift will have a duration, and you can figure out the cost of each shift by multiplying the duration by the employee's hourly wage.
Finally we have state and federal laws, and some basic "business" rules: No employee can work more than 8-hours without going into overtime. No employee can be scheduled for less than 2 hours (because it would suck to make a 30 minute commute for a 2 hour shift), employees can't work two overlapping shifts, etc.
Now given all these requirements, give me a schedule that has meets all requirements, and produces the lowest labor cost.
This is an example of a linear programming optimization problem.
A linear program typically consists of:
An objective function, variables, variable bounds, and constraints.
Since we want to minimize cost, our objective function is going to involve shifts that employees work, and the associated costs (shift duration * wage).
The variables in this case, are the shifts that each employee can work.
The bounds on these variables integers between 0 and 1, because either an employee is working the shift (1), or the employee is not working the shift (0). This, by the way, is a special program, called a Binary Integer Program or BIP for short, because all the variables are integers (no fractional values) and all values are either 0 or 1.
The constraints are equality/inequality constraints based on the requirements above.
For example, if Bob and Suzy can both work as cooks in the morning, then Bob_Morning_Cook1_Shift + Suzy_Morning_Cook1_Shift = 1, with Bob_Morning_Cook_Shift = {0,1} and Suzy_Morning_Cook_Shift = {0,1} due to the bounds mentioned above. These three pieces of information specify that at most only a single employee can be assigned as the first morning cook.
So once you've defined all the constraints that model your problem, you can begin to solve the problem. If a solution can be found (and depending on the constraints the problem may be infeasible), it will give you the employee assignments that produce the lowest weekly labor cost.
Linear programming is an optimization technique that involves linear constraints and a linear objective function. The constraints are written to bound the problem space, while the objective function is something that you are attempting to minimize (or possibly maximize) that satisfies the constraints. The simplex algorithm is typically used to walk along edges of the constraint intersection to find the minimum (or maximum) value of the objective function satisfying the constraints.
When setting up an LP problem, it's important to make sure that the constraints properly bound the objective function. It's possible to define constraints which result in no possible solution (e.g. x > 1 and -x > 1). This is over constrained. It's also possible to under-constrain a problem (e.g. find min x such that x < 1).
One big difference (or at least, distinguishing feature) of linear programming is that the constraints are modeled as linear equations, i.e. they're all of the form c_1 x_1 + c_2 x_2.... The standard form section of the wikipedia article gives a pretty good overview of this.
Another difference/feature is that linear programming is seeking to maximize (or minimize) ONE function - you can't effectively do multi-objective optimization.
