Is there any way to upload an image file in the body of a HTTP POST request in Jmeter? - jmeter

I have an API which requires an image along with few other parameters in its request body. In postman, the request parameters can be added in form-data (as shown in the attached image).
How can I implement it in Jmeter?

Like this:
other parameters: userDataJson, requestReferenceId, etc. should go to "Parameters" tab.
Also be aware that given you can execute your request successfully in Postman you should be able to record it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
Configure Postman to use JMeter as the proxy
Copy the file(s) you will be uploading to the "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
Execute request in Postman
That's it, JMeter will capture the request and store the relevant HTTP Request sampler under the Recording Controller

Check Use multipart/form-data, add file in Files Upload tab and parameters in Parameters tab
if you are sending a file using a multipart form, the query string will be created using the multipart form specifications.
If it doesn't work you can use HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder while sending postman request
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder allows JMeter to intercept and record your actions while you browse your web application with your normal browser. JMeter will create test sample objects and store them directly into your test plan as you go (so you can view samples interactively while you make them).
Ensure you read this wiki page to setup correctly JMeter.
To use the recorder, add the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder element. Right-click on the Test Plan element to get the Add menu: (Add → Non-Test Elements → HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder ).


File validation API Failing in jmeter

I am trying File validation API in Jmeter but it is failing, Please help me to get overcome this issue.
Please see images for Jmeter request and header manager
Http Request[][Header]]2
Without knowing the API contract we cannot help you in fixing the request.
One thing is obvious: if you're sending the file it needs to go to the Files Upload tab of the HTTP Request sampler. Also tick User multupart/form-data box:
If you can execute the request using your browser or API testing tool like SoapUI or Postman you can just record the request using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just make sure to copy the file to JMeter's "bin" folder prior to executing the request, this way JMeter will be able to catch it and generate HTTP Request sampler and HTTP Header Manager. More information: Recording File Uploads with JMeter

SOAPACtion in Header Manager is not accepting while hitting the soap xml request

I am getting this error message: "No Action header was found with namespace" despite providing the correct details for SOAPAction value in header. Though my same service is running in SOAPUI tool. Is there anything else I need to add in JMeter to make it run.
It's hard to say what's wrong without seeing the request in SoapUI and in JMeter, most probably you didn't add the SOAPAction header in the HTTP Header Manager
In general if you're able to successfully execute your request in SoapUI you should be able to record it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Prepare SoapUI for recording: configure it to use JMeter as the proxy
Prepare JMeter for recording, the fastest and the easiest way is using Recording Template feature
from JMeter's main menu choose File - Templates - Recording and click "Create"
go to HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and click "Start"
Run your request in SoapUI
JMeter will capture the request and generate relevant HTTP Request sampler along with HTTP Header Manager

Postman collection to jmeter script - unable to convert API tests

I am having a collection having the shown API. When I convert this API using loadium it not converting it's tests to assertions. is there any way to do it?
I don't think there is a tool which will analyze the custom code you produced using Postman API as you can create arbitrary crazy logic there so you can get HTTP Request samplers but not the assertions.
You will have to add Response Assertion or JSON Assertion or if you prefer keeping assertion logic as the code - JSR223 Assertion but unfortunately there is no automated way of converting Postman assertions to JMeter ones as of now.
In JMeter here is what you can do:
Use Recording Template: Menu File > Templates... > Select recording template and confirm
Go to HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder element and click on start button
If Postman uses HTTPs add the JMeter certificate generated in jmeter/bin folder to Postman keystore or disable SSL Verification.
In Postman configure the proxy to point to JMeter which listens on:
Run your Postman script and it will be recorded in JMeter

gets 404 error while runing SOAP UI in jmeter

Im trying to execute soapUI script in Jmeter but i am getting response as 404 in sampler result and Response Body is empty.
I have added SOAPAction and content type as well in header manager.
Can anyone please suggest.
Soap uses POST not GET HTTP method.
Ensure you add a Header Manager with correct SOAPAction header.
Use SOAP UI to generate the call from WSDL this will give you:
the URL
the Request Body
the correct headers
Alternatively, what you can do to be sure to send same data as SoapUI is to use JMeter Recording template, and put JMeter as a proxy of SoapUI then call WS from SoapUI, this will be recorded by JMeter
HTTP Status 404 means Not Found which basically indicates that you're hitting the wrong URL in JMeter.
Switch to "Raw" mode in the SoapUI and you will be able to see the correct URL and headers you will need to supply:
Also be aware that you can just record the request(s) from SoapUI using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Prepare JMeter for recording, the fastest and easiest way is using JMeter Templates Feature
from JMeter's main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording and click "Create"
Expand HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and click "Start"
Prepare SoapUI for recording
from SoapUI main menu choose File -> Preferences -> Proxy
configure it to match the JMeter settings
click "Proxy" button in SoapUI main toolbar
More information: Apache JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder

403 forbidden error occurred while testing Rest client API on Jmeter

403 forbidden error occurred while testing Rest client API on Jmeter , the same API works fine on Postman.What could be the difference between Jmeter and Postman calls?
There is no trace on server logs for the call from Jmeter, whereas when I run the test on Postman, we can see the entry in server.
If you can execute request in Postman it shouldn't be a problem to record it in JMeter.
Prepare JMeter for recording
The fastest and the easiest way to configure JMeter for recording is using JMeter Templates feature. From JMeter's main menu choose File -> Template -> Recording and click "Create"
Start JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder: Expand Workbench, choose HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and click "Start"
Prepare Postman for recording.
You need to configure Postman to use JMeter as a proxy. Postman respects --proxy-server argument where you can specify proxy host and port
C:\Users\your_username_here\AppData\Local\Postman\app-x.x.x\Postman.exe --proxy-server=localhost:8888
Now if you execute a request in Postman JMeter will record it and convert into the relevant HTTP Request sampler
