ERROR ITMS-90596 while publishing nativescript ios app - nativescript

I'm trying to publish ios app via Transporter.
App (.ipa) builded by Sidekick (cloud).
I'm getting an error as below:
ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at
'Payload/' can't be processed. Rebuild your
app, and all included extensions and frameworks, with the latest GM
version of Xcode and resubmit."
Any help ?
For Android version all is working pretty well


Flutter app builds successfully on vscode but cant build on xcode

I'm trying to run the flutter app from Xcode to the simulator but every time I face build-time errors.
I don't know how to handle these errors from Xcode cuz I'm new to ios development.
But I don't see any errors while launching the flutter app from vscode
My pubspec dependencies are already on the latest versions.
In screenshot below, firebase auth , dkphotoimage causes the error but they are already on latest versions
How can I solve this?
Here is the image

Xamarin.iOS for iOS16

I have implemented an iOS app based on Xamarin.iOS.
Now I like to upgrade the app for iOS16.
There is a dev blog from Microsoft which says that Xamarin supports already iOS16:
Visual Studio and Xcode have been updated to the latest versions.
After all the updates I am able to debug the app on an iOS16 simulator.
But the installation of the .ipa file on an iPhone 8 with iOS16 fails with an error "unable to install the app - try it later".
I recognized that there was no update of the nuget package "Xamarin.Forms" which I had to update on earlier iOS upgrades (e.g. to iOS15).
Currently I am not yet able to migrate to .NET6 and .NET Maui.
Does anyone know how to upgrade an old Xamarin.iOS app to iOS16?
Update: The app runs on iOS16 but the installation by itms-services does not work. I cannot find any changes in Apples changelog.

how to develop tvOS app using nativescript

I'm trying to build a tvOS and roku app with nativescript.
I was about to start working on the tvOS app after I read this article but I'm not sure where the nativescript ios runtime or the metadata generator are in my project. Also, would this mean that my provisioning file and certificates should be for an appletv app instead of ios?
The iOS runtime is generally downloaded from NPM for your project. But it includes support for only iOS. For tvOS, you will have to checkout the open source iOS runtime project from Github and update the config scripts as described in the blog post,
set(CMAKE_XCODE_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORMS "-iphoneos;-iphonesimulator;-appletvos;-appletvsimulator")
set(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS "iphoneos iphonesimulator appletvos appletvsimulator")
and build your custom version of iOS runtime with CMake.

Xcode 10 breaks Ionic Cordova build

I have an Ionic 3 App using Enterprise Distribution for a client and of course Apple likes to change settings on their new iOS. Everything was working fine on iOS 11 and when a client-user upgraded to iOS 12 their app completely broke and could not re-download.
Steps I've Tried:
Check iOS Provisioning Profile Status
Rebuild App in Xcode 10.0
Archive and create new manifest and .ipa file for app
Rebuild app in npm using ionic cordova build ios --prod
Update any plugins that we're needing updates using npm outdated
Commit and Push to Production branch using ionic Deploy
Everything I've tried allowed me to build the app successfully and I was able to build the app locally on my device via Xcode, but as soon as I put the .ipa file on our server the app will not successfully download.
I have a feeling it may be a particular setting in Xcode, but I'm stuck right now. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: After the update of Xcode 10, the app would no longer build successfully after running ionic cordova build ios
So the issue was never apparent, but I somehow fixed the issue by removing the other branch from git and Ionic deploy and kept the Production branch active on the latest commit. I also created the certificate profile on Ionic Deploy using the Enterprise Developer Certificate and Provisioning Profile and packaged my app. I used the .ipa file from Deploy and threw it on the server and it worked like a charm.
EDIT: I finally found documentation on why the app breaks. When Xcode 10 was released, Apache Cordova did not and still does not have support for iOS if the user has Xcode 10 downloaded to build in the terminal. Link provided here: Xcode 10 Support.
When building the app using ionic cordova build ios or ionic cordova run ios
You must run it like this: ionic cordova build ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0". More information in the link provided.
EDIT: More possible answers can be found here. In some cases, users are experiencing similar yet different issues.

Error While submitting tvOS app

I am getting a error while submitting the tvOS app to app store as i am not getting any error while uploading build on app store. The error is Invalid toolchain error suggesting to use stable GM version of xcode, but i am using stable version for development.
XCODE Version - 7.1
any help is appreciated.
I have attached the image of error below
