The external ID of wsm message sender - omnet++

I am using OMNET 5.0, SUMO-0.25.0 and VEINS-4.4. When a vehicle receive a message; onData() is called. I can get external ID of the current vehicle using mobility->getExternalId(); but how I know the the external ID of wsm message sender
The code for initialize():
void TraCIDemo11p::initialize(int stage) {
if (stage == 0) {
mobility = TraCIMobilityAccess().get(getParentModule());
traci = mobility->getCommandInterface();
traciVehicle = mobility->getVehicleCommandInterface();
annotations = AnnotationManagerAccess().getIfExists();
getExternalID = mobility->getExternalId();
sentMessage = false;
lastDroveAt = simTime();
findHost()->subscribe(parkingStateChangedSignal, this);
isParking = false;
sendWhileParking = par("sendWhileParking").boolValue();
The code for onData():
void TraCIDemo11p::onData(WaveShortMessage* wsm) {
std::cout << " I am "<< getExternalID <<"and I received a message from ???? "<<endl;
annotations->scheduleErase(1, annotations->drawLine(wsm->getSenderPos(), mobility->getPositionAt(simTime()), "blue"));
if (mobility->getRoadId()[0] != ':')
traciVehicle->changeRoute(wsm->getWsmData(), 9999);
if (!sentMessage)

A vehicle can be represented by two identifiers, either that one gotten from SUMO (i.e., calling getExternalId()) or that one of veins (myId normally), the one used in WaveShortMessage after calling getSenderAddress() is myId so I suggest that you focus on that last one.
Take a look on these two files to get a better idea on the used identifier and the existing methods: "BaseWaveApplLayer.h/.cc" & "WaveShortMessage_m.h/.cc"
I hope this helps.


Repeated communication between RSU and vehicle

I encounter some trouble when using VEINS. I want to simulate a comunication between RSU and Vehicle.
in the begining of simulation, RSU broadcasts a MsgInit message to all vehicles, after that, the vehicles also broadcasts a Metrics message to RSU.
But RSU cannot received the Metrics message, I dont know the reason, can someone help me? Here is my code (I'm using omnet 5.6.2, sumo 1.8.0 and veins 5.1)
void MyVeinsAppRSU::initialize(int stage)
// send message "sendMsgInit" at 70 second of simulation
void MyVeinsAppRSU::handleSelfMsg(cMessage* msg)
MsgInit* msg_init = new MsgInit();
BaseFrame1609_4* WSM = new BaseFrame1609_4();
// send out WSM from lowerLayer of Application of RSU
void MyVeinsAppRSU::handleLowerMsg(cMessage* msg)
BaseFrame1609_4* WSM = check_and_cast<BaseFrame1609_4*>(msg);
//Decapsulation packet from WSM
cPacket* pkt = WSM->getEncapsulatedPacket();
// translate packet to Metrics
Metrics* MT = dynamic_cast<Metrics*>(pkt);
EV << "send message Vehicle id: " << MT->getVehicleId() << "Receive successfully !!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
void MyVeinsAppCar::handleLowerMsg(cMessage* msg)
BaseFrame1609_4* WSM = check_and_cast<BaseFrame1609_4*>(msg);
cPacket* enc = WSM->getEncapsulatedPacket();
MsgInit* MI = dynamic_cast<MsgInit*>(enc);
// initialize as follower
findHost()->getDisplayString().setTagArg("i", 1, "black");
//after receive MsgInit, send Metrics out(next step: handleSelfMsg)
if (sendMetrics->isScheduled()) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1,sendMetrics);
void MyVeinsAppCar::handleSelfMsg(cMessage* msg)
cModule* vehicle = getParentModule();
TraCIMobility* traci = dynamic_cast<TraCIMobility*>(vehicle->getSubmodule("veinsmobility", 0));
TraCICommandInterface::Vehicle* traciVehicle = traci->getVehicleCommandInterface();
if(msg == sendMetrics){
Metrics* msg_metrics = new Metrics();
BaseFrame1609_4* WSM = new BaseFrame1609_4();
populateWSM(WSM, -1);
EV << "send Metrics!!"<< endl;
Thank you in advance.

How to check a received message type on OMNeT++?

I have declared three different message types in OMNeT++:
What I want to achieve is that every node in my network can send any type of message mentioned above. So that every message type has its own variables. But since the handleMessage(cMessage*) function accepts cMessage* type, I need to know the type of message to be able to cast it accordingly.
How would I go about it?
Here is my Layer message type:
message Layer {
int layer;
simtime_t timeFrame;
Each your message type is represented by a class that inherits from cMessage. Therefore, dynamic_cast may be used to recognize the type of message, for example this way:
void YourClass::handleMessage(cMessage * msg) {
Layer * layer = dynamic_cast<Layer*> (msg);
if (layer != nullptr) {
// received Layer
} else {
Ack* ack = dynamic_cast<Ack*> (msg);
if (ack != nullptr) {
// received Ack
} else {
Reject* rej= dynamic_cast<Reject*> (msg);
if (rej != nullptr) {
// received Reject

Instant Veins 4.7-i1 Localization Time of Arrival

I am a masters student working on localization, using ranging (time of arrival between vehicle and RSU) and relative location (Using emulated Inertial Navigation System).
I have done an implementation of my kalman filter based localization logic on Matlab, now I would like to implement this on veins. I want only the RSU to send out a message comprising of its location and ID
1) I know that i can use
double Coord = mobility->getCurrentPosition().x;
double Coord = mobility->getCurrentPosition().y;
to the location of RSU(and my vehicle as well), I do not understand how I should assign these coordinates to the message. I cannot use sstream since I understand that the message are supposed to be of type const char *
Thanks for any input
Edit 1: So this is what my new code on RSU looks like:
#include "RsuScOne.h"
#include <sstream>
void RsuScOne::initialize(int stage) {
if (stage == 0) {
//Initializing members and pointers of your application goes here
//WaveShortMessage* wsm = new WaveShortMessage();
EV << "Initializing " << std::endl;
else if (stage == 1) {
//Initializing members that require initialized other modules goes here
void RsuScOne::finish() {
//statistics recording goes here
void RsuScOne::onWSM(WaveShortMessage* wsm) {
//Your application has received a data message from another car or RSU
//code for handling the message goes here, see for examples
std::stringstream ss;
scheduleAt(simTime()+par("beaconInterval").doubleValue(), sendWSAEvt);
void RsuScOne::handleSelfMsg(cMessage* msg) {
But I realize that all that being done now is my RSU constantly sending a generic BSM, Why is this so?

Serial COM Port Selection by DropDownList in processing

I wrote a program in Processing 2.1.2 to establish a communication via serial Port between two machines. On my laptop, it was working fine but on my desktop where more than one serial ports are available, it is not detecting my functional serial COM port.
So now I want them to appear on Combo Button and I will able to select one from them.
Can you guide me on how do I resolve this issue?
import processing.serial.*;
String input;
Serial port;
void setup() {
size(448, 299,P3D);
port = new Serial(this,Serial.list()[0], 9600);
void draw() {
void serialEvent(Serial port)
input = port.readString();
if(input != null) {
String[] values = split(input, " ");
As mentioned in the comment, it is possible to use a UI library to display a dropdown. First you have to choose a library, like for example controlP5 which is very popular with Processing. You may choose to use Swing with a native look & feel or G4P. That's totally up to you.
After that it should be a matter of plugging the serial ports list into the dropdown and opening the serial connection on the dropdown listener/callback.
Bellow is a proof of concept sketch based on the controlP5dropdownlist example that comes with the library:
import processing.serial.*;
import controlP5.*;
ControlP5 cp5;
DropdownList serialPortsList;
Serial serialPort;
final int BAUD_RATE = 9600;
void setup() {
size(700, 400,P3D);
String[] portNames = Serial.list();
cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
// create a DropdownList
serialPortsList = cp5.addDropdownList("serial ports").setPosition(10, 10).setWidth(200);
for(int i = 0 ; i < portNames.length; i++) serialPortsList.addItem(portNames[i], i);
void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {
// DropdownList is of type ControlGroup.
// A controlEvent will be triggered from inside the ControlGroup class.
// therefore you need to check the originator of the Event with
// if (theEvent.isGroup())
// to avoid an error message thrown by controlP5.
if (theEvent.isGroup()) {
// check if the Event was triggered from a ControlGroup
println("event from group : "+theEvent.getGroup().getValue()+" from "+theEvent.getGroup());
//check if there's a serial port open already, if so, close it
if(serialPort != null){
serialPort = null;
//open the selected core
String portName = serialPortsList.getItem((int)theEvent.getValue()).getName();
serialPort = new Serial(this,portName,BAUD_RATE);
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("Error opening serial port " + portName);
else if (theEvent.isController()) {
println("event from controller : "+theEvent.getController().getValue()+" from "+theEvent.getController());
void draw() {
Also notice any existing connection will be closed when choosing a new serial port and errors handling opening the serial port are handled so the program doesn't crash in case there are issues.
For example, on OSX you get bluetooth serial ports, which may or may not be available or of use:
for processing 3.3.7 doesn't work at all for one string
String portName = serialPortsList.getItem((int)theEvent.getValue()).getName();
So i spent a lot of my neurons and nervs, but my fix is getName change toString();
String portName = serialPortsList.getItem((int)theEvent.getValue()).toString();
I don't understand why getName() gives me "The function doesnt exist" but toString works properly. Anybody can explain?
For variable:
String[] portNames = Serial.list();
change to global variable:
String[] portNames;
void setup()
String[] portNames = Serial.list();
portNames = Serial.list();
In code:
String portName = serialPortsList.getItem((int)theEvent.getValue()).toString();
change to:
String portName =portNames.toString();

alBufferData() sets AL_INVALID_OPERATION when using buffer ID obtained from alSourceUnqueueBuffers()

I am trying to stream audio data from disk using OpenAL's buffer queueing mechanism. I load and enqueue 4 buffers, start the source playing, and check in a regular intervals to refresh the queue. Everything looks like it's going splendidly, up until the first time I try to load data into a recycled buffer I got from alSourceUnqueueBuffers(). In this situation, alBufferData() always sets AL_INVALID_OPERATION, which according to the official v1.1 spec, it doesn't seem like it should be able to do.
I have searched extensively on Google and StackOverflow, and can't seem to find any reason why this would happen. The closest thing I found was someone with a possibly-related issue in an archived forum post, but details are few and responses are null. There was also this SO question with slightly different circumstances, but the only answer's suggestion does not help.
Possibly helpful: I know my context and device are configured correctly, because loading small wav files completely into a single buffer and playing them works fine. Through experimentation, I've also found that queueing 2 buffers, starting the source playing, and immediately loading and enqueueing the other two buffers throws no errors; it's only when I've unqueued a processed buffer that I run into trouble.
The relevant code:
static constexpr int MAX_BUFFER_COUNT = 4;
#define alCall(funcCall) {funcCall; SoundyOutport::CheckError(__FILE__, __LINE__, #funcCall) ? abort() : ((void)0); }
bool SoundyOutport::CheckError(const string &pFile, int pLine, const string &pfunc)
ALenum tErrCode = alGetError();
if(tErrCode != 0)
auto tMsg = alGetString(tErrCode);
Log::e(ro::TAG) << tMsg << " at " << pFile << "(" << pLine << "):\n"
<< "\tAL call " << pfunc << " failed." << end;
return true;
return false;
void SoundyOutport::EnqueueBuffer(const float* pData, int pFrames)
static int called = 0;
ALint tState;
alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_SOURCE_TYPE, &tState));
if(tState == AL_STATIC)
// alCall(alSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFER, NULL));
ALuint tBufId = AL_NONE;
int tQueuedBuffers = QueuedUpBuffers();
int tReady = ProcessedBuffers();
if(tQueuedBuffers < MAX_BUFFER_COUNT)
tBufId = mBufferIds[tQueuedBuffers];
else if(tReady > 0)
// the fifth time through, this code gets hit
alCall(alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSourceId, 1, &tBufId));
// debug code: make sure these values go down by one
tQueuedBuffers = QueuedUpBuffers();
tReady = ProcessedBuffers();
return; // no update needed yet.
void* tConverted = convert(pData, pFrames);
// the fifth time through, we get AL_INVALID_OPERATION, and call abort()
alCall(alBufferData(tBufId, mFormat, tConverted, pFrames * mBitdepth/8, mSampleRate));
alCall(alSourceQueueBuffers(mSourceId, 1, &mBufferId));
if(mBitdepth == BITDEPTH_8)
delete (uint8_t*)tConverted;
else // if(mBitdepth == BITDEPTH_16)
delete (uint16_t*)tConverted;
void SoundyOutport::PlayBufferedStream()
if(!StreamingMode() || !QueuedUpBuffers())
Log::w(ro::TAG) << "Attempted to play an unbuffered stream" << end;
alCall(alSourcei(mSourceId, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE)); // never loop streams
int SoundyOutport::QueuedUpBuffers()
int tCount = 0;
alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &tCount));
return tCount;
int SoundyOutport::ProcessedBuffers()
int tCount = 0;
alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &tCount));
return tCount;
void SoundyOutport::Stop()
int tBuffers;
alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &tBuffers));
ALuint tDummy[tBuffers];
alCall(alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSourceId, tBuffers, tDummy));
alCall(alSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFER, AL_NONE));
bool SoundyOutport::Playing()
ALint tPlaying;
alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &tPlaying));
return tPlaying == AL_PLAYING;
bool SoundyOutport::StreamingMode()
ALint tState;
alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_SOURCE_TYPE, &tState));
return tState == AL_STREAMING;
bool SoundyOutport::StaticMode()
ALint tState;
alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_SOURCE_TYPE, &tState));
return tState == AL_STATIC;
And here's an annotated screen cap of what I see in my debugger when I hit the error:
I've tried a bunch of little tweaks and variations, and the result is always the same. I've wasted too many days trying to fix this. Please help :)
This error occurs when you trying to fill buffer with data, when the buffer is still queued to the source.
Also this code is wrong.
if(tQueuedBuffers < MAX_BUFFER_COUNT)
tBufId = mBufferIds[tQueuedBuffers];
else if(tReady > 0)
// the fifth time through, this code gets hit
alCall(alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSourceId, 1, &tBufId));
// debug code: make sure these values go down by one
tQueuedBuffers = QueuedUpBuffers();
tReady = ProcessedBuffers();
return; // no update needed yet.
You can fill buffer with data only if it unqueued from source. But your first if block gets tBufId that queued to the source. Rewrite code like so
if(tReady > 0)
// the fifth time through, this code gets hit
alCall(alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSourceId, 1, &tBufId));
// debug code: make sure these values go down by one
tQueuedBuffers = QueuedUpBuffers();
tReady = ProcessedBuffers();
return; // no update needed yet.
