Allows Multiple in zapier cli application - zapier-cli

I'm building a Zapier app using CLI, there is an option like "Allows Multiple" in Zapier UI but I didn't find anything like allowsMultiple in CLI documentation. Please help me.

In CLI, the property is list, which should be set to true on your inputField.
There's docs here:


create custom slash command in slack using #botname instead of /botname

I tried to create a slack application using the link, its working as /botname str.
is there any way that we could invoke application in slack using #botname str instead of /botname str. tried searching various places, couldn't get on how to do, can anyone help on it.
To use #botname instead of \botname, you'll need to change approach of implementation.
You need to implement by subscribing to 'Slack Events'.
This should help you to start:

Is there a way to clear chat history in Webchat which uses DirectlineJS and not React

As per the below github issues link for Chatbot and BotFramework.
We can clear chat history by assigning a new instance to store variable, which triggers a DIRECT_LINE/DISCONNECT action. Now this works in React Webchat. But, I have tried in Web-chat Java script version and the issue seems to still persist, i.e., when the store variable is replaced the previous chats are not removed.
Any confirmation from the community will be relieving as there are many open issues in Botframework github that its confusing. I'm sharing a few that I found out.
If No, can this be achieved in some other way? any suggestions will be helpful.
I was able to resolve it. So, just replacing the variable will not work. You need to render the store variable to update/replace it in webchat.js code.
await window.WebChat.renderWebChat(
store: widgetStore
The BotFramework-WebChat repo provides a sample that demonstrates precisely how to do this. The sample is 04.api/h.clear-after-idle. The readme also includes some caveats to be aware of.

How to get Rest Api endpoints, name and url's, in the way Azure Functions do?

Sometimes you get over a feature that you just like. When creating a Azure Function project and debugs it, it writes out this nice info in the console.
Now that I am writing the frontend, I have found this information very useful.
CoWorkers: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/CoWorkers
GetManager: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/GetManager
SetManager: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/SetManager
UserInfo: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/UserInfo
I would like to have this on every rest api project that I am coding.
Anyone knows how to get it?
EDIT: OpenApi/Swagger is providing this information as pawelek91 says and I should have mentioned that I want it in the console: "Just because I like that feature".
use HttpOption request or swagger (if you can install it on your backend)
For console access to your web API, try the new HttpRepl tool at:
It's a dotnet CLI tool that is installed separately (install using dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.dotnet-httprepl from the CL). Then you can "browse" your API using this command line tool.
As noted in the docs, it requires .Net Core 2.1+.

Google Apps "AdminReports" is not defined.

I'm trying to run the sample script from here:
but it looks like the API isn't enabled / included.
I've enabled the AdminAPI in the Developer Console, have I missed something? I'm able to make calls to UserManager without changing anything, but as this is now depreciated I'd like to use the new API.
Found it. In the script editor, select Resources > Advanced Google Services. It needs to be enabled in there as well

Is there a way to retrieve Heroku logs over HTTP?

I'd like to access Heroku logs for an app without using the command line. Is this possible?
Yes, you can. It's a simple REST API. There aren't any JavaScript wrappers for the API, but you can use these as reference implementations, or use them directly:
Currently No. If you're looking to use this from within a Ruby based app you can embed the heroku gem and use it programatically which might help.
