Repository with simple cache in Kotlin - caching

I'm trying to implement a simple caching of a logged in user in a repository which is linked to a room database.
Here is the code of the repository
class UserRepository #Inject constructor(
private val webservice: Webservice,
private val userDao: UserDao
) {
var user: User? = null //simple cache of a currently logged in user
private set
init {
user = null
fun getUser(userId: Int): LiveData<User> {
if (user != null)
return MutableLiveData<User>(user)
val data = userDao.load(userId)
//the value is always null because the load function is done async
user = data.value
return data
And here is the UserDao
interface UserDao {
#Query("select * from user where id = :userId")
fun load(userId: Int): LiveData<User>
User data is feched by a ViewModel like so
class HomeViewModel #Inject constructor(
repository: UserRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val userId: Int = MainActivity.uid
val user: LiveData<User> = repository.getUser(userId)
The data is fetched from the database and displayed correctly but the loaded user is never asigned to the cache because the loading is done async. Is it possible to add some listener to the load function?
I'm quite new to kotlin and android in general so if there are some better solutions for this kind of simple cache please advise.


Spring Validation: ConstraintViolationException for #Pattern due to password encoding

I'm just implementing a basic CRUD service where a user can be created in the database with their password matching a certain regex and being encoded using BCryptPasswordEncoder.
My tests are failing due to a ConstraintViolationException on the password saying that it does not satisfy the regex requirement:
javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException: Validation failed for classes [com.hoaxify.hoaxify.user.User] during persist time for groups [javax.validation.groups.Default, ]
List of constraint violations:[
ConstraintViolationImpl{interpolatedMessage='must match "^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,50}$"', propertyPath=password, rootBeanClass=class com.hoaxify.hoaxify.user.User, messageTemplate='{javax.validation.constraints.Pattern.message}'}
It wasn't getting caught in my #ExceptionHandler since it was throwing a ConstraintViolationException and not a MethodArgumentNotValidException. I debugged and found that, while it was trying to match to the given regex, the value for the password itself was showing as:
while the password being passed in was:
So it appears the validation is being run on the encrypted password and not the raw password. I thought the validation should occur on the object received in the createUser method - before any other manipulation occurred.
Any help on why this is happening and how to fix would be greatly appreciated.
Validation works for all other fields
class UserController {
lateinit var userService: UserService
fun createUser(#Valid #RequestBody user: User): GenericResponse {
return GenericResponse("Saved user")
fun handleValidationException(exception: MethodArgumentNotValidException, request: HttpServletRequest): ApiError {
val error = ApiError(400, "Validation error", request.servletPath)
val bindingResult = exception.bindingResult
bindingResult.fieldErrors.forEach {
error.validationErrors[it.field] = it.defaultMessage ?: "invalid"
return error
class User(
val id: Long,
#field:Size(min = 4, max = 50)
var username: String,
#field:Size(min = 4, max = 50)
var displayName: String,
#field:Pattern(regexp = """^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,50}$""")
var password: String
class UserService(
private val userRepository: UserRepository,
private val passwordEncoder: BCryptPasswordEncoder = BCryptPasswordEncoder()
) {
fun save(user: User): User {
user.password = passwordEncoder.encode(user.password)
(relevant test)
fun postUser_whenUserIsValid_receiveOk() {
val user = User(
val response: ResponseEntity<Any> = testRestTemplate.postForEntity(API_USERS_BASE, user,
The problem is that you use the same entity in the controller as in the service. So in the controller, it works as you expect. But in the service, you update the unencrypted password with the encrypted one and save that to the database. When you save to the database, the validation annotations are also checked, triggering the ConstraintViolationException.
The best option is to create a separate object for the controller. For example, create a CreateUserRequest class which is similar to the User entity, but only contains the fields that the controller needs. You can add your validation annotations there. Then in the service, convert the CreateUserRequest instance to a User entity. On the user class, remove the #Pattern validation since you don't want to validate the encrypted password.

Spring Boot JPA EntityListener query causes "don't flush the Session after an exception occurs"

I create object A with an EntityListener with #PostPersist-method that will create object B, this works like a charm!
I need to introduce some logic before creating object B, I need to query the database and see if a similar B object already exists in the database. But when I run my query
#Query("select case when count(n) > 0 then true else false end from Notification n where student = :student and initiator = :initiator and entityType = :entityType and entityId = :entityId")
boolean alreadyNotified(#Param("student") Student student, #Param("initiator") Student initiator, #Param("entityType") EntityType entityType, #Param("entityId") Long entityId);
I get the following error:
ERROR org.hibernate.AssertionFailure.<init>(31) - HHH000099: an assertion failure occurred (this may indicate a bug in Hibernate, but is more likely due to unsafe use of the session): org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: null id in se.hitract.model.Likes entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)
org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: null id in se.hitract.model.Likes entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)
I have a Spring Boot project with Hibernate and MySql DB and I'm building a simple social media platform where students can upload posts/images and other user can like/comments.
When someone like/comment an object a notification should be sent to the other user. The like object:
#Table(uniqueConstraints=#UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"entityType", "entityId", "studentId"}))
public class Likes extends CommonEntity implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long likeId;
private EntityType entityType;
private Long entityId;
The LikeListener:
public class LikeListener {
public void doThis(Likes like) {
NotificationService notificationService = BeanUtil.getBean(NotificationService.class);
if(like.getEntityType().equals(EntityType.INSPIRATION)) {
InspirationService inspirationService = BeanUtil.getBean(InspirationService.class);
Inspiration inspiration = inspirationService.get(like.getEntityId());
notificationService.createLikeNotification(inspiration.getStudent(), like.getStudent(), EntityType.INSPIRATION, inspiration.getId());
if(like.getEntityType().equals(EntityType.COMMENT)) {
CommentService commentService = BeanUtil.getBean(CommentService.class);
Comment comment = commentService.get(like.getEntityId());
notificationService.createLikeNotification(comment.getStudent(), like.getStudent(), EntityType.COMMENT, comment.getId());
and the problem:
public Notification createLikeNotification(Student student, Student initiator, EntityType entityType, Long entityId) {
if(student.equals(initiator) || alreadyNotified(student, initiator, entityType, entityId)) {
return null;
Notification notification = createNotification(student,
public boolean alreadyNotified(Student student, Student initiator, EntityType entityType, Long entityId) {
return repository.alreadyNotified(student, initiator, entityType, entityId);
If I remove the alreadyNotified-call no error is thrown. What am I missing?
It seems that Hibernate flushes the Likes-save before my query is run but then it fails. Do I need to do some manual flush/refresh? I think Hibernate should solve this for me.

Unit test POST API in spring-boot + kotlin + Junit

I'm pretty new to spring boot and kotlin. I've started with one basic app from net and writing unit test, but I'm getting following error:
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: must not be null
Let me show you the code: Entity Class
data class Article (
#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
val id: Long = 0,
#get: NotBlank
val title: String = "",
#get: NotBlank
val content: String = ""
fun createNewArticle(#Valid #RequestBody article: Article) : Article {
interface ArticleRepository : JpaRepository<Article, Long>
Test File:
class KotlinDemoApplicationTests {
lateinit var mvc: MockMvc
lateinit var controller: ArticleController
lateinit var respository: ArticleRepository
fun setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).setMessageConverters(MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter()).build()
fun createBlog() {
var article = Article(1, "Test", "Test Content")
var jsonData = jacksonObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(article)
When I'm running this test file, getting error mentioned above.
Please help me with this.
The problem is your ArticleRepository mock.
While you correctly inject it into your Controller, you're not specifiying what a call to save should return. It therefore returns null, which is not allowed in Kotin because you specified it as non-optional.
Either you allow your controller's createNewArticle to return null, by adding a ?, that is changing its signature to
fun createNewArticle(#Valid #RequestBody article: Article) : Article? {...}
Or you set-up the mock so that it does not return null, but an article.
fun setup() {
.thenReturn(Article()) // creates a new article
(Alternatively, there's also Mockito's returnsFirstArg() in case you don't want to invoke the construtor.)
Note that using any() in this case will only work if you're using mockito-kotlin
If you don't want to use it, check this answer

How to use OpenSessionInViewInterceptor?

Consider entity
public class User {
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
List<SocialCredential> credentialsList = new ArrayList<SocialCredential> ();
with DAO Implementation method
public User getUser(long id){
Session s = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
User u = (User) s.get(User.class, id);
return u;
and Controller
public class DummyController {
UserDAO userDAO;
public void anyMethodAccessedByGetORPost(){
User u= userDAO.getUser(1L);
A simple query for entity User automatically fires query to initialize entity list of SocialCredential ? Ultimately it leads to LazyInitializationException.I came to know to know about OpenSessionInViewInterceptor which can solve the issue.How can I apply the same. I am already following but with no success so far.
A simple query for entity User automatically fires query to initialize entity list of SocialCredential ?
It depends on underlying persistence API's default fetch type.
Refer this question
Ultimately it leads to LazyInitializationException -- This is probably you are trying access credentialsList collection after session has been closed.
Replace DAO's getUser(Long id) method with below code may solve LazyInitializationException.
public User getUser(long id){
Session s = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
User u = (User) s.get(User.class, id);
if (u != null) {
u.getCredentialsList(); //it loads the SocialCredentials before session closes.
return u;

Dynamic Queries in Spring Data JPA

I am looking for a solution to dynamically build queries using Spring Data JPA. I have a GameController which has a RESTful service endpoint /games which takes 4 optional parameters: genre, platform, year, title. The API may be passed none of those, all 4, and every combination in between. If any parameter is not passed it defaults to null. I need a method in the Repository that will build the appropriate query and ideally also still allow Spring Data JPA Paging, although I'm not sure if that is possible.
I found this article but this doesn't seem to be what I need unless I am misunderstanding.
I know JPA has a Query Criteria API but really have no idea how to implement this.
I realize I could create a method for each possible scenario but that seems like really bad practice and a lot of unnecessary code.
package net.jkratz.igdb.repository;
import net.jkratz.igdb.model.Game;
public interface GameRepository extends JpaRepository<Game, Long> {
#Query("select g from Game g, GamePlatformMap gpm, Platform p where g = and gpm.platform = p and = :platform")
Page<Game> getGamesByPlatform(#Param("platform") Long platformId, Pageable pageable);
#Query("select g from Game g where g.title like :title")
Page<Game> getGamesByTitle(#Param("title") String title, Pageable pageable);
#Query("select g from Game g, GameGenreMap ggm, Genre ge where g = and ggm.genre = ge and = :genreId")
Page<Game> getGamesByGenre(#Param("genre") Long genreId, Pageable pageable);
I would say that using QueryDSL is one way of doing what you want.
For example I have a repository defined as below:
public interface UserRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<User, Long>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<User> {
public Page<User> findAll(Predicate predicate, Pageable p);
I can call this method with any combination of parameters, like below:
public class UserRepositoryTest{
private UserRepository userRepository;
public void testFindByGender() {
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(QUser.user.gender.eq(Gender.M));
Assert.assertEquals(4, users.size());
users = userRepository.findAll(QUser.user.gender.eq(Gender.F));
Assert.assertEquals(2, users.size());
public void testFindByCity() {
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll("Edinburgh"));
Assert.assertEquals(2, users.size());
users = userRepository.findAll("Stirling"));
Assert.assertEquals(1, users.size());
public void testFindByGenderAndCity() {
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll("Glasgow").and(QUser.user.gender.eq(Gender.M)));
Assert.assertEquals(2, users.size());
users = userRepository.findAll("Glasgow").and(QUser.user.gender.eq(Gender.F)));
Assert.assertEquals(1, users.size());
For those using Kotlin (and Spring Data JPA), we've just open-sourced a Kotlin JPA Specification DSL library which lets you create type-safe dynamic queries for a JPA Repository.
It uses Spring Data's JpaSpecificationExecutor (i.e. JPA criteria queries), but without the need for any boilerplate or generated metamodel.
The readme has more details on how it works internally, but here's the relevant code examples for a quick intro.
import* // 1. Import Kotlin magic
// 2. Declare JPA Entities
data class TvShow(
val id: Int = 0,
val name: String = "",
val synopsis: String = "",
val availableOnNetflix: Boolean = false,
val releaseDate: String? = null,
#OneToMany(cascade = arrayOf(javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL))
val starRatings: Set<StarRating> = emptySet())
data class StarRating(
val id: Int = 0,
val stars: Int = 0)
// 3. Declare JPA Repository with JpaSpecificationExecutor
interface TvShowRepository : CrudRepository<TvShow, Int>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<TvShow>
// 4. Kotlin Properties are now usable to create fluent specifications
class MyService #Inject constructor(val tvShowRepo: TvShowRepository) {
fun findShowsReleasedIn2010NotOnNetflix(): List<TvShow> {
return tvShowRepo.findAll(TvShow::availableOnNetflix.isFalse() and TvShow::releaseDate.equal("2010"))
/* Fall back to spring API with some extra helpers for more complex join queries */
fun findShowsWithComplexQuery(): List<TvShow> {
return tvShowRepo.findAll(where { equal(it.join(TvShow::starRatings).get(StarRating::stars), 2) })
For more complex and dynamic queries it's good practice to create functions that use the DSL to make queries more readable (as you would for QueryDSL), and to allow for their composition in complex dynamic queries.
fun hasName(name: String?): Specifications<TvShow>? = name?.let {
fun availableOnNetflix(available: Boolean?): Specifications<TvShow>? = available?.let {
fun hasKeywordIn(keywords: List<String>?): Specifications<TvShow>? = keywords?.let {
or( { hasKeyword(it) })
fun hasKeyword(keyword: String?): Specifications<TvShow>? = keyword?.let {"%$keyword%")
These functions can be combined with and() and or() for complex nested queries:
val shows = tvShowRepo.findAll(
Or they can be combined with a service-layer query DTO and mapping extension function
* A TV show query DTO - typically used at the service layer.
data class TvShowQuery(
val name: String? = null,
val availableOnNetflix: Boolean? = null,
val keywords: List<String> = listOf()
* A single TvShowQuery is equivalent to an AND of all supplied criteria.
* Note: any criteria that is null will be ignored (not included in the query).
fun TvShowQuery.toSpecification(): Specifications<TvShow> = and(
for powerful dynamic queries:
val query = TvShowQuery(availableOnNetflix = false, keywords = listOf("Rick", "Jimmy"))
val shows = tvShowRepo.findAll(query.toSpecification())
JpaSpecificationExecutor supports paging, so you can achieve pageable, type-safe, dynamic queries!
I have got a solution for this. I wrote some code to extend the spring-data-jpa .
I call it spring-data-jpa-extra
spring-data-jpa-extra comes to solve three problem:
dynamic native query support like mybatis
return type can be anything
no code, just sql
You can try it : )
