Can't run a package after installing it using pip - terminal

I have run the following command on a MacOS terminal:
pip install --user git+
which seemingly installed that on my system (and according to the documentation added it to my PATH)
However, when I try to call the command 'fcd' it always says "command not found". I have tried to add the path of the file fcd (which is /Library/Python/2.7/bin) to my PATH using export, which works however, I still get 'command not found'.
I feel like there is something obvious I am missing. Any ideas?


bazel windows patch: command not found

I followed the Installing Bazel on Windows, and everything work but the patch. I get the following error
/usr/bin/bash: line 1: patch: command not found.
I installed msys64 in C:\dev\msys64, and added C:\dev\msys64\usr\bin to my PATH. Bazel work fine, but when I open C:\dev\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe and I type patch, the command is not found.
If I open mingw32.exe, mingw64.exe or msys2.exe, and type "patch" it works. it is well installed. I tried to reinstall it many time. but still the bash.exe does not have the patch command.
I used the following command pacman -S zip unzip patch diffutils git. Everything seems to be well installed.
The error occurs when building the rules_go, specifically the following element wrapper

I see pip in the python/python39/scripts folder but it still says "pip command not found"

I tried pip3, it still doesn't do anything. I tried to reinstall it from reinstalling python or installing it in idle, but if i try to do "python" it just goes to another line, it doesnt do anything. im on windows btw
Edit: I followed what the commenter said, and if i type "py -m pip install" it lets me install a package so tysm
Try adding pip to environment variables . Original answer
On Windows pip3 should be in the Scripts path of your Python installation:
where python
to find out where your Python executable(s) is/are located. The result should look like this:
You can check if pip3 works with this absolute path:
if yes, add C:\path\to\python\Scripts to your environmental variable PATH

Mac OSX Terminal not Recognizing installed CLI Tool

I'm trying to literally download and run the ElectronNet demo (found here). I install the CLI tool, which appears to be accomplished successfully, but when I try to use the tool, terminal does not recognize it. Shown below:
% dotnet tool install electronnet.cli -g
Tool 'electronnet.cli' is already installed.
%electronize start
zsh: command not found: electronize
What could be going on here?
I guess it's something with your path&zsh,
if you try:
~/.dotnet/tools/electronize start
is that work for you?
If so, you can fix your path by editing ~/.zshrc, add this:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/share/dotnet/bin"
and source the file by running: ". ~/.zshrc"

Can't get pip working with psychopy install

I am very new to python and plan to use psychopy quite a lot. I am on a work computer but have full admin rights.
Psychopy came with python version 2.7.11 and includes setuptools already.
I am trying to install the selenium module, but having trouble getting pip to work at all.
In cmd, it is recognising the 'python' command, so I know python is in my path.
I get the message "can't open file 'pip': [Errno2] No such file or directory" from:
python pip install selenium
I get " 'pip' is not recognised as an internal or external command" from:
pip install selenium
When I change directory to where pip is located, I get:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'
Using pip2 makes no difference.
It seems a simple thing but where am I going wrong with this?!
I never really got to the bottom of this, but this is what I found out and here are the commands that worked for me in Windows. Be aware that I am far from expert!
To run python scripts (*.py) from command line (cmd) then C:\PsychoPy2 and C:\PsychoPy2\DLLs need to be in path. ('Path' contains directories or file extensions that can be more globally accessed, i.e. do not require you to change the prompt to the relevant directories first).
To check, open cmd and either type echo %PATH% or just type python. (If python starts, the line will say >>>. You can exit by typing quit())
To add to path, get properties of computer, then advanced system settings, then environment variables.
To check pip.exe (a sort of installation wizard) is installed, either search for the file, or check C:\PsychoPy2\Scripts for it. This may also need to be in path.
To reinstall the latest versions of pip and setup tools, I went to cmd and typed:
python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
If the same code did not work for other modules (which in my case was due to network access), then I downloaded the wheel file (*.whl) for that module (from their website) and ran the following code:
python -m pip install c:/modulename.whl
These may not be the correct ways of doing things, but they worked for me when I couldn't get other ways to work!
I've just had the exact same issue with the pip install, and a conflict with PsychoPy installations. I think it's because python automatically wants to call on the path that's been set by Psychopy, so it can't get to the 'pip' folders that for me, remain in a temporary/hidden file. This wasn't intuitive for me - on any machine without psychopy python just 'works' when you download it.

Issues with Bash and NPM paths

(bash newbie alert)
I'm having a hell of a time getting my dev machine up and running post clean install of 10.10.
I first attempted to install everything via homebrew. After installing Yeoman I was still getting "Yo" command not found errors. I followed these instructions on the Yeoman FAQ however I'm still getting the errors. I then realized I didn't have a .bash_profile, .bashrc or a .profile file in my home directory. I've tried adding just about every path variable I've found on line and nothing seems to fix it. On top of that, adding a path to any of the files mentioned above doesn't seem to update the path.
echo $PATH gives me
Any help would be great.
