ClassCastException in Spring Redis Cache - spring-boot

I'm developing a Spring Boot application with Spring Boot version 2.1.8.RELEASE.
I need to build custom RedisCacheManager.
RedisCacheManager is as follows.
class CacheConfig {
fun redisCacheManager(lettuceConnectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory): RedisCacheManager? {
val redisCacheConfiguration = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()
return RedisCacheManager.RedisCacheManagerBuilder
In my service, I cache response with #Cacheble. See:
#Cacheable(cacheNames = ["cached_sample"])
fun getAllSample(): List<SampleRecord> {
return auditableRepository.findAll()
Model I cached:
data class SampleRecord(
#ApiModelProperty(readOnly = true)
val id: Long? = null,
#ApiModelProperty(readOnly = true)
val active: Boolean? = null,
#ApiModelProperty(readOnly = true)
val createdDate: Instant? = null,
val param: String
): Serializable
When I call function second time, I get following exception
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
What whould be the reason of this exception?

This issue occurs if you Spring dev-tools in your dependency tree. There is a fairly easy solution, but it isn't documented well. You need to set the Redis cache config to reference the Context classloader when deserializing objects. For your code, it would look like:
redisCacheConfiguration = RedisCacheConfiguration
The .defaultCacheConfig(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()) makes sure that Redis has a reference to the Context classloader when deserializing. Spring outlines this in the Known Issues sections here:


Kotlin sealed class Jackson different place in memory

Recently, I have started with Kotlin and I encountered some strange behavior while testing JSON mapping with Spring.
I created something like this:
#SpringBootTest(classes = [TestApplication::class])
class JacksonIntegrationTest {
lateinit var objectMapper: ObjectMapper
var objectMapperTest = TestObjectMapper()
fun `should serialize and deserialize object`() {
val value = SealedObject
val jsonTest = objectMapperTest.writeValueAsString(value)
val resultTest: SealedObject = objectMapperTest.readValue(jsonTest)
val json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(value)
val result: SealedObject = objectMapper.readValue(json)
assertThat(resultTest).isSameAs(value) <---------- FAILED
internal sealed class Sealed
internal object SealedObject: Sealed()
value = JacksonIntegrationTest$SealedObject#6727e0cd <-------------\
result (SPRING) = JacksonIntegrationTest$SealedObject#6727e0cd <----- SAME MEMORY PLACE
resultTest (OWN) = JacksonIntegrationTest$SealedObject#3c8e3f98
As you can see, spring objectmapper returned value with same reference at memory as origin value.
But own created ObjectMapper returned object at different place at memory. Why?
All results should've same memory place
Okay, I've found a solution.
initializer = {
configure(KotlinFeature.SingletonSupport, true)

failed to validate request params in a Spring Boot/Kotlin Coroutines controller

In a SpringBoot/Kotlin Coroutines project, I have a controller class like this.
class PostController(private val posts: PostRepository) {
suspend fun search(#RequestParam q:String, #RequestParam #Min(0) offset:Int, #RequestParam #Min(1) limit:Int): ResponseEntity<Any> {}
The validation on the #ResquestBody works as the general Spring WebFlux, but when testing
validating request params , it failed and throws an exception like:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
at java.base/java.util.Arrays$ArrayList.get(
Suppressed: The stacktrace has been enhanced by Reactor, refer to additional information below:
It is not a ConstraintViolationException.
I think this is a bug in the framework when you are using coroutines (update , it is, I saw Happy Songs comment). In summary:
"#Validated is indeed not yet Coroutines compliant, we need to fix that by using Coroutines aware methods to discover method parameters."
The trouble is that the signature of the method on your controller is actually enhanced by Spring to have an extra parameter, like this, adding a continuation:
public java.lang.Object,int,int,kotlin.coroutines.Continuation)
so when the hibernate validator calls getParameter names to get the list of parameters on your method, it thinks there are 4 in total on the request, and then gets an index out of bounds exception trying to get the 4th (index 3).
If you put a breakpoint on the return of this:
public E get(int index) {
return a[index];
and put a breakpoint condition of index ==3 && a.length <4 you can see what is going on.
I'd report it as a bug on the Spring issue tracker.
You might be better off taking an alternative approach, as described here, using a RequestBody as a DTO and using the #Valid annotation
Thanks for the happy songs' comments, I found the best solution by now to overcome this barrier from the Spring Github issues#23499.
As explained in comments of this issue and PaulNuk's answer, there is a Continuation will be appended to the method arguments at runtime, which will fail the index computation of the method parameter names in the Hibernate Validator.
The solution is changing the ParameterNameDiscoverer.getParameterNames(Method) method and adding a empty string as the additional parameter name when it is a suspend function.
class KotlinCoroutinesLocalValidatorFactoryBean : LocalValidatorFactoryBean() {
override fun getClockProvider(): ClockProvider = DefaultClockProvider.INSTANCE
override fun postProcessConfiguration(configuration: javax.validation.Configuration<*>) {
val discoverer = PrioritizedParameterNameDiscoverer()
val defaultProvider = configuration.defaultParameterNameProvider
configuration.parameterNameProvider(object : ParameterNameProvider {
override fun getParameterNames(constructor: Constructor<*>): List<String> {
val paramNames: Array<String>? = discoverer.getParameterNames(constructor)
return paramNames?.toList() ?: defaultProvider.getParameterNames(constructor)
override fun getParameterNames(method: Method): List<String> {
val paramNames: Array<String>? = discoverer.getParameterNames(method)
return paramNames?.toList() ?: defaultProvider.getParameterNames(method)
class SuspendAwareKotlinParameterNameDiscoverer : ParameterNameDiscoverer {
private val defaultProvider = KotlinReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer()
override fun getParameterNames(constructor: Constructor<*>): Array<String>? =
override fun getParameterNames(method: Method): Array<String>? {
val defaultNames = defaultProvider.getParameterNames(method) ?: return null
val function = method.kotlinFunction
return if (function != null && function.isSuspend) {
defaultNames + ""
} else defaultNames
Then declare a new validator factory bean.
fun defaultValidator(): LocalValidatorFactoryBean {
val factoryBean = KotlinCoroutinesLocalValidatorFactoryBean()
factoryBean.messageInterpolator = MessageInterpolatorFactory().getObject()
return factoryBean
Get the complete sample codes from my Github.

Problem with start of #KafkaListener (Spring)

What is need
I'm writing an application (Spring + Kotlin) that takes information with Kafka. If I set autoStartup = "true" when declaring a #KafkaListener then the app works fine but only if broker is available. When the broker is unavailable application crashes on start. It's undesirable behavior. The application must work and perform other functions.
What I tried to do
For the escape of crashing application on start somebody on this site in another topic advised setting autoStartup = "false" when declaring a #KafkaListener. And it really helped to prevent crash on start. But now I cannot successfully start KafkaListener manually. In other examples I saw auto wiring of KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry, but when I trying to do it:
class KafkaConsumer #Autowired constructor(
private val kafkaListenerEndpointRegistry: KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry
) {
IntelliJ Idea warns:
Could not autowire. No beans of 'KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry' type found.
When I try to use KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry without autowiring and perform this code:
class KafkaConsumer {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
private val kafkaListenerEndpointRegistry = KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry()
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 10000)
fun startCpguListener(){
val container = kafkaListenerEndpointRegistry.getListenerContainer("consumer1")
if (!container.isRunning)
try {"Kafka Consumer is not running. Trying to start...")
} catch (e: Exception){
id = "consumer1",
topics = ["cpgdb.public.user"],
autoStartup = "false"
private fun listen(it: ConsumerRecord<JsonNode, JsonNode>, qwe: Consumer<Any, Any>){
val pay = it.value().get("payload")
val after = pay.get("after")
val id = after["id"].asInt()
val receivedUser = CpguUser(
id = id,
name = after["name"].asText()
)"received user with id = $id")
kafkaListenerEndpointRegistry.getListenerContainer("consumer1") always return null. I guess it's because I didn't auto wire kafkaListenerEndpointRegistry. How can I do it? Or if exist another solution of my answer I'll be appreciative any help! Thanks!
There is Kafka config:
class KafkaConfiguration(private val props: KafkaProperties) {
fun kafkaListenerContainerFactory(): ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<Any, Any> {
val factory = ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<Any, Any>()
factory.consumerFactory = consumerFactory()
val retryTemplate = RetryTemplate()
val handler = SeekToCurrentErrorHandler()
handler.isAckAfterHandle = false
factory.containerProperties.isMissingTopicsFatal = false
return factory
fun consumerFactory(): ConsumerFactory<Any, Any> {
return DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory(consumerConfigs())
fun consumerConfigs(): Map<String, Any> {
return mapOf(
ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG to props.bootstrap.address,
ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG to props.receiver.clientId,
ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG to props.receiver.groupId,
ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG to "earliest",
ConsumerConfig.ISOLATION_LEVEL_CONFIG to "read_committed",
ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG to true
spring boot version: 2.3.0
spring-kafka version: 2.5.3
kafka-clients version: 2.5.0
Just ignore IntelliJ's warning about the auto wiring; the bean does exist; it's just that IntelliJ can't detect it.

#Transactional in Spring Boot - I believe prerequisites are covered (public, external invocation), but testing indicates no transaction

I'm trying to get a Kotlin function to operate transactionally in Spring Boot, and I've looked at several sources for information, such as and Spring #Transaction method call by the method within the same class, does not work?. I believe I have the prerequisites necessary for the #Transactional annotation to work - the function is public and being invoked externally, if my understanding is correct. My code currently looks like this:
interface CreateExerciseInstance {
operator fun invoke(input: CreateExerciseInstanceInput): OpOutcome<CreateExerciseInstanceOutput>
class CreateExerciseInstanceImpl constructor(
private val exerciseInstanceRepository: ExerciseInstanceRepository, // #Repository
private val activityInstanceRepository: ActivityInstanceRepository, // #Repository
private val exerciseInstanceStepRepository: ExerciseInstanceStepRepository // #Repository
) : CreateExerciseInstance {
override fun invoke(input: CreateExerciseInstanceInput): OpOutcome<CreateExerciseInstanceOutput> {
val exerciseInstanceRecord = ... // no in-place modification of repository data
val activityInstanceRecords = ...
val exerciseInstanceStepRecords = ...
return try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
My test currently looks like this:
class CreateExerciseInstanceTest {
private lateinit var exerciseInstanceRepository: ExerciseInstanceRepository
private lateinit var exerciseInstanceStepRepository: ExerciseInstanceStepRepository
private lateinit var activityInstanceRepository: ActivityInstanceRepository
fun `does not commit to exercise instance or activity repositories when exercise instance step repository throws exception`() {
... // data setup
val exerciseInstanceStepRepository = mockk<ExerciseInstanceStepRepository>()
val exception = Exception("Something went wrong")
every {<ExerciseInstanceStepRecord>()) } throws exception
val createExerciseInstance = CreateExerciseInstanceImpl(
exerciseInstanceRepository = exerciseInstanceRepository,
activityInstanceRepository = activityInstanceRepository,
exerciseInstanceStepRepository = exerciseInstanceStepRepository
val outcome = createExerciseInstance(...)
assert(outcome is Outcome.Failure)
val exerciseInstances = exerciseInstanceRepository.findAll()
val activityInstances = activityInstanceRepository.findAll()
The test fails with:
to be equal to:
but was not.
at assertThat(exerciseInstances.count()).isEqualTo(0). Is the function actually non-public or being invoked internally? Have I missed some other prerequisite?
This test doesn't say anything about your component not being transactional.
First, you create an instance yourself rather than using the one created by Spring. So Spring knows nothing about this instance, and can't possibly warp it into a transactional proxy.
Second, the component doesn't throw any runtime exception, So Spring doesn't rollback the transaction.

Spring 5 Reactive - WebExceptionHandler is not getting called

I have tried all 3 solutions suggested in what is the right way to handle errors in spring-webflux, but WebExceptionHandler is not getting called. I am using Spring Boot 2.0.0.M7. Github repo here
class RoutesConfiguration {
private lateinit var testService: TestService
private lateinit var globalErrorHandler: GlobalErrorHandler
fun routerFunction():
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> = router {
("/test").nest {
GET("/") {
class GlobalErrorHandler() : WebExceptionHandler {
companion object {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
override fun handle(exchange: ServerWebExchange?, ex: Throwable?): Mono<Void> {"inside handle")
/* Handle different exceptions here */
when(ex!!) {
is ClientException -> exchange!!.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
is Exception -> exchange!!.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
return Mono.empty()
When I change Spring Boot version to 2.0.0.M2, the WebExceptionHandler is getting called. Do I need to do something for 2.0.0.M7?
As per Brian's suggestion, it worked as
fun globalErrorHandler() = GlobalErrorHandler()
You can provide your own WebExceptionHandler, but you have to order it relatively to others, otherwise they might handle the error before yours get a chance to try.
the DefaultErrorWebExceptionHandler provided by Spring Boot for error handling (see reference documentation) is ordered at -1
the ResponseStatusExceptionHandler provided by Spring Framework is ordered at 0
So you can add #Order(-2) on your error handling component, to order it before the existing ones.
An error response should have standard payload info. This can be done by extending AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler
ErrorResponse: Data Class
data class ErrorResponse(
val timestamp: String,
val path: String,
val status: Int,
val error: String,
val message: String
ServerResponseBuilder: 2 different methods to build an error response
default: handle standard errors
webClient: handle webClient exceptions (WebClientResponseException), not for this case
class ServerResponseBuilder(
private val request: ServerRequest,
private val status: HttpStatus) {
fun default(): Mono<ServerResponse> =
fun webClient(e: WebClientResponseException): Mono<ServerResponse> =
GlobalErrorHandlerConfiguration: Error handler
class GlobalErrorHandlerConfiguration #Autowired constructor(
errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes,
resourceProperties: ResourceProperties,
applicationContext: ApplicationContext,
viewResolversProvider: ObjectProvider<List<ViewResolver>>,
serverCodecConfigurer: ServerCodecConfigurer) :
) {
init {
setViewResolvers(viewResolversProvider.getIfAvailable { emptyList() })
override fun getRoutingFunction(errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes?): RouterFunction<ServerResponse> =
RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicates.all(), HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> { response(it, errorAttributes) })
private fun response(request: ServerRequest, errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes?): Mono<ServerResponse> =
ServerResponseBuilder(request, status(request, errorAttributes)).default()
private fun status(request: ServerRequest, errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes?) =
HttpStatus.valueOf(errorAttributesMap(request, errorAttributes)["status"] as Int)
private fun errorAttributesMap(request: ServerRequest, errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes?) =
errorAttributes!!.getErrorAttributes(request, false)
