How to write a while loop properly - ruby

I'm trying to scrape a website however I cannot seem to get my while-loop to break out once it hits a page with no more information:
def scrape_verse_items(keyword)
pg = 1
while pg < 1000
puts "page #{pg}"
url = "{pg}&q=#{keyword}&version_id=1"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
items = doc.css(" li.reference")
error = doc.css('div#noresults')
until error.any? do
if keyword != ''
item_hash = {}
items.each do |item|
title = item.css("h3").text.strip
content = item.css("p").text.strip
item_hash[title] = content
puts "Please enter a valid search"
if error.any?
pg += 1
puts scrape_verse_items('joy')

I know this doesn't exactly answer your question, but perhaps you might consider using a different approach altogether.
Using while and until loops can get a bit confusing, and usually isn't the most performant way of doing things.
Maybe you would consider using recursion instead.
I've written a small script that seems to work :
class MyScrapper
def initialize;end
def call(keyword)
puts "Please enter a valid search" && return unless keyword
scrape({}, keyword, 1)
def scrape(results, keyword, page)
doc = load_page(keyword, page)
return results if doc.css('div#noresults').any?
build_new_items(doc).merge(scrape(results, keyword, page+1))
def load_page(keyword, page)
url = "{page}&q=#{keyword}&version_id=1"
def build_new_items(doc)
items = doc.css(" li.reference")
items.reduce({}) do |list, item|
title = item.css("h3").text.strip
content = item.css("p").text.strip
list[title] = content
You call it by doing"Keyword") (It might make more sense to have this as a module you include or even have them as class methods to avoid the need to instantiate the class.
What this does is, call a method called scrape and you give it the starting results, keyword, and page. It loads the page, if there are no results it returns the existing results it has found.
Otherwise it builds a hash from the page it loaded, and then the method calls itself, and merges the results with the new hash it just build. It does this till there are no more results.
If you want to limit the page results you can just change this like:
return results if doc.css('div#noresults').any?
to this:
return results if doc.css('div#noresults').any? || page > 999
Note: You might want to double-check the results that are being returned are correct. I think they should be but I wrote this quite quickly, so there could always be a small bug hiding somewhere in there.


Looking for a cleaner way to scrape from website by avoiding repeating

Hi I am just doing a bit of refactoring on a small cli web scraping project I did in Ruby and I was simply wondering if there was cleaner way to write a particular section without repeating the code too much.
Basically with the code below, I pulled data from a website but I had to do this per page. You will notice that both methods are only different by their name and the source.
def self.scrape_first_page
html = open("")
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
doc.css('div.grid_element').each do |business|
biz = = business.css('a b').text
biz.type = business.css('span.hidden-xs').text
biz.number = business.css('').text.gsub("\r\n","").strip
def self.scrape_second_page
html = open('')
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
doc.css('div.grid_element').each do |business|
biz = = business.css('a b').text
biz.type = business.css('span.hidden-xs').text
biz.number = business.css('').text.gsub("\r\n","").strip
Is there a way for me to streamline this process all with just one method pulling from one source, but have the ability to access different pages within the same site, or this is pretty much the best and only way? They owners of the website do not have a public api from me to pull from in case anyone is wondering.
Remember that in programming you want to steer towards code that follows the Zero, One or Infinity Rule avoid the dreaded two. In other words, write methods that take no arguments, fixed arguments (one), or an array of unspecified size (infinity).
So the first step is to clean up the scraping function to make it as generic as possible:
def scrape(page)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(page))
# Use map here to return an array of Business objects
doc.css('div.grid_element').map do |business| do |biz|
# Use tap to modify this object before returning it = business.css('a b').text
biz.type = business.css('span.hidden-xs').text
biz.number = business.css('').text.gsub("\r\n","").strip
Note that apart from the extraction code, there's nothing specific about this. Takes a URL, returns Business objects in an Array.
In order to generate pages 1..N, consider this:
def pages(base_url, start: 1)
page = start do |y|
loop do
y << base_url % page
page += 1
Now that's an infinite series, but you can always cap it to whatever you want with take(n) or by instead looping until you get an empty list:
# Collect all business from each of the pages...
businesses = pages('') do |page|
# scraping the page...
end.take_while do |results|
# ...and iterating until there's no results, as in Array#any? is false.
The .lazy part means "evaluate each part of the chain sequentially" as opposed to the default behaviour of trying to evaluate each stage to completion. This is important or else it will try and download an infinite number of pages before moving to the next test.
The .to_a on the end forces that chain to run to completion. The .flatten squishes all the page-wise results into a single result set.
Of course if you want to scrape the first N pages, it's a lot easier:
pages('').take(n).flat_map do |page|
It's almost no code!
This was suggested by #Todd A. Jacobs
def self.scrape(url)
html = open(url)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
doc.css('div.grid_element').each do |business|
biz = = business.css('a b').text
biz.type = business.css('span.hidden-xs').text
biz.number = business.css('').text.gsub("\r\n","").strip
The downside is with there not being a public api I had to invoke the method as many times as I need it since the url's are representing different pages within the wbesite, but this is fine because I was able to get rid of the repeating methods.
def make_listings
i ever had some problem with you, i do loop though. usually if the page support pagination then the first page it have chance to use query param page also.
def self.scrape
page = 1
loop do
url = "{page}"
# do nokogiri parse
# do data scrapping
page += 1
you can have break on certain page condition.

How to use user input across classes in Ruby?

I’m writing an app that scrapes to show a user the top ten songs. The user can then pick a song to see the lyrics.
I’d like to know how to employ the user input collected in my cli class inside of a method in my scraper class.
Right now I have part of the scrape happening outside the scraper class, but I'd like a clean division of responsibility.
Here’s part of my code:
Class CLI
def get_user_song
chosen_song = gets.strip.to_i
if chosen_song > 10 || chosen_song < 1
puts "Only the hits! Choose a number from 1-10."
I’d like to be able to do something like the below.
Class Scraper
def self.scrape_lyrics
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
#url = page.css('div#top-songs a').map {|link| link['href']}
user_selection = #input_from_cli #<---this is where I'd like to use the output
# of the 'gets' method above.
#print_lyrics = #url[user_selection - 1]
scrape_2 = Nokogiri::HTML(open(#print_lyrics))
puts scrape_2.css(".lyrics").text
I'm basically wondering how I can pass the chosen song variable into the Scraper class. I've tried a writing class method, but was having trouble writing it in a way that didn't break the rest of my program.
Thanks for any help!
I see two possible solutions to your problem. Which one is appropriate for this depends on your design goals. I'll try to explain with each option:
From a plain reading of your code, the user inputs the number without seeing the content of the page (through your program). In this case the simple way would be to pass in the selected number as a parameter to the scrape_lyrics method:
def self.scrape_lyrics(user_selection)
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
#url = page.css('div#top-songs a').map {|link| link['href']}
#print_lyrics = #url[user_selection -1]
scrape_2 = Nokogiri::HTML(open(#print_lyrics))
puts scrape_2.css(".lyrics").text
All sequencing happens in the CLI class and the scraper is called with all necessary data at the get go.
When imagining your tool more interactively, I was thinking it could be useful to have the scraper download the current top 10 and present the list to the user to choose from. In this case the interaction is a little bit more back-and-forth.
If you still want a strict separation, you can split scrape_lyrics into scrape_top_ten and scrape_lyrics_by_number(song_number) and sequence that in the CLI class.
If you expect the interaction flow to be very dynamic it might be better to inject the interaction methods into the scraper and invert the dependency:
def self.scrape_lyrics(cli)
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
titles = page.css('div#top-songs h3:first-child').map {|t| t.text}
user_selection = cli.choose(titles) # presents a choice to the user, returning the selected number
#url = page.css('div#top-songs a').map {|link| link['href']}
#print_lyrics = #url[user_selection - 1]
scrape_2 = Nokogiri::HTML(open(#print_lyrics))
puts scrape_2.css(".lyrics").text
See the tty-prompt gem for an example implementation of the latter approach.

How should I use recursive method in ruby

I wrote a simple web scrawler using Mechanize, now I'm stuck at how to get next page recursively, below is the code.
def self.generate_page #generate a Mechainze page object,the first page
agent =
url = "{URI.encode(WORD)}{URI.encode(TIME)}"
page = agent.get(url)
def self.next_page(n_page) #get next page recursively by click next tag showed in each pages
puts n_page
# if I dont use puts , I get nothing , when using puts, I get
#which are the results I want
np =>/next/)) unless n_page.link_with(:text=>/next/).nil?
result = next_page(np) unless np.nil?
result # here the value is empty, I dont know what is worng
def self.get_page # trying to pass the result of next_page() method
puts next_page(generate_page)
# it seems result is never passed here,
I followed these two links What is recursion and how does it work?
and Ruby recursive function
but still cant figure out what's wrong.. hope someone can help me out.. Thanks
There are a few issues with your code:
You shouldn't be calling more than once.
From a stylistic perspective, you are doing too many nil checks.
Unless you have a preference for recursion, it'll probably be easier to do it iteratively.
To have your next_page method return an array containing every link page in the chain, you could write this:
# you should store the mechanize agent as a global variable
Agent =
# a helper method to DRY up the code
def click_to_next_page(page)>/next/))
# repeatedly visits next page until none exists
# returns all seen pages as an array
def get_all_next_pages(n_page)
results = []
np = click_to_next_page(n_page)
until !np
np = click_to_next_page(np)
np && results.push(np)
# testing it out (i'm not actually running this)
base_url = "{URI.encode(WORD)}{URI.encode(TIME)}"
root_page = Agent.get(base_url)
next_pages = get_all_next_pages(root_page)
puts next_pages

Foreach loop in XML generator not breaking

I am trying to generate XML, but the loop isn't breaking. Here is a part of the code:
#key = 0
#cont.each do |pr|
xml.product {
#key += 1
puts #key.to_s
#main = Nokogiri::HTML(open(#url+pr['href'], "User-Agent" => "Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}","From" => "foo#bar.invalid", "Referer" => ""))
puts "rescue"
puts pr['href']
puts #key.to_s
break //this break doesn't work
#something else
Most interesting is that in the final generated XML file, break worked. The file contains only one product, but on the console #key was printed fully, which means the foreach loop doesn't break.
Could it be a Nokogiri XML-specific error, because of open brackets in the head of the loop?
In general I think how you're going about trying to generate the XML is confused. Don't convolute your code any more than necessary; Instead of starting to generate some XML then aborting it inside the block because you can't find the page you want, grab the pages you want first, then start processing.
I'd move the begin/rescue block outside the XML generation. Its existence inside the XML generation block results in poor logic and questionable practices of using next and break. Instead I'd recommend something like this untested code:
#main = []
#cont.each do |pr|
#main << Nokogiri::HTML(
open(#url + pr['href'])
puts 'rescue'
builder = do |xml|
xml.root {
xml.products {
#main.each do |m|
xml.product {
puts builder.to_xml
Which makes it easy to see that the code is keying off being able to retrieve a page.
This code is untested because we have no idea what your input values are or what your output should look like. Having valid input, expected output and a working example of your code that demonstrates the problem is essential if you want help debugging a problem with your code.
The use of #url + pr['href'] isn't generally a good idea. Instead use the URI class to build up the URL for you. URI handles encoding and ensures the URI is valid.

Ruby + recursive function + defining global variable

I am pulling bitbucket repo list using Ruby. The response from bitbucket will contain only 10 repositories and a marker for the next page where there will be another 10 repos and so on ... (they call it pagination)
So, I wrote a recursive function which calls itself if the next page marker is present. This will continue until it reaches the last page.
Here is my code:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'awesome_print'
#repos =
def recursive(url)
### here goes my net/http code which connects to bitbucket and pulls back the response in a JSON as request.body
### hence, removing this code for brevity
hash = JSON.parse(response.body)
hash["values"].each do |x|
#repos << x["links"]["self"]["href"]
if hash["next"]
puts "next page exists"
puts "calling recusrisve with: #{hash["next"]}"
puts "this is the last page. No more recursions"
repo_list = recursive('https://my_bitbucket_url')
#repos.each {|x| puts x}
Now, my code works fine and it lists all the repos.
I am new to Ruby, so I am not sure about the way I have used the global variable #repos = above. If I define the array in function, then each call to the function will create a new array overwriting its contents from previous call.
So, how do the Ruby programmers use a global symbol in such cases. Does my code obey Ruby ethics or is it something really amateur (yet correct because it works) way of doing it.
The consensus is to avoid global variables as much as possible.
I would either build the collection recursively like this:
def recursive(url)
### ...
result = []
hash["values"].each do |x|
result << x["links"]["self"]["href"]
if hash["next"]
result += recursive(hash["next"])
or hand over the collection to the function:
def recursive(url, result = [])
### ...
hash["values"].each do |x|
result << x["links"]["self"]["href"]
if hash["next"]
recursive(hash["next"], result)
Either way you can call the function
repo_list = recursive(url)
And I would write it like this:
def recursive(url)
# ...
result = hash["values"].map { |x| x["links"]["self"]["href"] }
result += recursive(hash["next"]) if hash["next"]
