Azure Fastlane auto increment build number - xcode

I've been trying to auto-increment the build number of my tvos app through the app release step in my azure pipeline.
I followed this documentation to create this step.
- task: AppStoreRelease#1
serviceEndpoint: 'Test Connection to App Store'
appIdentifier: ${{ parameters.appIdentifier }}
appType: 'tvOS'
ipaPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/${{ parameters.defaultArtifacts }}/build/*.ipa'
releaseTrack: 'TestFlight'
shouldSkipWaitingForProcessing: true
shouldSkipSubmission: true
fastlaneArguments: '--app_platform=appletvos --increment_build_number'
displayName: App Store Release
I want to use this fastlane argument to increment my build number, but I'm not sure how I would do that in the yml format. I've tried to add it as an additional argument like:
fastlaneArguments: '--app_platform=appletvos --increment_build_number'
But, It throws an invalid argument error. Looking for anyone having experience with such a scenario who would like to share the wisdom.

For anyone struggling with this in the future, I managed to update the build number by adding the following step in the pipeline before creating an archive.
- script: fastlane run increment_build_number build_number:$(Build.BuildId) xcodeproj:Path_TO_PROJECT/app.xcodeproj
displayName: Update Build Number

I took a very similar approach as #Subhan Ahmed
If you're not wanting to do it through Fastlane for whatever reason, here's a script that will work,
- script: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $(Build.BuildId)" "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Info.plist"


What is the easiest way to make Azure pipeline stage fail for debugging purposes

I would like to make a given stage fail to test my conditions
- stage: EnvironmentDeploy
condition: and(succeeded()...)
is it possible to make - stage to fail purposefully?
The easiest way I can think of is adding a job with a PowerShell script, and using the throw keyword to exit the script with an error:
- stage: StageToFail
- job: JobToFail
- pwsh: throw "Throwing error for debugging purposes"
I assume you don't want this fail to happen consistently as that would make deployment impossible. Assuming it's a one-off thing, why not try to upload code with compile errors so the build fails or - if your code base has them and your pipeline checks them as a prerequisite for deployment - add a unit test that fails.

How to add ManualValidation task on Azure DevOps

I have tried to use ManualValidation task in my pipeline but it did not passed because it is not installed from the market place but, when I go on the page on the market place I can not find any extension for manual validation on pipeline. Can someone provide me with information about this?
My azure-pipeline.yml looks like this:
job: waitForValidation
displayName: Wait for external validation
pool: server
timeoutInMinutes: 4320
task: ManualValidation#0
timeoutInMinutes: 1440
notifyUsers: |
instructions: 'Please validate the build configuration and resume'
onTimeout: 'resume'
A task is missing. The pipeline references a task called 'ManualValidation'. This usually indicates the task isn't installed, and you may be able to install it from the Marketplace:

Google cloud build with pack and secrets manager not accessing environment variables

I'm using a standard build function to build my app for google cloud run using google cloud build.
In my cloudbuild.yaml I load 2 secrets from google secrets manager and pass it to the build function. The google cloud build has access to those secrets, otherwise I would get an error message for this (I got this kind of error at the beginning when setting up the build, now it seems to have access).
However, it seems like the environment variables don't get set.
I think that it might be a syntactical problem of how I try to pass the variables.
This is the stripped down cloudbuild.yaml
- name:
- build
- ''
- '--network=cloudbuild'
- '--path=.'
- '--env=SEC_A=$$SEC_A'
- '--env=SEC_B=$$SEC_B'
secretEnv: ['SEC_A', 'SEC_B']
id: Buildpack
entrypoint: pack
- versionName: projects/<pid>/secrets/SEC_A/versions/latest
env: SEC_A
- versionName: projects/<pid>/secrets/SEC_B/versions/latest
env: SEC_B
An Error message that I hacked into the build for checking shows me that the env var is empty during this build step.
I tried using $, $$ (as seen above), &&, ${...}, for substitution. But maybe the problem lies somewhere else.
Yes, it's a common issue and a trap on Cloud Build. In fact, your secrets can't be read if you use the args[] arrays to pass argument. you have to use the script mode, like that
- name:
entrypoint: bash
- -c
- |
pack build $_GCR_HOSTNAME/$PROJECT_ID/$REPO_NAME/$_SERVICE_NAME:$COMMIT_SHA --network=cloudbuild --path=. --env=SEC_A=$$SEC_A --env=SEC_B=$$SEC_B
secretEnv: ['SEC_A', 'SEC_B']
id: Buildpack

How to resolve "input ConnectedServiceName expects a service connection of type AzureRM" error?

I am learning how to create azure pipeline and ran into the following error:
The pipeline is not valid. Job Phase_1: Step
AzureResourceGroupDeployment input ConnectedServiceName expects a
service connection of type AzureRM but the provided service connection
"MY-SERVICE-CONNECTION-NAME" is of type generic.
What am I missing here?
# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:
- master
- cosmos
batch: True
- job: Phase_1
displayName: Phase 1
cancelTimeoutInMinutes: 1
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- checkout: self
- task: AzureResourceGroupDeployment#2
displayName: Azure Deployment:Create Or Update Resource Group action on DISPLAY-NAME
# azureSubscription: 'SUBSCRIPTION'
resourceGroupName: DISPLAY-NAME
location: West US # TBD
csmFile: cosmos/deploy.json
csmParametersFile: cosmos/parameters-dev.json
deploymentName: DEPLOYMENT-NAME
I tried values from "service connections" but not sure what is the issue here.
The error message is telling you the exact problem. Your service connection needs to be an Azure Resource Manager service connection. Create a service connection of the appropriate type.
I can reproduce the issue:
As Daniel said, this is caused by the service connection type.
From this document you can know what the parameters are:
Share a little trick. Can help you avoid this type of problem in the future. When you type '- task: sometask#version' in the correct place of YML file of the pipeline in DevOps, you will see a 'Settings' button in the upper left, click it and you can set the value through the UI, which can filter the appropriate options for you:

Pass "What went wrong" Gradle error message to another Job in Azure Pipelines

Context: performing Android instrumentation (UI) tests with Azure Pipelines.
There are 2 jobs: one does the testing (launches an emulator and runs the tests), and the other job reports an error, if the previous job fails for some reason.
I have the following simple setup in my Azure Pipelines:
- job: SmokeTesting
displayName: Smoke testing
timeoutInMinutes: 60
vmImage: 'macOS-latest'
- script: meta/ launch_avd
displayName: Launch AVD
workingDirectory: ''
- task: Gradle#2
displayName: Run smoke tests
workingDirectory: ''
gradleWrapperFile: 'gradlew'
publishJUnitResults: true
tasks: ':app:connectedAndroidTest'
- job: ReportFailure
displayName: Report failure
- SmokeTesting
condition: or(failed(), canceled())
- script: meta/ report_smoke_tests_error
workingDirectory: ''
BUILD_ID: $(Build.BuildId)
It all works as expected: if there is an error, the second job is run. In this case, the log in Azure Pipelines Web contains very useful information, that I would like to have access to in the second job:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:stripDebugDebugSymbols'.
> No version of NDK matched the requested version 22.0.7026061. Versions available locally: 18.1.5063045, 21.3.6528147, 21.3.6528147
How do I get "What went wrong" message in my second job?
My idea is to use multi-stage variable to record the message in the first job, and then use it in the second one. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to get this message in the first place.
As a workaround, you can use the Build Timeline api to get detailed build information. The api response contains the property issues, you can check the results there if there is an errors.{org}/{pro}/_apis/build/builds/3838/timeline/?api-version=6.0
If the issues does not contain the error message you want, you can retrieve the content related to Gradle#2 task in the response body. Obtain the log url according to the property log.
By calling this log url, you can get the log of Gradle#2 task, and then parse the log to get the desired message.
