Can Octopus Output variable be decalred in form of an array? - octopus-deploy

I am using Octopus for getting my environment ready with all prerequisites. In one of the octopus step I want some varaibles values to be set dynamically for which I have used the octopus output variables.
If I want to declare the output variable in form of an array, its value not getting read in other step where I want to read that.
Below are few code snippets which I have used (Note : both the steps are having inline powershell script code written):
/*Step A code : Set output variable of step code*/
$market= "RO" /*Dynamically identify market depends on machine name */
write-host $market
Set-OctopusVariable -name "TestResult_Domain_['+%market%+']" -value
/*Another step code*/
$market= "RO" /*Dynamically identify market depends on machine name */
write-host $market
$filterDomain = "Octopus.Action[StepA].Output.TestResult_Domain_['$market']"


How to set system variable value in Octopus Deploy from PowerShell

I am trying to assign value to built-in release notes variable in "Run a Script" step.
$OctopusParameters["Octopus.Release.Notes"] = "Some release notes"
In the next step "Send an Email" I am using this variable in email body, but unfortunately it is empty.
Is it possible to set Octopus Deploy system variable value from PowerShell and use it in the next step?
I am using Octopus Deploy 3.7.11.
I have also tried the cmdlet Set-OctopusVariable and it did not work.
Set-OctopusVariable -name "Octopus.Release.Notes" -value "Something"
I don't think it is possible to overwrite values of the built-in variables provided by Octopus Deploy. But you could define your own output variable and refer to that in the following steps. For example in your 'Run a script'-step use:
Set-OctopusVariable -name "MyReleaseNote" -value "Some text here"
Then the "Send an Email"-step can refer to this text by using the following (assuming the first step is called 'FirstStep'):
The variable can also be used from a script in other steps, then use the syntax:
$relnote = $OctopusParameters["Octopus.Action[FirstStep].Output.MyReleaseNote"]
(If you want to save the generated releasenote perhaps you could save it as an 'artifact' in the project).
I tried this using Octoposh. Modifying an existing variable is covered in the Octoposh wiki at Modifying Variables - Edit a variable of a Project/Library variable set.
I wasn't able to get this to work because of timeouts on our network, but it looks like it should work - just not as straight-forward as I expected.

Is there a way to assign the output of a step to another environment variable on Bitrise?

The Xcode archive step creates this variable: ${BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR} and read that pilot uses the PILOT_IPA environment variables for the IPA directory.
Is there a way to assign the output (BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR) to another environment variable (e.g.: $PILOT_IPA)?
You can do that by using envman ( which is part of the bitrise CLI tool stack.
To assign the value of an existing Environment Variable (Step outputs are just regular Environment Variables) you can use a Script step, and specify this as the content:
envman add --key PILOT_IPA --value "$BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR"
This'll first print the value of the BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR environment variable, and then with envman add it'll add a new environment item with the key PILOT_IPA and the value of $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR.

Get the list of user variables from Octopus

we have Octopus-2.0.
We stored the service credentials (they are per machine) in octopus user variable.
I need to create these login in SQL server as well.
For Example service login name "machine1_service1" stored as variable name. and password of that login is stored under column Variable Value in octopus.
so far i know that to any variable value from octopus we need to provide exact variable name. but in this case I actually need to get list of all these variables.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
Octopus variables are accessible from a dictionary object that can be enumerated. If you follow a naming convention you could query the dictionary using powershell with something like the following. This would be called from within a custom step or somewhere where you can write your own powershell e.g. a PostDeploy.ps1 script in the .nuget file
Let's say the variables are defined like this
You can use this powershell to get to them and enumerate round them
# Get service accounts
$serviceAccounts = $OctopusParameters.keys | ? {$_ -like "service-*"}
write-host "Accounts found:" $serviceAccounts.count
foreach($account in $serviceAccounts)
write-host "Account: $account"
$password = $OctopusParameters[$account]
write-host "Password: $password"
Hope this helps.

system variable configuration in teamcity for adding timestamp to it

I have created a parameter in Team city that is system parameter as shown below
system.version and its value is gla so it is like
now can you please advise in Team City how can I configure this variable such as i want date time stamp to be appended since this variable is need to be changed every time when my build runs so I want to add the dates time stamp to this system variable please advise how to achieve this in team city.
You can add an initial build step that writes out a service message to update the parameter value (example below in PowerShell):
Step 1
$date = Get-Date
Write-Host "##teamcity[setParameter name='system.version' value='gla$date']"
Step x
Write-Host '%system.version%' # will output the new value
You can write a custom build step that calls a shell command and appends date/time to your variable
date_var=`date +%Y%M` --> Define your format here
echo "##teamcity[setParameter name='system.version' value='$date_var']"
PS: you can use the new value of your variable only from the next build step

I need to create a logon script that adds two registry keys with the following values (P+IPAddress) & (S+IPAddress)

I need to create a logon script that lists the following values for each PC
(P+IPAddress) & (S+IPAddress), I managed to create the following .reg file:
But I have entered these values my self, I need a script that creates a combined value (Letter + The last 3digits of the IP Address of the PC where this script runs).
I highly appreciate it if someone can help me on this.
If you want a single command, use Powershell like this:
powershell -Command "& {[]::gethostaddresses([]::gethostname()) | where { $_.addressfamily -eq 'InterNetwork' } | foreach { [microsoft.win32.registry]::setvalue('hkey_current_user\serial numbers', 'Printer', [string]::concat('P', $_.tostring().split('.')[3])) } }"
Not the most efficient and may have problems with multiple addresses (as it will always set to the last one) but it can be executed as a single command.
Should be easy enough to modify that command to add the Scanner bit too.
