Place cursor in edit control box in visual studio - visual-studio

I am trying to make a password dialog box in a visual studio software. As soon as my password dialog box opens, I want the cursor to be placed in the edit control box so I can type password on it.
How can I put or place cursor in a text edit box in visual studio MFC without a mouse click?
Please suggest me how to do this.
static CEdit *ptrCurrentEditWindow;
SetDlgItemText(IDC_PASSWORD, L"");
ptrCurrentEditWindow = &m_wnd_password;
return TRUE;

The documentation for CDialog::OnInitDialog explains, how to do this. The return value section has this information:
Specifies whether the application has set the input focus to one of the controls in the dialog box. If OnInitDialog returns nonzero, Windows sets the input focus to the default location, the first control in the dialog box. The application can return 0 only if it has explicitly set the input focus to one of the controls in the dialog box.
That leaves you with 2 options:
Make your edit control the first control, and have Windows handle everything for you by returning TRUE.
Move input to your edit control manually (CDialog::GotoDlgCtrl), and return FALSE.
Addressing the updated question: The implementation already does, what you need, as long as you make IDC_PASSWORD the first control in your dialog template. If you do not want to or cannot arrange for this, you'll have to manually move input focus, like this:
// Not needed; an edit control is initially empty
SetDlgItemText(IDC_PASSWORD, L"");
// Set input focus to the desired control
// Let the framework know, that you already set input focus
return FALSE;


WIN32: Duplicate Standard Button Control (disabled Icon / hotkey underline) in Owner Draw Button?

So for the simple feat of wanting to put an icon on the right side of button text instead of the left resulted in having to use owner draw buttons (but someone here said Custom Draw is actually available if using visual themes). Okay, fine, but now I'm finding you can't really duplicate what Windows standard buttons do when it's not in owner draw mode.
For a normal enabled button I can get the look correct by checking if visual styles are available or not and then using either the DrawThemeBackground() / DrawThemeText() or DrawFrameControl() / DrawText(). However the hot key underline character is shown even when alt key is not pressed, the default buttons don't show it until alt pressed.
For a disabled button, I can't duplicate the disabled look of the icon placed on the button. I tried DrawState() over DrawIconEx() but that looks like the old Windows 3.1 type grey graphic not the visual style dimmed graphic. I see there is a DrawThemeIcon() for an image list, I guess I could try that (I'd have to test non visual style mode to see if DrawState() matches when not using visual styles).
Also, as you hover over the button, the state doesn't change, I understand that if using owner draw, that doesn't occur, maybe it would still work with Custom Draw?
So the two main questions are:
1 - Is there something built-in to the button / owner draw to handle the underlined hotkey only when alt was pressed?
Update to Question 1: I found DT_HIDEPREFIX in DrawText() and using Custom Draw there is the CDIS_SHOWKEYBOARDCUES flag. However with Owner Draw I'm not sure if there is a flag someplace?
2 - How do you draw an icon for a button that is disabled to match what default buttons do?
For shortcut underline you can use WM_QUERYUISTATE to ask if it should be hidden or visible
DWORD draw_text_flags = ...;
if ( SendMessage( control_hwnd, WM_QUERYUISTATE, 0, 0 ) & UISF_HIDEACCEL ) != 0 )
// hide prefix
draw_text_flags |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;
int state = ...;
DrawThemeText( theme, hdc, BP_PUSHBUTTON, state, text, text_len, draw_text_flags, 0, rect );
Answer to Q2: If you create an HIMAGELIST using ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, and use ILD_NORMAL|ILD_BLEND25 on ImageList_Draw() it gives the same look as windows default buttons for a disabled button.
Based on responses from #Remy-Lebeau and #Daniel-Sęk and reviewing various projects on CodeProject, I create an easy to use class to handle this. It can be found at CodeProject. Thanks Guys.

MFC: How do you get CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton to show on a CMFCToolBar?

Something I thought would be easy I can't get to work. How do I get a ComboBox to show on the CMFCToolBar? Here's what I have done that doesn't work (meaning it just shows the original placeholder button with the circle (grayed out)).
1 - I added a button to the toolbar in resource editor giving it the id ID_EDIT_FIND_COMBO (I also put a circle in it just to know it's in use).
2- in CMainFrame I added ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(AFX_WM_RESETTOOLBAR, OnToolbarReset) to message map and the OnToolbarReset() function below:
afx_msg LRESULT CMainFrame::OnToolbarReset(WPARAM wparm, LPARAM )
UINT uitoolbarid = (UINT) wparm;
if (uitoolbarid == IDR_MAINFRAME) {
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton btncombo(ID_EDIT_FIND_COMBO, GetCmdMgr()->GetCmdImage(ID_EDIT_FIND));
m_wndToolBar.ReplaceButton(ID_EDIT_FIND_COMBO, btncombo);
return 0;
The ReplaceButton() returns 1 saying it replaced it.
What am I missing?
To be clear, here's what MS says to do which is what is done above:
1 - Reserve a dummy resource ID for the button in the parent toolbar resource. For more information about how to create buttons by using the Toolbar Editor in Visual Studio, see the Toolbar Editor article.
2 - Reserve a toolbar image (button icon) for the button in all bitmaps of the parent toolbar.
3 - In the message handler that processes the AFX_WM_RESETTOOLBAR message, do the following steps:
a. Construct the button control by using a CMFCToolbarButton-derived class.
b. Replace the dummy button with the new control by using CMFCToolBar::ReplaceButton. You can construct the button object on the stack, because ReplaceButton copies the button object and maintains the copy.
Here's a sample project where it doesn't work. Just the button on the toolbar, not a combobox. Even took code sample from MS sample.
Sample Project
The answer is that MFC caches the toolbar so if you ever run it without the combo, once you replace the button to use the combo it still doesn't use it. You can make it pick up the change by either going to customize for the toolbars (if you have that option enabled) and choose Reset All, otherwise, you'll find under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\{NameAsUsedInSetRegistryCall}\{appname}\Workspace all the cache items, of which the various MFCToolBar entries. Delete the key and run app again, then it works. Why they wouldn't make it smart and have a timestamp to know if to automactially update, not sure?

MFC: how to show a welcome dialog first?

When launch the program, I want to show a welcome dialog first before showing the main window. My current approach is like below.
BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance()
// The one and only window has been initialized, so show and update it
// call DragAcceptFiles only if there's a suffix
// In an SDI app, this should occur after ProcessShellCommand
CWelcomeDialog welcome_dialog;
return TRUE;
Towards the end of InitInstance(), originally it uses (SW_SHOW). At first, I try commenting it out but it still shows. So I change to (SW_HIDE). It works but has unpleasant visual artifacts. Is there way to stop showing the main window as early as possible?
Another issue is that when I hide main window and show the dialog, the dialog is not in the center position of the main window.
In general, how to implement a welcome dialog and to show it well-centered before anything else?

Get the position of the control in the Windows openfile dialog

I my application, I have added a dropdown box to the standard windows file open dialog. This works fine, but I would like to position this drop box exactly below the file name and file mask edit controls, and its label exactly below the labels for these controls.
How can I get the positions of these controls and the corresponding labels (it depends on the Windows version and maybe even on theming, so using the constants that make the dialog look fine on my computer won't do)?
On Vista+, you should be using the IFileDialog, IFileOpenDialog and IFileDialogCustomize interfaces:
Common Item Dialog
Customizing the Dialog
You can use the IFileDialogCustomize::AddText() and IFileDialogCustomize::AddComboBox() methods to add a drop-down list and its label to the dialog, and if needed use the IFileDialogControlEvents::OnItemSelected event to react to the user selecting items in your drop-down list.
However, you cannot decide where custom controls are displayed when customizing this dialog. UI layout is controlled by the dialog itself:
The Common Item Dialog implementation found in Windows Vista provides several advantages over the implementation provided in earlier versions:
•Enables simple customization of the dialog, such as setting the label on the OK button, without requiring a hook procedure.
•Supports more extensive customization of the dialog by the addition of a set of data-driven controls that operate without a Win32 dialog template. This customization scheme frees the calling process from UI layout. Since any changes to the dialog design continue to use this data model, the dialog implementation is not tied to the specific current version of the dialog.
The only layout access it provides is the order in which you add your custom controls, and any visual grouping. So, you could use IFileDialogCustomize::StartVisualGroup() to create a new group, then call AddText() and AddComboBox() (in that order) to add those controls to the group, and then finally call IFileDialogCustomize::EndVisualGroup().
On the other hand, when using GetOpenFileName() instead, there are some different options for customizing that dialog, and they allow you much finer grain control over the dialog's layout:
Customizing Common Dialog Boxes
Open and Save As Dialog Box Customization
The preferred option is to create a custom dialog box template and specify it in the OPENFILENAME structure. Within the template, you can have whatever controls and layout you want, and then the template can be inserted as a child of a standard Explorer-style dialog, or as a replacement for a standard Old-style dialog. MSDN documents how to custom-position a template within an Explorer-style dialog:
Explorer-Style Custom Templates
To make room for the new controls, the system expands the default dialog box by the width and height of the custom dialog box. By default, all controls from the custom dialog box are positioned below the controls in the default dialog box. However, you can override this default positioning by including a static text control in your custom dialog box template and assigning it the control identifier value of stc32. (This value is defined in the Dlgs.h header file.) In this case, the system uses the control as the point of reference for determining where to position the new controls. All new controls above and to the left of the stc32 control are positioned the same amount above and to the left of the controls in the default dialog box. New controls below and to the right of the stc32 control are positioned below and to the right of the default controls. In general, each new control is positioned so that it has the same position relative to the default controls as it had to the stc32 control. To make room for these new controls, the system adds space to the left, right, bottom, and top of the default dialog box as needed.
The alternative, without using a custom template, is to obtain the dialog's own HWND directly (which can be gotten inside a hook function assigned to the OPENFILENAME::lpfnHook field) and then you have full access to do whatever you want with the dialog. Microsoft assigned fixed control IDs to the standard controls of an Explorer-style dialog (so you must specify the OFN_EXPLORER flag for this approach to work), and those IDs are consistent across Windows versions. Those IDs are meant to be used with the CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT and CDM_HIDECONTROL messages, but they can also be used with GetDlgItem() to get the HWND of certain dialog controls, in this case the cmb13, edt1 and stc3 controls:
Drop-down combo box that displays the name of the current file, allows the user to type the name of a file to open, and select a file that has been opened or saved recently. This is for earlier Explorer-compatible applications without hook or dialog template. Compare with edt1.
Edit control that displays the name of the current file, or allows the user to type the name of the file to open. Compare with cmb13.
Label for the cmb13 combo box and the edt1 edit control
Once you have those HWNDs, you can manually query their current positions and sizes, add your custom drop-down list underneath them as needed, and resize the dialog's HWND to accommodate your drop-down list.
Whether you use a template or direct HWND manipulation, you would need to use a dialog hook function to process messages from your drop-down list as needed, such as the CBN_SELCHANGE notification.

oddity with edit controls in property sheet

I have a property sheet with several pages. Most of the pages have one or more edit controls.
Most controls are initialized not from the page dialogs but from the dialog that created the property sheet; some however are initialized in the page dialogs and they behave the same.
Everything starts out fine. One can move between the pages. None of the controls have the input focus.
If one clicks on one of the edit controls in a property sheet page establishing input focus one can modify the control. Again all seems in order.
If one then moves to a different property page, the first edit control in that page gets the input focus AND all the text in that control gets selected! This behavior applies to all the pages except one having an edit control with read only style. After that one can move back to other pages and the initial nothing selected no input focus behavior is restored.
All of the pages handle the PSN_QUERYINITIALFOCUS notification and return zero through the SetWindowLong mechanism.
Is this expected behavior?
And why isn't some control given focus initially?
My primary interest here is to somehow kill the selection. I have tried killing the selection with EM_SETSEL in the PSN_SETACTIVE notification to no avail.
The MSDN says the following under PSN_QUERYINITIALFOCUS "Otherwise, return zero and focus will go to the default control." How do I go about setting a control as default?
I find the the actions described above bizarre! I would still like to know
if they are normal.
why no control receives the focus initially.
I was able to kill the selection by adding code to the property sheet pages to handle the WM_COMMAND/EN_SETFOCUS message for any edit controls. I do not know if other controls
send EN_SETFOCUS messages.
char cn[16];
HWND H = (HWND) lParam;
GetClassName (H, cn, 15);
if (strcmp (cn,"Edit") == 0)
SendMessage (H, EM_SETSEL, -1, 0);
return true;
I presume it would be possible to save any selection in an EN_KILLFOCUS handler and restore it
in the EN_SETFOCUS handler but doing so for an unknown number of controls would be tedious.
