Specify Jacoco Version from Command Line when Running Maven Release - maven

I have a need to specify jacoco dependency/plugin version from the command line when running the following command:
mvn release:prepare release:perform ...options... [JACOCO VERSION]
Basically, I want all projects to be built using the same jacoco version despite whatever version is present in their pom.
Is there a way to do this through the cli? I have seen examples doing this when specifying jacoco prepare agent, but I want to specify the actual jacoco-maven-plugin plugin version.

You can define the version inside the properties and set value from the command line.
For eg,
While from the command line, specify the new property value.
mvn -Djacoco-maven-plugin.version=0.8.5
You can also verify the effective pom by running
mvn -Djacoco-maven-plugin.version=0.8.5 help:effective-pom


running secbugs maven plugin from command line/ maven plugin configuration parameters in command line

maybe this is a generic question with regards to how to transfer maven plugin paramters from the pom.xml to the commandline, but I have usually done this without problems using the method below. For the find-security-bugs plugin, however, it is not working.
The find-security-bugs plugin docu says that you can configure the plugin in your pom.xml as follows:
I would like to do the same, but cannot do any changes to the pom.xml I'm testing, so would have to specify everything in the command line.
I'm running (from powershell, therefore the quotation marks):
mvn com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin: -"Dplugins.plugin.groupId=com.h3xstream.findsecbugs" -"Dplugins.plugin.artifactId=findsecbugs-plugin" -"Dplugins.plugin.version=1.12.0" -"DincludeFilterFile=secbugsfilter.xml"
but the parameters are not used. Is there any way to run a plugin with a configuration like this from the command line without specifying anything in the pom?

Maven release plugin scmReleaseCommitComment parameter

I am using maven release plugin for automated releases from Jenkins without any Jenkins-plugins. Release commit, tag and development commit are created in Git and released project is deployed to Nexus.
What I try to achieve is to change the release commit message. As of release plugin documentation there is an option scmReleaseCommitComment, which is per default #{prefix} prepare release #{releaseLabel}. Maven command look like following and all variables are non empty values.
mvn -f ${projectpath}pom.xml release:clean release:prepare release:perform -DreleaseVersion=${RELEASE_VERSION} -DdevelopmentVersion=${DEVELOPMENT_VERSION}-SNAPSHOT -Dtag=v${RELEASE_VERSION} -DscmReleaseCommitComment=${RELEASE_COMMENT}
Adding scmReleaseCommitComment does no effect and commits are still done with default message. What am I missing here?
That feature was introduced in version 3.0.0-M1 of the maven-release-plugin. You can set it to the latest version in the <plugins> section of your pom.xml, as in the example bellow:
Not that you can set the scmReleaseCommitComment in the command line as you showed in your question, using mvn ... release:perform ...-DscmReleaseCommitComment=${MY_RELEASE_COMMENT}, or you can set it in pom.xml:
<scmReleaseCommitComment>#{prefix} my comment #{releaseLabel}</scmReleaseCommitComment>

SonarQube and maven

when I build my project I usually call mvn clean install.
Now I tried to integrate sonarqube analysis. Therefore I created a new Run Configuration in Eclipse where I execute the goal mvn sonar:sonar with some parameters.
Is there a way to run sonar:sonar within the mvn clean install automatially?
This should be documented in "Analyzing with SonarQube Scanner for Maven".
It will be triggered in the build phase.
Then see "Running sonar analysis with mvn sonar:sonar ignores sonar-project.properties".
To associate it with an existing lifecycle phase seems problematic.

maven versions plugin does not fetch releases with build number

I have a library with version 1.0.0-19 (19 is the Jenkins build number), on next jenkins build the version 1.0.0-20 will be assigend to the library and the artifact will be deployed to a maven repository. Another artifact which is referencing the library in the pom dependency section does not get the last version if I execute versions:use-latest-versions, the dependency version is still 1.0.0-19 instead of 1.0.0-20. Maybe it has to do with the allow* system parameters, there is no property for the build number part.
Any ideas how it could be achieved to get always the last build (1.0.0-19 -> 1.0.0-20)?
Within your pom make sure you are using -
<!-- please use the appropriate artifact and groupId -->
and you are executing the command -
mvn versions:use-latest-releases
Source - http://www.mojohaus.org/versions-maven-plugin/use-latest-releases-mojo.html
Note - Just in case this also involves SNAPSHOTS, do take care of allowSnapshots and use the command as -
mvn versions:use-latest-releases -DallowSnapshots=true

How to skip unittests when using mvn scm:bootstrap

I'm trying to use the mvn scm plugin to check out the daily tag, and create an assembly from that version of the code. I configured the scm plugin and everythhing is working well, except that I can not seem to tell it to not run the unittests.
I tried:
Passing the -Dmaven.test.skip=true command line parameter
Creating a profile where the surefire plugin skips test, and list that profile in the scm configuration "profiles" section
setting the "maven.test.skip=true" as an environment variable
In all cases, when the scm plugin starts running the goals I told it to run in the configuration (see below), it also runs the unittests.
Below is the example I used to skip tests by using a profile:
And this is the profile (I defined this in the pom.xml of the project):
The command I use to do the checkout and bootstrap is:
mvn scm:bootstrap -DscmVersion=daily-20110427-421 -DscmVersionType=tag
I'm running mvn 2.2.1 on a Linux machine, and doing a checkout from a CVS repository. It's an existing project, I have continuous integration and tagging all up and running, I just want to check out a daily tag and create an assembly from that.
Any tips are much appreciated.
Edit: Got it to work with the answer below, but only after I upgraded to maven-scm-plugin version 1.1. Apparently, 1.0 did not propagate profiles.
Try this in the profile:
