Logtsash Plugin for CosmosDB to Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

Can you please suggest which logstash plugin is used for pulling data from Cosmos DB to Elasticsearch using Logstash?
If no such plug-ins, is there any other way to do the same?

Based on the Logstash plugins for Microsoft Azure Services and this thread,it seems that the cosmos db input plugin is not supported so far.
All i can find by now,you could use ADF copy activity to transfer your cosmos db data into above supported input source data residences,then complete subsequent work.
For example,use ADF to transfer cosmos db into sql db and follow this link to integrate with your elasticsearch service.


How to save data from spark to Google cloud platform?

I will extract the data from oracle database through Spark, and then I want to store this data from spark to any storage in Google cloud platform. Is it possible? Data size is around 10TB.
You can run Spark in GCP using Qubole. There are also "Data Connectors" available which will allow you to integrate with Oracle and other RDBMS systems.
A general flow could look like:
- Run a spark job using JDBC to read from Oracle
- Perform any necessary processing
- Write the data back out to GCS or BigQuery
Ref: https://www.qubole.com/blog/technical-overview-of-qubole-on-gcp/
and https://docs-gcp.qubole.com/
You can use cloud storage connector with apache-spark, here is the link through it which might help you can refer to it.
Google cloud connector

Merging data from SQL azure database to elasticsearch using logstash

I have an SQL SERVER database hosted on azure,
i want to migrate data to elastik stack, for the configuration of my logstash file , I tried this code : https://medium.com/#erangadulshan.14/pushing-relational-data-to-elasticsearch-using-logstash-jdbc-input-plugin-48af81ed1000 and its doesnt work, i have installed sql server driver msodbcsql17 but doesnt work, (I don't have the path of any jar file )
What should i do ?
You can reference this tutorial: How to copy SQL Server data to Elasticsearch using LogStash.
As a developer working with SQL Server there was a need to import data from the database to Elasticsearch and analyze data in Kibana.
As Elasticsearch is an open source project built with Java and handles mostly other open source projects, documentations on importing data from SQL Server to ES using LogStash.
This tutorial shared how to import SQL Server data to Elasticsearch (version 6.2) using LS and verify the result on Kibana.
Hope this helps.

Loading data automatically from Oracle DB to Google BigQuery

Good day,
I have an Oracle DB and I need to load some tables so I can query them in BigQuery.
¿Is there a way of loading the data automatically, every 24 h, to Google BigQuery?
Any way would work. It could be loading into Data Storage and creating the tables from there, or loading into Google drive from the server.
I really need some ideas, I have read a lot of articles with no luck.
Check this tutorial by Progress:
In this tutorial the main goal will be to connect to an On-Premises Oracle database, read the data, apply a simple transformation and write it to BigQuery. The code for this project has been uploaded to GitHub for your reference.
This solution uses Dataflow and Progress' Hybrid Data Pipeline tool:
Google Cloud Dataflow is a data processing service for both batch and real-time data streams. Dataflow allows you to build pipes to ingest data, then transform and process according to your needs before making that data available to analysis tools. DataDirect Hybrid Data Pipeline can be used to ingest both on-premises and cloud data with Google Cloud Dataflow.

How to index Azure storage data to elastic cloud

I am new to elastic search. I have data stored in Azure storage and I want to index it using elasticsearch. I have created a cluster at https://cloud.elastic.co. Do I need to create a service which will index the data in elastic cloud and then users can use/search this data using elastic search? How to index the data to elastic cloud using asp.net MVC?
Please suggest.
One way to approach this would be to write a console application that
pulls data from Azure storage using the Storage client in the WindowsAzure.Storage nuget package or similar
transforms data into documents according to your domain needs
bulk indexes documents into Elasticsearch in Elastic Cloud using the .NET Elasticsearch client NEST
If data will be updated in Azure storage and will need to be frequently indexed into Elasticsearch, consider making the console application an Azure Web Job.
Another approach would be to use Logstash in conjunction with the input plugin for Azure Storage blobs.

Elastic search with Google Big Query

I have the event logs loaded in elasticsearch engine and I visualise it using Kibana. My event logs are actually stored in the Google Big Query table. Currently I am dumping the json files to a Google bucket and download it to a local drive. Then using logstash, I move the json files from the local drive to the elastic search engine.
Now, I am trying to automate the process by establishing the connection between google big query and elastic search. From what I have read, I understand that there is a output connector which sends the data from elastic search to Google big query but not vice versa. Just wondering whether I should upload the json file to a kubernete cluster and then establish the connection between the cluster and Elastic search engine.
Any help with this regard would be appreciated.
Although this solution may be a little complex, I suggest some solution that you use Google Storage Connector with ES-Hadoop. These two are very mature and used in production-grade by many great companies.
Logstash over a lot of pods on Kubernetes will be very expensive and - I think - not a very nice, resilient and scalable approach.
Apache Beam has connectors for BigQuery and Elastic Search, I would definitly perform this using DataFlow so you don´t need to implement a complex ETL and staging storage. You can read the data from BigQuery using BigQueryIO.Read.from (take a look to this if performance is important BigQueryIO Read vs fromQuery) and load it into ElasticSearch using ElasticsearchIO.write()
Refer this how read data from BigQuery Dataflow
Elastic Search indexing
UPDATED 2019-06-24
Recently this year was release BigQuery Storage API which improve the parallelism to extract data from BigQuery and is natively supported by DataFlow. Refer to https://beam.apache.org/documentation/io/built-in/google-bigquery/#storage-api for more details.
From the documentation
The BigQuery Storage API allows you to directly access tables in BigQuery storage. As a result, your pipeline can read from BigQuery storage faster than previously possible.
I have recently worked on a similar pipeline. A workflow I would suggest would either use the mentioned Google storage connector, or other methods to read your json files into a spark job. You should be able to quickly and easily transform your data, and then use the elasticsearch-spark plugin to load that data into your Elasticsearch cluster.
You can use Google Cloud Dataproc or Cloud Dataflow to run and schedule your job.
As of 2021, there is a Dataflow template that allows a "GCP native" connection between BigQuery and ElasticSearch
More information here in a blog post by elastic.co
Further documentation and step by step process by google
