Store a object directly on ORM Laravel? - laravel-5

I search for all the web and don't find a solution other than a custom function that we must make. I develops in Node.js and Laravel backend applications.
And in Node.js we send a object exactly equal to the database columns and we just use Sequelize insert function like this:
async store(model) {
try {
} catch (error) {
throw error;
We simply use the same object that sending from the app we store like this store(object); and works fine.
In Laravel I always must reference the columns even so the objects have the same attributes from the columns on database, like this:
$categoryObj = new Category;
$categoryObj->name = $category['name'];
return $categoryObj;
I want to just make something like this:
$categoryObj = new Category;
$categoryObj = $category;
return $categoryObj;
It is possible?

You can use the create method to insert a new record in the database.
class Category extends Model
protected $table = 'table_name';
protected $fillable = ['column_name_1', 'column_name_2', ...];
Then for inserting new data:
$model = YourModel::create([
'field' => 'value',
'another_field' => 'another_value'
In your controller:
$categoryObj = new Category::create($category);
Also, you should look to Laravel's documentation:


Laravel 8.6 firstOrCreate on variable model from URL

In a URL i pass the table name with the where parameters en map this using a JSON. The problem is now is. I use DB::table($table) but this doesn't allow firstOrCreate so i wanted to try it by model, but $table::were doesn't see $table as a model name. Even if i change it from 'establisments' to 'Estalishment'. Maybe i need to put App\ before it? Because the model is not in use. How can i get the object using a model from model names as in the URL?
"establishments": { // $table name, but want it to be model)
"from1": "spec_code", // from url
"to1": "abc_id" // to column in database
"departments": {
"from1": "department",
"to1": "name",
"from2": "department_code",
"to2": "abc_id"
foreach(JSON as $table => $field){
$output[$table] = DB::table($table)->where($field['to1'], $request->input($field['from1']))->where($field['to2'], $request->input($field['from2']))->first();
$output[$table] = DB::table($table)->where($field['to1'], $request->input($field['from1']))->first();
// $output[$table] = $table::where($field['to1'], $request->input($field['from1']))->firstOrCreate(); //i want this.
// $output[$table] = "\App\\".$table::where($field['to1'], $request->input($field['from1']))->firstOrCreate();
$output[$table] = null;
If someone knows how i can get it to use the model so i can firstOrCreate(), that would make my code a lot cleaner.
Kind regards,
There are many ways to do this.
Create an array using which you can get model
$models = [
'establishments' => \App\Models\Establishment::class,
'departments' => \App\Models\Department::class,
Then within loop you can get the model from the array using
foreach(JSON as $table => $field){
$models[$table]::firstOrCreate(/* */)
As i said there are many ways to fulfill your requirement. this is one way i would do.
By Default laravel does't have out of the box method to get the Model FQN based on the table name.
Because you can have model under different namespace.
But however you can do a workaround
$tableClassToFind = 'users';
$models = [
//add your model(s) here
$modelClass = collect($models)
return [
'modelClass' => $eachModelFqn,
'tableName' => app($eachModelFqn)->getTable(),
->mapWithKeys(fn($value) => [$value['tableName'] => $value['modelClass']])
Basically it will get all the table name along with the Model FQN and changing the value of $tableClassToFind will get the appropriate Model class.
Please all the models to $models variable.

Why my test is not running the model observer?

I'm working in a laravel project where I make some logic while updating data. For this purpose I'm taking advantage of the observer pattern in updating() method.
Here are my simplified snippets:
public function updating($module)
dd('This must be shown');
public function update(ModuleUpdateRequest $request, string $moduleId): ModuleResource
try {
$module = Module::findOrFail($moduleId);
} catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException('Module not found.');
public function testModuleUpdate()
$module = factory(Module::class)->create(['name' => 'My Module']);
$this->actingAs($this->user)->putJson('/modules/' . $module->id, [ 'name' => 'My Updated Module' ])->assertStatus(200);
The test passes ok instead of showing the debugger line.
(My observer is correctly loaded in AppServiceProvider file, BTW it works fine out of the test context)
According to Laravel documentation:
When issuing a mass update via Eloquent, the saving, saved, updating, and updated model events will not be fired for the updated models. This is because the models are never actually retrieved when issuing a mass update.
To make sure of the model event to be fired you can use model properties ...
Something like:
$module->name = $request->input('name');
$module->date = $request->input('date');
// ...........

Prestashop 1.7.5 module - Update SQL custom table

I'm trying to add a new module to my shop to manage the sql table's values that I made. I can't find a proper guide that show me how to do that because all the forms have values contained in ps_configuration and not within a custom table.
How can I show those values in my form and get to update them?
Thank you if you'll take the time to answer that ^^
So, my form fields are still blank and they don't update my table when I submit.
I added this to "_construct" function:
public function __construct() {
$this->id_sell = $id_sell;
$this->country = $country;
$this->p_cod = $p_cod;
and this to "getContent"
public function getContent() {
$sqlV = 'SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'mytable` WHERE id_sell = 1';
if ($row = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sqlV))
$country = $row[country];
$p_cod = $row[p_cod];
and last this on "getConfigFormValues":
protected function getConfigFormValues()
return array(
'country' => Tools::getValue('country'),
'p_cod' => Tools::getValue('p_cod'),
So, now I know that a need a class ObjectModel {}, too. Working on it.. and hoping for the best :D

Laravel Eloquent relationship object stale even though data correct in database

I'm using Laravel 5.7 and have a one-to-one relationship between 2 eloquent models.
I have this simple function that works well, and the correct values persist to the database:
public function saveMarketingOriginInfo(Contact $contact, $data) {
return $contact->marketingOrigin;
However, when writing a functional test for it, I noticed that the object that it returns is stale (doesn't have the correct values in its properties).
My tests only pass if I change the return statement to return \App\Models\MarketingOrigin::find($contact->id);.
(MarketingOrigin uses 'contact_id' as primary key.)
What am I doing wrong?
How can I return the same object that was just saved in the previous line ($contact->marketingOrigin->save();) without making a database read query (find())?
Update to respond to comments:
protected $table = 'marketing_origins';//MarketingOrigin class
protected $primaryKey = 'contact_id';
protected $guarded = [];
public function contact() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Contact');
The test:
public function testSaveMarketingOriginInfo() {
$helper = new \App\Helpers\SignupHelper();
$contactId = 92934;
$contact = factory(\App\Models\Contact::class)->create(['id' => $contactId]);
$leadMagnetType = 'LMT';
$audience = 'a60907';
$hiddenMktgFields = [
'audience' => $audience,
'leadMagnetType' => $leadMagnetType
$result = $helper->saveMarketingOriginInfo($contact, $hiddenMktgFields);
$this->assertEquals($result->contact_id, $contactId, 'contact_id did not get saved');
$this->assertEquals($result->campaignId, '6075626793661');
$this->assertEquals($result->leadMagnetType, $leadMagnetType);
$marketingOrigin = \App\Models\MarketingOrigin::findOrFail($contactId);
$this->assertEquals($marketingOrigin->adsetId, '6088011244061');
$this->assertEquals($marketingOrigin->audience, $audience);
$this->assertEquals($marketingOrigin, $result, 'This is the assertion that fails; some properties of the object are stale');
This is because the relationship has not been loaded yet.
You could try $contact->load('marketingOrigin'); to eager load the relationship:
public function saveMarketingOriginInfo(Contact $contact, $data) {
$contact->load('marketingOrigin'); // <---- eager load the relationship
return $contact->marketingOrigin;

Laravel API APP Many-Many Relationship, how to return specific information in JSON?

I been trying to figure this out for some time now. Basically i got 2 models ' Recipe ', ' Ingredient ' and one Controller ' RecipeController ' .
I'm using Postman to test my API. When i go to my get route which uses RecipeController#getRecipe, the return value is as per the pic below:
Return for Get Route
If i want the return value of the get route to be in the FORMAT of the below pic, how do i achieve this? By this i mean i don't want to see for the recipes: the created_at column, updated_at column and for ingredients: the pivot information column, only want name and amount column information.
Return Value Format I Want
Recipe model:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Recipe extends Model
protected $fillable = ['name', 'description'];
public function ingredients()
return $this->belongsToMany(Ingredient::class,
'ingredient_recipes')->select(array('name', 'amount'));
Ingredient Model:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Ingredient extends Model
protected $fillable = ['name', 'amount'];
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Ingredient;
use App\Recipe;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class RecipeController extends Controller {
public function postRecipe(Request $request)
$recipe = new Recipe();
$recipe->name = $request->input('name');
$recipe->description = $request->input('description');
$array_ingredients = $request->input('ingredients');
foreach ($array_ingredients as $array_ingredient) {
$ingredient = new Ingredient();
$ingredient->name = $array_ingredient['ingredient_name'];
$ingredient->amount = $array_ingredient['ingredient_amount'];
return response()->json(['recipe' => $recipe . $ingredient], 201);
public function getRecipe()
$recipes = Recipe::all();
foreach ($recipes as $recipe) {
$recipe = $recipe->ingredients;
$response = [
'recipes' => $recipes
return response()->json($response, 200);
API Routes:
Route::post('/recipe', 'RecipeController#postRecipe')->name('get_recipe');
Route::get('/recipe', 'RecipeController#getRecipe')->name('post_recipe');
Thanks Guys!
I think your best solution is using Transformer. Using your current implementation what I would recommend is fetching only the needed field in your loop, i.e:
foreach ($recipes as $recipe) {
$recipe = $recipe->ingredients->only(['ingredient_name', 'ingredient_amount']);
While the above might work, yet there is an issue with your current implementation because there will be tons of iteration/loop polling the database, I would recommend eager loading the relation instead.
But for the sake of this question, you only need Transformer.
Install transformer using composer composer require league/fractal Then you can create a directory called Transformers under the app directory.
Then create a class called RecipesTransformer, and initialize with:
namespace App\Transformers;
use App\Recipe;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;
class RecipesTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
public function transform(Recipe $recipe)
return [
'name' => $recipe->name,
'description' => $recipe->description,
'ingredients' =>
$recipe->ingredients->get(['ingredient_name', 'ingredient_amount'])->toArray()
Then you can use this transformer in your controller method like this:
use App\Transformers\RecipesTransformer;
public function getRecipe()
return $this->collection(Recipe::all(), new RecipesTransformer);
//or if you need to get one
return $this->item(Recipe::first(), new RecipesTransformer);
You can refer to a good tutorial like this for more inspiration, or simply go to Fractal's page for details.
In order to get Fractal collection working since the example I gave would work if you have Dingo API in your project, you can manually create it this way:
public function getRecipe()
$fractal = app()->make('League\Fractal\Manager');
$resource = new \League\Fractal\Resource\Collection(Recipe::all(), new RecipesTransformer);
return response()->json(
In case you want to make an Item instead of collection, then you can have new \League\Fractal\Resource\Item instead. I would recommend you either have Dingo API installed or you can follow this simple tutorial in order to have in more handled neatly without unnecessary repeatition
