Call to a member function notify() on integer in LARAVEL 5.8 - laravel

I am working on a task schedule. The flow is I need to send notification as a reminder for their duedate.
here's my console\command\remindDuedate
class remindDuedate extends Command
protected $signature = 'remindDuedate:run';
protected $description = 'Command description';
public function __construct()
public function handle()
while (true) {
$loanapplications = LoanApplication::where('archive',false)->where('status','=',2)->get();
foreach ($loanapplications as $application) {
$user = $application->user_id;
$date_approval = Carbon::createFromTimestamp(strtotime($application->date_approval));
$duration = $application->loanDuration->num_days;
$duedate_warning = $duration-3;
$reminder_date = $date_approval->addDays($duedate_warning)->toDateString();
$now = Carbon::now('Asia/Manila')->toDateString();
$duedate = Carbon::now('Asia/Manila')->addDays(3)->toDateString();
if($reminder_date == $now) {
$user->notify(new remindDuedateNotif());
php artisan remindDuedate:run
Why do I getting the "Call to a member function notify() on integer"
Thank you in advance!

You are not fetching the user, therefor the user is still an integer, set it like so.
$user = User::find($application->user_id);
As you can see your notification takes a user as the first argument. Therefor send it with it.
$user->notify(new remindDuedateNotif($user));
This is weird to send and notify on the User object and pass it. You are in luck as every $notifiable parameter is actually an user, as it would be the object you send it from.
So remove $user from __contruct() and everywhere you access the user, you can do the following.
'user_id' => $notifiable->id,

1) the User Model should have the notifiable trait
2) you need to add a relation between the application and user in thee application model
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
3) notify the application user :
$application->user->notify(new remindDuedateNotif());


Laravel error when sending email notification

Laravel Version: 8.78.1
PHP Version: 8.0.10
I've created a custom command to run on a schedule and email a notification.
My Command class handle method:
public function handle()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM Licences WHERE (Expired = 1)";
$list = DB::select($sql);
return (new NotifyExpiredLicences($list))->toMail('');
My notification method:
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new MailMessage)
->subject('Clients with Expired Licences')
['clients' => $this->list, 'toname' => 'Me']);
Whenever I test this by running it manually with php artisan email:expired-licences I get the following error Object of class Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage could not be converted to int from my command class in the handle method.
However, the preview of my email works fine & displays as expected:
Route::get('/notification', function () {
return (new SendExpiredLicences())->handle();
If I remove the return statement from my handle() method, then although I get no errors, neither in my console or in storage\logs, also the preview stops working.
At this point I'm sure I've missed something important from the way this is supposed to be done, but after going through the Laravel docs and looking at online tutorials/examples, I've no idea what.
I've got everything working - though not entirely sure it's the "Laravel way".
If anyone's got suggestions for improving it - add a comment or new answer and I'll try it out.
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
class SendExpiredLicences extends Command
protected $signature = 'email:expired-licences';
protected $description = 'Email a list of expired licences to Admin';
private $mail;
public function _construct()
$clients = DB::select("[Insert SQL here]");
$this->mail = (new NotifyExpiredLicences($clients))->toMail('');
public function handle()
return 0;
public function preview()
return $this->mail;
class NotifyExpiredLicences extends Notification
public function __construct(protected $clients)
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail'];
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new Mailable($this->clients));
class ExpiredLicences extends Mailable
public function __construct(private $clients)
public function build()
return $this
->subject('Clients with Expired Licences')
['clients' => $this->clients, 'toname' => 'Admin']);
# Hi {!! $toname !!},
| Client | Expired |
| ------------- | --------:|
#foreach ($clients as $client)
|{!! $client->CompanyName !!} | {!! $client->Expired !!}|
<hr />
Thanks, {!! config('') !!}
For previewing with the browser routes\web.php:
Route::get('/notification', function () {
return (new SendExpiredLicences())->preview();
Ok just to save more commenting, here's what I'd recommend doing. This is all based on the Laravel docs, but there are multiple ways of doing it, including what you've used above. I don't really think of them as "right and wrong," more "common and uncommon."
Console\Kernel.php: I'd keep this mostly as-is, but pass the email to the command from a config file, rather than having it fixed in the command.
use App\Console\Commands\SendExpiredLicences;
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
$recipient = config('myapp.expired.recipient');
$schedule->command(SendExpiredLicences::class, [$recipient])
return [
'expired' => [
'recipient' => '',
App\Console\Commands\SendExpiredLicences.php: update the command to accept the email address as an argument, use on-demand notifications, and get rid of preview() method. Neither the command or the notification need to know about the client list, so don't build it yet.
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Console\Command;
use App\Notifications\NotifyExpiredLicences;
use Illuminate\Support\Facade\Notification;
class SendExpiredLicences extends Command
protected $signature = 'email:expired-licences {recipient}';
protected $description = 'Email a list of expired licences to the given address';
public function handle()
$recip = $this->argument('recipient');
Notification::route('email', $recip)->notify(new NotifyExpiredLicences());
App\Notifications\NotifyExpiredLicences.php: the toMail() method should pass the notifiable object (i.e. the user getting notified) along, because the mailable will be responsible for adding the To address before the thing is sent.
namespace App\Notifications;
use App\Mail\ExpiredLicenses;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
class NotifyExpiredLicences extends Notification
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail'];
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new ExpiredLicenses($notifiable));
App\Mail\ExpiredLicences.php: since the mail message actually needs the list of clients, this is where we build it. We get the recipient here, either from the user's email or the anonymous object.
namespace App\Mail;
use App\Models\Client;
use Illuminate\Notifications\AnonymousNotifiable;
class ExpiredLicences extends Mailable
private $email;
public function __construct(private $notifiable)
// this allows the notification to be sent to normal users
// not just on-demand
$this->email = $notifiable instanceof AnonymousNotifiable
? $notifiable->routeNotificationFor('mail')
: $notifiable->email;
public function build()
// or whatever your object is
$clients = Client::whereHas('licenses', fn($q)=>$q->whereExpired(1));
return $this
->subject('Clients with Expired Licences')
['clients' => $clients, 'toname' => $this->notifiable->name ?? 'Admin']
For previewing with the browser routes\web.php:
Route::get('/notification', function () {
// create a dummy AnonymousNotifiable object for preview
$anon = Notification::route('email', '');
return (new ExpiredLicencesNotification())

Laravel Notification asserting the data passed down to mail markdown view

I am working on a Laravel project. I am writing integration/ feature tests for my application. I am now writing a test where I need to assert the data passed to the email notification and the data passed to its view. I found this link to do it,
This is my notification class
class NotifyAdminForHelpCenterCreated extends Notification
use Queueable;
private $helpCenter;
public function __construct(HelpCenter $helpCenter)
$this->helpCenter = $helpCenter;
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail'];
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new MailMessage())
->subject("Help Center registration")
->markdown('mail.admin.helpcenter.created-admin', [
'helpCenter' => $this->helpCenter,
'user' => $notifiable
As you can see in the code, I am passing data to mail.admin.helpcenter.created-admin blade view.
This is my test method.
/** #test */
public function myTest()
$body = $this->requestBody();
->post(route(''), $body)
$admin = User::where('email', $body['admin_email'])->first();
$helpCenter = HelpCenter::first();
function ($notification, $channels) use ($admin, $helpCenter) {
$mailData = $notification->toMail($admin)->toArray();
//here I can do some assertions with the $mailData
return true;
As you can see my comment in the test, I can do some assertions with the $mailData variable. But that does not include the data passed to the view. How can I assert or get the data or variables passed to the blade view/ template?
As you can see here, there is a viewData property on the MailMessage class which contains all the data passed to the view, no need to turn the notification into an array.
So it would be something like this in your case:
/** #test */
public function myTest()
$body = $this->requestBody();
->post(route(''), $body)
$admin = User::where('email', $body['admin_email'])->first();
$helpCenter = HelpCenter::first();
function ($notification, $channels) use ($admin, $helpCenter) {
$viewData = $notification->toMail($admin)->viewData;
return $admin->is($viewData['user']) && $helpCenter->is($viewData['helpCenter']);

Laravel 5.3 - Best way to implement Entrust role on signup?

I'm working with Laravel 5.3 and I'm trying to set a role when someone signs up, I've used the Zizaco Entrust library.
I'm unsure on the best way to achieve something like this.
I tried to do this inside RegisterController's create method like below:
protected function create(array $data)
return User::create([
'name' => $data['name'],
'email' => $data['email'],
'password' => bcrypt($data['password']),
$user = User::where('email', '=', $data['email'])->first();
// role attach alias
But obviously that's not right. So I'm a bit unsure on what the best practice is with this sort of thing.
If, as your comment on the OP suggests, you always want to assign the same role to a registered user, you can use a Model Observer for this - it's really simple.
// app/Observers/UserObserver.php
<?php namespace App\Observers;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\Role; // or the namespace to the Zizaco Role class
class UserObserver {
public function created( User $user ) {
$role = Role::find( 1 ); // or any other way of getting a role
$user->attachRole( $role );
Then you simply register the observer in your AppServiceProvider:
// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
use App\Models\User;
use App\Observers\UserObserver;
class AppServiceProvider extends Provider {
public function boot() {
User::observe( new UserObserver );
// ...
// ...
This answer is mainly based off looking at your current solution, with a dash of original question.
Rather than filling out your model with methods like createNew, you'll probably find things easier to manage if you create a type of class specifically for interacting with models. You can call this a Repository or a Service or whatever takes your fancy, but we'll run with Service.
// app/Services/UserService.php
<?php namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\User; // or wherever your User model is
class UserService {
public function __construct( User $user ) {
$this->user = $user;
public function create( array $attributes, $role = null ) {
$user = $this->user->create( $attributes );
if ( $role ) {
$user->attachRole( $role );
return $user;
Now we need to deal with the fact that we've lost the hashing of passwords:
// app/Models/User.php
class User ... {
public function setPasswordAttribute( $password ) {
$this->attributes[ 'password' ] = bcrypt( $password );
And now we have the problem of sending out an activation email - that can be solved cleanly with events. Run this in the terminal:
php artisan make:event UserHasRegistered
and it should look something like this:
// app/Events/UserHasRegistered.php
<?php namespace App\Events;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
class UserHasRegistered extends Event {
use SerializesModels;
public $user;
public function __construct( User $user ) {
$this->user = $user;
Now we need a listener for the event:
php artisan make:listener SendUserWelcomeEmail
And this can be as complex as you like, here's one I'm just copy/pasting from a project I have lying around:
// app/Listeners/SendUserWelcomeEmail.php
<?php namespace App\Listeners;
use App\Events\UserHasRegistered;
use App\Services\NotificationService;
class SendUserWelcomeEmail {
protected $notificationService;
public function __construct( NotificationService $notificationService ) {
$this->notify = $notificationService;
public function handle( UserHasRegistered $event ) {
->byEmail( $event->user->email, 'Welcome to the site', 'welcome-user' )
All that remains is to tell Laravel that the Event and Listener we've just created are related, then to fire the event.
// app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php
use App\Events\UserHasRegistered;
use App\Listeners\SendUserWelcomeEmail;
class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
// find this array near the top, and add this in
protected $listen = [
UserHasRegistered::class => [
// ...
Now we just need to raise the event - see my other post about Model Observers. First off you'll need to import Event and App\Events\UserHasRegistered, then in your created method, just call Event::fire( new UserHasRegistered( $user ) ).
What I ended up doing, since I do need to do more than just one operation on the user creation is having another function for user creations.
User model
* Create a new user instance after a valid registration.
* #param array $attributes
* #param null $role
* #param bool $send_activation_email
* #return User $user
* #internal param array $args
public function createNew(array $attributes, $role = null, $send_activation_email = true)
$this->name = $attributes['name'];
$this->company_id = $attributes['company_id'];
$this->email = $attributes['email'];
$this->password = bcrypt($attributes['password']);
if (isset($role)) {
// Assigning the role to the new user
//If the activation email flag is ok, we send the email
if ($send_activation_email) {
return $this;
and calling it like:
User Controller
$user = new User();
$user->createNew($request->all(), $request->role);
It might not be the best solution, but it does the job, and it's future prof, so if the logic on the user creation grows can be implemented aswell.

Trouble getting attribute of relation in Laravel

I'm having a trouble with a relation in Laravel 5. the thing is that I have a table User and that user belongs to a Group for that, in the User model I have this:
public function group(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\models\Group');
The model Group have this attributes: name,unity,level, init_date. I also put there a default function to return a group as String, this is the code:
public function __toString(){
return $this->name.' Unity '.$this->unity;
So, the thing that in a view a have many users and for each of them I want to display the unity, name,date. When I call $user->group it returns me correctly the name and the unity in a String (because the _toString function) that means that he is really querying the group perfectly, but then, when I want to access a simple attribute as unity,date,or name with $user->group->name Laravel gives me this error:
Trying to get property of non-object
I even tried $user->group()->name then I gets: Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo::$name
The model User:
class User extends Model implements AuthenticatableContract, CanResetPasswordContract {
use Authenticatable, CanResetPassword;
protected $table = 'users';
protected $fillable = ['email', 'password','estate','filial_id','perfil_id','rol','cat_teacher'];
* The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
* #var array
protected $hidden = ['password', 'remember_token'];
public function __toString(){
return $this->email;
public function filial(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\models\Filial');
public function perfil(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\models\Perfil','perfil_id');
public function grupo(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\models\Group','group_id','id');
The model Group:
class Group extends Model {
protected $table = 'groups';
protected $fillable = ['name','unity','date'];
public function filiales() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\models\Filial');
public function teacher(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\models\User','teacher_id');
public function users() {
return $this->hasMany('App\models\User');
Then, in the controller I made a dd($users) and there not appear the relations, appears other relations but not this one. In the view I want to print some of the attributes in a table, for that I have:
The first line works perfectly, and I don´t know why.
The reason you're unable to return your group's name is that ->group() returns an instance of the query builder, and not an eloquent collection/object. Since a user belongs to a single group, modify your code in one of these two ways:
public function group(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\models\Group')->first();
And then access the group using one of the following methods:
$user = User::with("group")->where("id", "=", 1)->first();
$group = $user->group;
echo $group->name;
// OR
$user = User::where("id", "=", 1)->first();
$group = $user->group();
echo $group->name;
Or, leave the group() function as it is and access ->group()->first() on your $user object:
$user = User::where("id", "=", 1)->first();
$group = $user->group()->first();
echo $group->name;
Any of the above methods should properly return your group object's name (or other attributes). Check the Eloquent Documentation for detailed explanations on how to access these objects.

yii2 advanced template extend User model and no data saved

I just recently downloaded yii2 advanced template and create new model in frontend module that extend User in "common/models" like this
class UsUser extends User
class SignupForm extends Model
* Signs user up.
* #return User|null the saved model or null if saving fails
public function signup()
if ($this->validate()) {
$user = new UsUser();
$user->username = $this->username;
$user->email = $this->email;
return $user;
return null;
When I signup, there is no error and simply get redirected to main page but no data is inserted into db. I do not use public attribute in my model (either User or UsUser) as specified by Tal V. in here (Yii2 active record model not saving data . So only #property annotation in UsUser.
Maybe I am doing it wrong or is there something else to be aware of, could somebody help pointing it out? Many Thanks.
class SignupForm extends Model
* Signs user up.
* #return User|null the saved model or null if saving fails
public function signup()
if ($this->validate())
$user = new UsUser();
$user->username = $this->username;
$user->email = $this->email;
if ($user->validate())
return $user;
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
