How do I remove a piece of a string using sed? - bash

I have a need to replace all occurrences of "StoreId..." that have store numbers with leading zeros with store numbers without leading zero's. I've done it successfully using the below:
sed -i '/StoreId=\"0022\"/c\StoreId=\"22\"' $1
But doing it like this is just awful as I need a line for each store number and the script will cycle through each sed statement... it just takes forever.
I would like to have a line like this:
And rewrite it like this:
(or StoreId="0030" to StoreId="30")
Basically I just want to drop the leading zeroes in one line. I tried reading through the SED manual, but I'm just not smart enough. Any help would be appreciated.

You don't need to match anything after the leading zeroes.
sed -i -r 's/StoreId="0+/StoreId="/' "$1"
0+ matches a sequence of at least 1 0 characters.


Use sed to count periods, commas, and numbers?

I have a file that looks like this:,,,,,
Each line is 2 IP addresses, separated by a comma. So, each line should meet these requirements:
Has 1 comma.
Has 6 periods.
Has ONLY numbers, commas, and periods.
If a line is missing a period, has more/less than one commas, has a letter, is blank, or anything like that - it isn't correct. Basically I just want to use sed or something similar to loop through each line in the file and make sure each of them meets the above requirements.
Is this something that can be done with sed? I know you can use it to delete files that do/don't have matching strings, but I wasn't sure about counting specific characters or verifying that a line only has certain characters.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I think grep is a better tool for this. You just want to ensure that each line matches a particular regex, so invert the grep with -v and label the input invalid if any line gets output. Something like:
grep -qvE '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3},([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' input || echo input is valid
You can simplify that a bit:
grep -qvE "^$IP,$IP$" input || echo input is valid
Or if you are more interested in invalid data:
grep -qvE "^$IP,$IP$" input && echo input is invalid
What I'd do is to think up a regular expression that fits the 'proper' lines, and omits them from printing. Like this:
sed -r '/^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3},([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/d' file
Everything that remains is a wrong line.
Here's the recipe in more detail:
[0-9]{1,3} between one and three digits
\. literal period (just the period is a wildcard and matches any character)
(...){3} three repetitions of something, so together
([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3} makes up something that looks like an IP address. (Though note that it doesn't enforce the <256 rule, so 999.999.999.999 matches.)
/^ ... $/ the match needs to start at the beginning of the line and run until its end.
'/ ... /d' print everything except lines that match what's inside the two slashes
-r is needed to recognise the {1,3} syntax.
This will find and print the lines that are wrong. If you want to delete the wrong lines, you can easily invert this:
sed -i.bak -n -r '/^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3},([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/p' file
-i.bak means keep a backup, but overwrite the input file
-n means don't output anything unless expressly directed to output, and
/ ... /p output all the lines that match this regex.
If you would like to display only information about file contents correctness , you can use this command:
sed -n -r '/^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3},([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/!{a \
;q;};$aFILE IS OK'
It's modified version of #chw21 answer, but displays only information text:

Change field name and edit a csv file

I have a csv file I am looking at in bash that I am trying to manipulate. There are several things that I have/am trying to edit. Structure is like so where the first row are the column(field) headers
three species, five species,only one,multiple
at,home, at, home, wild, wild
How can I edit the field (column) names in the csv?
head -1 test.csv
shows what the field (column) names are, but it still has the commas in it as well and this doesn't allow for field name changing at all.
The other part about this is that I want to only edit titles that are greater than 8 characters in length, in which case I will just take the first 8 characters. I'm guessing I would use some sort of loop based on string length but since I don't know how to even edit the field name of just one column I'm not sure how to do this. In scenario above, changing hippopotamus to hippopot.
How can I replace empty cells in the csv to NA or NULL?
sed -i 's/ /NULL/g'
Thought would work but doesn't.
Some of the cells have commas within them, messing with the , delimiter. I used the code below and it seems to work, but is there a better/safer way to do this?
sed -i "s/, /_/g"
Or in a similar situation, if multiple columns contain strings sometimes with spaces within a string but I only want to remove the space in one of the columns while leaving the other columns alone, how can I achieve this?
sed -i 's/ //g' test.csv
Sed will allow a line number as a command prefix, to only work on a single line (or a range of numbers, to work on lines in that range). Try something like this.
sed -e '1s/cat/Feline/' test.csv > test2.csv
CSV files will store an empty field as either a comma at start of line, a comma at end of line, or a comma followed by another comma:
,"<-- empty field1",field3
field1,,"<-- empty field2"
field1,"empty field3-->",
You can use the following sed commands to fix these:
sed -e 's/^,/NA,/;s/,$/,NA/' -e ':loop' -e 's/,,/,NA,/g;tloop' test.csv
Your solution appears good. Be aware, however, that CSV should have quotes around any string containing a comma. And that's legit. It's also the point where sed stops being a good tool for manipulating CSV files. ;-) One suggestion would be to replace "interior" commas with "%2C", which is the HTML encoding for a comma. That's pretty distinctive, and at least somewhat standard.
sed numbers groups starting from the left-most paren. If your groups match multiple times, you can only get the last match contents, but if an outer group contains the multi-match, the outer group is still valid. (I assume here that you have already replaced the "interior" commas with something else.)
sed -e ':loop' -e '^\(\([^,]*,\)\{3\}\)\([^ ,]*\) /\1\3/;tloop'
This will remove the first space in column 4, then loop. It will stop when it finds the comma that ends the column, or end-of-line.
Note that the first part, called \1, is general. You can replace the 3 with whatever field, minus one, and that will get you to the start of the field. The actual work is in the second part, \3, where you can do what you like. (Note that \2 is included within \1, and not particularly useful.)

How can I get the SOA serial number from a file with sed?

I store my SOA data for multiple domains in a single file that gets $INCLUDEd by zone files. I've written a small sed script that is supposed to get the serial number, increment it, then re-save the SOA file. It all works properly as long as the SOA file is in the proper format, with the entire record on one line, but it fails as soon as the record gets split into multiple lines.
For example, this works as input data:
# IN SOA dnsserver. ( 2013112202 21600 900 691200 86400 )
But this does not:
# IN SOA dnsserver. (
2013112202 ; Serial number
21600 ; Refresh every day, 86400 is 1 day
900 ; Retry refresh every 15 min
691200 ; Expire every 8 days
86400 ) ; Minimum TTL 1 day
I like comments, and I would like to spread things out. But I need my script to be able to find the serial number so that I can increment it and rewrite the file.
The SED that works on the single line is this:
SOA=$(sed 's/.*#.*SOA[^0-9]*//;s/[^0-9].*//' $SOAfile)
But for multi-line ... I'm a bit lost. I know I can join lines with N, but how do I know if I even need to? Do I need to write separate sed scripts based on some other analysis I do of the original file?
Please help! :-)
I wouldn't use sed for this. While you might be able to brute-force something, it would require a large amount of concentration to come up with it, and it would look like line noise, and so be almost unmaintainable afterwards.
What about this in awk?
The easiest way might be to split your records based on the # character, like so:
SOA=$(awk 'BEGIN{RS="#"} NR==2{print $6}' $SOAfile)
But that will break if you have comments containing # before the uncommented line, or if you have any comments between the # and the serial number. You could make a pipe to avoid these issues...
SOA=$(sed 's/;.*//;/^#/p;1,/^#/d' $SOAfile | awk 'BEGIN{RS="#"} NR==2{print $6}')
It may seem redundant to remove comments and strip the top of the file, but there could be other lines like #include which (however unlikely) could contain your record separator.
Or you could do something like this in pure awk:
SOA=$(awk -v field=6 '/^#/ { if($2=="IN"){field++} for(i=1;i<field;i++){if(i==NF){field=field-NF;getline;i=1}} print $field}' $SOAfile)
Or, broken out for easier reading:
awk -v field=6 '
/^#/ {
if ($2=="IN") {field++;}
for (i=1;i<field;i++) {
if(i==NF) {field=field-NF;getline;i=1;}
print $field; }' $SOAfile
This is flexible enough to handle any line splitting you might have, as it counts to field along multiple lines. It also adjusts the field number based on whether your zone segment contains the optional "IN" keyword.
A pure-sed solution would, instead of counting fields, use the first string of digits after an open bracket after your /^#/, like this:
SOA=$(sed -n '/^#/,/^[^;]*)/H;${;x;s/.*#[^(]*([^0-9]*//;s/[^0-9].*//;p;}' $SOAfile)
Looks like line noise, right? :-) Broken out for easier reading, it looks like this:
/^#/,/^[^;]*)/H # "Hold" the meaningful part of the file...
${ # Once we reach the end...
x # Copy the hold space back to the main buffer
s/.*#[^(]*([^0-9]*// # Remove stuff ahead of the serial
s/[^0-9].*// # Remove stuff after the serial
p # And print.
The idea here is that starting from the first line that begins with #, we copy the file into sed's hold space, then at the end of the file, do some substitutions to strip out all the text up to the serial number, and then after the serial number, and print whatever remains.
All of these work on single line and multi line zone SOA records I've tested with.
You can try the following - it's your original sed program preceded by commands to first read all input lines, if applicable:
SOA=$(sed -e ':a' -e '$!{N;ba' -e '}' -e 's/.*#.*SOA[^0-9]*//;s/[^0-9].*//' \
This form will work with both single- and multi-line input files.
Multi-line input files are first read as a whole before applying the substitutions.
Note: The awkward separate -e options are needed to keep FreeBSD happy with respect to labels and branching commands, which need a literal \n for termination - using separate -e options is a more readable alternative to splicing in literal newlines with $'\n'.
Alternative solution, using awk:
SOA=$(awk -v RS='#' '$1 == "IN" && $2 == "SOA" { print $6 }' "$SOAfile")
Again, this will work with both single- and multi-line record definitions.
The only constraint is that comments must not precede the serial number.
Additionally, if a file contained multiple records, the above would collect ALL serial numbers, separated by a newline each.
Why sed? grep is simplest in this case:
grep -A1 -e '#.*SOA' 1 | grep -oe '[0-9]*'
or: (maybe better):
grep -A1 -e '#.*SOA' 1 | grep 'Serial number' | grep -oe '[0-9]*'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -nr '/# IN SOA/{/[0-9]/!N;s/[^0-9]+([0-9]+).*/\1/p}' file
For lines that contain # IN SOA if the line contains no numbers append the next line. Then extract the first sequence of numbers from the line(s).

Bash: Find and replace all variable characters up to a constant character with a constant string

I've seen many search and replace threads based on the assumption that 1. you either know what string or substring you are explicitly looking for or 2. you know the exact position it is at within the string or 3. both combined.
In my situation I have one csv file containing one column and 1M rows. e.g.
For every column, I want to replace every character (the incrementing integers) up to and including the comma with the http semicolon dble forward slash dubdubdub
So far I have the following
cat X.csv << Will this ensure that the while block is executed on this file?
while IFS=, read line
do {$line/(.*?),/HTTPSTRING} << This is where I am having trouble
exit 0
and I would likea text file containing one URL per line e.g.
Thank you so much in advance
This does a greedy match, which would be problematic if you ever have any commas other than the one that separates the initial integer from the characters you want to retain. But it works on your sample X.csv file, producing a Y.csv file that meets your output specification.
while read line
echo ${line/*,/$HTTPSTRING}
done < X.csv > Y.csv
exit 0
For what it's worth, if you put this in a script, you can take the file input/input redirection parts out of the code itself, and instead apply them when calling the script.
If you're not strictly limited to bash itself, you might want to consider using sed. Either of these should do what you want, differing only in whether you prefer to escape the slashes in your string or use a non-standard delimiter:
sed 's/[0-9]*,/http:\/\/www./' X.csv > Y.csv
sed 's~[0-9]*,~http://www.~' X.csv > Y.csv
Your script is close. You can pipe the output of cat directly to the while loop, but it's better to use input redirection ( < X.csv). Using IFS=, before read will split the line into fields separated by a comma, but you are just missing a variable to hold the second field.
while IFS=, read number domain
echo "$HTTPSTRING$domain"
done < X.csv
You could use commands only, there is no need for an explicit Bash loop :
cut -d',' -f2 < X.csv | sed 's_^_http://www._' > Y.txt
Notice that the usual / used after the s in sed is replaced by _ because it is included in the string to replace. ^ matches the start of the line.

How to use sed to test and then edit one line of input?

I want to test whether a phone number is valid, and then translate it to a different format using a script. This far I can test the number like this:
sed -n -e '/(0..)-...\s..../p' -e '/(0..)-...-..../p'
However, I don't just want to test the number and output it, I would like to remove the brackets, dashes and spaces and output that.
Is there any way to do that using sed? Or should I be using something else, like AWK?
I'm not sure why you're using a 0 in that position. You're saying "a zero followed by any two characters" in the area code position. Is that really what you mean?
Anyway, you want to use the sed substitution operator with the p command in conjunction with the -n switch. Here's one way to do it:
sed -n 's/(\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\))\s\?\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)[- ]\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)/\1\2\3/p'
You can also use something as simple as egrep to validate lines and tr to remove the characters you don't want to see:
egrep "\([0-9]+\)[0-9.-]+" <file> |tr -d '()\-'
Note that it will only work if you don't want to keep any of those characters.
This is a more succinct version of Jonathan Feinberg's answer. It uses extended regular expressions to avoid having to do all the escaping that the curly braces would require (in addition to moving the escaping of parentheses from the special ones to the literal ones).
sed -r 's/\(([[:digit:]]{3})\)\s?([[:digit:]]{3})[ -]([[:digit:]]{4})/\1\2\3/'
this suggestion depends on how your number format looks like , for example, i assume phone number like this
echo "(703) 234 5678" | awk '
gsub(/\(|\)/,"",$i) # remove ( and )
if ($i+0>=0 ){ # check if it more than 0 and a number
print $i
if (){
# some other checks
do it systematically, and you don't have to waste time crafting out complex regex
