Running multiple Maven profiles + Cucumber JVM - maven

Since the Cucumber JVM does not support Profiles, I'm trying to use Maven instead. What I want to do is activate a certain subset of tests based on its tag, and point it to the correct environment.
Here is my feature file:
Feature: Validate data
Scenario: Dev environment
Given dev data
Scenario: Test environment
Given test data
Here is my pom.xml:
--tags #dev
--tags #qa
When I try to run multiple profiles at once, i.e., using the following command:
mvn test -P dev,qa
Only one of my tests gets executed. If I run it without profiles, both tests get executed (the qa profile in specific). Have I configured my profiles improperly? Or is it an issue with my tags?

In the dev profile you set the cucumber.options property to --tags #dev. In the qa profile you set the cucumber.options property to --tags #qa. So when combining these profiles with -P dev,qa the qa profile will override the value of the cucucumber.options set by the dev profile.
And because this is a single element combine.children=merge will not work and there is no good way to merge these profiles.


Spring boot change pom configuration with active profile

I was trying to change configuration of the pom based on the active profile (dev, test, qa, prod). but every time it was calling the default one (prod)
I have given the profile info in VM arguments in intellij
arguments :
Decleration (in POM.xml)
<currentRegion>run build_dev</currentRegion>
<currentRegion>run build_test</currentRegion>
<currentRegion>run build_qa</currentRegion>
<currentRegion>run build_prod</currentRegion>
Usage(in POM.xml)
Every time, this is retuning run build_prod (the default one)
Actually i have combined the spring boot and angular for some testing purpose and i want to run the angular on environment with different environment.ts file , when i hardcode the arguments in pom like run build_dev/test it works file , i want to automate it arguments based on the active profile .
Any Suggestions/Solution is highly appreciated.

In maven, how to override plugin configuration in settings.xml

I want to override a particular plugin configuration that's defined in the pom.xml. I don't want to modify the pom.xml for various reasons. Is there a way to define a config attribute for that plugin in settings.xml that override corresponding pom.xml plugin config?
In the below example, you'll notice that the plugin xx-plugin is defined in profile1 in pom.xml. In my settings.xml I've already defined profile2 to override property prop1 from pom.xml. But how to override config3. I apologize if this is a silly question. I am a little new to maven.
This is what my pom.xml looks like:
<config3>CCC</config3> <!-- I want to override this with value DDD -->
This is what my settings.xml looks like:
<prop1>overriden-value</prop1> <!-- This works -->
<!-- Somehow override config3 here -->
<!-- <config3>DDD</config3> -->
AFAIK you can only override properties with settings.xml profiles. You'd have to change your plugin's configuration to use a property instead of a fixed value:
<!-- define your property -->
<config3>${prop1}</config3> <!-- I want to override this with value DDD -->
Remember that profiles with activeByDefault set to true will get deactivated if any other profile gets activated in your build invocation. See
If you do not want to change the pom.xml for a plugin you can set the configuration as JVM parameter when running maven as stated in the Generic Configuration chapter of the Maven Guide to Configuring Plugins.
mvn my-plugin:my-goal
Example for the wildfly plugin (this is where I needed it and did not want to change the pom.xml of a demo project when deploying to a server group in a domain context):
mvn clean install wildfly:deploy -Dwildfly.serverGroups=<server-group-name>
The maven documentation also states that most plugins define help goals to explain users how to configure them.
Exaple for the wildfly plugin:
mvn wildfly:help -Dgoal=deploy -Ddetail

How can I run Cucumber test using explicit Maven goal?

I have an application contains both Cucumber and JBehave test, I want to be able to run one of them optionally every time, I can do that with JBehave by explicit Maven goal, but the problem is that Cucumber run implicitly with each build or test, is there anyway to stop and run it o choice?
You can achieve this by configuring the Maven Surefire Plugin as part of your default build or/and via a profile.
If your Maven build section, you can skip the Cucumber tests by default (given that they either have all the same suffix or belong all to the same package, alternatively you can arrange them to meet any of these two criterias):
<!-- classes that include the name CucumberTest, as an example -->
<!-- classes in a package whose last segment is named cucumber, as an example -->
As such, Maven by default (as part of the default build) will skip your Cucumber tests.
Then, you can configure a Maven Profile to run exclusively the Cucumber tests with a counterpart of the Maven Surefire Plugin configuration as following:
<!-- Include your Cucumber tests, as an example -->
Then running mvn clean install -Pcucumber-tests will run your Cucumber tests.
This approach would give you more flexibility on configuration in both scenarios (default or cucumber tests build) and you could swap the behavior according to your needs.
Alternatively, for a simpler (but less flexible) approach, you could follow the suggestion on another SO answer and use a Maven property to have a switch cucumber tests on/off as following:
Using the configuration above, by default Maven will execute Cucumber tests and skip them when executing mvn clean install -Pexclude-cucumber (the profile will change the content of the exclude.cucumber.tests property and as such change the Surefire plugin filter). You can of course swap the behavior is as well and have an include-cucumber profile instead.

How to configure maven jar plugin to exclude properties on profile

I have this configuration in my pom
I use profiles to handle different behaviour from local environment to production environment.
Is it possible not activate the exclusions when executing mvn install with local profile?
I tried to set a blank properties on local environment like this
but the plugin complains.
This is a workaround solution, maybe a better one exists. I think the easiest you could do is to let your DEV environment free from any config of the jar plugin. And then place your PROD config in a dedicated profile :
When you need to build the production jar, launch :
mvn clean install -PPROD
Are the logging and config files resources for testing only? If yes, put them in ${basedir}/src/test/resources. They'll be on the classpath for your tests but will not end up in the final jar, and you won't need specific jar plugin config.
The best workaround I found is to use an invalid value to filter on when executing on DEV environment.

Pass VM argument for Database configuration -D for Junit test using Maven

While executing Junit test cases on Eclipse we are passing VM arguments for DB configuration by -D, but while uploading the same Junit test cases to Sonar by Maven it's not working as no VM argument is set.
I have tried to pass arguments by MAVEN_OPTS on but it's not working.
Instead of setting your DB configuration on the command line with system properties, consider setting them with profiles.
Add something like this to your pom.xml:
