Usecase :- My test contains 3 Thread Group. Each Thread Group is having one loop controller with loop count 2 and all the HTTP requests inside it.I need to execute first loop iteration and pause the loop iteration then execute next thread loop's first iteration and pause until first loop iteration of all the Thread Group is completed. After completion of first iteration start second iteration of all the Thread Groups.
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Go for Inter-Thread Communication Plugin, it provides possibility to share the variables across threads (and Thread Groups) via some form of a FIFO queue so you can use it as a "trigger" for the next iteration start in other thread groups.
Check out How to Use the Inter-Thread Communication Plugin in JMeter article for more details.
Be aware that the Inter-Thread Communication Plugin is not a part of JMeter distribution bundle, you will have to install it using JMeter Plugins Manager:
No.Of Iterations in a thread Group is : 3
Thread Group Name from the below screenshot is : TCByEmployee
Thread Group performs various steps using If Controller
I want to Achieve "Loop Controller-TCbyEmployee-Login by Employees"
& "If Controller-TCbyEmployee-Login by DH" should start Next Iterations once it's completes "If Controller--TCbyEmployee-Login by PA" Iteration 1
Now the issue is : "Loop Controller-TCbyEmployee-Login by Employees"
& "If Controller-TCbyEmployee-Login by DH" continues the up to Iteration 3 before "If Controller--TCbyEmployee-Login by PA" begins
Please see the below screenshots
Your question in its current form doesn't make any sense, you need to either re-phrase it or provide minimal reproducible example
So far I can only inform you that:
Once started each JMeter thread (virtual user) starts executing Samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
When thread executes last Sampler in the Thread Group it starts over from the beginning
If there are no more Samplers to execute or loops to iterate the Thread is being shut down.
If you're looking for a way to implement a GOTO statement - take a look at Test Fragments and Module Controller, this way you can change the flow from upside down to some custom
Also be aware that threads (virtual users) are absolutely independent and if you think that the execution order is broken might mean that another user executed another sampler at that moment
And last but not the least, don't run your test in GUI mode
I have 4 thread groups in my test. I have requirement as below:
I want first 3 thread groups to work sequentially. Hence, I have checked the chekcbox "Run Thread groups consecutively". But, i want my fourth thread group to start 30 mins after the third thread group while the third thread group is still not complete. Can this be achieved on Jmeter. Any help on this is highly appreciated.
If you tick Run Thread groups consecutively box you won't be able to have more than 1 thread group running at any moment of time.
So you need to untick that box on test plan level and start all Thread Groups in parallel.
The fact that the thread group has started doesn't necessarily mean that it will start executing Samplers, you can delay the execution until the previous Thread Group is done.
For example you can use Inter-Thread Communication Plugin for this purpose, in 1st thread group and put something into a FIFO queue and then try to read the value using jp#gc - Inter-Thread Communication PreProcessor in the 2nd Thread Group (add it to the first sampler). The 2nd Thread Group will start executing samplers only when the value will be available in the queue.
See SynchronizationExample.jmx test plan for example implementation
The same approach should be applied for thread groups 3 and 4, when 3rd thread group starts - put something to the FIFO queue so 4th thread group would be aware that the 3rd one has started, then you can "sleep" for 30 minutes using Flow Control Action sampler
I have two threads in Jmeter. One the main scripts and the other is handling refreshing the Users Token
This Second one runs every 3 mins and loops forever
The First thread has multi users
this all works great but want to stop the second thread once the first thread has completed the script with all users
You can use this element to do that by sending a notification from one thread to the other:
If you have a possibility to detect the "finish" event from the "main" thread group you can pass it to the "refresh" thread group via __setProperty() function or Inter-Thread Communication Plugin
If you don't have such a possibility you can consider adding an If Controller which will be checking the number of active threads and in case only 1 thread is left it will mean that the test has ended, example __groovy() function you can use as the condition:
${__groovy((org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContextService.getThreadCounts().activeThreads = 1 && vars.getIteration() > 1),)}
Once the condition is met you can use Flow Control Action sampler to stop the current thread:
I'm using JMeter to test my applications, and I desire to use the same sample N times.
For example, lets say I have 100 different samples how I'll use to test my Login, and want to use these samples 10 times.
I'm using 100 threads, and 10 loops for that.
How I can be sure that the second loop using a sample will start just after that the first loop of that sample has finished (and not have the same sample running simultanious)?
I'm having some troubles to understand how JMeter lead to this scenario.
JMeter acts as follows:
Each thread (virtual users) executes Samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
When there are no more Samplers to execute:
-if there is > 1 loop in the Thread Group - the thread starts executing Samplers once again
if there are no more loops to iterate - the thread is being shut down
You can track which thread is executing which sampler by adding __threadNum() function to the sampler name. The Thread Group iteration can be tracked by adding the special JMeter Variable ${__jm__Thread Group__idx}
If you don't want user 1 and user 2 to execute sampler1 at the same time - put this sampler under the Critical Section Controller, but in this case you will not have any concurrency.
2nd iteration of all thread groups is to be started after the first iteration of the thread group with longest iteration time is complete.
This behaviour is only to be there in 2nd iteration. Not in first, third, fourth or any subsequest iteration.
Need help in achieving this.
Consider using Inter-Thread Communication Plugin.
Example scenario:
After first iteration each thread group writes something into FIFO queue using __fifoPut() function
Add If Controller and come up with a condition to start 2nd iteration only if the size of FIFO queue is equal to the number of your Thread Groups in the test plan
Check out SynchronizationExample.jmx plan for a demo use case.
You can install Inter-Thread Communication Plugin using JMeter Plugins Manager