System API in mulesoft - microservices

I have a requirement to persist some data in a table (single table). The data is coming from UI. Do i need to write just the system API and persist the data OR i need to write process and system API both? I don't see a use of process API in this case. Please suggest. Is it always necessary to access system API through process API or system API can be invoked without process API as well.

I would recommend a fine-grained approach to this. We should be following it through the experience layer even though we do not have must customization to the data.
In short, an experience layer API and directly calling System layer API (if there is no orchestration/data conversion/formatting needed)
Why we need a system API & experience API? A couple of points.
System API should be more attached to the underlying system. And if
in case, in the future, it changes then it should not impact any of
the clients.
Secondly, giving an upper layer gives us the feasibility to add
different SLAs, policies, logging and lots more, to different
clients. Even if you have a single client right now it's better to
architect for the future. Reusing is the key advantage of these APIs.
Please check Pattern 2 in this document

That is a question for the enterprise architect in your organisation. In this case, the process API would probably be a simple proxy for the system API, but that might not always be the case in future. Also, it is sometimes useful to follow a standard architectural pattern even if it creates some spurious complexity in the implementation. As always, there are design trade-offs and the answer will depend on factors that cannot be known by people outside of your organisation.


Should event driven architecture be targeted for all data & analytics platforms?

For example,
You have an IT estate where a mix of batch and real-time data sources exists from multiple systems, e.g. ERP, Project management, asset, website, monitoring etc.
The aim is to integrate the datasources into a cloud environment (agnostic).
There is a need for reporting and analytics on combinations of all data sources.
Inevitably, some source systems are not capable of streaming, hence batch loading is required.
Potential use-cases for performing functionality/changes/updates based on the ingested data.
Given a steer for creating a future-proofed platform, architecturally, how would you look to design it?
It's a very open-end question, but there are some good principles you can adopt to help direct you in the right direction:
Avoid point-to-point integration, and get everything going through a few common points - ideally one. Using an API Gateway can be a good place to start, the big players (Azure, AWS, GCP) all have their own options, plus there's lots of decent independent ones like Tyk or Kong.
Batches and event-streams are totally different, but even then you can still potentially route them all through the gateway so that you get the centralised observability (reporting, analytics, alerting, etc).
Use standards-based API specifications where possible. A good REST based API, based off a proper resource model is a non-trivial undertaking, not sure if it fits with what you are doing if you are dealing with lots of disparate legacy integration. If you are going to adopt REST, use OpenAPI to specify the API's. Using this standard not only makes it easier for consumers, but also helps you with better tooling as many design, build and test tools support OpenAPI. There's also AsyncAPI for event/async API's
Do some architecture. Moving sh*t to cloud doesn't remove the sh*t - it just moves it to the cloud. Don't recreate old problems in a new place.
Work out the logical components in your new solution: what does each of them do (what's it's reason to exist)? Don't forget ancillary components like API catalogues, etc.
Think about layering the integration (usually depending on how they will be consumed and what role they need to play, e.g. system interface, orchestration, experience APIs, etc).
Want to handle data in a consistent way regardless of source (your 'agnostic' comment)? You'll need to think through how data is ingested and processed. This might lead you into more data / ETL centric considerations rather than integration ones.
Co-design. Is the integration mainly data coming in or going out? Is the integration with 3rd parties or strictly internal?
If you are designing for external / 3rd party consumers then a co-design process is advised, since you're essentially designing the API for them.
If the API's are for internal use, consider designing them for external use so that when/if you decide to do that later it's not so hard.
Taker a step back:
Continually ask yourselves "what problem are we trying to solve?". Usually, a technology initiate is successful if there's a well understood reason for doing it, which has solid buy-in from the business (non-IT).
Who wants the reporting, and why - what problem are they trying to solve?
As you mentioned its an IT estate aka enterprise level solution mix of batch and real time so first you have to identify what is end goal of this migration. You can think of refactoring applications. If you are trying to make it event driven then assess the refactoring efforts and cost. Separation of responsibility is the key factor for refactoring and migration.
If you are thinking about future proofing your solution then consider Cloud for storing and processing your data. Not necessary it will be cheap but mix of Cloud and on-prem could be a way. There are services available by cloud providers to move your data in minimal cost. Cloud native solutions are there for performing analysis on your data. Database migration service in AWS or Azure can move data and then capture on-going changes. So you can keep using on-prem db & apps and perform analysis for reporting on cloud. It will ease out load on your transactional DB. Most data sync from on-prem to cloud is near real time.

Spring HATEOAS: Practicable for a microservice architecture?

I know this question was already asked but I could not find a satisfying answer.
I started to dive deeper in building a real restful api and I like it's contraint of using links for decoupling. So I built my first service ( with java / spring ) and it works well ( although I struggled a bit with finding the right format but that's another question ). After this first step I thought about my real world use case. Micorservices. Highly decoupled individual services. So I made a my previous scenario and I came to some problems or doubts.
My setup consists of a reverse proxy ( Traefik which works as service discovery and api gateway) and 2 Microservices. In addition, there is an openid connect security layer. My services are a Player service and a Team service.
So after auth I have an access token with the userId and I am able to call player/userId to get the player information and teams?playerId=userId to get all the teams of the player.
In my opinion, I would in both responses link the opposite service. The player/userId would link to the teams?playerId=userId and vice versa.
I haven't found a solution besides linking via a hardcoded url. But this comes with so many downfalls as I can't imagine that this a solution used in real world applications. I mean just imagine your api is a bit more advanced and you have to link to 10 resources. If something changes, you have refactor and redeploy them all.
Besides the synchonization problem, how do you handle state in such a case. I mean, REST is all about state transfer. So I won't offer the link of the player to teams service if the player is in no team. Of course I can add the team ids as attribute to the player to decide whether to include the link or not. But this again increases coupling between the services.
The more I dive in the more obstacles I find and I'm about to just stay with my spring rest docs and neglect the core of Rest which I is a pity to me.
Practicable for a microservice architecture?
Fielding, 2000
The REST interface is designed to be efficient for large-grain hypermedia data transfer, optimizing for the common case of the Web, but resulting in an interface that is not optimal for other forms of architectural interaction.
Fielding 2008
REST is intended for long-lived network-based applications that span multiple organizations.
It is not immediately clear to me that "microservices" are going to fall into the sweet spot of "the web". We're not, as a rule, tring to communicate with a microservice that is controlled by another company, we often don't get a lot of benefit out of caching, or code on demand, or the other rest architectural constraints. How important is it to us that we can use general purpose components to exchange information between different microservices within our solution? and so on.
If something changes, you have refactor and redeploy them all.
Yes; and if that's going to be a problem for us, then we need to invest more work up front to define a stable interface between the two. (The fact that we are using "links" isn't special in that regard - if these two things are going to talk to each other, then they are going to need to speak a common language; if that common language needs to evolve over time (likely) then you need to build those capabilities into it).
If you want change over time, then you have to plan for it.
If you want backwards/forwards compatibility, then you have to plan for it.
Your identifiers don't need to be static - there are lots of possible ways of deferring the definition of an identifier; the most obvious being that you can use another identifier to look up the identifier you want, or the formula for calculating it, or whetever.
Think about how Google works - the links they use change all the time, but it doesn't matter because the protocol (refresh your bookmarked search form, enter your text in "the" one field, click the button) hasn't changed in 20 years. The interface is stable (even though the underlying spellings of the identifiers is not) and that's enough.

Is it possible to do Hypermedia Driven RESTFul service in a microservices world?

Lets say that we are creating a Ticket processing system. Say there are two distinct bounded contexts within this domain.
Cancelling a Ticket
Changing a Ticket
From what I understand, those two can be two different microservices, without having to know each other. What a ticket to a Cancel service could be completely different from what a ticket is to a Change service.
From a REST API design perspective, i have read a lot about using hypermedia and letting client discover resources by including relevant operations as links within the REST response (Stefan Tilkov's Talk). If thats true, when my Change Service returns a response, it makes sense to include a link to Cancel Service, which the client can use to perform cancel. How can I achieve this when Cancel and Change are two different microservices, which are not aware of each other? Or are my bounded contexts wrong?
Are we losing these hypermedia linking capabilities (or does it become harder) when use microservices in general?
In HATEOAS URIs are discoverable (and not documented) so that they can be changed. That is, unless they are the very entry points into your system (Cool URIs, the only ones that can be hard-coded by clients) - and you shouldn't have too many of those if you want the ability to evolve the rest of your system's URI structure in the future. This is in fact one of the most useful features of REST.
For the remaining non-Cool URIs, they can be changed over time, and your API documentation should spell out the fact that they should be discovered at runtime through hypermedia traversal.
That being said, in your scenario that link would be a Cool URI, and not relative to the current API (because it may reside on a different machine/domain etc). Unless you're using some discovery tool, you're going to have to hardcode that link, and thus lose the benefit of discoverability.

Should I make my CouchDB database server public-facing?

I'm new to CouchDb and am trying to comprehend how to properly make use of it. I'm coming from MongoDB where I would always write a web layer and put it in front of mongo so that I could allow users to access the data inside of it, etc. In fact, this is how I've used all databases for every web site that I've ever written. So, looking at Couch, I see that it's native API is HTTP and that it has built in things like OAuth support, and other features that hint to me that perhaps I should no longer have my code layer sitting in front of Couch, but instead write Views and things and just give out accounts to Couch to my users? I'm thinking in terms of like an HTTP-based API for a site of mine, or something that users would consume my data through. Opening up Couch like this seems odd to me, though. Is OAuth, in Couch's sense, meant more for remote access for software that I'd write and run internal to my own network "officially", or is it literally meant for the end users?
I know there might be things that could only be done through a code layer on top of CouchDB, like if you wanted additional non-database related things to occur during API requests, also. So thinking along those lines I think I will still need a code layer, anyway.
Dealer's choice.
Nodejitsu has a great writeup on this sort of topic here.
Not knowing your application specifics I'll take a broad approach...
If you want to prevent users from ever seeing your database then make it back-end. You can pipe everything through something like node.js and present only what the user needs to see and they'll never know anything about the database.
See Resource View Presenter
If you are not concerned about data security, you can host an entire app on CouchDB; see CouchApp. This approach has the benefit of using the replication mechanism to control publishing your site/data. The drawback here is that you will almost certainly run into some technical limitations that will require moving CouchDB closer to the backend.
Have the app server present the interface and the client pull the data from the database separately. This gives the most flexibility but can be a bag of hurt because even with good design this could lead to supportability and scalability issues.
My recommendation
Use CouchDB on the backend. If you need mobile clients to synchronize then use a secondary DB publicly exposed for this purpose and selectively sync this data to wherever it needs to go.
Simply put, no.
There's no way to secure Couch properly on a public facing site. There's no way to discriminate access at a fine enough granular level. If someone has access to any of the data, they have access to all of the data.
Not all data on a site is meant for public consumption, save for the most trivial of sites.

Choosing between performance and ease of use in WS API

We're in the process of creating a new API for our product, which will be exposed via web services. We have an internal debate whether the API should be as easy as possible to use (in the price of making more calls) or make it as efficient as possible (rendering it harder to use). For example, here are two issues that came up:
Should we manage session info on the server, or should we pass that info back to the user, and expect him to send it back to us when needed? (Please ignore the security implications of a session)
Should we combine calls that are likely to be consequent, in order to save the time spent on the round trip in between, even if they don't really share the same logical functionality?
Basically, the desktop people are in favor of a clear, easy to use API, while the internet people would like to make it as efficient as possible. This is the first public API we're providing, and we need a strategy.
Personally, I'm in favor of making the API as usable as possible. Other components on the system are probably going to have a much larger affect on the performance, and hard to use APIs are much more error prone. But I'm a desktop programmer…
So, what should be our strategy? What are the common practices when creating such an API?
What are typical usage scenarios? Will the latency of your API determine the UI responsiveness? How big the performance trade-off will be? It's hard to suggest anything without knowing your circumstances.
My guess is that passing session info to the client will scale better. In-proc session management won't allow you to share the state between service instances. Managing sessions in DB will make your services more complex. Anyway this all depends on your bandwidth/memory/computational power capabilities.
I would start from the most granular operations and only provide composite methods when performance problem becomes obvious.
IMO, the best is to have the simplest API for people who will have to use your API, but letting these people have deep customizing possibilities, to make it efficient, even if harder to use.
But simplicity for users > all.
I would recommend you create your web service following the RESTful model and that means stateless. Efficiency is more critical than ease of use. You can always create a framework on top of the API later that eases implementation headaches.
You're debating a circular agrument. This is all usability (ease of use).
You're likely going to factor in a bit of both aspects - as they both influence user performance.
Its a case of (i) extent of customsiable features versus (ii) efficiency in manipulating those features. There will be an intersect between the two.
I'd say give a simple API that puts control into the users hands - this is the primary purpose of CMS. The more detailed aspects you could combine initially, introducing them as added control later on.
This way you will manage users learning curve of the system so as (i) not to bombard them with excessive options initially and (ii) allow them to adopt your system quickly at first. Then extend your users control (system functionality from a user perspective) later on by making more of the API features available.
Another good tip would be to ask you users upfront & as you go.
My 2 cents:
First start with a very granular low level API that gives high performance.
Then create a easy-to-use high level API that is "composed" of the above low level API.
This way clients can customize their behavior as they want. The clients can start with using the high-level API but if high performance is expected for certain user actions, they can use the faster-but-difficult low level API on a case-by-case basis.
One more important point to consider in service design. Try to keep them as stateless as possible. The advantage of stateless web services is that they can be easily distributed using Network Load Balancing.
