I'm creating a custom control with skiasharp and xamarin forms. Something I've run into is when I try draw text in the top left corner of my canvas I have to offset the y co ord in order for the text to render within the canvas. I'd expect the x y co ord of the text to be in the same position as the x y co ord of the rect. What am I missing?
Using Skiasharp.View.Forms - v1.68.1 off nuget
protected override void OnPaintSurface(SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
SKImageInfo info = args.Info;
SKSurface surface = args.Surface;
SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;
using var paint = new SKPaint {IsAntialias = true, Color = Color.Black.ToSKColor(), Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke};
canvas.DrawRect(0, 0, info.Width, info.Height, paint);
canvas.DrawText("Off screen", 0, 0, paint);
canvas.DrawText("On screen", 0, 10, paint);
You could set y coordinate as SKPaint.FontSpacing , it is the recommend line spacing.
canvas.DrawText("SKCanvasView Height and Width:", 0, paint.FontSpacing, paint);
Refer https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-forms-samples/blob/f7cc661331b5db605e64e7efe83ef2b9fc644afb/SkiaSharpForms/Demos/Demos/SkiaSharpFormsDemos/Basics/SurfaceSizePage.cs#L38
I generate the scene above using the OnDraw method below:
protected override void OnDraw(SKCanvas canvas, int width, int height)
int i = 0;
int step = 0;
List<SKRect> rects = new List<SKRect>();
// get the 2D equivalent of the 3D matrix
var rotationMatrix = rotationView.Matrix;
// get the properties of the rectangle
var length = Math.Min(width / 6, height / 6);
foreach (var n in numbers)
var rect = new SKRect(0 + step, 0, 100 + step, 100);
step += 120;
//var sideHoriz = rotationMatrix.MapPoint(new SKPoint(0, 1)).Y > 0;
var sideVert = rotationMatrix.MapPoint(new SKPoint(1, 0)).X > 0;
var paint = new SKPaint
Color = sideVert ? EffectMedia.Colors.XamarinPurple : EffectMedia.Colors.XamarinGreen,
Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
IsAntialias = true
// first do 2D translation to the center of the screen
canvas.Translate((width - (120 * numbers.Count)) / 2, height / 2);
// The following line is disabled because it makes the whole canvas rotate!
// canvas.Concat(ref rotationMatrix);
foreach (var n in numbers)
canvas.DrawRoundRect(rects[i], 30, 30, paint);
var shadow = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(
new SKPoint(0, 0), new SKPoint(0, length * 2),
new[] { paint.Color.WithAlpha(127), paint.Color.WithAlpha(0) },
var paintShadow = new SKPaint
Shader = shadow,
Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
IsAntialias = true,
BlendMode = SKBlendMode.SoftLight
foreach (var r in rects)
r.Offset(0, 105);
canvas.DrawRoundRect(r, 30, 30, paintShadow);
The idea is to make all those rounded boxes rotate (vertically) around their own axis.
I tried using SKPath + Transform, saving&restoring the rotationMatrix and/or the canvas but I can't find a way to have 6 rotating boxes ( canvas.Concat(ref rotationMatrix); makes the whole canvas rotate [*]).
Do you have any hint on how that can be achieved?
Note [*]: there's a call to rotationView.RotateYDegrees(5) every X milliseconds to update the rotationMatrix used by OnDraw.
This is what I'd like to achieve, any hints / directions would be really appreciated... :-)
The following piece of code rotates those shapes around their Z-axis:
canvas.RotateDegrees(degrees, rects[i].MidX, rects[i].MidY);
canvas.DrawRoundRect(rects[i], 30, 30, paint);
I am drawing an image on Canvas in following manner.
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
Paint paint = Paint();
paint.color = Colors.white;
Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, img.width.toDouble(), img.height.toDouble()),
Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, newImgWidth, newImgHeight),
I want to give rounded corners to this image.
Can anyone provide some help on how to do something like that?
Lets make a try to use clipRRect() method of Canvas class
Add following code snippet inside your paint() method and
change the value 20 with your required radius value
RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners(20, 20, 20, 20); // left, top, right, bottom
Full version
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
Paint paint = Paint();
paint.color = Colors.white;
RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners(20, 20, 20, 20); // left, top, right, bottom
Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, img.width.toDouble(), img.height.toDouble()),
Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, newImgWidth, newImgHeight),
let me give you code sample
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
Paint paint = Paint();
paint.color = Colors.white;
RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners(0, 0, img.width.toDouble(), img.height.toDouble(),topLeft:20,topRight:20,bottomLeft:20,bottomRight:20); // left, top, right, bottom
Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, img.width.toDouble(), img.height.toDouble()),
Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, newImgWidth, newImgHeight),
you have to match the coordinates of RRect and the ImageRect that you want to clip
How can we create a dotted circle in xamarin forms using Skia Sharp, i had tried many but i could not make it happen can some one help me with this.
SKImageInfo info = args.Info;
SKSurface surface = args.Surface;
SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;
SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
Color = Color.Red.ToSKColor(),
StrokeWidth = 10
canvas.DrawCircle(info.Width / 3, info.Height / 2, 100, paint);
You are pretty close. You just need to understand what you are doing. Are you setting the Constructor of your page correctly? You have to
Create an instance of SKCanvasView and add it to the Content of your page.
So assuming that the name of your class or page is SimpleCirclePage.cs, you need to add this inside it, along with other items.
Add an event handler to the PaintSurface event of your SKCanvasView instance.
The constructor
public SimpleCirclePage()
SKCanvasView canvasView = new SKCanvasView();
canvasView.PaintSurface += OnCanvasViewPaintSurface;
Content = canvasView;
The Event Handler
void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
SKImageInfo info = args.Info;
SKSurface surface = args.Surface;
SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;
// Creating the Outline of the circle with Black
SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
Color = Color.Black.ToSKColor(),
StrokeWidth = 22
canvas.DrawCircle(info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2, 100, paint);
// Filling the circle with red
paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
paint.Color = SKColors.Red;
canvas.DrawCircle(info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2, 100, paint);
I successfully get out the two images in my resources folder in my project like this.
string BackGroundImage = "background_image";
string ObjectImage = "object_image";
var TheBackGroundImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, Resources.GetIdentifier(BackGroundImage, "drawable", PackageName));
var TheObjectImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, Resources.GetIdentifier(ObjectImage, "mipmap", PackageName));
What i have done after is very the tricky part comes in and I do not know how to quite get it right. What i try to do is create a new Bitmap where the BackgroundImage is the base. Then i create a canvas with my second image (ObjectImage) that is the image that will be on top of the BackgroundImage and try to merge it all together.
Bitmap Result = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(TheBackGroundImage.Width, TheBackGroundImage.Height, TheBackGroundImage.GetConfig());
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(Result);
canvas.DrawBitmap(ObjectImage, new Matrix(), null);
canvas.DrawBitmap(ObjectImage, 79, 79, null);
This does not work as anticipated, is canvas the way to go or is there somethinig else i should look at?
If we look at my iOS solution then i do it like this:
UIImage PhoneImage = UIImage.FromFile(PhonePath);
UIImage IconImage = UIImage.FromFile(IconPath);
UIImage ResultImage;
CGSize PhoneSize = PhoneImage.Size;
CGSize IconSize = IconImage.Size;
UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(IconSize, false, IconImage.CurrentScale); //UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(IconSize, false, IconImage.CurrentScale);
CGRect Frame = (new CoreGraphics.CGRect(25, 29.5, 79, 79));
UIBezierPath RoundImageCorner = new UIBezierPath();
RoundImageCorner = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(Frame, cornerRadius: 15);
RoundImageCorner.LineWidth = 2;
ResultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
var documentsDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
string jpgFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(documentsDirectory, "app.png");
NSData image = ResultImage.AsPNG();
And it works beautifully with a border around my second image as well.
How can i adjust my code to successfully merge two images together and position the second image preferably like a CGRect?
Try this:
public Bitmap mergeBitmap(Bitmap backBitmap, Bitmap frontBitmap)
Bitmap bitmap = backBitmap.Copy(Bitmap.Config.Argb8888, true);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
Rect baseRect = new Rect(0, 0, backBitmap.Width, backBitmap.Height);
Rect frontRect = new Rect(0, 0, frontBitmap.Width, frontBitmap.Height);
canvas.DrawBitmap(frontBitmap, frontRect, baseRect, null);
return bitmap;
Here is the DrawBitmap method's introduce. I add annotations in the method.
public Bitmap mergeBitmap(Bitmap backBitmap, Bitmap frontBitmap)
Bitmap bitmap = backBitmap.Copy(Bitmap.Config.Argb8888, true);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
//this Rect will decide which part of your frontBitmap will be drawn,
//(0,0,frontBitmap.Width, frontBitmap.Height) means that the whole of frontBitmap will be drawn,
//(0,0,frontBitmap.Width/2, frontBitmap.Height/2) means that the half of frontBitmap will be drawn.
Rect frontRect = new Rect(0, 0, frontBitmap.Width, frontBitmap.Height);
//this Rect will decide where the frontBitmap will be drawn on the backBitmap,
//(200, 200, 200+ frontBitmap.Width, 200+frontBitmap.Height) means that
//the fontBitmap will drawn into the Rect which left is 200, top is 200, and its width and
//height are your frontBitmap's width and height.
//I suggest the baseRect's width and height should be your fontBitmap's width and height,
//or, your fontBitmap will be stretched or shrunk.
Rect baseRect = new Rect(200, 200, 200+ frontBitmap.Width, 200+frontBitmap.Height);
canvas.DrawBitmap(frontBitmap, frontRect, baseRect, null);
return bitmap;
I want to mask an image like the sample below:
I tried using the FFImageLoading Transformation, but I couldn't get the triangle shape that is in the image shown.
Also, I cannot do the trick of putting the background white, because I want to achieve this final result:
Is there any way to get the pixels of the triangle shape that are not in alpha, and convert them to the squared image pixels?
I tried this code from SkiaSharp changing the values of the SKPath, but this complicates more my problem because it is not an image, is a canvas:
public class MonkeyThroughKeyholePage : ContentPage
SKBitmap bitmap;
SKPath keyholePath = SKPath.ParseSvgPathData(
"M 200 130 L 250 300 L 250 300 L 300 130 A 70 70 20 1 20 300 130 Z");
public MonkeyThroughKeyholePage()
Title = "Monkey through Keyhole";
SKCanvasView canvasView = new SKCanvasView();
canvasView.PaintSurface += OnCanvasViewPaintSurface;
Content = canvasView;
string resourceID = "SkiaSharpFormsDemos.Media.SeatedMonkey.jpg";
Assembly assembly = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceID))
using (SKManagedStream skStream = new SKManagedStream(stream))
bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(skStream);
void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
SKImageInfo info = args.Info;
SKSurface surface = args.Surface;
SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;
// Set transform to center and enlarge clip path to window height
SKRect bounds;
keyholePath.GetTightBounds(out bounds);
canvas.Translate(info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2);
canvas.Scale(0.98f * info.Height / bounds.Height);
canvas.Translate(-bounds.MidX, -bounds.MidY);
// canvas.RotateDegrees(15f);
// Set the clip path
// Reset transforms
new SKRect((info.Width - info.Height) / 2, 0,
(info.Width + info.Height) / 2, info.Height));