Question regarding creation of an absolute value function in scheme - scheme

I am currently just starting out working through Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming, and in a section it is going over the creation of an absolute value function in Scheme (takes a value, and returns its absolute value).
I am following exactly how the book does the function:
(define (abs x)
(cond ((< x 0) (- x))
(else x)))
Unfortunately, this is not providing the desired result as the book says. Instead of returning the absolute value, it just returns the value. For example, I type in -5, the function returns -5.
If it is of any help, I am using the BiwaScheme Interpreter (0.6.4).
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

To call a function, enclose its name in parentheses together with any arguments you wish to supply it with. Example,
> (abs -5)
Of course if you just type -5 you are not calling any functions, abs in particular, with it:
> -5
The numeric value is just returned as is, as no function call is indicated.


Having trouble with a function in Scheme

so i am trying to understand this piece of code, and after staring at it for far too long i decided to ask here if anyone could help me understand how and why it works
(define knock-knock
(letrec ([dig (lambda (i)
(cons (* i (list-ref knock-knock (- i 1)))
(dig (+ i 1))))])
(cons 1 (dig 1))))
the function is then called by name with the value:
(list-ref knock-knock 5)
So my main problem is that i can not see where the letrec would end. the other thing is that i am not given a list, so what is the 4th element in the list that i am supposed to reference in line 3?
First, a note: this is not normal Scheme, as it requires lazy evaluation.
In lazy evaluation, values are only computed when they are needed. So, for defining knock-knock, we can just do
(cons 1 <thunk: (dig 1)>)
i.e., we generate a pair, but we don't need the second element, so we defer its evaluation until later.
When we actually want to evaluate the second element, we will already have knock-knock defined, so we can reference it.
The next element is computed by taking the previous (i-1-st) element, and multiplies it by i. So this will generate the series {n!}: 1,1,2,6,24,...
A straightforward translation of this code to the (normally lazy) Haskell language goes like this:
knock :: [Int]
knock = 1 : dig 1
where dig i = (i * knock !! (i-1)) : dig (i+1)

Scheme Beginning Student, Function Body Extra Part

I attempted to follow the solution provided in this question, but it simply didn't work.
Essentially, my function works like so:
(define (item-price size normal-addons premium-addons discount)
(define price 0)
(+ price (* normal-addon-cost normal-addons) (* premium-addon-cost premium-addons) size)
.. some conditions here
[else price]))
However, I am met with the following error:
define: expected only one expression for the function body, but found 2 extra parts
Now, I've tried wrapping the body of the function in a 'begin', however when run it claims that 'begin' is not defined. I am using the Beginner Student language version as oppose to straight-up Racket. Any insight on a workaround?
The problem remains the same: in the language that's being used, we can't write more than one expression inside a function body, we can't use begin to pack more than one expression, and both let and lambda (which would have allowed us to create local bindings) are forbidden. That's a lot of restrictions, but we can get around using a helper function that calculates the price each time:
(define normal-addon-cost 10) ; just an example
(define premium-addon-cost 100) ; just an example
(define (price size normal-addons premium-addons)
(+ (* normal-addon-cost normal-addons)
(* premium-addon-cost premium-addons)
(define (item-price size normal-addons premium-addons discount)
... some conditions here ...
[else (price size normal-addons premium-addons)]))
Alternatively: if price is used only once, simply in-line the expression that calculates it, there's no need to create a local variable or a helper function.

Determine definition and parameter of a Scheme function in the interpreter? / How are functions stored in Scheme?

I want to create a function that can determine the definition of an arbitrary function in scheme. If we call such a function "definition", it would work as such:
(define (triple x) (* 3 x))
(definition triple) would return "(triple x) (* 3 x)".
There would be some implementation problems (such as with n-arity), but I'm concerned mostly with whether or not the definition of individual functions are easily retrievable in Scheme.
As a continuation, is there a way to create a function that can determine the parameters of an arbitrary function? Such that:
(parameters +) returns (number number) or something similar.
These questions both fall under the question of how functions are stored in Scheme - I found some sources which claimed that function definitions are stored with the function name, but I couldn't find out how exactly they were stored.
If this is impossible - is there a language where function definitions are easily retrievable?
There is nothing like that in Scheme. Individual implementations might have that, though.
In Common Lisp there is the standard function function-lambda-expression, which might be able to retrieve source code - depending on the implementation.
Example in LispWorks (reformatted to improve readability here):
CL-USER 65 > (defun triple (x) (* 3 x))
CL-USER 66 > (function-lambda-expression #'triple)
(DECLARE (SYSTEM::SOURCE-LEVEL #<EQ Hash Table{0} 42201D392B>))
(* 3 X))
* (defun triple (x) (* 3 x))
* (function-lambda-expression #'triple)
As you can see it returns three values: the code, whether it is a closure and the name of the function.

Scheme : using lambda as a parameter

hy everyone, for school i have to make a function where lambda is used as a parameter
like so : (string (lambda ...) 5 40) where we have to fill in the dots
this is the function we had to reinvent, the regular string version
(define (string decoration n r) >string decoration is a function that creates a string with either fish or pumpkins hanging on the string
(define (decorations k) >decorations is the recursive function which hangs all the decorations together
(if (= k 1)
(decoration r 10) > here decoration is to be replaced with either a pumpkin or a fish as stated in the parameters
(ht-append (decoration r 10) > ht-append is a function that appends 2 figures Horizontally at the Top
(decorations (- k 1)))))
(hang-by-thread (decorations n))) > hang by thread is a function that hangs all the decorations at a string
all the names should be self-explanatory, the function takes a decoration , either a fish or a pumpkin and hangs it by a thread. But the fish has 3 parameters and the pumpkin has 2 which caused an error. So in a previous exercise we had to make an extra definition called fish-square which uses only 2 parameters to make a fish. Now we have to implement this same squared fish but with a lambda. Any help is greatly appreciated
(define (fish-square wh l) > this is the fish square functio which makes a fish but with 2 times the same parameter so it looks like a square
(vc-append (filled-rectangle 2 l) (fish wh wh))) > the l is the length of the string that attaches the fish to the string at the top
the fish function is just (fish x y) x makes it longer, y makes it taller.
the pumpkin function is just (pumpkin x y) same story
so my question is, how do rewrite the given code , but with lambda as a parameter.
i would upload an image, but my repuation isn't high enough :s
The string procedure as it is already receiving a procedure as a parameter (you don't have to rewrite it!), decoration can be any two-argument function used for decorating. Now when you call it you can pass a named procedure, for example:
(define (decoration r n)
(string decoration
... Or just as easily, you can pass the same procedure in-line as a lambda, and if I understood correctly, this is what you're supposed to do:
(string (lambda (r n)
Just replace <body> with the actual body of the decoration you want to use. In othre words: the change you're expected to do is in the way you pass the parameters to the function at invocation time, but you're not expected to change the function itself.
Imagine you have the procedure +. It could be any really. It takes several arguments but you need a different procedure that takes one and adds that to an already constant value 3.
Thus you want to pass + with the extra information that it should add 3.
A full definition of such procedure would be
(define (add3 n)
(+ 3 n))
which is the short form of the full define
(define add3
(lambda (n)
(+ 3 n)))
Now when passing a procedure 3+ you could actually just pass it's definition. These two does the same:
(do-computation add3 data)
(do-computation (lambda (n) (+ 3 n)) data)

Scheme assignment

When I evaluate the following expression every time I get the value 10.
(((lambda (x) (lambda () (set! x (+ x 10)) x)) 0))
However I just modify by abstracting the above procedure with a name and call foo every time the value increments by 10!!
(define foo ((lambda (x) (lambda () (set! x (+ x 10)) x)) 0))
Can anybody please explain this?
The function you are calling is a counter that returns a number 10 higher every time it's called.
In the first case, every time, you are creating a new function and then immediately calling it once and then discarding the function. So every time, you are calling a new instance of this counter for the first time, so it should return 10.
In the second case, you create the function once and assign it to a variable and call that same function repeatedly. Since you are calling the same function, it should return 10, 20, ...
newacct is correct, but I would like to go into (a lot) more detail, since this is something that just blew my mind pretty recently.
I'm going to use the terms 'environment' and 'scope' pretty loosely and to mean essentially the same thing. Remember that scheme is a lexical scope language.
When scheme evaluates an expression it will look in its current environment for the values of any variables in the expression. If it doesn't find any in the current environment, it will look in the parent environment. If the value is not in the parent environment then it will look in the next level up and so on until it reaches the top (global) level where it will either find the value or throw an "unbound variable" error.
Anytime you call define you associate a symbol with a value on that environments symbol table. So if you call define on the top-level an entry will be added to the global symbol table. If you call define in the body of a procedure, then an entry will be added to the symbol table of that procedure.
A good way to think about calling define on a procedure is that you are creating an entry in the symbol table that consists of the parameters, body, and environment of that procedure. For example the procedure square would have an entry something like this:
(define a 3)
(define (square x)
(* x x))
| {(* x x)}
| {GLOBAL} ---> All the things defined on the global table
Then if I were to call (square a) the interpreter would first look in the environment in which square is defined and it would find that a is associated with the value 3. Then x -> 3 within the body of square and the procedure returns 9. Cool, makes sense.
Things get a little screwier when we start defining helper procedures within procedures, but all you really need to remember is that if it can't find anything associated with a symbol in the current environment, it will move up levels of scope until it does. Also, it will always stop on the first 'match'. So if there is a local x it will prefer it over the global x (rather it will use the local x without ever looking for a global one).
Next, remember that define just adds names to the symbol table, but set! is a mutator that actually changes the values with which a symbol is associated.
So (define b "blah") puts an entry in the symbol table. b => "blah". Nothing crazy. set! will change the actual value:
(set! b "foo")
b => "foo"
but set! can't add anything to the table. (set! c "bar") => UNBOUND VARIABLE C.
This is the most important difference: set! acts like any other procedure in that if it doesn't find the variable in the current scope, it will check progressively higher levels until it finds a match (or throws an error), but define always adds a binding to the scope in which it is called.
Alright, so you understand the difference between define and set!. Good. Now on to the question.
The expression (((lambda (x) (lambda () (set! x (+ x 10)) x)) 0)), as newacct pointed out, is going to return the same value each time because you are calling a new procedure each time. However if you name it you can keep track of the environment created by calling the procedure.
(define foo <--- associated name on the symbol table
(lambda (x) <--- scope where x is defined
(lambda () \
(set! x (+ x 10)) |--- body
x)) /
0) <--- initial value of x
So the inner lambda exists inside the environment created by the first one where the symbol x exists at an initial value of 0. Then set! looks for an entry in the symbol table for x and finds one in the next level up. Once it finds the entry it changes it, in this case adding 10 to whatever value it finds there. The really cool part is that since you associated the whole thing to a name in the global symbol table, that environment continues to exist after each call! This is why we can do cool things like implement message passing objects to keep track of and manipulate data!
Also, the let special form was created for this purpose, and may be a more intuitive way to structure this. It would look like this:
(define foo <--- associated name
(let ((x 0)) <--- scope where x is defined & initial x value
(lambda () \
(set! x (+ x 10)) |--- body
x))) /

