I’m trying to create a visible timer on my Spark Ar but couldn’t find the necessary information to start off. Does anyone have any tips?
Thank you.
you can easily use the Time Module in the script to create a Timer
const TimeModule = require('Time');
const Scene = require('Scene');
const mySceneObject = Scene.root.find('mySceneObject');
var yourTime = null;
var count = 0;
yourTimer = TimeModule.setInterval(function()
if(count == 10)
//do something here
mySceneObject.transform.scaleY = 10;
Right, parsing the clipboard, I am trying to detect if a stored bitmap in there might be the result of a screenshot the user took.
Everything is working fine as long as the user only has one monitor. Things become a bit more involved with two or more.
I am using the routing below to grab all the displays in use. Now, since I have no idea how they are configured to hang together, I do not know how to calculate the size of the screenshot (that Windows would produce) from that information.
I explicitly do not want to take a screenshot myself to compare. It's a privacy promise by my app.
Any ideas?
Here is the code for the size extractor, run in the UI thread.
public static async Task<Windows.Graphics.SizeInt32[]> GetMonitorSizesAsync()
Windows.Graphics.SizeInt32[] result = null;
var selector = DisplayMonitor.GetDeviceSelector();
var devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(selector);
if (devices?.Count > 0)
result = new Windows.Graphics.SizeInt32[devices.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (var device in devices)
var monitor = await DisplayMonitor.FromInterfaceIdAsync(device.Id);
result[i++] = monitor.NativeResolutionInRawPixels;
return result;
Base on Raymonds comment, here is my current solution in release code...
IN_UI_THREAD is a convenience property to see if the code executes in the UI thread,
public static Windows.Foundation.Size GetDesktopSize()
Int32 desktopWidth = 0;
Int32 desktopHeight = 0;
var regions = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView()?.WindowingEnvironment?.GetDisplayRegions()?.Where(r => r.IsVisible);
if (regions?.Count() > 0)
// Get grab the most left and the most right point.
var MostLeft = regions.Min(r => r.WorkAreaOffset.X);
var MostTop = regions.Min(r => r.WorkAreaOffset.Y);
// The width is the distance between the most left and the most right point
desktopWidth = (int)regions.Max(r => r.WorkAreaOffset.X + r.WorkAreaSize.Width - MostLeft);
// Same for height
desktopHeight = (int)regions.Max(r => r.WorkAreaOffset.Y + r.WorkAreaSize.Height - MostTop);
return new Windows.Foundation.Size(desktopWidth, desktopHeight);
I am trying to use the results of a specific saved search to try and filter another saved search in suitescript.
Basically, there is a button created on a project. Once the button is clicked, I need to go get all the tasks for that specific project and use each task to filter on a transaction saved search using a custom field and get whatever information is on that saved search.
This is what I have so far:
function runScript(context) {
var record = currentRecord.get();
var id = record.id;
var type = record.type;
var i = 0;
var projectSearch = search.load({id: 'customsearch1532'})
var billableExpenseSearch = search.load({id: 'customsearch1533'})
var projectFilter = search.createFilter({
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: id
var projectResults = projectSearch.run().getRange(0,1000);
while(i < projectResults.length){
var task = projectResults[i].getValue(projectSearch.columns[1]);
var billableExpenseFilter = search.createFilter({
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: task
var billableExpenseResults = billableExpenseSearch.run().getRange(0,1000);
for(var j = 0; j< billableExpenseResults.length; j++){
var testAmount = billableExpenseResults[j].getValue(billableExpenseSearch.columns[3]);
The log for the Task is correct. I have 2 tasks on the project I am trying this on but once we get to the second iteration, the billableExpenseSearch length is showing as 0, when it's supposed to be 1.
I am guessing that my logic is incorrect of the createFilter function doesn't accept changes once the filter is created.
Any help is appreciated!
var billableExpenseSearch = search.load({id: 'customsearch1533'});
var billableExpenseFilter = search.createFilter({
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: task
var billableExpenseResults = billableExpenseSearch.run().getRange(0,1000);
for(var j = 0; j< billableExpenseResults.length; j++){
var taskid = billableExpenseResults[j].getValue(billableExpenseSearch.columns[0]);
Thank you
I think your guess is correct your are keep pushing filters
After pushing the filter and extract the value you need to remove it before adding a new one, you can do this by pop() the last one:
Note: You can fix this by re-loading the search every time before pushing the filter. this will reset your filters, but I do NOT recommend that since loading a search will consume more USAGE and might receive USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR.
I also recommend the following:
1- Get all task ids before doing the second search, once you do that you only need to search once. Because if you have many records you might encounter USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ERROR. Since you work with a client or Suitelet script you only have 1000 USAGE.
Edit: Sample might help you.
var ids = [];
var pagedData = projectSearch.runPaged({pageSize : 1000});
// iterate the pages
for( var i=0; i < pagedData.pageRanges.length; i++ ) {
// fetch the current page data
var currentPage = pagedData.fetch(i);
// and forEach() thru all results
currentPage.data.forEach( function(result) {
// you have the result row. use it like this....
var id = result.getValue(projectSearch.columns[1]);
Note: This search will extract all records not only first 1000.
After that add the array to the Filter
var billableExpenseFilter = search.createFilter({
operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
values: [ids]
2- Don't Use search.load use search.create it will make your script more readable and easier to maintain in the future.
Subject: I have a stream (actually combined stream from Bacon.interval and buttons clicks EventStreams) wich fires ajax request and solve task of manual and automatic data refresh.
Problem: After manual events (buttons clicks) I need reset timer because two immediate updates looks ugly.
My solution: I've created my own Bacon.interval implementation where event polls can be reseted http://jsfiddle.net/cvvkxveq/1/:
Bacon.dynInterval = function(time,resetter){
if(!time) return Bacon.once(new Bacon.Error("Invalid args"));
var ivId, lastTime = Date.now();
return time < 1 ? Bacon.once(new Bacon.Error("Invalid time")) : Bacon.fromBinder(function(sink) {
function setUpInterval(){
if(ivId) clearInterval(ivId);
ivId = setInterval(function(){
var n = Date.now();
var tdx = n - lastTime;
lastTime = n;
sink(new Bacon.Next(tdx));
if(resetter) resetter.onValue(setUpInterval);
return function() {
sink(new Bacon.End())
Question: Is such behaivour can be done without custom event stream?
Update (thanks #raimohanska's answer) basing on #raimohanska's answer I've also converded my ouUiE event sream (manualTriggerE) to property with initial value to accomplish immediate updates starts.
var quotesService = Bacon.constant({url:"quotes.php"});
var onUiE = $("#next_stock, #prev_stock, #refresh_quotes").clickE().map(".currentTarget.id");
var onUiP = onUiE.toProperty("");
var periodicUpdateE = onUiP.flatMapLatest(function(){ return Bacon.interval(3000)});
var manualPlusPeriodicP = onUiP.toEventStream().merge(periodicUpdateE);
var quotesStream = quotesService.sampledBy(manualPlusPeriodicP).ajax();
If you have a stream manualTriggerE, you can add periodic updates that are reseted on each manual trigger like this:
let periodicUpdateE = manualTriggerE.flatMapLatest(() => Bacon.interval(1000))
let manualPlusPeriodicE = manualTrigger.merge(periodicUpdateE)
The trick is flatMapLatest: it restarts the periodic updates whenever a manual trigger occurs.
I read in this article http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/flex-mobile-performance-checklist.html that I should not initialize a View's appearance in a creationComplete handler. Instead, I should change view's appearance in an overridden data setter.
The section in the article is:
Override the data setter instead of using bindings or initializing a View's appearance in a creationComplete handler
1-First, I would like to know if I got this right by doing the following:
//My code is loading a set of images and adding them in a View.
//On creationComplete of the View I am adding the images in case this is the first time
//the view is shown. In case the view has been already accessed I use the data:
protected function view1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
if(!data) //On first creation of the view I create the data object
data = new Object();
data.imageArray = new Array(); //set an array that will cache my images.
for(var i:int = 0; i<36;i++)
var img:Image = new Image();
img.source = 'assets/0'+i.toString()+'.png';
(data.imageArray as Array).push(img);//Override the data for next time!
else//Next time use the save images
for(var ix:int = 0; ix<(data.imageArray as Array).length;ix++)
container.addElement((data.imageArray as Array)[ix]);
If I am doing this correctly, I would like to know which approach is best. The above one, or the next one I am going to show which uses the images contentLoader with caching and queuing enabled with a ContentCache:
protected function view1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
for(var i:int = 0; i<36;i++)
var img:Image = new Image();
img.contentLoader = ldr;
img.contentLoaderGrouping = 'gr1';
img.source = 'assets/0'+i.toString()+'.png';
<s:ContentCache id="ldr" enableQueueing="true"
maxActiveRequests="1" maxCacheEntries="36"/>
Also if someone could tell me what is the contentLoaderGrouping for. I would be very grateful.
Thanks a lot!!!
PS:By the way both approaches work. The first approach is instant while the second approach shows the images beeing added in a very smooth way which actually gives a cool effect.
Neither. The point of the suggestion was to NOT alter the displaylist after creationComplete, which requires an additional update cycle. Instead you should inject the data property when you push your view on the stack, and initiate your changes in the setter. Using the ContentCache has nothing to do with it (and can sometimes cause additional overhead if not used correctly).
override public function set data(value:Object):void
super.data = value;
//this was poorly optimized, so I made it
//a little better...
var imageArray:Array = (value == null || value.imageArray == null)?
null : value.imageArray as Array;
if(imageArray == null) //On first creation of the view I create the data object
imageArray = new Array(36); //set an array that will cache my images.
for(var i:int = 0; i<36;i++)
var img:Image = new Image();
img.source = 'assets/0'+i.toString()+'.png';
imageArray[i] = img;
super.data = {imageArray:imageArray}
else//Next time use the save images
var n:int = imageArray.length;
for (var j:int = 0; j < n; j++)
I was mistaken about when the data property is set during the view life-cycle.
Here is how it works:
So you are correct that container would be null at that point. I was going to write up an example for you, but I'm having trouble figuring out what your end goal is here. Is there a specific reason you are storing the images on the data property? I think what you might actually want to do is this:
private var _data:Object = {cache: new ContentCache()};
protected function show_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
this.navigator.pushView(views.MyView, _data);
And in the view...
<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="MyView">
import spark.components.Image;
import spark.core.ContentCache;
override protected function createChildren():void
//you might want to do a sanity first check to make sure the
//data was passed in correctly...
var cache:ContentCache = ContentCache(this.data.cache);
for(var i:int = 0; i < 36; i++)
var img:Image = new Image();
img.contentLoader = cache;
img.source = 'assets/0' + i.toString() + '.png';
<s:VGroup id="container" />
I read some data from a xml file, everything works great besides urls. I can't figure what's the problem with the "navigateURL" function or with the eventListener... on which square I click it opens the last url from the xml file
for(var i:Number = 0; i <= gamesInput.game.length() -1; i++)
var square:square_mc = new square_mc();
//xml values
var tGame_name:String = gamesInput.game.name.text()[i];//game name
var tGame_id:Number = gamesInput.children()[i].attributes()[2].toXMLString();//game id
var tGame_thumbnail:String = thumbPath + gamesInput.game.thumbnail.text()[i];//thumb path
var tGame_url:String = gamesInput.game.url.text()[i];//game url
square.tgname_txt.text = tGame_name;
square.tgurl_txt.text = tGame_url;
//load & attach game thumb
var getThumb:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_thumbnail);
var loadThumb:Loader = new Loader();
square.y = squareY;
square.x = squareX;
squareX += square.width + 10;
square.buttonMode = true;
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigateURL);
function navigateURL(event:MouseEvent):void
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_url);
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
Many thanks!
In navigateURL() you use tGame_url, but I think you'd rather use something like tgurl_txt.text which will be different for each square.
Looks like you're not attaching the event listener properly. Instead of this.addEventListener, attach it to the variable you created when creating new square_mc..... so:
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigateURL);
you should add the addEventListener on the Squares
mmm..still figuring how eventhandler function will ever get the correct tgame_url var.
What if you try this:
square.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function navigateURL(event:MouseEvent):void
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_url);
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
try tracing this:
function navigateURL(event:MouseEvent):void
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tGame_url);
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
you should add the url to your square in the loop
square.theUrl = tGame_url;
in the event listener function you should be able to access it with