Selenium-Webdriver/RSpec closing window after tests - ruby

Running an issue running RSpec and Selenium-Webdriver. Im rolling my own framework and am running into an issue after each test gets ran. My spec_helper.rb setup looks like so:
require 'selenium-webdriver'
Dir['./spec/support/**/*.rb'].each { |file| require file }
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:each) do
# Default browser is chrome, otherwise look for ENV variables
case ENV['browser'] ||= 'chrome'
when 'chrome'
#driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
when 'firefox'
#driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
# Clear cookies between each example
# Set up implicit waits
#driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 5
# Default base_url is set to website, otherwise look for ENV variables
case ENV['base_url'] ||= '' #redacted real website
when 'local'
ENV['base_url'] = 'local_url_here'
when 'development'
ENV['base_url'] = '' #redacted real website
when 'production'
ENV['base_url'] = 'prod_url_here'
# Close browser window after each test
config.after(:each) do
My actual rspec tests are setup in the format of:
Rspec.describe 'something' do
context 'some context' do
#multiple it 'stuff' do's
Which is pretty typical. However the first test will run fine, after the first test each test runs fine but the browser (Chromedriver in this case) closes after each test and gives the error: Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError: no such session.
So I tried:
config.after(:all) do
Instead. This runs the tests all successfully, but I also get n errors at the end of the test (where n = number of total tests) undefined methodquit' for nil:NilClass`. It also opens a new browser instance for each test (Which I don't want to do).
RSpec seems to close the driver down from what I can tell even without #driver.quit. So im really confused what to do here. I don't want a new browser opening every single instance, but I would like the browser to close after each test and open a new one (Or maybe this is a bad idea?, I am deleting cookies, so if it would just switch to a new URL since I am doing a visit for each test would work?)
What's the best way to handle this?

Yes, that happens when you use chrome driver, it automatically closes the browser at the end.
The solution is to, write the following code for driver object
caps ="goog:chromeOptions" => {detach: true})
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, desired_capabilities: caps
This will stop the chrome browser getting closed at the end.
And I suggest you to use WATIR which is the wrapper around Ruby selenium binding.


Browser.back is not working

Using watir, I've written scripts to check multiple links are being directed to the right page as below.
Links= ["Link", "Link1"]
Links.each do |LinkValue| => LinkValue)
fail unless #browser.text.include?(LinkValue)
What I am trying is:
maintaining Linktext in an array
iterating with each linktext
navigate to the previous page to start verifying with next linktext.
But the script is not working. It is not executing after first value and also not navigating back.
The following scrip working for me
require 'watir'
browser = # :chrome also work
browser.goto '' 'Gmail')
You are calling Kernel::Fail, which will raise an exception if the condition isn't satisfied.
In this case, it looks like you are expecting that the destination page will contain the same link text that was clicked on the originating page. If that's not true, then the script will raise an exception and terminate.
Here's a contrived "working" example (which only "works" because the link text exists on both originating and destination pages):
require 'watir'
b = :chrome
b.goto ""
links = ["Overview", "Root Zone Management"]
links.each do |link| => link).click
fail unless b.text.include? link
Some observations:
I wouldn't use fail here. You should investigate a testing framework like Minitest or rspec, which have assertion methods for validating application behavior.
In ruby, variables (and methods and symbols) should be in snake_case.

poltergeist doesn't seem to wait for phantomjs to load in capybara

I'm trying to get some rspec tests run using a mix of Capybara, Selenium, Capybara/webkit, and Poltergeist. I need it to run headless in certain cases and would rather not use xvfb to get webkit working. I am okay using selenium or poltergeist as the driver for phantomjs. The problem I am having is that my tests run fine with selenium and firefox or chrome but when I try phantomjs the elements always show as not found. After looking into it for a while and using page.save_screenshot in capybara I found out that the phantomjs browser wasn't loaded up when the driver told it to find elements so it wasn't returning anything. I was able to hack a fix to this in by editing the poltergeist source in <gem_path>/capybara/poltergeist/driver.rb as follows
def visit(url)
if #started
sleep_time = 0
sleep_time = 2
#started = true
sleep sleep_time
This is obviously not an ideal solution for the problem and it doesn't work with selenium as the driver for phantomjs. Is there anyway I can tell the driver to wait for phantom to be ready?
I was able to get it to run by changing where I included the Capybara::DSL. I added it to the RSpec.configure block as shown below.
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Capybara::DSL
I then passed the page object to all classes I created for interacting with the webpage ui.
An example class would now look like this
module LoginUI
require_relative 'webpage'
class LoginPage < WebPages::Pages
def initialize(page, values = {})
def visit
def login(username, password)
def set_username(username)
edit = browser.find_element(#selectors[:login_edit])
def set_password(password)
edit = browser.find_element(#selectors[:password_edit])
def sign_in_button
Webpage module looks like this
module WebPages
require_relative 'browser'
class Pages
def initialize(page)
#page = page
#browser =
def browser
def sign_out
The Browser module looks like this
module Browser
class Browser
include Capybara::DSL
def refresh_page
def submit(locator)
def find_element(hash)
page.find(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first)
def find_elements(hash)
page.find(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first, match: :first)
page.all(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first)
def current_url
return page.current_url
While this works I don't want to have to include the Capybara::DSL inside RSpec or have to include the page object in the classes. These classes have had some things removed for the example but show the general structure. Ideally I would like to have the Browser module include the Capybara::DSL and be able to handle all of the interaction with Capybara.
Your update completely changes the question so I'm adding a second answer. There is no need to include the Capybara::DSL in your RSpec configure if you don't call any Capybara methods from outside your Browser class, just as there is no need to pass 'page' to all your Pages classes if you limit all Capybara interaction to your Browser class. One thing to note is that the page method provided by Capybara::DSL is just an alias for Capybara.current_session so technically you could just always call that.
You don't show in your code how you're handling any assertions/expectations on the page content - so depending on how you're doing that you may need to include Capybara::RSpecMatchers in your RSpec config and/or your WebPages::Pages class.
Your example code has a couple of issues that immediately pop out, firstly your Browser#find_elements (assuming I'm reading your intention for having find first correctly) should probably just be
def find_elements(hash)
page.all(hash.keys.first, hash.values.first, minimum: 1)
Secondly, your LoginPage#login method should have an assertion/expectation on a visual change that indicates login succeeded as its final line (verify some message is displayed/logged in menu exists/ etc), to ensure the browser has received the auth cookies, etc before the tests move on. What that line looks like depends on exactly how you're architecting your expectations.
If this doesn't answer your question, please provide a concrete example of what exactly isn't working for you since none of the code you're showing indicates any need for Capybara::DSL to be included in either of the places you say you don't want it.
Capybara doesn't depend on visit having completed, instead the finders and matchers will retry up to a specified period of time until they succeed. You can increase this amount of time by increasing the value of Capybara.default_max_wait_time. The only methods that don't wait by default are first and all, but can be made to wait/retry by specifying any of the count options
first('.some_class', minimum: 1) # will wait up to Capybara.default_max_wait_time seconds for the element to exist on the page.
although you should always prefer find over first/all whenever possible
If increasing the maximum wait time doesn't solve your issue, add an example of a test that fails to your question.

(Ruby) Cannot use selenium commands in cucumber tests?

I am trying to save object definitions in a "home page" file and simply call those methods whenever I need to use that button/link/image/etc. But for some reason the selenium commands are bringing up a NoMethodError. When I simply run the cucumber command while on the features folder in the terminal, I get these errors:
When I click on Site Management # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:17
undefined method `find_element' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
./features/lib/pages/home.rb:3:in `siteMgmt'
./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:18:in `/^I click on Site Management$/'
features/test.feature:6:in `When I click on Site Management'
So in other words, it's trying to "click on site management," the code moves to the Home class, the SiteMgmt method (great!) and then fails when trying to run the selenium find_method method. I thought I might have to add a require selenium-webdriver at the top of home.rb, but a) that's NOT the case in steps.rb and, even if I add it, it doesn't work.
Here is the folder structure:
require 'selenium-webdriver'
Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/pages/*.rb"].each {|file| require file }
Before do |scenario|
#driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
#url = "URL goes here"
After do |scenario|
Feature: Proof of Concept
Stack overflow help!
Given I am logged into the site
When I click on Site Management
Then the Site Management page should load
Given(/^I am logged into AMP$/) do
#driver.get #amp_url
When(/^I click on Site Management$/) do
link =
Then(/^the Site Management page should load$/) do
# assert here
class Home
def siteMgmt
elem = #driver.find_element(:xpath, '//*[#id="body"]/section[2]/ul/li[1]/h3/a')
return elem
Thanks for all your help!
The #driver instance variable that's created in the Before block isn't available to an instantiated Home object. You could add a parameter to the site_mgmt method and pass the #driver instance variable in. Here's a contrived example:
class Home
def site_mgmt(driver)
elem = driver.find_element(:id, "logo")
require 'selenium-webdriver'
#driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome ""
link =
A couple of notes: 1) variables in ruby are snake_case'd (i.e. site_mgmt instead of siteMgmt; and 2) return elem in site_mgmt isn't needed because ruby methods implicitly return.
Well, it turns out all I had to do is turn #driver to $driver. I'm still learning Ruby and didn't realize the difference.

I'm using the Selenium Webdriver gem to try to click on the facebook chat bar, sometimes it work and sometimes it doesn't

I'm using the Selenium Webdriver gem to try to click on the facebook chat bar, sometimes it work and sometimes it doesn't. When it does not work it returns the Selenium Element not visible error, but it clearly is visible. I'm not sure what's wrong with my code.
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome # instantiates a google chrome session '' # takes you to
emailBar = driver.find_element(:id,"email") #finds email input bar
passwordBar = driver.find_element(:id,"pass") #find password input bar
loginButton = driver.find_element(:id,"u_0_n") #finds login button
emailBar.send_keys "" # puts in the email
passwordBar.send_keys "YOURPASSWORD" # puts in the password # clicks the login button
links = driver.find_elements(:class,"fbNubButton") # finds the chat bar
#driver.manage.timeouts.page_load = 10
links[0].click # opens the chat bar
links[1].click # NOTE that sometime it clicks and sometimes it doesn't but if you click both chat box classes it usually works, so the error is ok
I have tried not clicking both chat links and it works less when I do that.
I am using Selenium with Python. In case like yours the issue is related to waiting until all the elements in the page are full loaded.
The basic behavior of Selenium offers you Explicit and Implicit Waits. So basicly you can force the system to wait a default number of second or wait until an element is loaded.
From Selenium documentation (
Explicit wait
An explicit waits is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. The worst case of this is Thread.sleep(), which sets the condition to an exact time period to wait. There are some convenience methods provided that help you write code that will wait only as long as required. WebDriverWait in combination with ExpectedCondition is one way this can be accomplished.
require 'rubygems' # not required for ruby 1.9 or if you installed without gem
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
driver.get "http://somedomain/url_that_delays_loading"
wait = => 10) # seconds
element = wait.until { driver.find_element(:id => "some-dynamic-element") }
Implicit wait
An implicit wait is to tell WebDriver to poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available. The default setting is 0. Once set, the implicit wait is set for the life of the WebDriver object instance.
require 'rubygems' # not required for ruby 1.9 or if you installed without gem
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 10 # seconds
driver.get "http://somedomain/url_that_delays_loading"
element = driver.find_element(:id => "some-dynamic-element")
The answer that aberna gives you on this thread has a lot of great information but it isn't going to solve your issue. If you use the Explicit wait method that aberna suggests, you also probably need to make sure the element is visible. Using .findElements on its own doesn't guarantee clickability/visibility . You could try to use expectedconditions .visibilityOfElementLocated which will also check for visibility as well as presence.
Or, alternatively, you can check for presence of the element on the DOM using .findElement but then use the expectedconditions.visibilityOf to check for the visibility part of it.
I am using sleep(5) before run main logic
I was facing the same issue. Solution that worked for me was to maximise my browser window. This solved many of failing specs.

Why the object references are not correctly passed in this RSpec script?

I have to say I am new both to Ruby and to RSpec. Anyway I completed one RSpec script but after refactoring it failed. Here is the original working version:
describe Site do
browser = :ie
site =, "http://localhost:8080/site")
it "can navigate to any page at the site" do
site.pages_names.each do |page_name|
site.goto(page_name) eq page_name
and here is the modified version - I wanted to have reported all the pages which were visited during the test:
describe Site do
browser = :ie
site =, "http://localhost:8080/site")
site.pages_names.each do |page_name|
it "can navigate to #{page_name}" do
site.goto(page_name) eq page_name
The problem in the latter case is that site gets evaluated to nil within the code block associated with 'it' method.
But when I did this:
s = site
it "can navigate to #{page_name}" do
s.goto(page_name) eq page_name
the nil problem was gone but tests failed with the reason "browser was closed"
Apparently I am missing something very basic Ruby knowledge - because the browser reference is not working correctly in modified script. Where did I go wrong? What refactoring shall be applied to make this work?
Thanks for your help!
It's important to understand that RSpec, like many ruby programs, has two runtime stages:
During the first stage, RSpec loads each of your spec files, and executes each of the describe and context blocks. During this stage, the execution of your code defines your examples, the hooks, etc. But your examples and hooks are NOT executed during this stage.
Once RSpec has finished loading the spec files (and all examples have been defined), it executes them.
So...trimming down your example to a simpler form, here's what you've got:
describe Site do
browser = :ie
it 'does something with the browser' do
# do something with the browser
While visually it looks like the browser instance is instantiated, then used in the example, then closed, here's what's really happening:
The browser instance is instantiated
The example is defined (but not run)
The browser is closed
(Later, after all examples have been defined...) The example is run
As O.Powell's answer shows, you can close the browser in an after(:all) hook to delay the closing until after all examples in this example group have run. That said, I'd question if you really need the browser instance at example definition time. Generally you're best off lazily creating resources (such as the browser instance) when examples need them as they are running, rather than during the example definition phase.
I replicated your code above using fake classes for Site and Watir. It worked perfectly. My only conclusion then is that the issue must lie with either one of the above classes. I noticed the Site instance only had to visit one page in your first working version, but has to visit multiple pages in the non working version. There may be an issue there involving the mutation happening inside the instance.
See if this makes a difference:
describe Site do
uri = "http://localhost:8080/site"
browser = :ie
page_names =, uri).page_names
before(:each) { #site =, uri) }
after(:all) { browser.close }
pages_names.each do |page_name|
it "can navigate to #{page_name}" do
#site.goto(page_name) eq page_name
