Can I specify a timeout for a GCP ai-platform training job? - google-cloud-automl

I recently submitted a training job with a command that looked like:
gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training foo --region us-west2 --master-image-uri -- baz qux
(more on how this command works here:
There was a bug in my code which cause the job to just keep running, rather than terminate. Two weeks and $61 later, I discovered my error and cancelled the job. I want to make sure I don't make that kind of mistake again.
I'm considering using the timeout command within the training container to kill the process if it takes too long (typical runtime is about 2 or 3 hours), but rather than trust the container to kill itself, I would prefer to configure GCP to kill it externally.
Is there a way to achieve this?

As a workaround, you could write a small script that runs your command and then sleeps the time you want until running a cancel job command.
As a timeout definition is not available in AI Platform training service, I took the liberty to open a Public Issue with a Feature Request to record the lack of this command. You can track the PI progress here.

Except the script mentioned above, you can also try:
TimeOut Keras callback, or timeout= Optuna param (depending on which library you actually use)
Cron-triggered Lambda (Cloud Function)


What's the difference between Laravels Queue\ShouldBeUnique and Queue\Middleware\WithoutOverlapping?

I have a job that is somehow getting kicked off multiple times. I want the job to kick off once and only once. If any other attempts to run the job while it's already on the queue, I want those runs to ABORT.
I've read the Laravel 8 documentation and can't figure out if I should use:
Queue\ShouldBeUnique (documented here:
mentioned here:
I believe the first one aborts subsequent attempts to run the job whereas the second keeps it queued, just makes sure it doesn't run until the first job is finished. Can anyone confirm?
Confirmed locally by attempting to run multiple instances of the same job in a console window.
Implementing the Queue\ShouldBeUnique interface in the class of my job means that subsequent attempts are ABORTED.
Whereas adding ->withoutOverlapping() to the end of my job reference in the app\console\kernel.php file simply prevents it from running simultaneously. It does NOT abort the job if one is already running.

send argument/command to already running Powershell script

Until we can implement our new HEAT SM system i am needing to create some workflows to ease our currently manual user administration processes.
I intend to use Powershell to execute the actual tasks but need to use VBS to send an argument to PS from an app.
My main question on this project is, Can an argument be sent to an already running Powershell process?
We have a PS menu app that we will launch in the AM and leave running all day.
I would love for there to be a way to allow PS to listen for commands/args and take action on them as they come in.
The reason I am wanting to do it this way is because one of the tasks needs to disable exchange features and the script will need to establish a connection a remote PSsession which, in our environment, can take between 10-45 seconds. If i were to invoke the command directly from HEAT (call-logging software) it would lock up while also preventing the tech from moving on to another case until the script terminates.
I have searched all over for similar functionality but i fear that this is not possible with PS.
Any suggestions?
I had already setup a script to follow this recommendation but i was curious to see if there was a more seamless approach
As suggested by one of the comments by #Tony Hinkle
I would have the PS script watch for a file, and then have the VBScript script create a file with the arguments. You would either need to start it on another thread (since the menu is waiting for user input), or just use a separate script that in turn starts another instance of the existing PS script with a param used to specify the needed action

Start wercker job hourly

I've just started using wercker and I'd like a job to run regularly (e.g. daily, hourly). I realize this may be an anti-pattern, but is it possible? My intent is not to keep the container running indefinitely, just that my workflow is executed on a particular interval.
You can use a call to the Wercker API to trigger a build for any project which is set up already in Wercker.
So maybe set up a cron job somewhere that uses curl to make the right API call?

How can I launch 10 instances, and tag them at once

I want a single script that can lauch, and tag my instances which I can then use chef to configure them accordingly.
Say my service requires 10 instances, I want to be able to run 10 instances, then tag them according to their role (web, db, app server).
Then once I do that, I can use chef to connect to each one and configure them how i want.
But I'm confused, I know I can launch instances, but how do you wait for them to come online? Do you have to continously loop in some sort of a timer? That seems like a very hacky way to do it!
If you're going to do everything from the outside you do just have to poll to wait for the instance to be ready (which doesn't necessarily mean its ready to use - actual startup completed a little later)
You can also pass user data when you start an instance. Most amis support cloud init, and will interpret the data passed as a shell script if in the right format. That shell script could run chef or do other configuration tasks.

Running CakePHP Shells on Background

Is it possible for CakePHP to execute a cakephp shell task on background for
i.e running long reports. I would also want to update the current
status back to the user via updating a table during the report
generation and querying using Ajax.
Yes, you can run shells in the background via normal system calls like
/path/to/cake/console/cake -app /path/to/app/ <shell> <task>
The tricky part is to start one asynchronously from PHP; the best option would be to put jobs in a queue and run the shell as a cron job every so often, which then processes the queue. You can then also update the status of the job in the queue and poll that information via AJAX.
Consider implementing it as a daemon:
