can't use Session()->get('') in laravel 6.x (6.9.0) - laravel

this code is work fine in laravel 5.8:
return View::make('rev.index')->with('alert-danger','test message');
index blade:
<p class="alert alert-danger">{{ Session()->get('alert-danger') }} </p>
but in lravael 6.x above code is not working(without any error)

for get session value use:
{{ session('alert-danger') }}


isset is not working in laravel

I am sending a variable from controller to a view.
$message = "Thanks for Contacting";
return redirect('services')->with($message);
#isset ($message)
<a style="color: red;"> {{$message}} </a>
But it shows en error, because when the first services is loaded from this route
Route::get('/services', function () {
return view('services');
There's no variable,so it gives en error. Please let me know what I am missing?
The problem is how you're passing the variable to your view.
the correct way is:
return view('services')->with('message', $message);
return view('services')->withMessage($message);
return view('services', ['message' => $message]);
return view('services', compact('message'));
You have to use it with #if,
Try this:
<a style="color: red;"> {{ session('message')}} </a>
and also change your controller like this:
return redirect('services')->with('message', $message);
The variable that set in redirect()->with() will saved to sessions variable, so to access it just call session() helper. Example:
#if (session('message'))
<div class="alert alert-success">
{{ session('message') }}
More explanation:

Is it possible to delete record without using forms in laravel 5.4

I want to delete a record but I haven't been successful, apparently my code is wrong. Solutions i came across say i have to use a post in my form method and add the method_field helper. This would mean my view having a form in it, i want to avoid this if possible. Is it then possible to do my delete another way. Below is my code
snippet of my view
<div class="backbtn">
<a class="btn btn-savvy-delete" href="/tasks/{{$task->id}}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Delete"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" aria-hidden="true"> Delete</i></a>
<div class="panel-body">
<p><strong>Owner:</strong> {{ ucfirst($task->employee->firstname) }} {{" "}} {{ ucfirst($task->employee->lastname) }}</p>
<p><strong>Task:</strong> {{ $task->title }}</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> {{ $task->description }}</p>
public function destroy($id)
Session::flash('status', "Task was successfully deleted.");
return redirect('/tasks');
Route::delete('/tasks/{id}', 'TaskController#delete');
Im not sure what error you are getting, but i can point out a few things. For one use Route::get instead of ::delete, you are calling it via a link not a form method.
Secondly to delete follow what the laravel doc says here eg.
$task = App\Task::find(1);

Laravel 4 return messages

Apologies Laravel newbee - on the learning curve.
In my controller I have
return Redirect::to('admin/categories/index')
->with('message', 'something went wrong');
How do I display this in my blade template? Are these known as 'flash messages'?
That is known as a redirect with flash data.
return Redirect::to('admin/categories/index')
->with('message', 'something went wrong');
With method flashes data to the session, you can retrieve it using Session::get in your View
<div class="alert-box success">
<h2>{{ Session::get('message') }}</h2>
I use this:
#if ( Session::has('message') )
<p class="alert">{{ Session::get('message') }}</p>
on the header of my base.blade.php

Route parameter in laravel 4

Please check my routing about this problem:
Route::any('author/(:id)' , array('as'=>'author', 'uses'=>'AuthorsController#view'));
And the controller:
public function view($id){
return View::make('authors.view')
->with('title','Ini Halaman Penulis Berdasarkan Urutan Abjad')
->with('author', Author::find($id));
<h1>{{ $author->name }}</h1>
<p>{{ $author->bio }}</p>
<p>{{ $author->updated_at }}</p>
I knew if this syntax from the old laravel and i've searched the exact syntax from the newest laravel, but still don't get it.
Simply change your route to
Route::any('author/{id}' , array('as'=>'author', 'uses'=>'AuthorsController#view'));

Laravel Redirect Back with() Message

I am trying to redirect to the previous page with a message when there is a fatal error.
return Redirect::back()->with('msg', 'The Message');
In the view trying to access the msg with
But nothing is getting rendered, am I doing something wrong here?
return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['msg' => 'The Message']);
and inside your view call this
Laravel 5 and later
return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'your message,here');
#if (\Session::has('success'))
<div class="alert alert-success">
<li>{!! \Session::get('success') !!}</li>
Alternative approach would be
use Session;
Session::flash('message', "Special message goes here");
return Redirect::back();
#if (Session::has('message'))
<div class="alert alert-info">{{ Session::get('message') }}</div>
In Laravel 5.4 the following worked for me:
return back()->withErrors(['field_name' => ['Your custom message here.']]);
You have an error (misspelling):
Sessions::get('msg')// an extra 's' on end
Should be:
I think, now it should work, it does for me.
Just set the flash message and redirect to back from your controller functiion.
session()->flash('msg', 'Successfully done the operation.');
return redirect()->back();
And then you can get the message in the view blade file.
{!! Session::has('msg') ? Session::get("msg") : '' !!}
In Laravel 5.5:
return back()->withErrors($arrayWithErrors);
In the view using Blade:
#foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<li>{{ $error }}</li>
In laravel 5.8 you can do the following:
return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['name' => 'The name is required']);
and in blade:
<p>{{ $message }}</p>
For Laravel 5.5+
return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'your message here');
#if (Session::has('success'))
<div class="alert alert-success">
<li>{{ Session::get('success') }}</li>
in controller
For example
return redirect('login')->with('message',$message);
in blade file
The message will store in session not in variable.
For example
{{ session('message') }}
I stopped writing this myself for laravel in favor of the Laracasts package that handles it all for you. It is really easy to use and keeps your code clean. There is even a laracast that covers how to use it. All you have to do:
Pull in the package through Composer.
"require": {
"laracasts/flash": "~1.0"
Include the service provider within app/config/app.php.
'providers' => [
Add a facade alias to this same file at the bottom:
'aliases' => [
'Flash' => 'Laracasts\Flash\Flash'
Pull the HTML into the view:
There is a close button on the right of the message. This relies on jQuery so make sure that is added before your bootstrap.
optional changes:
If you aren't using bootstrap or want to skip the include of the flash message and write the code yourself:
#if (Session::has('flash_notification.message'))
<div class="{{ Session::get('flash_notification.level') }}">
{{ Session::get('flash_notification.message') }}
If you would like to view the HTML pulled in by #include('flash::message'), you can find it in vendor/laracasts/flash/src/views/message.blade.php.
If you need to modify the partials do:
php artisan view:publish laracasts/flash
The two package views will now be located in the `app/views/packages/laracasts/flash/' directory.
Here is the 100% solution
*Above mentioned solutions does not works for me but this one works for me in laravel 5.8:
$status = 'Successfully Done';
return back()->with(['status' => $status]);
and receive it as:
<p class="alert alert-success">{{session('status')}}</p>
It works for me and Laravel version is ^7.0
on Controller
return back()->with('success', 'Succesfully Added');
on Blade file
#if (session('success'))
<div class="alert alert-success">
{!! session('success') !!}
For documentation look at Laravel doc
I know this is an old post but this answer might help somebody out there.
In Laravel 8.x this is what worked for me: You can return the error to the previous page or to another page.
return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['password' => ['Invalid Username or Password']]);
This will also work:
return view('auth.login')->withErrors(['username' => ['Invalid Username or Password']]);
Please ENSURE, however, that the page/view you are returning has a field name that corresponds to the first parameter passed in the withErrors method (in this case, username or password) and that the #error directive in your view references the same field like this
#error('password') //or #error('username')
<span class="invalid-feedback" role="alert">
<strong>{{ $message }}</strong>
for example
Hope this helps somebody. Cheers.
Inside the blade where this redirection back action initiated
return redirect()->back()->with('message', "The Message");
Inside the blade where this form, will be returned after the above action
<p class="alert alert-success"> {{ session()->get('message') }}</p>
For laravel 5.6.*
While trying some of the provided answers in Laravel 5.6.*, it's clear there has been some improvements which I am going to post here to make things easy for those that could not find a solution with the rest of the answers.
Go to your Controller File and Add this before the class:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
Add this where you want to return the redirect.
return Redirect()->back()->with(['message' => 'The Message']);
Go to your blade file and edit as follows
#if (Session::has('message'))
<div class="alert alert-error>{{Session::get('message')}}</div>
Then test and thank me later.
This should work with laravel 5.6.* and possibly 5.7.*
I faced with the same problem and this worked.
return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(array('user_name' => $message));
<div>{{{ $errors->first('user_name') }}}</div>
In blade
<div class="alert alert-success" id="alert">
<strong>Success:</strong> {{Session::get('success')}}
<div class="alert alert-danger" id="alert">
In controller
for success
return redirect()->route('homee')->with('success','Successfully Log in ');
for error
return back()->with('error',"You are not able to access");
laravl 8
Route::post('/user/profile', function () {
// Update the user's profile...
return redirect('/dashboard')->with('status', 'Profile updated!');
Blade syntax
#if (session('status'))
<div class="alert alert-success">
{{ session('status') }}
enter link description here
For Laravel 3
Just a heads up on #giannis christofakis answer; for anyone using Laravel 3 replace
return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['msg', 'The Message']);
return Redirect::back()->with_errors(['msg', 'The Message']);
Laravel 5.6.*
if(true) {
$msg = [
'message' => 'Some Message!',
return redirect()->route('home')->with($msg);
} else {
$msg = [
'error' => 'Some error!',
return redirect()->route('welcome')->with($msg);
Blade Template
#if (Session::has('message'))
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
#elseif (Session::has('error'))
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
I got this message when I tried to redirect as:
public function validateLogin(LoginRequest $request){
return redirect()->route('sesion.iniciar')
When the right way is:
public function validateLogin(LoginRequest $request){
return redirect()->route('sesion.iniciar')
Laravel 5.8
return back()->with('error', 'Incorrect username or password.');
#if (Session::has('error'))
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
**Try This**
Try This Code
--- Controller ---
return redirect('list')->with('message', 'Successfully');
return redirect('list');
---- Blade view ------
<div class="alert alert-success">
{{ session()->get('message') }}
