How to relocate output of an executable? - bash

I have a python file named and this file generates some files(approximately 100) in the same location with But I want the move the output files(generated files) into the Outputs/ folder. How can I do that without change the file and without knowing the generated output file names?
I run my program with this command:

Since locates its own directory and creates its files there, I see two possibilities without fixing this insane design in the Python program (which would probably the better approach anyway). The following code assumes, that is locate in some directory named gen and we want to have his output files in a directory named Output:
(1) Using a reference timestamp
touch gen/
python gen/
find gen -cnewer gen/ -exec mv gen/{} Output \;
(2) Use a Hack
cp gen/ Output
python Output/
rm Output/
If the generator needs auxiliary files which are also in the gen directory, a variation of this hack is:
cp gen/* Output
python Output/
rm "${genfiles[#]}"
This assumes that the genertor does not need auxiliary files with names starting with a period ("hidden files").


How to create tar files automatically

I like to create tar-files to distribute some scripts using bash.
For every script certain configuration-files and libraries (or toolboxes) are needed,
e.g. a script called needs Checks.ini, and to run, which are stored in specific folders on my harddisk and need to be copied in the same manner on the users harddisk.
I can create a tarfile manually for each script, but i like to have it more simple.
For this i have the idea to define a list of all needed files and their pathes for a specific script and read this in a bashscript, which creates the tar file.
I started with:
while read line
echo "$line"
done < $1
Which is reading the files and pathes. In my example the lines are:
My question is how do I have to organize the data to make a tar file with the specified files using bash?
Or is there someone having a better idea?
No need for a complicated script, use option -T of tar. Every file listed in there will be added to the tar file:
-T, --files-from FILE
get names to extract or create from FILE
So your script becomes:
tar -cvpf something.tar -T listoffiles.txt
listoffiles.txt format is super easy, one file per line. You might want to put full path to ensure you get the right files:
You can add tar commands to the script as needed, or you could loop on the list files, from that point on, your imagination is the limit!

zip all files and folders recursively in bash

I am working on a project, where compilation of the project involves, zipping up various files and folders and subfolders (html/css/js) selectively. Working on the windows platform, and I could continue to just use the CTRL+A and then SHIFT-click to unselect, but it does get a little tedious. I am working with cygwin, so I was wondering if it is possible to issue a command to zip selected files/folders recursively whilst excluding others, in one command? I already have zip command installed, but I seem to be zipping up the current zip file too and the .svn file too.
I would like this to be incorporated into a shell script if possible, so the simpler the better.
After reading the man pages, I think the solution that I was looking for is as follws:
needs to recurse directories (-r),
needs to exclude certail files/directories (-x)
It works in the current directory, but the . can be replaced with the path of any directory
zip -x directories_to_exclude -r .
I have incorporated this into a short shell script that deletes files, tidy up some code, and then zips up all of the files as needed.
You should read man page of zip command:
Travel the directory structure recursively starting at the current directory; for example:
zip -R foo "*.c"
In this case, all the files matching *.c in the tree starting at the current directory are stored into a zip archive named Note that *.c will match
file.c, a/file.c and a/b/.c. More than one pattern can be listed as separate arguments. Note for PKZIP users: the equivalent command is
pkzip -rP foo *.c
Patterns are relative file paths as they appear in the archive, or will after zipping, and can have optional wildcards in them. For example, given the cur‐
rent directory is foo and under it are directories foo1 and foo2 and in foo1 is the file bar.c,
zip -R foo/*
will zip up foo, foo/foo1, foo/foo1/bar.c, and foo/foo2.
zip -R */bar.c
will zip up foo/foo1/bar.c. See the note for -r on escaping wildcards.
You can also have a look HERE

Can the shell direct where a program places its output files?

Can the shell override where output files are placed? (Not the console/screen output, but files created by a program.) I have a script that currently runs a sequence of input files through a program and for each one produces a lot of different output files.
for i in `seq 1 24`
../Bin/myprog inputfile.$
Is there a way to create new directories for each run of the program and place the corresponding output files in each directory? So I would get dir1: <output files from run 1>; dir2 <output files from run 2> etc. I suppose one way would be to just write another script to create directories and sort all the files after the program(s) had run, but is there a more elegant way to do it?
As suggested in the comments, this might be what you need, assuming that your program just dumps output into the current working directory.
for i in `seq 1 24`
mkdir $i
pushd $i
../../Bin/myprog ../inputfile.$
If you are trying to change where an existing program (e.g., myprog) writes its files, this is only possible if the program writes its files relative to the current directory. In this case, the outer script that invokes myprog, can create a "destination" directory and chdir to it before invoking myprog.
If the myprog program writes to an absolute path, e.g., /var/tmp/myprog.tmp, the only way to override where this write actually goes is to place a symbolic link at the absolute path linking to the desired destination. This will only work if the program (myprog) doesn't first delete an existing file before writing to it.
The third and most extreme possibility for directing absolute file path writes is to create a chroot'ed file system, in which the myprog output files will be contained, after which the outer script can copy or move them to where they are desired.
To summarize: other than changing the source, setting the working directory for relative-path output files, or chrooting a filesystem for absolute-path files, there really is no "elegant" way to replace the actual output files used in a program.

Copying multiple files with same name in the same folder terminal script

I have a lot of files named the same, with a directory structure (simplified) like this:
.... and many more
As it is extremely inefficient to view all of those ps files by going to the
respective directory, I'd like to copy all of them into another directory, but include
the name of the first two directories (which are those relevant to my purpose) in the
file name.
I have previously tried like this, but I cannot get which file is from where, as they
are all named consecutively:
#!/bin/bash -xv
cp -v --backup=numbered {} */*/dir/file* ../plots/;
Where ../plots is the folder where I copy them. However, they are now of the form (x is a number) so I get rid of the ".ps.~*~" and leave only the ps extension with:
rename 's/\.ps.~*~//g' *;
rename 's/\~/.ps/g' *;
Then, as the ps files have hundreds of points sometimes and take a long time to open, I just transform them into jpg.
for file in * ; do convert -density 150 -quality 70 "$file" "${file/.ps/}".jpg; done;
This is not really a working bash script as I have to change the directory manually.
I guess the best way to do it is to copy the files form the beginning with the names
of the first two directories incorporated in the copied filename.
How can I do this last thing?
If you just have two levels of directories, you can use
for file in */*/*.ps
ln "$file" "${file//\//_}"
This goes over each ps file, and hard links them to the current directory with the /s replaced by _. Use cp instead of ln if you intend to edit the files but don't want to update the originals.
For arbitrary directory levels, you can use the bash specific
shopt -s globstar
for file in **/*.ps
ln "$file" "${file//\//_}"
But are you sure you need to copy them all to one directory? You might be able to open them all with yourreader */*/*.ps, which depending on your reader may let browse through them one by one while still seeing the full path.
You should run a find command and print the names first like
find . -name "" -print
Then iterate over each of them and do a string replacement of / to '-' or any other character like
The general syntax is ${string/substring/replacement}. Then you can copy it to the required directory. The complete script can be written as follows. Haven't tested it (not on linux at the moment), so you might need to tweak the code if you get any syntax error ;)
for filename in `find . -name "" -print`
cp $filename YourNewDirectory/$newFileName
You will need to place the script in the same root directory or change the find command to look for the particular directory if you are placing the above script in some other directory.
string manipulation in bash
find man page

Batch script to move files into a zip

Is anybody able to point me in the right direction for writing a batch script for a UNIX shell to move files into a zip one at at time and then delete the original.
I cant use the standard zip function because i don't have enough space to fit the zip being created.
So any suggestions please
Try this:
zip -r -m *
Not a great solution but simple, i ended up finding a python script that recursively zips a folder and just added a line to delete the file after it is added to the zip
You can achieve this using find as
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 zip -m archive
This will move every file into the zip preserving the directory structure. You are then left with empty directories that you can easily remove. Moreover using find gives you a lot of freedom on what files you want to compress.
I use :
zip --move src_file1 src_file2
Here the detail of "--move" option from the man pages
Move the specified files into the zip archive; actually, this
deletes the target directories/files after making the specified zip
archive. If a directory becomes empty after removal of the files, the
directory is also removed. No deletions are done until zip has
created the archive without error. This is useful for conserving disk
space, but is potentially dangerous so it is recommended to use it in
combination with -T to test the archive before removing all input
