What are the differences between Microsoft.Office.Core.CustomTaskPane and Microsoft.Office.Tools.CustomTaskPane..? - visual-studio

I'm creating my first VSTO add-in for Microsoft Office, and just I realized there are two types for CustomTaskPane, and I got them crossed:
Imports Core = Microsoft.Office.Core 'Version 12
Imports Tools = Microsoft.Office.Tools 'Version 9
What are the differences..?
I understand they're in different libraries, but I was wondering what else might be different. If I look in Object Browser, the Tools version has some additional methods and functions, but otherwise seems the same. I cannot remove the Office reference, since I'm using members from it which do not exists in Tools.
They seem to be the same type, but looking at the Base Types, the Tools version makes no references to the Core version. I inadvertently crossed the two versions in my code, and it still worked. But since this is a VSTO add-in, it seems prudent to clean up the code and stick with the Tools version.
Can someone with more experience shed some light on this..?

As you noticed, the Tools version provides expanded functionality. There are a large number of Tools objects of this type, not all provide expanded functionality, however.
VSTO "wraps" objects provided by Office COM libraries so that they can be used more "natively" by the .NET Framework and, in special instances, provide additional, useful functionality not provided by the COM libraries.
As long as you don't want to use any of the expanded functionality, in theory it doesn't matter whether you use the Tools or COM Interop namespace. In practise, using the original COM version can be faster in execution.
Personally, my preference is to consistently work with the COM Interop objects unless I specifically want to work with functionality provided by the Tools.
In the case of Custom Task Panes, however, you should use the Tools namespace. This has been optimized to work with Windows Forms and WPF controls and generally integrate with .NET Framework code.


Is it a good idea to call a dll made of VC++6.0 from Visual Studio 2015

I have to deal with one ancient software module which only support its API being called from VC++6.0.
If I add an indirection layer, that is, wrapping the module in a dynamic library written with VC++6.0 and transferring API to the underlying module. The dll will be called from a VC++ tool chain provided in Visual Studio 2015.
My question is:
Is this doable in principle?
Are there any pitfalls one might want to may attention?
Can it be done in a better way?
Update: I guess that the C ABI is stable through different windows versions as well as corresponding supported VS version. If the dll is made with pure C, this might be done without too much trouble.
There are at least two issues preventing portability between versions/vendors: C++ object/class layout and the C/C++ memory allocators.
To avoid the first issue you should design the visible API as a set of C functions (like most of the Win32 API).
The memory issue can be solved by switching from new/malloc to one of the native Windows functions like LocalAlloc, HeapAlloc or CoTaskMemAlloc. Assuming your old .dll is not statically linked it would theoretically be possible to force newer code to use the malloc in msvcrt.dll but it makes your build setup a bit fragile and it goes against current best practices.
Another alternative is for the middleman .dll to implement everything as a COM object:
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI CreateMyObject(IMyObject**ppv) ...

MinGW / MinGW64 Linking and Dependency on `msvcrt.dll`

I am coding for WinAPI in MinGW
One thing I still have not fully understood is the VC redistributable,
I got a whole pack of question to it
Some say that such programs will need the msvcrt.dll
is the same library needed for bot c++ and c compilation?
is this available on all targets of clients?
must I redistribute it? can I redistribute it?
can I easily get rid of this external dependency?
is there other compiler that will allow me not to carry such unpleasant external dependency? (as I vaguely remember hearing that something is wrong with it - it is probably not core system lib, I heard, or it is not free to use and redistribute the library)
I see something wrong is here as I would like to produce no dependency small exes only calling the system WinAPI and if I use
some like C standard library functions functions I would prefer it economically and statically compiled in, not any third-party dependencies
MSVCRT.DLL contains mostly the C runtime, and MinGW can only use the C part. C++ binary code cannot be used across compilers generally.
It depends on your "target". It is available from Windows 2000.
No. No. It is Microsoft-proprietary code, and every Windows version has a slightly different version.
No. I am not aware of a mature alternative C run-time DLL.
You do not need to worry about the dependency, as it is available everywhere. (Do notice that it is not really a great run-time, esp. regarding multi-byte characters.)
Microsoft compilers can link with "static" libraries so that the resulting executable depends only on system DLLs like kernel32.dll, user32.dll, etc. MinGW cannot do this (yet).
EDIT: A concise description of the MSVCRT.DLL problem is here.
According to the MS White-paper here:
you can redistribute certain parts of the Visual Studio components.
Some software, such as the Microsoft .NET Framework, can be
distributed. Components of software products included in MSDN
subscriptions that can be distributed (either within an application or
as separate files) without royalty are identified in the REDIST.TXT
file associated with the product. Components that can be distributed
to non-Microsoft platforms are identified in the OTHER-DIST.TXT file
associated with the product. Code identified as distributable that has
the extension .lib cannot be directly distributed; it must be linked
into the application. However, the resulting output can be
You may also:
Modify and distribute source code and objects for code marked as “sample” or “Code Snippet”.
Distribute the unmodified output of Microsoft Merge Modules for use with an application's .msi file.
Distribute the MDAC_TYP.EXE file containing core data access components (such as the Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB provider and ODBC
Distribute the object version of C++ libraries (Microsoft Foundation Classes, Active Template Libraries, and C runtimes).
MS also produces a redistributable package specifically for the purpose of developers: http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=40784
So, to answer your questions:
Yes. Although it is "purely C", it contains fundamental functions that are used by the C++ part of C as well, such as file I/O, time and date functions, math functions, and so on.
Within reason. See link above.
No, yes. As described above: You may choose to just say to customers "you need to download an install this package", but the license should allow you to distribute it free of charge with your product.
Depends on what you call "easily" and exactly what parts of the library your code uses. Some functions may be easy to replace, others not so - but it's not easy in the sense of "yes, just go do http://www.example.com/msvcrt.dll-plugin-replacement" - it would require coming up with some replacement code. The reason MinGW DOESN'T come with its own C library is that it's not entirely trivial to write a replacement for ALL of the windows functionality that you may need here...
See above - if it was easy, someone would have done it. There MAY be some compilers out there that come with their own library, but it's probably not a free-of-charge and free to distribute one (I'm not aware of any product that doesn't rely on the MSVCRT.DLL - but it's not impossible that one exists)

Firefox add-on in C++

Firefox provides XPCOM API interface for writing add-on classes in C++ and allow third-party web applications to access them. I'm wondering - is there any other way of achieving these benefits (i.e. write an add-on in C++ and provide a JavaScript interface, so any JavaScript app can use this interface and eventually C++ class functionality)?
Yes, it is possible to write XPCOM components in C++ (or Javascript for that matter) and expose them to websites. You would register them in the JavaScript-global-property, JavaScript-global-constructor, etc. category or categories.
This stuff is generally not documented very well, if at all. If you'd like to know more about it, then read the code (e.g. on mxr).
But doing so is strongly discouraged for a lot of reasons:
It is very hard to ensure such things are actually secure and make it work reliable.
It is hard to control what website may actually use the new API. JavaScript-global-property and friends will be available to all websites!
Your add-on would be introducing new names into the global javascript namespace, which might clash with web site code. (Because of this, many new WebAPIs aren't introduced directly into the global namespace, but are made a property of navigator).
Due to these reasons, the addons.mozilla.org site will only accept add-ons using this mechanism as an exception to the rule and only when the author demonstrates that the use is required and without real alternatives.
MDN has a couple of articles regarding webpage-to-extension communication and vice versa you could use instead, e.g. "Interaction between privileged and non-privileged pages".
Also, it is discouraged to ship binary XPCOM components within extensions:
You'd need to re-compile your binaries against each Gecko version (every six weeks), because binary components are version tagged since Firefox 4.
Binary APIs/ABIs between (point) releases are not as stable as you would hope. Actually APIs/ABIs where inadvertently broken late in the game quite often, causing lots of unnecessary crashes for a lot of users, e.g. bug 828296.
The platform developers officially said binary components in extensions are a hassle.
Instead, you should try to use Javascript where possible, and/or create a normal binary library (.so, .dll, .dylib) with a C-API/ABI and use js-ctypes. You could implement your XPCOM components in javascript, which would then call into your library with js-ctypes.
AFAIK most add-ons switched to js-ctypes by now.

What runtime is used by most Windows Viruses?

Most applications created with Microsoft developer tools need some kind of runtime to be installed first.
However most viruses never need any kind of runtime to work. Also they also seem to use undocumented core/kernel APIs without have lib files etc.
So what runtime/application do most virus /virus writers use ?
If the runtime is statically linked in (as opposed to dynamically), then an EXE will be self-contained and you won't need a runtime DLL. However, really, you don't even need a runtime library at all if your code can do everything without calling standard library functions.
As for Windows APIs, in many cases you don't strictly need an import library either -- particularly if you load addresses dynamically via GetProcAddress. Some development tools will even let you link directly against the DLLs (and will generate method stubs or whatever for you). MS tries to ensure that names for documented API calls stay the same between versions. Undocumented functions, not so much...but then, compatibility typically isn't the foremost of concerns anyway when you're deliberately writing malicious software.

Using WiX to install VB6 Binaries

I am converting an InstallShield project to a WiX based Installer. I have a number of VB6 projects whose binaries need to be registered.
The InstallShield project actually marks these as self-registering files. From what I have read this seems to be a "Bad Thing" in the Windows Installer world.
My question is, what should I be doing then? A VB6 project could have its internal GUIDs change after each recompile - and yes I'm already using Binary Compatibility.
I've used Heat to generate all the Registry and Class entries, but some of these entries change from build to build. I've read that Heat wasn't designed to be used every build, but instead to be used as a starting point.
What are others doing to deal with VB6 and WiX registration?
We have two types of components we develop in VB6. Latent common components that we reference across projects and volatile application components that we build daily. The common components are packed as merge modules (using WiX) while the application components map to components of the application setup. This is a snippet of our main .wxs file
<Component Id="MyFile15.ocx" Guid="YOURGUID-BCB7-451C-B07D-D205AEAE1EB9" >
<File Id="MyFile15.ocx" Name="MyFile15.ocx" LongName="MyFile15.ocx" KeyPath="yes" src="$(var.SrcAppBinnPath)\MyFile15.ocx" DiskId="1" />
<?include Registry_MyFile15.wxi ?>
We are still using WiX 2.0 so we are using a tweaked version of tallow to produce the registry .wxi files for all the ActiveX DLLs/OCXs/EXEs we are building daily. Instead of com/typelib entries we are shipping all of the COM registration as direct registry table entries. We are targeting legacy Windows Installer 2.0 because we dont need any of the newer features.
We are using custom actions (VC6 DLLs) for some special cases -- MSDE setup, database patching, DCOM download/setup. We are using a Platform SDK bootstrapper that downloads instmsiX.exe and prepares Windows Installer on virgin systems (mostly 9x and NTs). We are using 7-zip self-extractor to unpack bootstrapper and msi on client machine. In some cases we are using UPX --lzma on executables but these do not scale very well on Terminal Servers where the non-packed versions are reused across sessions.
Lately we've been migrating our clients to portable builds using reg-free COM. We are using our in-house UMMM tool to produce registration-free COM manifests. SxS COM has limitations (no DCOM, no ActiveX EXEs) but allows us to change builds while the application is live -- no reinstall downtime.
One thing we've been toying with is eliminating global COM registration altogether by using registration-free COM. (The main advantage we are after is the ability to deploy different versions of the same application side by side in complete isolation.)
However, with registration-free COM you still have to write or generate the manifest files that need to be deployed by the setup. The answers to the linked question show that there are some tools to help with that.
In the mean time, we also still use a mix of self-registration and automatic wxs generation with heat.exe for our old VB6 and Delphi libraries. While you are right that heat was not initially designed to be used like that, it has been moving in that direction for a while now.
In any case, stable regeneration of identifiers (which is what was missing in the initial design of heat.exe) is only important if you want to support minor upgrades or share components between applications. We just completely uninstall the previous version of the product during an upgrade (aka a major upgrade), so we don't need to worry about such things.
edit: Since writing this answer in 2010, I've learned a thing or two about windows installer. I no longer believe that a major upgrade frees you from the need for stable GUIDs. Component GUIDs should stay stable as much as possible between in-place upgrades. Major upgrades don't always have the same end result as uninstalling+reinstalling.
I went a different route and defined all my objects using interfaces I created in IDL and compiled to type libraries(.tlb). A slightly long winded approach but it means all the GUIDs remain fixed regardless.
I am able to impliment versions of the interfaces and handle multiple versions of the dll in the same file.
Drawbacks are, this doesn't help with OCX controls and you can't use events accros the tlb boundary. This is not an issue for me as I generally use callbacks from DLL's to their callers as they can be more efficient.
This product is deployed on DVD to clients around the world, currently using an InstallShield installer but I am investigating moving to WiX as well.
