php artisan tinker problem on laravel homestead - laravel

Thinker is not working on laravel homestead (laravel 6.9, php 7.4). When I try to use php artisan tinker I get this error:
Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError : Class 'XdgBaseDir\Xdg' not found

Looks like some of your code is requiring the Xdg library, so can you try adding it
composer require dnoegel/php-xdg-base-dir


PHP Artisan Tinker not working with Laravel 5.5.16

I run php artisan tinker but it didn't work it just show a message like this
c:\xampp\htdocs\app_tpa>php artisan tinker
rmdir(C:\Users\KIMUNG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\php-xdg-runtime-dir-fallback-): Directory not empty
I tried to run composer require laravel/tinker, but it doesn't fix my problem
This issue is now resolved as per these github issues:
The proper solution now is to do composer update

There are no commands defined in the "passport" namespace. When installing API Authentication In laravel

I am getting below error when i run
php artisan passport:install
There are no commands defined in the "passport" namespace.
For installing laravel passport make sure you add this line to config/app.php in the providers array (package service providers section):
Then install the package and migrate the database
composer require laravel/passport
php artisan migrate
php artisan passport:install
Clearing out the cache is generally helpful first step when commands are not working, especially when you update anything in the config folder on .env files.
php artisan config:clear
php artisan config:cache
Config clear removes the configuration cache file. Config cache creates a new configuration cache file with the current settings. Config cache enables faster load times for your apps!
I got solution. After running following two commands every thing work fine.
run php artisan cache:clear
run php artisan config:cach
I was searching for a solution for this and I found simple one that worked for me:
Add these lines to $commands array in app/Console/Kernel.php
Try running composer require laravel/passport "~9.0" before running php artisan passport:install
Just follow these steps:
composer require laravel/passport.
Once the installation finishes, add the following provider in the config/app.php file: Laravel\Passport\PassportServiceProvider::class,
php artisan migrate
php artisan passport:install
Here Is the solution of install Laravel passport with mongodb:
Just replace the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; with Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model in below files:
and protected $table= "Table_name" variable with protected $collection="Table_name"

php artisan make:controller throws: method controller doesnt exists

I'm trying to create a controller on an Homestead install for Laravel.
If I try:
php artisan make:controller test
I get
Method controller does not exist.
php version is 7, php artisan --version = 5.3
oh just writing the question I discovered an error in routes.php.
Corrected the error now everything is fine...

RuntimeException in Laravel 5.3

I've just installed Laravel 5.3. php artisan serv also runs.
But as I hit http://localhost:8000/ on browser I get a RuntimeException.
Is there any solution to prevent this error?
Create cipher key by this command
php artisan key:generate
Then run server
php artisan serve
To avoid this problem always use composer for creating project.
Ex. composer create-project laravel/laravel your_project_name --prefer-dist
if you create project by composer then need not to run this command.
php artisan key:generate

Laravel migration issue

I have an issue with the composer for creating migrations.
I just installed Laravel 4.2 via composer.
But i want to make migrations for my DB via composer, so i typed this command below:
php artisan migrate:make create_user_table
But then i get the error:
(I've tried it again to install Laravel 4.2, but i still get this error.)
Could not open input file: artisan
How can i fix this?
