Win32 API SendMessage with HWND_BROADCAST - winapi

I am trying to send a message using myresult=SendMessage(hWnd,...). As I understand it, SendMessage sends a Windows message to the specified target hWnd; the target's WndProc returns a long value; that value is returned by SendMessage (myresult). Am I right so far?
Ok, now if the SendMessage hWnd is HWND_BROADCAST, it is sent to all top-level windows. So which window's WndProc determines the return value?
UPDATE: 02-10-20
Just to clear up what I hoped to do...
My app consists of a small constellation of windows apps that need to communicate via Windows Messages. My plan was to broadcast a registered message, e.g., WM_IDENTIFYMYAPP, and identify all siblings by responses. That won't for the reason explained in the answer by Adrian Mole.

The return value will be that from whatever is the last of the receiving windows to process the message and return; which window this is is difficult (if not impossible) for the sending application to determine.
Generally, when you want to use HWND_BROADCAST to notify multiple windows (or to communicate with a window to which you don't have a handle), you should use the (asynchronous) PostMessage function (which returns immediately) rather than SendMessage (which waits for all receiving windows to process the message).
Using the (synchronous) SendMessage with HWND_BROADCAST as the target can cause many undesirable effects, as discussed here on Stack Overflow. But note, there are some message that cannot be sent asynchronously (via PostMessage) - WM_COPYDATA is one that I know of.


Windows messages and their deterministic properties

I'd like to confirm what I think to be true. When I use Windows SendMessage(), this is a deterministic call in that it will execute immediately (will not return until the message is processed) as opposed to PostMessage() which is non-deterministic as it can be preempted by any other message that happens to be in the queue at that moment in time (in fact it will not be executed until it hits the message loop).
Is this a fair assessment, or am I missing something?
That is essentially true for in-process calls. Cross-process SendMessage works similar, but processing of the message doesn't begin until the receiver process calls GetMessage (or its kin).
Your UI thread has a message pump that looks something like:
while (GetMessage(&msg))
PostMessage causes the message to be put onto the message queue. GetMessage removes the oldest message from the queue (FIFO*).
DispatchMessage causes the WndProc associated with the message's target window to be called with the message.
SendMessage basically bypasses this chain and calls the WndProc directly (more or less).
A lot of standard window messages result in a chain of SendMessage calls where sending one message sends another which sends another. That chain is often referred to as "the current dispatch". If you need your message to be processed inside the chain, use SendMessage. If you need it to be processed after the current dispatch has completed, use PostMessage.
You can use a tool like Spy++ to see Windows messaging in action, or to debug problems you're having with message order of operations.
[*] It's not strictly a FIFO queue because certain kinds of messages (i.e. timer, mouse, keyboard) are not actually posted to the queue, but rather generated on the fly. For the sake of simplicity, you can think of it as a FIFO.

SendMessage and PostMessage which one is better to use?

searching the web for the difference between these two function calls, I've found that:
The difference between these two API calls is the way that they return control to the calling application. With SendMessage control is not returned to the calling application until the window that the message was sent to has completed processing the sent message, however with PostMessage control is returned to the calling application immediately, regardless of weather or not the sent message has been processes.
postMessage: Sends a message in the message queue associated with the thread and returns without waiting for the thread to process that messaage.
SendMessage: calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message.
PostMessage is a Asynchronous function where as SendMessage is a synchronous function.
Now the question is for my application ( which needs high performance ) which function is better to be used?
Note that I'm using MFC in visual studio 2010 and for this code:
CWnd *pParentOfClass = CWnd::GetParent();
pParentOfClass ->
I just have these functions for sending messsages:
More questions:
Can you tell me the difference between SendMessage and SendMessageW?
You actually already answered your own question by describing SendMessage and PostMessage.
SendMessage: Sends a message and waits until the procedure which is responsible for the message finishes and returns.
PostMessage: Sends a message to the message queue and returns immediately. But you don't know when that message is actually being processed. Therefore, if you should be expecting an answer from that processed message, you will most likely get it through a message as well.
It really depends which one to use, but the end results are pretty much the same, it's just about timing. Also, PostMessage is especially useful in multi-threaded applications, which allows you to safely communicate between threads via their created windows.
PostMessage or SendMessage that end with A or W are just indicators how strings will be interpreted, i.e. single or multibyte, respectively. The ones without the A or W ending are preprocessor macros and will delegate to whatever you're application is set up to.

How to handle lifecycle of dynamically allocated data in Windows messages?

Simple task: Send a windows message with dynamically allocated data, e.g. an arbitrary length string. How would you manage the responsibility to free this data?
The receiver(s) of the windows message could be responsible to free this data. But: How can you guarantee that all messages will actually be received and thus the linked data will be freed? Imagine the situation that the receiver is shutting down, so it won't process it's message queue any more. However, the message queue still exists (for some time) and can still accept messages, which won't be processed any more.
PostMessage returns a BOOL that tells you whether the message was posted or not. This is usually good enough, because your window should be valid until it receives the WM_DESTROY and the WM_NCDESTROY messages. After a call to DestroyWindow (which sends these messages) you should not be able to successfully call PostMessage again.
Now, if your PostMessage returns FALSE you have to clean up. If it doesn't, the window procedure has to clean up. Don't send messages that have to be cleaned up to random windows that might not handle them. Actually, don't send any WM_USER + x messages to any windows you don't handle.
There's nothing to do here. As soon as the call to SendMessage returns, you can free the data. As it happens, the other app isn't looking at your memory anyway since it's in a different process. Instead Windows marshals the data across the process boundary.
What's more, if you are receiving the data in a WndProc, you can't take a copy of the pointer to the string. Instead you must take a copy of the contents of the string since that pointer is only valid for the duration of that call to WndProc.
The other point to make is that you have a confusion about the message queue. When you send a message, that happens synchronously and the queue is not involved. The message queue is where posted messages are placed. They are process asynchronously.

Sending and receiving Windows messages

Windows messages seems a good way to notify an application on Windows OSes. It actually works well, but few question comes up to my mind:
How to specify structured data to the lparam of the SendMessage routines (like many message codes does)? I mean... of course the parameter is a pointer, but how the process access to it? Maybe is it allocated by a DLL loaded by the processes sending/receiving the message?
Is it possible to share message structured parameters (between sender and receiver)? They are marshalled between the send operation and the peeking operation? If this is the case, it is possible to return data from the caller by modifying the structured parameter? This could be usefull with SendMessage, since it is executed synchronously, instead the PostMessage routine.
Other doubts...
What the differences from PostMessage and SendNotifyMessage?
Is it possible to cause a deadlock in the case an application calls SendMessage to itself while processing the message pump?
If the message is one of the standard window's messages - usually with a message id between 0 and WM_USER, then the systems window message dispatching logic contains code to marshal the struct to the any processes the message is dispatched to.
Messages above WM_USER get no such treatment - and this includes all the common control messages introduced with Windows 95 - you cannot end any of the LVM_* (list view messages) or other new control messages to a control in a different process and get a result back.
WM_COPYDATA was specifically introduced as a general purpose mechanism for user code to marshal arbitrary data between processes - outside of WM_COPYDATA (or reusing other windows standard messages) there is no way to get windows to automatically marshal structured data using the message queue mechanism into another process.
If it is your own code doing the sending AND receiving of messages, you could use a dll to define a shared memory section, instead of sending pointers (the dll might be based differently in each process) sends offsets to the shared memory block.
If you want to exchange structured data with external applications that do not marshal their data (for example to extract data from a list or tree view) then you need to perform dll injection so you can send and process the message from "in-process".
SendNofityMessage is different to PostMessage because PostMessage always puts the message in the message queue, whereas SendNotifyMessage acts like SendMessage for windows in the same process. Then, even if the target window is in another process, the message is dispatched DIRECTLY to the window proc not placed in the posted message queue for retreivel via GetMessage or PeekMessage.
Lastly it is possible to cause a deadlock - however while in a "blocking" sendmessage waiting for another thread to reply, SendMessage will dispatch messages sent (not posted) from other threads - to prevent deadlocks. This mitigates most potential deadlocks, but its still possible to create deadlocks by calling other blocking apis, or going into modal message processing loops.
Your concerns apply primarily in the case of messages sent between processes -- within a process, you can just send a pointer, and the sender just has to ensure the data remains valid until the receiver is finished using it.
Some interprocess messages require you to work with an HGLOBAL (e.g., the clipboard messages). Others require an explicit block size (e.g., with WM_COPYDATA). Still others send data in a pre-specified structure (e.g., a zero-terminated string) to support marshalling.
Generally speaking you can't return a value by modifying the block you received. To return a value, you need to (for example) send a reply message.
SendMessage has some (fairly complex) logic to prevent deadlocks, but you still need to be careful.

How is Win32 event-driven programming implemented under the hood?

In a Win32 C++ application, we start a message loop that fetches messages from a queue, translates them and then dispatches them. Eventually, each message reaches our WndProc where the associated event can be handled.
I understand that part. What I don't understand is the in between goings-on. Specifically:
Different kinds of OS interrupt handlers must be placing messages in the said 'message queue', but where within the process address space does this queue reside? How is it exposed to the interrupt handler code?
What does it mean to 'translate' the message? What does the call to TranslateMessage() really do?
Once dispatched by DispatchMessage(), what all places does the message swing by before reaching my WndProc (i.e. what does the OS do with it)?
If anyone knows the answers to the above, kindly satisfy my curiosity. Thanks.
The OS maintains a message queue, where it puts the events (e.g., from interrupts or other sources). It then sends the messages from that queue to all windows, depending on the message (e.g., it won't send key messages to a window that doesn't have focus).
Applications can have their own queue to process messages. Those queues are created on request (only if needed).
Translating a message is used to create messages that are not 'real' events. For example, the WM_CONTEXTMENU message is 'translated' from either a mouse right-click, or the context menu key, or shift-F10. The WM_CHAR is translated from WM_KEYDOWN messages. And of course many other messages are 'translated' that way.
A message is posted to every window that should receive it. The OS decides depending on the type of message whether a window should receive that message or not. Most messages are waited for by the system, i.e., the message won't get posted to another window until it was processed by the window. This has a great impact for broadcast messages: if one window doesn't return when handling that message, the queue is blocked and other windows won't receive the message anymore.
It depends on how your message is sent and how it's handled.
When you call SendMessage, if the target window is owned by the current thread, the call bypasses the message queue for the window and the window manager directly calls the windowproc on the target window. If the target window is owned by another thread, the window manager effectively calls PostMessage and pumps window messages until the target window returns from the window proc.
When you call PostMessage, the window manager marshals the message parameters and inserts the corresponding object onto the message queue for the target window. When it next calls GetMessage the message is removed from the message queue.
The window manager also registers for raw input events from the input devices (keyboard and/or mouse) and it generates messages for those input events. It then inserts those messages in the queue as appropriate (the processing of input events is complicated because it depends on what messages are already in the message queue for the window).
As Stefan indicated, TranslateMessage just translates accelerator keys - for instance it converts key sequences to WM_COMMAND messages.
Different kinds of OS interrupt handlers must be placing messages in the said 'message queue', but where within the process address space does this queue reside? How is it exposed to the interrupt handler code?
Windows are associated with threads. Each thread with a window has a thread queue in the process's address space. The OS has an internal queue in its own address space for the hardware-generated events. Using details of the event and other state information (e.g., which window has the focus), the OS translates the hardware events into messages that are then placed in the appropriate thread queue.
Messages that are posted are placed directly in the thread queue for the target window.
Messages that are sent are usually processed directly (bypassing the queue).
The details get hairy. For example, the thread queues are more than lists of messages--they also maintain some state information. Some messages (like WM_PAINT) aren't really queued, but synthesized from the additional state information when you query the queue and it's empty. Messages sent to windows owned by other threads are actually posted to the receiver's queue rather than being processed directly, but the system makes it appear like a regular blocking send from the caller's point of view. Hilarity ensues if this can cause deadlock (because of circular sends back to the original thread).
The Jeffrey Richter books have a lot (all?) of the gory details. My edition is old (Advanced Windows). The current edition seems to be called Windows via C/C++.
The OS does a LOT of work to make the message stream appear rational (and relatively simple) to the caller.
What does it mean to 'translate' the message? What does the call to TranslateMessage() really do?
It watches for virtual key messages and, when it recognizes a key-down/key-up combination, it adds character messages. If you don't call TranslateMessage, you won't receive character messages like WM_CHAR.
I suspect it sends the character message directly before returning (as opposed to posting them). I've never checked, but I seem to recall that the WM_CHAR messages arrive just before the WM_KEYUP.
Once dispatched by DispatchMessage(), what all places does the message swing by before reaching my WndProc (i.e. what does the OS do with it)?
DispatchMessage passes the message to the WndProc for the target window. Along the way, it some hooks may get a chance to see the message (and possibly interfere with it).
To address the last subquestion, a dispatched message will go to your WindowProc after it's been piped through all hooks (WH_CALLWNDPROC)
Not absolutely positive about this but my best guess says:
The queue is a system object that you access with Win32 API calls. It is not in your process address space at all. So the interrupt handlers can access it (probably through the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) of the kernel).
In Win16, that call took the various subparts of a bigger message and mashed them into a whole. So TranslateMessage would add the WM_KEYPRESS when it found the corresponding WM_KEYDOWN WM_KEYUP sequence. It would also turn various button click messages into doubleclick messages based on internal setting and the timestamps of the messages. Whether it still does this in Win32, I don't know.
DispatchMessage is probably where Window message hooks get processed. So if there's a hook on your window, it is either called here or when the GetMessage is called. I'm not sure. Other than that, DispatchMessage just looks up the WndProc address associated with the window and calls it. There's not much else for it to do.
Hope that helps.
