How to handle multiple endpoints via grpc-gateway? - go

I'm sure all the services are working properly.
I have the code below:
This snippet is used for registering two endpoints.
func RegisterEndpoints(ctx context.Context, c *utils.AppConfig, r resolver.Builder) (http.Handler, error) {
var err error
mux := runtime.NewServeMux()
dialOpts := []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithBalancerName("round_robin"), grpc.WithInsecure()}
err = protos.RegisterUserCenterHandlerFromEndpoint(ctx, mux, r.Scheme()+"://author/user-center", dialOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = protos.RegisterSsoHandlerFromEndpoint(ctx, mux, r.Scheme()+"://author/sso", dialOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mux, nil
And in my main.go,I build a resolver to resolve name to address, then register the two endpoints and listen on port 8080.
func run() error {
c := utils.GetAppConfig()
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
r := localresolver.NewResolver(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.Registry.Host, c.Registry.Port))
mux := http.NewServeMux()
// Register endpoints here
gw, err := routes.RegisterEndpoints(ctx, c, r)
if err != nil {
return err
mux.Handle("/", gw)
fmt.Println("Listening localhost:8080...")
return http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.Gateway.Host, c.Gateway.Port), mux)
func main() {
defer glog.Flush()
if err := run(); err != nil {
But after I ran go run main.go, I found that only the last service I registered can be accessed, that is sso service (the err = protos.RegisterSsoHandlerFromEndpoint(ctx, mux, r.Scheme()+"://author/sso", dialOpts) line).
Can anyone show me an example of the correct way to register multiple endpoints via grpc-gateway? (make all the services registered with grpc-gateway can successfully be visited)
[2020-01-31] Need more help, now my code is like below:
Other code are same as before.
Additional, this is the result which name resolver shows:

There is no need to pass the ServeMux (gw) to mux var as handler, you can just ListenAndServe to the returned gw variable.
// Register endpoints here
gw, err := routes.RegisterEndpoints(ctx, c, r)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Listening localhost:8080...")
return http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.Gateway.Host, c.Gateway.Port), gw)
and in RegisterEndpoints function, the endpoint parameter should be your host:port, the api endpoint should be provided in the google api annotation in the proto file.
err = protos.RegisterUserCenterHandlerFromEndpoint(ctx, mux, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.Gateway.Host, c.Gateway.Port), dialOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = protos.RegisterSsoHandlerFromEndpoint(ctx, mux, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.Gateway.Host, c.Gateway.Port), dialOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

I appended grpc.WithBlock() to grpc.DialOption, then all services can be accessed via grpc-gateway now.
Like below:
dialOpts := []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithBalancerName("round_robin"), grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithBlock()}


Testing around GRPC stream Send function in Go

I have a Go GRPC server-side streaming function:
func (server *Server) GetClients(req *iam.GetClientsRequest, client iam.IAM_GetClientsServer) error {
ctx := client.(interface{ Context() context.Context }).Context()
userID, err := getUserIDStream(client)
if err != nil {
return err
clients, err := server.db.QueryByUserID(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return grpc.Errorf(codes.Internal, apiutils.ServerError)
for _, value := range clients {
converted, err := server.fromInternalClient(value)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := client.Send(converted); err != nil {
return err
return nil
and I'm testing it like this:
It("GetClients - Send fails - Error", func() {
handler := createHandler(db)
lis := bufconn.Listen(bufSize)
server := grpc.NewServer()
iam.RegisterIAMServer(server, NewServer(handler))
go func() {
if err := server.Serve(lis); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Server exited with error: %v", err)
defer lis.Close()
defer server.GracefulStop()
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(context.Background(), "bufnet",
grpc.WithContextDialer(createBufDialier(lis)), grpc.WithInsecure())
defer conn.Close()
client := iam.NewIAMClient(conn)
cclient, _ := client.GetClients(addAccessToken(context.Background()), new(iam.GetClientsRequest))
resp, err := cclient.Recv()
My issue is that I'm not sure how to induce a failure on Send so I can test the response. Since I'm using an actual test server and client, I can't just mock out the object and I'd prefer not to go that route anyway. Is there a way I can do this?
Originally, I was trying to force Send to fail by setting bufSize to an artificially low value. However, this wasn't producing an error so I decided to try modifying the maxSendMessageSize on the server:
opts := []grpc.ServerOption{}
if sendFails {
opts = append(opts, grpc.MaxSendMsgSize(10))
lis := bufconn.Listen(bufSize)
server := grpc.NewServer(opts...)
And this worked in producing the error.

Google Cloud Vertex AI with Golang: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 404 (Not Found)

I have a Vertex AI model deployed on an endpoint and want to do some prediction from my app in Golang.
To do this I create code inspired by this example :
const file = "MY_BASE64_IMAGE"
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
c, err := aiplatform.NewPredictionClient(cox)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("QueryVertex NewPredictionClient - Err:%s", err)
defer c.Close()
parameters, err := structpb.NewValue(map[string]interface{}{
"confidenceThreshold": 0.2,
"maxPredictions": 5,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("QueryVertex structpb.NewValue parameters - Err:%s", err)
instance, err := structpb.NewValue(map[string]interface{}{
"content": file,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("QueryVertex structpb.NewValue instance - Err:%s", err)
reqP := &aiplatformpb.PredictRequest{
Endpoint: "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION_ID/endpoints/ENDPOINT_ID",
Instances: []*structpb.Value{instance},
Parameters: parameters,
resp, err := c.Predict(cox, reqP)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("QueryVertex Predict - Err:%s", err)
log.Printf("QueryVertex Res:%+v", resp)
I put the path to my service account JSON file on GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.
But when I run my test app I obtain this error message:
QueryVertex Predict - Err:rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 404 (Not Found); transport: received unexpected content-type "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
QueryVertex Res:<nil>
As #DazWilkin suggested, configure the client option to specify the specific regional endpoint with a port 443:
Try like below:
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
c, err := aiplatform.NewPredictionClient(
if err != nil {
log.Printf("QueryVertex NewPredictionClient - Err:%s", err)
defer c.Close()
I'm unfamiliar with Google's (Vertex?) AI Platform and unable to test this hypothesis but it appears that the API uses location-specific endpoints.
Can you try configuring the client's ClientOption to specify the specific regional endpoint, i.e.:
url := fmt.Sprintf("", location)
opts := []option.ClientOption{
package main
import (
aiplatform ""
aiplatformpb ""
const file = "MY_BASE64_IMAGE"
func main() {
// Values from the environment
project := os.Getenv("PROJECT")
location := os.Getenv("LOCATION")
endpoint := os.Getenv("ENDPOINT")
ctx := context.Background()
// Configure the client with a region-specific endpoint
url := fmt.Sprintf("", location)
opts := []option.ClientOption{
c, err := aiplatform.NewPredictionClient(ctx, opts...)
if err != nil {
defer c.Close()
parameters, err := structpb.NewValue(map[string]interface{}{
"confidenceThreshold": 0.2,
"maxPredictions": 5,
if err != nil {
instance, err := structpb.NewValue(map[string]interface{}{
"content": file,
if err != nil {
log.Printf("QueryVertex structpb.NewValue instance - Err:%s", err)
rqst := &aiplatformpb.PredictRequest{
Endpoint: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/endpoints/%s",
Instances: []*structpb.Value{
Parameters: parameters,
resp, err := c.Predict(ctx, rqst)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("QueryVertex Res:%+v", resp)
Try to do something like this
url := fmt.Sprintf("", location)

How to create a generic GRPC server start function in Go

I'm trying to abstract the start of a GRPC server
The original main function is the following:
func main() {
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", port)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)
s := grpc.NewServer()
pb.RegisterCollectionServer(s, &server.Server{})
// Register reflection service on gRPC server.
if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err)
My goal is to have something like this:
func startService(sr func(*grpc.Server, interface{}), srv interface{}) error {
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", port)
if err != nil {
return err
s := grpc.NewServer()
sr(s, srv)
return s.Serve(lis)
func main() {
err := startService(pb.RegisterCollectionServer, &server.Server{})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to start Service: %v", err)
But this gives me the following error:
cannot use collection_api.RegisterCollectionServer (type func(*grpc.Server, collection_api.CollectionServer)) as type func(*grpc.Server, interface {}) in argument to startServicego
It seems that collection_api.CollectionServer is not a valid interface{} type.
Any idea how to make this work?
In your setup the function signature of collector_api.RegisterCollectionServer must match exactly func(*grpc.Server, interface{}), there is no "is-kind-of" in Go as there is in other languages.
If you want to keep the startService function independent of the collection_api types, you can use a anonymous function in main(). If you know that you what ever you are registering is always dependent on the implementation of the anonymous function (in this case &server.Server{}), then you can leave this detail out of the function signature of startService and put it into the anonymous function:
func startService(sr func(*grpc.Server)) error {
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", port)
if err != nil {
return err
s := grpc.NewServer()
return s.Serve(lis)
func main() {
err := startService(func(grpcServer *grpc.Server) {
pb.RegisterCollectionServer(grpcServer, &server.Server{})
}, &server.Server{})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to start Service: %v", err)

gRPC - GoLang - Stackdriver tracer

I am trying to get the stackdriver tracer to work with gRPC and I need some help. I have been looking at these two links for reference and I still can't get it to work:
For simplicity, I am just working with the hello world gRPC example. Here's my client:
func main() {
// Set up a connection to the server.
conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:50051", grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor(clientInterceptor)))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("did not connect: %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
c := pb.NewGreeterClient(conn)
ctx := context.Background()
tc, err := trace.NewClient(ctx, "{PROJECT-ID}")
if err != nil {
span := tc.NewSpan("/greeter/SayHello")
defer span.Finish()
ctx = trace.NewContext(ctx, span)
r, err := c.SayHello(ctx, &pb.HelloRequest{Name: "world"})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("could not greet: %v", err)
println("Response:", r.Message)
func clientInterceptor(ctx context.Context, method string, req, reply interface{}, cc *grpc.ClientConn, invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker, opts ...grpc.CallOption) error {
// trace current request w/ child span
span := trace.FromContext(ctx).NewChild(method)
defer span.Finish()
// new metadata, or copy of existing
md, ok := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
md = metadata.New(nil)
} else {
md = md.Copy()
// append trace header to context metadata
// header specification:
md["X-Cloud-Trace-Context"] = append(
md["X-Cloud-Trace-Context"], fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d;o=1", span.TraceID(), 0),
ctx = metadata.NewContext(ctx, md)
return invoker(ctx, method, req, reply, cc, opts...)
.. and my gRPC server:
// server is used to implement helloworld.GreeterServer.
type server struct{}
// SayHello implements helloworld.GreeterServer
func (s *server) SayHello(ctx context.Context, in *pb.HelloRequest) (*pb.HelloReply, error) {
return &pb.HelloReply{Message: "Hello " + in.Name}, nil
func main() {
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":50051")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)
ctx := context.Background()
tc, err := trace.NewClient(ctx, "{PROJECT-ID}")
if err != nil {
s := grpc.NewServer(EnableGRPCTracingServerOption(tc))
pb.RegisterGreeterServer(s, &server{})
println("listening on :50051")
if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err)
// EnableGRPCTracingServerOption enables parsing google trace header from metadata
// and adds a new child span to the incoming request context.
func EnableGRPCTracingServerOption(traceClient *trace.Client) grpc.ServerOption {
return grpc.UnaryInterceptor(serverInterceptor(traceClient))
func serverInterceptor(traceClient *trace.Client) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor {
return func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (resp interface{}, err error) {
// fetch metadata from request context
md, ok := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
md = metadata.New(nil)
header := strings.Join(md["X-Cloud-Trace-Context"], "")
// create new child span from google trace header, add to
// current request context
span := traceClient.SpanFromHeader(info.FullMethod, header)
defer span.Finish()
ctx = trace.NewContext(ctx, span)
return handler(ctx, req)
I when I run the client to initiate the trace, I get the error:
rpc error: code = 13 desc = stream terminated by RST_STREAM with error code: 1
I'm confused because I don't see anything else about authentication; only providing the project ID which can't be enough to initiate tracing for a specific project. What am I missing?
The issue was with:
defer span.Finish()
That call does not block so because I was just doing preliminary testing with one call my program was exiting before the traces could be uploaded. I contacted the author of and she actually updated her post with the option of using:
defer span.FinishWait()
which blocks and that fixed it by allowing the traces to be successfully uploaded before the program exited.
Also, with a long running webserver this wouldn't have been an issue because the process wouldn't have been terminated.
I followed those same tutorials and ran into similar problems.
Header keys are converted to lowercase. If you retrieve it on the server side with header := strings.Join(md["x-cloud-trace-context"], "") you should be good.
You can also define your metadata headers with:
span := trace.FromContext(ctx).NewChild(method)
defer span.Finish()
md := metadata.Pairs(
"x-cloud-trace-context", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d;o=1", span.TraceID(), 0),
ctx = metadata.NewContext(ctx, md)

how to connect to imap through socks ? Go

I'm trying to connect to an IMAP server through a socks5. To do so I've exported some functions from the Imap package but I got stuck at the socks5 dialer setup(1st step:) .
I think the reason is that I'm passing nil as forward (of type Dial) argument . What is the forward argument supposed to be ? It is not documented (in godoc)
func dialSocks(socks string) (Dial proxy.Dialer, err error) {
Dial, err = proxy.SOCKS5("tcp", socks, nil, nil)
func dialTLS(addr string, config *tls.Config) (c *imap.Client, err error) {
addr = defaultPort(addr, "993")
d, err := dialSocks("")
if err != nil {
conn, err := d.Dial("tcp", addr)
if err == nil {
host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
tlsConn := tls.Client(conn, setServerName(config, host))
if c, err = imap.NewClient(tlsConn, host, 60*time.Second); err != nil {
func defaultPort(addr, port string) string {
_, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err != nil {
addr = net.JoinHostPort(addr, port)
return addr
forward is the Dialer used to connect to the proxy.
You can use proxy.Direct here if you want (which is the default within the package, if you look at the source), but all that is doing is delegating to net.Dial(network, addr). If you want more options, insert your own Dialer.
